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File: 53 KB, 495x624, 30curtis1-master495-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16098132 No.16098132 [Reply] [Original]

Adam Curtis is so fucking based.


>> No.16098167

Looks like a soft dork, won't be reading his shit.

>> No.16098170

Can't you at least provide a qrd?

>> No.16098228

>Social media gets us into informational loops in which we are trapped (twitter, 4chan too).
>leftists in UK aren't trying to change things because all they do is scream at people who disagree with them instead of listening and connecting
>racists are in fear and instead of treating the cause of that fear they demonize them
>modern journalism sucks ass
>politicians suck ass too because they act like managers now
>Said he doesn't like Peterson and that he doesn't want to meet him but said that Peterson did interesting job at getting his audience. Said that he would never spend time with anyone from Jordan Peterson's audience.
>Me too and other campaigns like that hasn't changed shit
>Defeatists who say stuff like "fuck whoever voted for brexit im moving out to germany" BTFO
>We are uninspired and aren't moving anywhere. But more and more people are realizing it and getting angry at it.

>> No.16098236

>racists are in fear and instead of treating the cause of that fear they demonize them
meant that people in general aren't treating the cause of the fear that racists have.

>> No.16098314

>reads Baudrillard once
>“You go into an office. Are you sure that’s your real job? The economy used to be based on making things. Now the only thing that keeps it going is shopping. Maybe that’s your real job — and your days in the office, in the “service industries”, are just invented jobs to give you the money to go shopping.”

>> No.16098341

Truth be told leftists will put up with the worst abuses of capitalism endless wars and the degradation of culture as long as their masters plaster rainbows everywere and give them mandatory white privilege reeducation seminars and underage gay molestation on netflix

>> No.16098350

Yep, he's pinging my based detector

>> No.16098370

He fucking rules. And the movie Hypernormalisation rules too.

>> No.16098426

People of colour young people women and lgbt folks are inspired. Its old white men like curtis and peterson who are not willing to acknowledge responsibility and shut up for a while. Isnt all that talk about hypernormalisation just a means to pretend the big straight white male elephant in the room isnt there?

>> No.16098485

Doesn't he downplay his own role in these things? I'm thinking of what the blog Samzdat lays out here:


>> No.16098536

When i was watching it i too thought that it's weird that fucking BBC would allow shit like that. It was curious. But i haven't seen in that movie anything like "we good they bad". BBC is indeed a part of this shitshow and this movie doesn't declines that. But this article is fucking interesting too thank you ill continue to read it now.

>> No.16098537

>Isnt all that talk about hypernormalisation just a means to pretend the big straight white male elephant in the room isnt there?
I can't imagine reading Roadside Picnic and believing this. But then I would probably already be dead if I lived in Soviet Russia

>> No.16098555

Its like baudrillard back in the 80s you have to be pretty privileged to even think about pretendong reality isnt read, funny how all the white males discovered situationism just at the time the media decided to represent and recognize the basic humanity of people who arent them

>> No.16098569
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He's got an extensive filmography with a wide range of topics, all looking at things in a different 'way' in a manner that is designed to be uncomfortable.

Bitter Lake & HyperNormalisation are excellent at highlighting how a mixture of policies and events throughout the last half century have brought us into this uneasy, almost artificial state/reality we now find ourselves in - where people know something isn't right [believing in little other than consumerism] but find ourselves paralysed/demoralised by the complexities of the world to do anything meaningful about it.

>> No.16098605
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>leftists put up with the abuse of capitalism
Those are rightwingers. Leftists try, however unsuccessfully, to get out of it, that’s what makes them leftists

>> No.16098611

Have you read any books by queer women of colour?

>> No.16098625

Right wing obese sexless blob on a fat scooter with a maga hat waiving an american flag jesus saves t shirt, left wing same except pink hair rainbow flag and i love science t shirt.

>> No.16098667

Have you at least read Everything was Forever?
Not many of my books have authors photos.

>> No.16098671

>t. Common sense
Is this what passes for based nowadays?

>> No.16098679

"I just dont see race" quoth the racist

>> No.16098692

Im too much of a brainlet to follow through. Can you please help me with explanation and like quick rundown? Im trying but im not on that level.

>> No.16098694

I couldn't tell you what Swinburne looked like but I remember he fucked and ate a monkey if that helps. I don't know in which order.

>> No.16098707

>left wing same except pink hair rainbow flag and i love science t shirt.

You've made the classic American mistake of confusing a centre-right liberal with a leftist.

