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/lit/ - Literature

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16103330 No.16103330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was Humbert right?

>> No.16103340

No, because Humbert was in love with the nymphet ideal, not real children.
Did you forget that he grows tired of incessantly placating her and laments how easily children are sucked into the american teenie-bopper cynical world?
If you think even Humbert agrees with what he did by the end of the book, let alone the reader, then you have sorely missed the mark. Read it again.

>> No.16103346

MOOODSSS! Get in here!

>> No.16103354
File: 7 KB, 200x200, soy005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a bigger tell of a redditor than crying out for more moderation?

>> No.16103361

using soijaks

>> No.16103374

I'd say getting BTFO by the filter.

>> No.16103390 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 220x174, nod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16103410

>No, because Humbert was in love with the nymphet ideal, not real children.
Dude, unreliable narrator. Humbert would like you to believe he felt something as profound as love, he did not.

>> No.16103414

That's an old af meme my zoomer newfriend.

>> No.16103416

K-Pim a cute! A cute!

>> No.16103417

Is there a bigger tell of a shitposter than crying out for less moderation?

>> No.16103421

oh no

>> No.16103424

>zoomer no wike youw posties!!!!11
Go2bed zoomie.

>> No.16103425

Given the type of """people""" who gravitate toward moderating an anime image board for zero compensation, I'd rather less moderation than more.

>> No.16103429

>blow yourself out
>start fuming when it gets pointed out
oh no

>> No.16103444

absolutely fuckable

>> No.16103450

ur posting underage little girls ffs you should be banned really because you'rea sick pervert

>> No.16103460

Is /lit/ the new cunny board?
Asking for a friend.

>> No.16103463
File: 22 KB, 330x440, teydhmx9ibn41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude, unreliable narrator
Why do redditors keep regurgitating this?

>> No.16103471

>Is /lit/ the new cunny board?
Holy fuck I thought I was on /tv/ since I havea few tabs open there...wtf

>> No.16103472

this is about to go too far

>> No.16103474
File: 116 KB, 693x1024, 1593194694359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16103485

Roll, last two digits get me waifu

>> No.16103487

delet this

>> No.16103490

rolling for 1....

>> No.16103493


>> No.16103503

Cunnyssuers own this board.

>> No.16103506

Check em

>> No.16103513

>peaks at 12

>> No.16103528

You mean 13

>> No.16103549

I don't like her jaw and general mouth shape

>> No.16103556

I'd bet my house you'd change your mind if her mouth was wrapped around your cock.

>> No.16103586

How can one refute this?

>> No.16103617

And the house would remain in your possession, along with your opponents' bets. Many dislikeable things become appealing under the right circumstances. But the circumstances pass, and my preferences return to status quo.

>> No.16103639

Is this the peak of retroactive refutation?

>> No.16103700

wtf ISLAM is so right bros...
allahuakbar ahmedabad lalalalalala ٱللَّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ

>> No.16103723

Brehs I'd legit kill someone to be that lollipop.

>> No.16103730

That pic only give me paternal feelings

>> No.16103741

Yes, they must be taught to fear God as children and get married as soon as they're breedable.

>> No.16103758

You have to go back.

>> No.16103837

>n-no u-u

>> No.16103853

>post pictures of model-tier 12 year olds
>only the face is visible
>whoaaa guys why are they so ATTRACTIVE???
Step up your game, hebes

>> No.16103879

Even if it is a 12 year old girl she's not typical in any way

>> No.16103928
File: 559 KB, 528x845, 1596684492340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will society defend this?

>> No.16103934 [DELETED] 
File: 864 KB, 1037x1174, angelfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone post ugly teens? Poli's 13 now but she's 12 here.

>> No.16103943

>it was legal hundred years ago
Thanks feminists

>> No.16103952


>> No.16103955

Plastic causes early onset puberty in females you mentally ill retards

Teenagers used to look nothing like this, not to mention plastics cause dramatic falls in testosterone, sperm counts and sperm quality. Plastic is literally a systematic attack on the reproductive system of the human species

>> No.16103963

You retards know this is literally only one step above the HS freshmen posting about Camus’ The Stranger and saying “is Moosalt right about everything???? He’s just like me????”

>> No.16103973 [DELETED] 

why did men listen to this?

>> No.16103977

No it wasn't, Romans would publicly execute you if you dared touch a child who wore a toga praetexta, Bulla or Lunula

>> No.16103999
File: 215 KB, 1080x613, 20200811_145300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we got too cocky roastiebros

>> No.16104006

14 is the legal age of consent in most countries today, so no difference than those times, however as it states the vast majority married in their early 20s. And anyone who attempted to seduce a child who still wore a toga praetexta was severly punished

>> No.16104023

Mods come through and start crying if you post bodies.

>> No.16104043

first off, the worldwide average is 16. in any case, i dont get it, do we like or dislike minorities here? why should we even include primitive countries that have forced child marriages? i see people mention japan, but the age of consent for any given prefecture is at least 16

>> No.16104045

You could always buy fresh gallic cunny for 100 sestertius at your cities forum though

>> No.16104051

She looks like absolutely shit. Manjaw and huge forehead. Plenty of prettier girls exist but pedos have zero standards and only care about age.

>> No.16104074

I'd ask you to post your own face so we could compare but you'll find some excuse not to.

>> No.16104085

This. OP could have easily picked a better specimen.

>> No.16104089

>I'd ask you to post your own face so we could compare but you'll find some excuse not to
compare what you retard? I'm a man

>> No.16104090

Humbert was right all along.

>> No.16104098

Young slaves were very very rare

>> No.16104101

I can already tell you have a weak jaw.

>> No.16104107

what about 16

"Now what, monks, is the allure of forms? Suppose there were a maiden of the noble caste, the brahman caste, or the householder class, fifteen or sixteen years old, neither too tall nor too short, neither too thin nor too plump, neither too dark nor too pale. Is her beauty & charm at that time at its height?"

"Yes, lord."

"Whatever pleasure & joy arise in dependence on that beauty & charm: That is the allure of forms."

"And what is the drawback of forms? There is the case where one might see that very same woman at a later time, when she's eighty, ninety, one hundred years old: aged, roof-rafter crooked, bent-over, supported by a cane, palsied, miserable, broken-toothed, gray-haired, scanty-haired, bald, wrinkled, her body all blotchy. What do you think: Has her earlier beauty & charm vanished, and the drawback appeared?"

"Yes, lord."

"This, monks, is the drawback of forms.

>> No.16104110

Based incest bro.