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/lit/ - Literature

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16091140 No.16091140 [Reply] [Original]

>The Gulag Archipelago
>The Diary of Anne Frank
Can you figure out which one is non-fiction and which one is fiction?

Which one amounts to propaganda with no real historical evidence; a caricature of an authoritarian regime which was once our enemy and has since been defeated but remains (despite being an artifact of the 20th century) one of the key driving forces behind modern political discussion, and which one is an accurate portrayal of life in a Soviet gulag?

>> No.16091160

The Gulag Archipelago is fiction.
The Diary of Anne Frank is not.

I hope this os bait.


>> No.16091173

Lit seethes at any mention of gulag archipelago and shuns mention of Ivan Denisovich. When will the shadow ban on Solzhenitsyn end?

>> No.16091175

A quick google search would have prevented you from embarassing yourself, comrade.

>> No.16091188

Both are fiction and both have been widely used as propaganda.
>t. rightwinger

>> No.16091191

commies can't handle the fact that stalin genocided more people than hitler

>> No.16091199
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>> No.16091207

As a Russian it's awlays stuns me when i see some special americans or europeans telling me that Stalin was good, USSR was good and other special things. I don't even know what to reply to this kind of stuff. It's like telling Israelis that it's chill on their border.

>> No.16091226

Could you not? Thanks.

I think you meant to say that it's like telling Palestinians that it's chill in their homeland.

>> No.16091265

Haha. Whatever you want bro. But still it's not even funny when some guys in your country praise Stalin. Ill never get it how it happened with american educational system that allowed this to happen.

>> No.16091294
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You think that's bad? You should see how Americans and Brits talk about Jews. At least Stalin didn't turn anyone's kids into trannies.

>> No.16091350
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>believes the soviet union happened

>> No.16091512

kike detected