>> No.16098715

You have no idea how much of this board won't read Evelyn Waugh because she's a woman, but think George Eliot is a genius.

>> No.16098725

Yes. Our society is descending into neuroticism at an alarming rate

>> No.16098727

By this point european asian and latin american leftists the same indistinguishable mass corporate cattle who only care about american politics and lgbt representation on jewflix

>> No.16098729

>Google Image displays the zeitgeist better than either articles or blogs, because the internet moves through image and hieroglyph. The above was #8 for “HyperNormalisation”. The top were title screens,i.e. zombie ponytail, and (of course) Trump. I’m not going to talk about the “film” much, then, because reviews are boring and should be written by people who know art. I’mmuchmore interested in audience reaction, whichis all in the hieroglyph above. Because the internet is about sharing, we can phrase it stronger: It’s what they take to others. “Everything is fake, wake up!”Chem-Trails and Ponytails, or: an album I would like to pirate.

>Unsurprisingly, journalists have encouraged this. [So Woke]relays:

>“You were so much a part of the system that you were unable to see beyond it,”is the line that sticks with you, and Curtis is to be applauded for making a documentary that, in creating deliberately disorientating world narratives, those in power are trying to prevent.

>Sure, Putin probably wants to machete half the world’s journalists, but that’s a given. What fascinates me is that for [Woke Journos], the largest-broadcaster-in-the-world,uk.gov-arguing-for-it,Royal-charter BBC (producers ofHyperNormalisation), isnotconsidered part of “those in power.”

>I would say that’s a neat trick, “Look over there at that media, not we media”, but it’s not a trick. I think he actually believes it, as do other members of the media. This is terrifying, and what looks like the real problem (ingroup/outgroup, BBC are our guys) is masking the much deeper one. I don’t care if the BBC is a propaganda wing, so are Archie comics. I care that journos and filmgoers seem to think that, a) the power elites are running the show through media manipulation, b) a BBC special isactuallyexposing the truth and thus, c) somehow the fucking BBC has no power and is the target of the elite.

>> No.16098748

And meanwhile the bbc can keep pushing lgbt racemix antiwhite zogaganda and all the sheeple will eat it up

>> No.16098753

>tfw leftists in my country care about pagan sites and integrating dead languages into children of all the external races they have just heard about through plentiful miscegenation at harvest festivals
>right wing is getting increasingly concerned the US will find out our parliament is half full of them with a growing vote share

>> No.16098770

have you read books by someone affected by dwarfism or giantism? If you are not interested in the life experience of people significantly smaller or taller than you, I suspect you are a heightist. I also advise you to keep a copy of Inuit poetry in your shelf to make up for Canada's eugenics.

>> No.16098774

Yeah i kinda got this message i was asking about everything else. It sucks being ESL because i don't get the meaning right away. Only words. What sorcery is that?

>> No.16098780

when is he gonna put out his new doco

>> No.16098783

>/sffg/ manlet pit is leaking
I blame the stalker anon who tried to talk to /pol/

>> No.16098793

>spouses Evelyn Gardner (m. 1928; annulled 1936)
wow, did he meme himself into that marriage?

>> No.16098809

Oh, everything else in the Samzdat essay?

>> No.16098832

Yes in that particular. Ive read the whole thing. Stopped a lot. Re-read a lot of sentences. Especially loved this one:

>The problem with elites is that they’re smarter than the average rube, and they know it, which is why they’ll never get the point. They’re smarter because they do read the journals the periodicals and the magazines. They’re “informed”. But being informed means no filter, i.e. direct from the prop machine. Which means that they are prime propaganda territory, not Joe the Plumber.

>If you are an elite (you are) I want you to sit and think about that last line very hard, possibly for forever, and if you don’t understand it then never ever try and have any more power than you already do, you will fuck this world up otherwise.

>> No.16098854

Oh and i absolutely loved that:

>Implied in “truth” is the belief in an action because of what is true. Truth has become correspondence theory + implied interpretation of it = agitation based on that. Simply showing someone a fact, a data point, is taken to be indicative of a certain belief or motivation therein. For instance: [controversial data point here]. “Woah, didn’t know you were a nazi.” I have good news for anyone who comes across an “inconvenient truth” and bad news for those hoping to spread them: none of them mean anything.

Damn i even feel kinda bad for shilling HyperNormalisation this bad after that essay.

>> No.16098861

Political analysis conducted purely on the basis of the stated intentions of the actors involved is one of the most moronic things I can imagine.

>> No.16098880

Whats wrong with j peterson?

