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16088464 No.16088464 [Reply] [Original]

why did he hate women so much?

>> No.16088485

Have you ever met them?

>> No.16088486

idk ask reddit

>> No.16088487

he was intelligent

>> No.16088497

>why do incels hate the gender that is keeping them incels
gee I don't know

>> No.16088501

He hated women because women are lame as fuck. I will never get over just how much better men are than them.

>> No.16088507

Every important philosopher thought women were retarded. Quite a coincidence, huh?

>> No.16088509

Did he?

>> No.16088510

i unironically love women but only the ones that love me.

>> No.16088520

most men are more reprehensible than most women

>> No.16088536

most men are more important than most women.

>> No.16088543

because of the historical patriarchy, not gender superiority

>> No.16088555

indeed, men simply outdo women at everything. the worst qualities of humanity are exemplified in men, and that only further evidences their superiority. women are simply mediocre. boring. uninteresting. the whole talk of the "enigma of female sexuality" or whatever is just cope. there is nothing remotely enigmatic about pussy-havers. they are just men who ontologically cannot and will not amount to anything ever

>> No.16088575
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>larping as butterfly


s i m p

>> No.16088583

He was a degenerate faggot and saw women as competition, not to mention he was a jew and perhaps hated how men and women got together, something completely natural, which as a jew he surely hated as well.
tl;dr he was jewish, same reason why feminism is mainly a jewish mvoement, because jews hate women they want to destroy women

>> No.16088584

He was a faggot who beat children

Only faggots hate women, so opinion disregarded

>> No.16088594

No they're not, we should be like Sparta and completely ban faggots from society

>> No.16088598

>A burglar is superior than someone who is neither a good person or a bad person, because, you know, atleast he picked a side!

>> No.16088601

Wasn’t he gay

>> No.16088605

This. Only Jews think like he does

>> No.16088610
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>> No.16088621

>the murder who discovered a cure for cancer is worse than the guy who sat in the corner all day jerking off and gossiping about his friends' weight

>> No.16088627

>Men simply oudto women at everything.
I've never seen a man look better in a dress than a woman. Women are also marginally better at giving birth.

>> No.16088630

>banned faggots from society
>fucking little boys was the spartan national pastime anon

>> No.16088637

Well put.

>> No.16088647

women made the man conscience dooming him for the rest of his being

>> No.16088655

hey stop this thread is about hating women not jews

>> No.16088659

repressed homosexuals are sometimes misogynistic because they feel an imposition upon themselves to desire women, when they don't

if you can be openly gay then that pressure goes away and usually you can look at women as human beings again, and not as symbols of your frustrated desire

>> No.16088671
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I'm glad you asked because I wanted you to!

Spartans very clearly banned all sexual relationships between men, as per the laws of Lycurgus, which were employed until the end of the Spartan state, as they never changed. Not to mention all Spartans that didn't marry and were celibate were punished and ostracized
>The customs instituted by Lycurgus were opposed to all of these. If someone, being himself an honest man, admired a boy's soul and tried to make of him an ideal friend without reproach and to associate with him, he approved, and believed in the excellence of this kind of training. But if it was clear that the attraction lay in the boy's outward beauty, he banned the connexion as an abomination; and thus he caused lovers to abstain from boys no less than parents abstain from sexual intercourse with their children and brothers and sisters with each other.

And on Greek "pedastry", specifically Athenian
Pedastry was strictly an educational relationship, there was no sexual elements involved. Different Greek city states just accused each other of them being sexual relationships to accuse each other of being barbarians and allowing such a thing to happen while they didn't, to prove themsevles and their laws superior

>> No.16088679

Have you ever met a gay man before anon? They're the most misogynistic people out there because they can see past the tits and ass.

>> No.16088693

More like they're freaks of natures and get mad as fuck when they see pregnant women

>> No.16088697

the fags I met were always the best friends with some woman

>> No.16088711

Was Wittgenstein really gay?

>> No.16088719
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Only Jews don't like women. I love women, this is now a woman love thread, but don't obsess and put them on a pedistal unless its a diety

>> No.16088724

Because women never understand the great men of genius like him.

>> No.16088723

there are ignorant people in every demographic, for sure, but generally gay men will have friends who are women (more than straight men)

>> No.16088725

They're mad because they're freaks and hate everything natural

>> No.16088727

Is /lit the biggest simp board?

