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File: 144 KB, 340x449, Vladimir_Lenin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16092526 No.16092526 [Reply] [Original]

Marxists were post moderni-
>Despite his revolutionary politics, Lenin disliked revolutionary experimentation in literature and the arts, for instance expressing his dislike of expressionism, futurism, and cubism, and conversely favouring realism and Russian classic literature.[507]

What other lies have you beem told about communist authors?

>> No.16092550

What would have happened had Lenin lived a bit longer?

>> No.16092557

That Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago was fiction.

Stalin was the supreme nigger.

>> No.16092576

That they were philosophers

>> No.16092609

a lot more ice picks would've appeared in surprising places.

>> No.16092616

my great-uncle claimed the following authors were Marxists for the following reasons:
Harper Lee: "If she hates America so much, why doesn't she just move to Iran?"
Hemingway: "Wasn't he part of the Hollywood Ten?"
JD Salinger: "Marxist subtext everywhere."
Faulkner: "Hated the South. Hated State's Rights. Hated America."
Steinbeck: "Another socialist afraid of hard work."
Kerouac: "He never really went to war."
Fitzgerald: "Hated anyone more successful than him."
Tolstoy: "A Russian."

>> No.16092622
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Its not a lie that Marxists are post modern
However when did post modernism start to infect Marxism?
it was with Gramsci and Frankfurt school
the Bolsheviks and MLs in general were pretty conservative

>> No.16092661


>> No.16092673

Same as Stalin

>> No.16092727

>Marxists massacre and starve millions worldwide, setting humanity back by decades
>Marxists say modern art bad

>> No.16092758

The first translation of Rudyard Kipling to Russian was made by the government during Lenin's years and it's funny because Kipling was anti-Bolshevik.

>> No.16092776

>Marxists massacre and starve millions worldwide
but really what economic system hasn't
>Marxists say modern art bad

>> No.16092777

Ukrainians aren't people

>> No.16092785


>> No.16092795

>What other lies have you beem told about communist authors?
That they are freedom haters and evil.

>> No.16093203


>> No.16093251

>massacres and famines don't happen under capitalism
yeah ok bud

>> No.16093279

Qualify it bitch.

>> No.16093315
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not even english

>> No.16093391

>and the arts
Yeah, like that time the Workers' State financed the Theremin...
Obviously marxists were no postmodernists, but the most experimental authors up to Lenin's death (1924) weren't close to it either. OP is ridiculous

>> No.16093407

Traditional communists are actually very intolerant people.

>> No.16093408

Stalin and Lenin were ideologically aligned. Lenin was even more ruthless and cruel so maybe he could have straitened things out in other places more ambitiously than stalin.

>> No.16093423

>Marxists massacre and starve millions worldwide, setting humanity back by decades
Yep. And they deserved it.

>> No.16093711

who said marxism was post modern?

>> No.16093720

Your great uncle is a fucking retard

>> No.16093735

I've always found it amusing to consider what Lenin and Co.'s reaction to the modern left in the USA would be. What would they have to say about all the LGBT people who support communism?

>> No.16093817

the Theremin is pretty cool

>> No.16093922

great uncle is 100% correct though

>> No.16093938

Lenin was as willing to kill as Stalin, the difference is that Stalin had such a big disregard for human life that he killed when it wasn't necessary at all and especially for dumb paranoid reasons too. Lenin on the other hand seemed genuinely committed to the revolution and everything he did seemed to be ends-justify-means based, but at least he had real ideals, not maniacal egoism. He lived in an apartment with cats and insisted on merely being called comrade. He wasn't trying to make himself a king like Stalin. I think he was still a fucked up person but at least he wanted good end results that weren't merely self-serving. Could be wrong but that's the picture I have of him. Don't like him though, tankies suck anyway.

>> No.16094028

Your great uncle is correct and you should listen to him.

>> No.16094034
File: 9 KB, 360x360, 1593632214751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what authors did your great uncle like

>> No.16095728

In terms of war (mostly colonial-financial interests in the middle east):

I'm pretty aloof politically, but let's be honest about this, whilst (intentionally) less explicit, capitalism does perpetrate its own idiosyncratic forms of horror, as well as coexisting alongside that a prehistoric horror innate to all communities (see Girard's scapegoating theory).

>> No.16095738

OP you're a fucking retard in a way that makes me worry about humanity

>> No.16095776

>Gramsci and Frankfurt school
Gramsci had nothing to do with the Frankfurt school, pleb. Postmodernism is anti-Marxism.

>> No.16095792

>marxists were the real racists all along

>> No.16095894

That they weren't Jewish

>> No.16095903 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16095908

Why do you all say "a fucking retard"? Do you all get this programmed into you in the middle of sissy hypno videos?

>> No.16095915

Emphasis and lexicon you fucking retard.

>> No.16095932

Alliance with Hitler unironically

>> No.16095941

Up to a certain point, USSR has a history of at least tolerating if not supportive of constructivism. That being said, soviet realism, similarly to third reich propagandism, is a modernist phenomenon and a traditionalist art critic like Winckelmann would consider both Thorak sculptures and Lenin portraits nigger tier.

>> No.16095959


>> No.16095966

Both buildings are hideous beyond words but what is more, Stalin's is vulgar

>> No.16097170

>Postmodernism is anti-Marxism.
This is an oversimplification, and you know it.

>> No.16097204

>Gramsci had nothing to do with the Frankfurt school, pleb.
thats why i said Gramsci and the Frankfurt school
learn english

>> No.16097206

Explain how. Seem fairly straightforward that postmodernists reject the material reductionist framework that is Marxism.

>> No.16097217
File: 10 KB, 212x300, tankies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marxists are left wi-

>> No.16097228

Gramsci was not a "postmodernist". He was a Marxist in good standing that helped elucidate a range of difficult issues. The Frankfurt school is another matter entirely.

>> No.16097234
File: 71 KB, 986x1024, monke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post modernism is a stinky boogieman

>> No.16097251

Gramsci was a big time PoMo

>> No.16097264

Largely #BASED

>> No.16097287

There's a repeating phenomenon where , for the past 200 years or so, a large number of artists of various types, especially among the more avant-garde identified with the Left or with revolutionary regimes in general, but then got clamped down on once said regime actually got power.

>> No.16097455

no u

>> No.16097543

Big differences in their ideology, most of all Lenin was far more in favour of democracy within the Party and genuine discussion as to what the best way forward would be. Lenin would have never turned the Cheka and NKVD on the Politburo & his fellow party members or organise show trials against prominent members of the Party and Lenin was fervently against the kind of soulless bureaucracy of dull sycophants which Stalin was putting in place, even before his death.

>> No.16097586

>expressionism, futurism, and cubism
All of those are inherently fascistoid, so that's no surprise.

>> No.16097592

>setting humanity back by decades
Imagine being this illiterate

>> No.16097619

Homosexuality is the utmost expression of fascism, so they likely wouldn't approve of it.

>> No.16097647

lmao imagine believing this

>> No.16097651

It's not.

>> No.16098073

I'm not the anon you're replying.
It's interesting to read Lenin because he explains the problem and presents solutions to fix it. I lost all respect I had for the left here when I started to read him because he was committed to change, a truly revolutionary. (The same goes for Jefferson, Marat, Jinnah, Codreanu and many others.)

>> No.16098130

>Homosexuality is the utmost expression of fascism
True, but the good kind of homoeroticism, not the faggy rainbow kind.

>> No.16098146

>setting humanity back by decades
lol this is an indefensible claim

>> No.16098152

How is expressionism fascist?