Also its been 4 years anda apparently his nee docu suppose to be coming out where it att

>> No.16098917

I want to call him a bed-wetting marxist but he's not a materialist and infatuated with Weber

>> No.16098942

what do you guys think Adam Curtis would say about PHAT THICC DOJA CAT'S ASS?

>> No.16098943
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>*massive_attack_archangel_in_mcdonalds.exe starts playing*
Adam, you've done it again you beautiful son of a bitch...

>> No.16098976

Eh, I don't think you have to turn around and hate the film, just be a bit wary I guess?

The gist of the essay is a combination of theses by Nietzsche, Christopher Lasch, and The Last Psychiatrist. To break it down:

1) Curtis's film is adored by Woke journalists. Being journalists, they're both elites and part of the media, but act as though Curtis's film doesn't implicate them. They (and maybe Curtis) probably really believe that. They don't think it implicates them because they're probably Narcissists in the way Lasch or The Last Psychiatrist mean the term, that is, people with a constructed self-image that never gets tested in the real world or never amounts to doing anything (so, "We're the kind of people who would punch Nazis" vs "actually punching Nazis").

2) The point they all are focused on is the falsity and lies of those with power they take to be ruining everything. So they argue more for showing the truth about things, especially in media. Lou Keep argues via Nietzsche that this value, Truth as that which will improve everything, is on the one hand obviously false, and on the other an unexamined assumption guiding the Left elites.

3) Further, because truth doesn't have any necessary force to change behavior, if there were nobody using lies to have power, the people with this value about truth would end up inventing false narratives to explain why truth isn't changing anything without even realizing they're doing so.

I'm pretty sure that's the gist.

>> No.16099023

Thank you a lot. You really helped me. It's a very good article. Wonder what Adam Curtis would say about it. Yeah i still like the film but now i understand things more. This shit got too fucking complex. What's the endgame (at least in your opinion).

>> No.16099041

>the basic humanity
Prove to me that "humanity" is something that really exists in such a way that it's basic form entails the political goals of intersectional feminists or stop being such a raging narcissist.

>> No.16099173

That's a good and hard fucking question. I'm not sure how to answer it without resorting to cliches about "focusing on your community", "pick and choose the arguments you engage in", "focus more on doing than the image of what kind of person you are," "stop freaking out about lies since they're not new," etc. Those are all certainly helpful, but these media elites aren't disappearing until the collapse of the university systems teaching them to act like this and the middle class that supplies them. Probably better to pull an Epicurus and "tend your own garden" while they destroy and bankrupt themselves without realizing it.

>> No.16099191

Claiming someone is in the categories you set up and not theirs or professionals makes more sense to you?

>> No.16099201

Left and Right don't mean anything

>> No.16099229

they are maybe inspired but they don't have a normal rational picture of a world they want to live in. this thing is explained in the movie. they got themselves into informational loops (a system in social media that shows you the content that you might liked based on PAST and CURRENT time). They organize themselves go on a streets and repeat stuff like "BLACK LIVES MATTER" they destroy shit (like what happend right now in Seattle) but they do not know how their society actually will work what's the deal who is who and etc. They have exactly what they need in their head but they don't know how to achieve it because social media they use doesn't provide them with it. And i would love to add that the same fucking shit happens with right wing people here on 4chan especially on /pol/ with their fantasy about going back to traditions. Same thing happend with Occupy Wall Street and Arab Spring.

>> No.16099240

Indeed. Listening to Adam Curtis interview right now and he told that someone told him that the most radical thing to do right now is to not express yourself.

>> No.16099250

I don't have time to read this thread right now so all I'll say is that Adam Curtis is based and pretty much the only one who understands what's going on right now.

>> No.16099870

I should really read simulacra I borrowed it from a library and it's been a month since the time limit to give it back expired. might as well hold on to it untill I finish it

>> No.16099948

based on what?

>> No.16099956

holy based

>> No.16099997

All in all, manufacturing consent has never been stronger. They manner in which information is so absolutely filtered is detrimental to perspective. It's ironic that people are quick to criticize any calls of "fake news" as some "alt-right" whistle, or something like that, but take any and all information that affirms them without question.

Social media is the worst with this since it also incentivizes insta-news with likes and retweets/replies/etc. as well as perpetuating any current echo-chamber.