>> No.16088733

Woman are incapable of being objective. When you discuss with one of those specimens about a subject, you will notice that is not about the subject they are actually discussing so angrily about, but because of a blind ganglionar impulse that drags them to it. Women are incapable of being understood by men since they are a contrary reproductive force. When the increase of the population becomes necessary, one man takes control of many women by raping them; when population growth needs to decrease or hold, society protects woman, you can't rape them, they unilaterally chose their partners, and you have to endure seeing a lot of rich and weak and philistine assholes taking control of them, instead of the illustrious military warlords that used too. Man and woman are always in war.

>> No.16088738

Trannies can do both better

>> No.16088753

literally yes. the burglar, in one way or another, is actively shaping the trajectory of society as a whole. meanwhile the mediocre, the utterly average, utterly droll, the mundane, the banal, the entirely forgettable female will never leave her mark on history, aside from potentially spawning a son who *will* have an impact (something that, for the majority of history, was less her choice than it was her husband's - and rightfully so)

this is why centrists should be destroyed. they are the females of politics. completely useless people destined for oblivion; do your part to expedite their journey.

>> No.16088759

sure but saying that misogyny is caused by repressed homosexuality is retarded considering gays are generally really fucking misogynistic. The least misogynistic guys out there are coomer simps, not fudgepacking faggots.

sure they share a lot of the same interests but gays are basically women personality-wise anyway. They're not going to outright bash women to their faces the same way women usually won't be outright racist even if they're terrified of niggers. They'll hang out with women and then bash them behind their backs with all of their other gay friends. Like what do you think, everyone is some kind of cartoon bigot lmao? You sound sheltered as fuck, most people who hate niggers aren't walking around in white hoods beating up black people.

>> No.16088764

Rape has been illegal since the dawn of civilisation, try again Jew. This is why the ENEMY always rapes women, because its something only the enemy does and society is there to prevent this. This is why men always told them to commit suicide if they face certain defeat because its better than letting oneself be raped. The greatest empire in the world existed, because they were so pissed at the injustice and immorality of rape they overthrew the kingdom and established the Roman republic

>> No.16088782

And how, pray tell, did this "historical patriarchy" get implimented, if men and women are really equal?

>> No.16088790

Innate forces of nature are not equal, but none are superior nor inferior

>> No.16088800

Then what are they? How can two things be unequal but also neither be better than the other? What is the third option?

>> No.16088802

Tell me why do you knowingly use nigger vocabulary?

>> No.16088810

simp is just a short term for simpleton anon

>> No.16088820

Take the Greek classical natural elements for example

None are equal with one another, yet none are inferior or superior. All are needed and their synchronicity creates complexity which is needed for existence

>> No.16088845

Outrageously based sourcebro BTFOing faggots rewriting history.

>> No.16089024

>I've never seen a man look better in a dress than a woman.
Return after you've been enlightened.

>> No.16089027

it's just pederasts making excuses

>> No.16089089

No one says men and women are equal in physical strength.

>> No.16089123


>> No.16089150

because he was smart and based

>> No.16089166

He was gay or bisexual, and seemed to have been in love with a man

>> No.16089173

Agriculture favored male faculties, and the systems of civilization were largely in response to resource output. Women's role became limited and civilization became increasingly elaborate in reinforcing that

>> No.16089217

Faggots are not smart ,they just pretend to be and use gibberish complexity to seem smart when they aren't. He litetally refuted himself multiple times, he was a brainlet

>> No.16089296

Civilization is feminine. A war against the natural impulses of man. The fact that you think that is rebuke of my argument makes my suspect that I'm discussing with a woman or a very feminine man, and I don't discuss subject with neither of them.

>> No.16089314

Are you seriously saying that nowadays are man who decide to have a baby, to have sex with a woman? You need to open your eyes. Masculinity is almost extinct.

>> No.16089333

>There was no rape on the Roman Empire
Oh my god the ignorance! They had orgies with little boys.

