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File: 461 KB, 720x689, shroomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16093484 No.16093484 [Reply] [Original]

I took shrooms once and I realised that much of what I thought was "me" or my opinions, thoughts, and feelings, was just an elaborate form of mental scaffolding that had been built up piece by piece since the day I was born.

Any books that explore this idea?

>> No.16093528

Freud's The Ego and the Id & Beyond Pleasure Principle
Klein and Bion's works might be of interest too

>> No.16093532

No one cares normalfag grab a rope and hang yourself

>> No.16093562
File: 85 KB, 800x633, GSZHFVp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carlos castaneda, moron among morons.

>> No.16093568

Does Freud even hold up today? I was under the impression that he was proven wrong on almost everything..

Take your PMS meds my (wo)man.

>> No.16093584

Why would you recommend him if he's the king of the morons?

>> No.16093597

did lsd once, all except the psychic material garnered is worthless. its stupidity in a sophisticated garb, with an emphasis on sophist. its just the illusion of the profound.

>> No.16093619

Having a trip and feeling insightful or profound is not unique or interesting. Most people really don’t care what you, anyone experience while tripping. You want an eloquent description of what you felt? You felt the chemical effects of a 5-HT2A agonist squirting neurotransmitters into your skull.

>> No.16093624


>> No.16093627

Read Lacan for an alternate somewhat charitable reading of Freud.
This is an interesting question. I should like to know if there's a good answer. I know that Eco' book Foucault's Pendulum is supposed to break down the nature of belief, and much of personhood today is thought widely to depend on what one believes, so perhaps that? It so happens that that's what I'll be reading next so it's on my mind.

>> No.16093636

That doesnt look like a very balanced diet desu. Tasty and expensive yes, but low in calories and nutrients. Id rather a can of deenz a cheap bottle of wine and some pepperjack cheese

>> No.16093678

I think most psychedelic users don't understand that the feeling of enlightenment they get is just that- a feeling.

>> No.16093687

The Birth and Death of Meaning: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Problem of Man

>> No.16093695

>proven wrong on almost everything
Totally wrong. 9/10 of his ideas are so ingrained in our assumptions today that we don’t even recognize them. Ever heard of the unconscious, or even just the idea that not everything is conscious? People genuinely thought that until the turn of the 20th century. Ever heard of the idea that you can treat fucking ILLNESSES just by fucking TALKING to people? Sounds crazy doesn’t it? It doesn’t because that’s how obvious it is now to us. What about free association, transference, slips of the tongue often having meaning, dreams having meaning, dreams having some sort of meaning, or that even the subconscious (as opposed to the unconscious)? Have you heard of these things?

Some of them weren’t exclusively Freud’s ideas, but that doesn’t matter. He saw the novel importance of them. Just like Steve Jobs did, over some random engineer that moved on to a different idea.

The reason people hate Freud and say he’s wrong about everything is because of how uncomfortable they are at the idea that they are not totally in control of their ship.

>> No.16093705

Freud absolutely holds up today. The majority of shit spouted about him is taken out of context (like Nietzsche’s “god is dead”) and because of mistranslations.

>> No.16093715

> Having a trip and feeling insightful or profound is not unique or interesting. Most people really don’t care what you, anyone experience while tripping

Seems like a needlessly embittered description. I'm fascinated with other peoples' trips, particularly with ones they describe to be profound. Why on earth would I care about what most people think?

> You want an eloquent description of what you felt? You felt the chemical effects of a 5-HT2A agonist squirting neurotransmitters into your skull.

No, I want to explore belief, identity, and personality. If the feeling elicited by the interplay between drug and brain continues long after the drug has worn off, then it's certainly a feeling worth exploring.

>> No.16093719


>> No.16093737

Ngl the concept of free will divinity and the soul all kinda clicked for me after megadosing shrooms. Was pretty based

>> No.16093747
File: 6 KB, 265x400, I Am You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google Open Individualism

>> No.16093762

you sound genuinely worse off than if you had just embraced it

>> No.16093772
File: 9 KB, 233x350, TiHKAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is worth reading if you're interested in the effects of different drugs similar to shrooms, or if you're into chemistry.

>> No.16093776

yeah this was exactly the kind of shit I've heard was bs

>> No.16093784

The people that outright reject the experience of a psychedeic trip arent living authentic lives. They want to keep a wall between their carefully crafted ego and the real world(experiences). Its a sign of underdevelopment and immaturity in most cases.

>> No.16093804

Not very convincing desu. Is there even any scientific evidence for Freud's model of the id, ego, and superego?

I think behavioural therapy (ie CBT) has proven to be vastly more effective then Freudian pyschoanalysis, and 2500+ years ago Herodotus was writing about a king who thought he was receiving signs and portents in his dreams, when an advisor of his stated that we simply dream about what we think about or encounter during the day (pretty true in my experience).

>> No.16093957

Actually it's totally right. His only useful contributions to psychology were inventing talk therapy and the ego, superego and id. The way he understood the interplay between these is basically wrong, the way he believed the unconscious manifestests itself is also wrong, and his ideas about the superego can basically be discarded. And that's literally it.
Retarded shit like penis envy is what comprised most of his work and is completely fucking useless.

>> No.16094074

Freud just repackaged bits of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche with self help bs desu, although the Steve Jobs comparison does work fairly well.

>> No.16094157

Exploring thru yoga works ime (with edibles). Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism might appeal too.

>> No.16094342

I don’t know how to find it. I don’t know who to ask. I have wanted to try for years

>> No.16094404

promethius rising by wilson

>> No.16094682

why is not question, moron, but complaint.