>> No.16100162

As somebody already pointed out his movies are just shitposts overlaid with trip hop

>> No.16100202

Mark Fisher and adam curtis are literally the same person

>> No.16100204 [DELETED] 
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Burial isn’t hip hop
Odd Nosdam is


>> No.16100232
File: 251 KB, 800x1000, AI Campbell Redpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Information absolutely needs a filter, just not one centered on collecting data on the individual and making him a product to be sold to advertisers.

>> No.16100255 [DELETED] 

dilate and learn to read

>> No.16100271 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 400x400, E5DA8855-02AB-4829-B8A6-0E6DF9CBDC74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w/e and thanks

>> No.16100295

Social media is much more pernicious because it directly identifies the normalfag's concept of 'what my immediate social group believes that I must believe to fit in' with the propaganda disseminated from the top accounts. Beforehand they would uncritically accept the the NYT or whatever to some degree but they would have a separate irl social circle that had its own set of beliefs that would ultimately matter more in a way. This second circle has been totally subsumed into the propaganda ecosystem by social media.

I have yet to find a proper analysis of this phenomenon, though sure there must be one out there.

>> No.16100316

Boring pessimist. There’s people who do it better than him and with more acrimoniously cathartic prose

>> No.16100385

Curtis talks about this. People have no IRL friends anymore.

>> No.16100508

I tried watching hypernormalization and five minutes in he incorrectly claimed that strangelove was based on Kissinger. Is his research reliable? The use of eerie music makes it seem like propaganda

>> No.16100559

Similar to a pre 2016 pol info jpeg.
Would not recommend desu.

>> No.16100581

I wouldn't say that, only that the beliefs and topics of discussion of these irl social groups are increasingly dominated by social media propaganda. This isn't wholly new, again people have been repeating newspaper headlines to each other as though they were novel opinions for centuries, I just think it has become way more invasive.

>> No.16100624

What country?

>> No.16100652

>We are uninspired and aren't moving anywhere. But more and more people are realizing it and getting angry at it.
Moving anywhere would require some sort of goal to work towards, but postwar liberal society is permanently backward-looking. Indeed, even positing some goal (other than a vague idea of equality and niceness) and encouraging people to work towards it reminds us of National Socialism.

>> No.16100663 [SPOILER] 
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You could say... it's the end of history

>> No.16100674

I think history is going to "start up" again pretty soon, sorry Francis. Leftism is basically in Counter-Reformation mode right now.

>> No.16101088

I like Curtis as a filmographer but I remember feeling that his analysis was lacking.

>> No.16101095

Pure poverty of mind.

>> No.16101110

>I want to behead migrants with a machete and gas people I believe to be racially inferior
>Oh you poor oppressed worker, please won't you come join our side. We welcome you and your friends with open arms!

>> No.16101133

Yes, exactly, that's why there have been so few riots by leftists as of late. They're all kept in check because the coca cola corporation put a rainbow in its Twitter profile.

>> No.16101146

that's why they riot about racism instead of about banks, they're tools

>> No.16101202

They're rioting about defunding the police and putting that money into social services that have been gutted due to austerity. Militarized police forces are the symptoms of unrestrained capitalism and blacks are disproportionately affected by this.

>> No.16101229

they're diverted into talking about racism instead of banks. That's why billionaires fund BLM and Democrat mayors tell the cops to let them riot

>> No.16101246

what did he mean by this?
no seriously, what did he actually mean by this that isn't something someone else already said in this thread? like i think i know the answer already, but i want to hear more about it

>> No.16101274

Do not trust this man or his warped simplified propaganda.

>> No.16101287

All leftists are performatively and ontologically liberals.

>> No.16101515

It's not fear tho. I don't want Europe "replaced" with Muslim niggers, orthodox/Hasidic Jewish pure Satan niggers, Chinksect niggers or nigger niggers. This is something the "elites" want to prop up the Ponzi scheme known as Globalism. Ponzi Economics is the destruction of the planet. A population that declines organically is a good thing and not in need of sub human genetic "replacement". I wish everyone would stop pretending anything ends well if "white" people are "replaced" with Satan worshipping Semitic insect Chink nigger Niggers.

>> No.16101525

This is true. Leftism is a religion of cuckery and destruction and in the end, suffering and death.

>> No.16101530

>the big straight white male elephant
You only exist to post on the internet because of this boogey man you are pathologically envious and jealous of tho

>> No.16101531

It doesn't really matter though. It's almost certain that white people become a minority in Europe. You can go on 4chan and bitch about the "niggers" all you want but they won.

>> No.16101533

>It's not fear tho
>Proceeds to go on confused rant in which the n and c word is applied liberally

>> No.16101537

>recognize the basic humanity of people who arent them
Only in white man's world you brainwashed self hating cuckslave.