>> No.16089351
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Ahahahahahah, no. Feminine and masculine are not two opposing forces, they are not equal but neither are they inferior or superior like the classic Greek elements of reality. Now go masturbate to your spooks which you don't even know what means

>> No.16089390

>poltards will derail a woman hate thread into a Jew hate thread
Lmao poltards are the ultimate ducks

>> No.16089392

In almost all mythologies, women are seen as synonymous with nature due to their reproductive capabilities. The patriarchy essentially consists of domesticating women and nature, thereby creating civilisation.

tl;dr: you've got it up-side down

>> No.16089403

>women hate thread

Back to r*ddit you go incel, you are doing your enemy's job for them if you hate woman so you are the ultimate cuck

>> No.16089416

how do I become as badass as you anon

>> No.16089428

there's nothing more /lit/ than hating women

>> No.16089451

Get plastic out of your life so you increase your natural testosterone anon, I'm not kidding.

>Phthalates found in plastics could block hormone involved in sexual, cognitive function

Hormonal imbalances are also what's driving this behaviour towards women, which did not exist in the past, misogyny was always viewed as an illness of the mind along with misanthropy, and misoinia (hatred of wine, and thus hatred of health and the soul). Testosterone is plummenting like crazy in men in the last 30 years

>These results indicate that recent years have seen a substantial, and as yet unrecognized, age-independent population-level decrease in T in American men, potentially attributable to birth cohort differences or to health or environmental effects not captured in observed data.

>> No.16089452

Sure. Harems and rapes are not masculine at all. Spending month humiliating yourself courting a single female who can deny you if she wants to is what you want to do. Unless you are wealthy, because, you know, is man who rule the earth today, not an economical institution. By the way, are you a woman?

>> No.16089475

The first laws ever written make clear that courting is absolutely critical for marrige, and thus critical for the family. There's a reason marriage was the first social institution to ever exist. You should read the Code of Hammurabi sometime. Actually here you go

I'll trust my ancestors who have been through things unimaginable to me more than you

>> No.16089519

Dangerously redpilled.

>> No.16089529

Please just go back to the ecosystem that spawned you

>> No.16089706

We live in a society where traditional courtship has entirely collapsed and women have more power than they ever had in all of history. Courtship constrains sexuality because unconstrained sexuality is woman's domain.

>> No.16089726

Matrimony used to be entirely a private property thing. It had nothing to do with love, it was use to reunify fortunes. Only Roman aristocrats got married while fucking and raping rampage, the plebeians had wild orgy between everyone and this cause them to impoverish themselves, and the republic fell. What you call "your ancestors" are nothing more but figments of your imagination.

>> No.16089730

Read philosophy and about philosophers.
Most of them, hated, dismissed or outright pretended woman were an entire different subspecies than men.

Integrating women into philo it's a very recent thing.

>> No.16089731

seethe tranny/faggot, you are abominations and male female relationships are NATURAL and BLESSED

>> No.16089757

So barbaric societies are feminine? Back when physical force dominated all? Have you ever talked to a woman? Their are pretty prudish and hard to let themselves be fucked. You know, sex is humiliating to a woman, It's when they turn to a piece of matter dominated by a strong animal. Roman and Greeks were the most horny societies of all times. And you can't get more masculine than them.

>> No.16089770

holy based
nu-/pol/ cringe """""redpilled""""""""

>> No.16089772

It had to do with privaty property, but that's something called dowry, not courtship. Courting had very specifically to do with law, since the conception of the Roman Kingdom, both pater familias had to approve of a marriage so that it was out of love and legitimate
>Then she may marry the man of her heart.

>the plebeians had wild orgy between everyone and this cause them to impoverish themselves
No they did not. Adultery was punished when a female or male commited it, and celibates were criminally punished and ostracized since the conception of the republic, therefore people had to marry. There were no wild orgies, that is a figment of hollywood's imagination
>It was first imposed by the censors in 403 BC under the Lex Papia Poppaea.[1] It was one of the many measures against caelibes (celibates), unless they married within 100 days.
And marriage was very important to mos maiorum, the ancestral customs. The blood flowing through my veins however is not a figment of imagination, for if I cut myself right now I will bleed, that is proof I can trust my ancestors far more than you.

>> No.16089773

>Get plastic out of your life
How? Even water has that shit now.