>> No.16094892

>The people that outright reject the experience of a psychedeic trip arent living authentic lives. They want to keep a wall between their carefully crafted ego and the real world(experiences). Its a sign of underdevelopment and immaturity in most cases.
This. Materialists will go to great mental gymnastics to justify clinging to doing shrooms.

>> No.16094896

Yeah women really like Freud.

>> No.16094973

Jacques Ellul, Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes

>> No.16094991
File: 982 KB, 1841x1400, 1594027645048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vygotsky's Sociocultural theory of learning, the general history of the various theories of learning in conjunction with things like Erikson/Marcia's 7 compartmentalized identities during human development. Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory + chrono was added later.

>> No.16095078

>dude i took shrooms and it opened my consciousness to the fact that i was a baby who was dumb and then gradually learned more, so deep bro i gotta make a thread about this

good christ i hate this sort of retarded stoner culture

>> No.16095082

Experienced Ego Death when I took Salvia (the only time I took psychedelic)
I was in an other universe entirely, a white expanse stretching infinitely under a blue sky.
I had no memories that I was ever human, thoughts, feeling nor body. I just WAS.
I didn't feel fear or amazement, sentiments might as well never have existed.
I was not touching the ground, and didn't have control of my "action". Someone was here and was toying with me, suddenly I got pulled toward the white ground at extreme speed and was sent back to the room I was in through some sort of crack. Our reality was drawn with a single drop of ink, in a one-stroke fashion.
Everything, from my friends to the furnitures.
Then it occurred to me: I was me! It felt like I was gone for eons. The fear set in immediately however. I couldn't move my body yet but was conscious.
What was that ? I suddenly feel my consciousness slowly but forcefully being pulled out of my body again, I was terrified. I felt like I done an naive mistake I would pay for eternally, I wanted to stay here, no way I would go back there. I remember reciting the Jesus Prayer until it went away. When I gained control of my body again I jump out of the couch and spurted "You're here right?" to my friends, they didn't expect it. I was still spooked by the experience, they look at me. The closest one smile to me, the gentlest of the bunch usually but that smile. That goddamn smile was so scary. It look absolutely normal, but I processed it as the most malicious smile in existence.
I thought I was sent back to an exact copy of my original world, and everyone was in on it. Conspiracy on a metaphysical level. Everything felt not genuine anymore.
That feeling faded as the days went by, to this day I don't know what to think of it.
Maybe I should take more...
Sorry for the shitty writing, I'm an ESL and my syntax is really limited due to that.

>> No.16095138

Psychological commentaries on the teaching of gurdjieff and ouspensky

>> No.16095194
File: 115 KB, 212x212, navifromrising.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great choice anon, Shulgin is the GOAT and the more based version of Terence, who while a great orator was mostly wrong, or worse, nonsensical.

>> No.16095214

>The people that outright reject the experience of a psychedeic trip arent living authentic lives
It just means you didn't take a good dose and it's irrelevant anyways, as though you didn't take it.

>> No.16095222

Lss is different than shroom and DMT

>> No.16095389

Just grow shrooms anon. It's really easy and not that expensive. Shroom spores are legal in most states in USA, and in many countries. Go to r/sporetraders if you want to buy spores. The rest of the information you need in the youtube link below. If you have some time, have a closet, enjoy growing things, and are sensible enough to keep a secret, then growing shrooms can save you both the danger and expense of visiting a drug dealer.


>> No.16095412

literally me (ironically)

>> No.16095414
File: 110 KB, 600x378, 1596699607167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, really big trips can make you into a solipcuck. I've been there too. You'll get back to reality in a couple of months if you stay sober, anon. Just don't do something stupid like jumping off a bridge.

>> No.16095418 [DELETED] 

why would you recommend the second book when phenylthalamine is present in mushrooms?

>> No.16095420

hey bud, could you explain why you would recommend this and not the technological society? this isn't an attack, just genuinely curious about your perspective.

>> No.16095426

are you that faggot that started sperging about jews in the terence mckenna thread or did you just save the image

>> No.16095432

Remember that mushrooms are illegal and classified the same as heroin in some western countries.

>> No.16095436

It was x10 extract the friends who take it before me didn't seem that affected, I didn't expect something like this for sure so I was pretty shook.
It was during last New Years Eve so I'm fine now, I don't really think about it anymore. But when I reminisced about it on my own the month after I would start shaking, I was kinda obsessed too.
I didn't have any experience, was unprepared mentally and took it in the wrong setting: a festive, noisy and brightly lit environment. It was immature and foolish of me I'd say.
Thanks for the concern.

>> No.16095437

just saved it lol, that guy was a sperg though

>> No.16095439

based me too lol

>> No.16095440


>> No.16095442

Freud's obsession with sex ruined most of his work desu

>> No.16095451

No problemo anon, we all watch out for each other here. I remember having a psychotic episode where I was convinced that the world was a simulation and that I had to escape by dying. If you're into simulation theory and matrix-ey stuff, you'll probably like the movie "World on a Wire". Cheers

>> No.16095482

I can't stand psychedelic druggies. They fry their brains and convince themselves they've found enlightenment. Just look at Joe Rogan, he's gone from being a frat bro asshole to a guy who spends hours watching gorilla videos and thinking everything around him is profound LOL

>> No.16095492

Most of his patients experienced sexual repression. So it makes sense that he made it his main focus

>> No.16095494
File: 32 KB, 720x736, 1595283486465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

durr how can you ban nature? that's like banning mother earth hurr durr hurr durr

>> No.16095504

Nothing wrong with watching gorilla videos....

>> No.16095507

One does not automatically turn into another. I did some psychedelics and I dislike Joe Rogan. In fact I probably dislike him more since he's been to the other side and he's come out worse

>> No.16095529

joe rogan is a glowie