>> No.16101548

Leftists ARE the bugmen of this planet. They are not trying to get out of anything. They are the mainstream. What they say and do are two very different things. Their fake and gay righteous anger is enough in of itself. All you have to do to be a Leftist is swear allegiance you BigJewMediaCo, virtue signal and go back to your endless masturbation and escapism.

>> No.16101553

if you think the people on the street are getting billionaire cash then you watching curtis' videos is like a dog thumbing through the brothers karamazov

>> No.16101560

>And that's a good thing!

>> No.16101573

when is his next film coming out? I need him so fucking much bros... all the shit that's been happening... I need it to be laid out in a cool narrative with stylish visuals

>> No.16101574

I imagine it takes time to incorporate the 2020 clusterfuck into it.

>> No.16101589

Maybe you really are twelve but things can change REALLY fast. Example 9/11 changed the world MASSIVELY. Example the 2016 US election changed the world MASSIVELY. Example Chinese Bate Eating Virus changed the world MASSIVELY. Yes most Europeans have been brainwashed and culturally beaten into submission but not all. And as demographics continues to prove destiny things will change. The melancholy negro worship of today will be forgot forgotten in a weekend at some point in the future.

>> No.16101604

This post give me the BIG benis

>> No.16101637

This guy has been making the exact same posts for years (just look up “basic humanity” or “npbasic human dignity” in the archive), and not once has he ever managed to explain what it means and whit it isn’t an ideological claim. He’s the worst poster on this board by a mile; a pure unthinking dogmatist.

>> No.16101696

Barring some greater civilization all collapse, I’d doubt such a thing will ever happen. It’s promoted by too many powerful institutions to go away on its own.

>> No.16101699

I've looked it up in the archive and practically none of the posts are lowercase oneliners, so I don't know what you're talking about

>> No.16102614

No. He is optimist. He said that in an interview. He just doesnt provide any way to solve that problem which is understandable because its insanely complex. He is literally saying that right now people are feeling that eerie shit in their heads but right now they dont know why. But will know. The only thing he did is he gave us a picture of what thing(s) led to what we have right now. He also talks about pessimism. Just read the interview please.

>> No.16102649

I like this approach. Its very realistic. Curious how many people now are mad at BLM on the low because of the riots.

>> No.16102698

It’s just a matter of time before Adam Curtis makes a documentary on 4chan
>this is a film about an anime messageboard, that in turn would expose politics and business for what it really is: an empty, and often entirely self contradicting circus show, of which they, the socalled ‘anons’ were just another player
>but this anonymity turned out to be far more than that. It gave the users of 4chan the unique power to communicate without any filter whatsoever, allowing them to exchange their darkest fantasies and fears. However, as the anons of 4chan slowly figured out, much of these fantasies and fears weren’t being exchanged in a vacuum, but in the real world as well, away from the anonymized environment of 4chan, and into the real world, with its economic and ideological pressures, thus turning 4chan from a safe haven of the biggest outsiders of society, into the very opposite, the very tip of mainstream narrative culture creation, but everyone on 4chan still behaved as if they were the rebels of the system, and everyone went along with it, because this division of roles, of extreme outsiders and socalled ‘normies’ was reassuring, and would, paradoxically create an entire new system of management and control
>*Brian Eno’s Here Come Warm Jets intensifies*

>> No.16102745

Good one.

>> No.16102759

my guess would be the Balts as I am familiar with Estonian leftist cells who would be considered Nazis by the racewokecapitalist ZOGmerica "Left".

>> No.16102763

Absolutely right about this. The boots on the ground types do it for free. The /pol/tard has mistaken the select group of politically connected organizers with the rank and file.

>> No.16102775

how does 4chan get anyone into a herd idea, it is where infact ideologies collide, and either the intectuall (there are no intellectuals on twitter/reddit) runs away with his new ideas or the normal layman will butt heads with a billy goat

>> No.16102790

lol. it's always some emotional response they claim so they don't have to acknowledge valid reasonings.

>> No.16102811

/pol/ for me seems like a big example of echo chamber. They have their own language like twitter/reddit types. They aren't listening and never will.
Firstly it's not only fear but anxiety and he didn't say that this fear is just because. He literally told everyone that you should go and listen WHY they fear but nobody does that.

>> No.16102825


>> No.16102852

based on a true story

>> No.16102906
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Soon he'll be Ted-pilled, just like journalist poo-in-the-loo-apu: https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/open-page/lost-at-the-mall/article32303678.ece

>> No.16103000

>That trailer.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Is Kojima ever not right?
We're all going to deliver packages in a wasteland for likes. And we'll love it.

>> No.16103024

For me it's the more dramatic version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUiqaFIONPQ

>> No.16103158

Weird that they used Instagram and not Twitter.
I know Instagram, like all other social media, is designed to keep you hooked on it, but it's just for butts. Big fat fucking asses being thrown in circles.
Even Adam Curtis can't pretend he's the only guy who doesn't jerk off. But there's porn for that. Instagram is just, "Oooh, here's a pretty girl, I like looking at her... I wonder if she has any leaks on PH... Yep. Sweet."

>> No.16103165

Agree twitter is worse by a margin. Boomers like Adam for some reason shit on IG more than on Twitter.

>> No.16103184

Collapse of the status quo is inevitable. People really don't get how big of a sledgehammer automation is going to be in the next decade and a half.

>> No.16103204

I don't like how he tries to shoehorn Trump into everything. He's very obviously reaching for connections.

>> No.16103225

I kinda got that message.
This is the first I've heard of him and I thought to myself, like I'm sure hundreds of millions do, "What can I even do to fix it? Well people HAVE to be elected to be senators and representatives. Eventually all the ones now will die." But I settled with asking what I really wanted. And it is my own garden. I want to become strong enough to hold a job where I make enough money to support my family and entertain the things we like and love and be loved.

>> No.16103248

Also he said that religion will come back which is in my opinion already happening in some way. Even fucking Kanye West became very religious after all his years of hedonism and being the centre of the world.

>> No.16103295

He's also right about the Zoomers.
Us millennials haven't ENTIRELY grown up in this information age but they have.
They're fucking quick. It's probably why memes last a week or less now. And they see the light. They just want to have good for themselves too. Get a girl, live life on a plot, and don't worry about the stupid assholes of the world.

>> No.16103312

This. When is Trump releasing another based book? MAGA

>> No.16103322

As a zoomer idk how fast i am but my parents and my previous boss are slow af in every form from talking to thinking. Idk about millenials but my generation seems to be the most diverse in opinions tho. I have every type of friend from the ones who ignore politics to left/right radicals.

>> No.16103336

Good to hear.
For once, true non-conformity.
Also I meant that you guys are quick to pick up on data, parse it out, discard what's bullshit, etc. It's like being on 4chan. When you're hear long enough you just know what's a troll. You don't need to define it or refute it or attack it. You just know. Or spotting the glowers on /pol/.

>> No.16103345

>Also I meant that you guys are quick to pick up on data, parse it out, discard what's bullshit, etc.
lmao get a grip

>> No.16103351

Yeah that's true but i think the next generation will be even more cool with that. We are the first in that passage but now imagine our kids being raised to filter information even better with the right tech we hopefully will have at that moment. That's some breakthrough shit. But it's dreams. I get lost in tik tok videos and my attention span is 5 seconds.

>> No.16103365
File: 330 KB, 1080x606, 1566950862416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His documentary HyperNormalisation is the most 'woke' cringe I've ever seen.

Pic related, Curtis tier insight.

>> No.16103378


>> No.16103382

if someone has a good british accent and if you can voice a parody on Adam Curtis and record it on Vocaroo ill make a parody video trailer out of it.

>> No.16103387

and where's the antidote because that's all uninspired, obvious crap?

>> No.16103406

The antidote to chaos is more benzos.

>> No.16103413
File: 152 KB, 1200x675, C9kIU1jWsAAd7Fk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16103427
File: 403 KB, 359x371, MtNZ6GL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


obligatory post

>> No.16103432

I don't think he ever says anything particularly insightful in his documentaries, though they have a lot of very cool archive footage which I love, it just never really says anything even though many people like to think it does.

>> No.16103437

This is really scary.

>> No.16103469

it's beautiful

>> No.16103480


>> No.16103697

very nice

>> No.16103731

jesus christ what's with the idpol bs? did the white fragility threads birth some unironic twitter fags?

>> No.16103970

>Reddit horse
>Literal reddit
>drugs (implying a real sperg has the social connections to access it)
dying breed here but the average OG 4chan loser is in a far deeper hole than sad normies could ever fathom. Normie preformative sadposting is fucking cringe.

>> No.16104124

This person has been making what are essentially the same posts for years.

>> No.16104774

>It's not fear tho. It's just that I am afraid of non-whites.