>> No.16089788

hunter-gatherers were supposesdly matriarchal.
patriarchy conly came with agriculture, i.e., with civilization

>> No.16089791

Get it out of your life as much as is in your control to do
Physical forms never dominated all, please stop watching TV. Marriage was the first social institution, which ranges back tens and tens of thousands of years

>> No.16089803

>Courting had very specifically to do with law
Courting had very specifically to do with love*

whoops typo

>> No.16089875

The Roman empire wanted to avoid the procreation of illegitimate children to avoid the over population of non citizens and dilapidation of fortunes. Concubinage was a de facto custom in the Roman Empire: "Concubinage(Latin:contubernium; concubine=concubina, considered milder thanpaelex) was the institution practiced in ancient Rome that allowed men to enter into certain illegal relationships without repercussions, with the exception of involvement with prostitutes. Thisde facto polygamy– for Roman citizens could not legally marry or cohabit with a concubine while also having a legal wife – was “tolerated to the degree that it did not threaten the religious and legal integrity of the family”.The title of concubine was not considered derogatory (as it may be considered today) in ancient Rome, and was often inscribed on tombstones."
Don't bring out the fallacy of law. What the fuck has you cutting your arm do with your fucking ancestors? That was weird and stupid as fuck.

>> No.16089883

>>It was first imposed by the censors in 403 BC under the Lex Papia Poppaea.[1] It was one of the many measures against caelibes (celibates), unless they married within 100 days.
holy shit the romans were based

>> No.16089890

>was “tolerated to the degree that it did not threaten the religious and legal integrity of the family”

Now stop copy pasting, and learn history yourself. You are on a literature board after all, if you want to argue, learn.
The point is, the fact that I can cut my finger and bleed means I can trust my ancestors and those who came before far more than someone like you who I don't even know, because they're why I am alive and they kept me alive.

>> No.16089906

Ancient Greece and Sparta also punished and ostracized celibates, in Sparta they were ritually humiliated to let them know they were not men

>> No.16089909

Marriage was property thing you retard, they had sex with other women too. Confront Homer

>> No.16089932

Marriage existed before the concept of property was an existing thing. And while the Trojan war is definitely a historical event, Odysseus journey was very obviously fictious. Marriage was so important and clearly more than just a property thing, so much so that it spawned far more than just one war

>> No.16089939

What you say has no meaning at all. The only thing you learn from is your own experience. Your ancestor just followed customs they didn't understand at all, that doesn't mean that other things may work better. That's just cowardice not your ancestors wisdom.

>> No.16089945

I will trust their actions far more than I will ever trust your words

>> No.16089956

They fucked a lot of bitches and married one is what I'm trying to say. Marriage doesn't mean monogamy. What would you rather like, to have a harem or just one wife? Man are more inclined to adultery than females.

>> No.16089972

Marriage very much meant monogamy after marriage, that's the whole point of marriage

>> No.16089979

Based homos

>> No.16089984

>Get it out of your life as much as is in your control to do

I already did, how do I get my healthy levels of testosterone back?

>> No.16089992

Now keep it like that for several years so your body naturally heals itself, because you were exposed to tons of plastic since birth and your body needs time to regenerate

>> No.16089993

Who's that semen demon?

>> No.16090004

Read Homer, it isn't. Is just about uniting fortunes becuase they were divided after the father's death. Jesus you people can't read? IT WAS ABOUT PROPERTY NOT MONOGAMY. Agamemnon was married and that wasn't and impediment to fuck Briseis

>> No.16090013

Stop using the examples of Kings which represent 0.00001% of the population, they are an extremely special class. They obviously also had different motivations to look at regarding marriage because they ruled over thousands, something nobody else did

>> No.16090016

that was only true of hyper successful aristocrats or warlords. most people married and stayed married. otherwise there wouldn't be enough women to go around

>> No.16090032

You have no idea what happened with plebs around that time becuase there is no historical record of it you liar

>> No.16090039

During barbaric ages man die rapidly, yes there were enough woman. Concubinage was infact endorse becuase of it

>> No.16090045

>During barbaric ages man die rapidly
That is not true at all, people lived into the 100s in ancient times. Where does this myth men died in their 30s even come from

>> No.16090055

you know what happened. augustus implemented those sexual morality laws to appease to the plebs who believed in those values.
only aristocrats would regularly engage in affairs and stay single

>> No.16090065

> People lived to a 100s in ancient times
With no medical knowledge and constant war
I give up

>> No.16090066

a lot of children died young so that skews the statistics. yes, if you survived childhood, you could live to be 70 or 80

>> No.16090077

>no medical knowledge

You have to be kidding me, the medical tradition extends into ancient egypt, they knew hygiene and practiced it just as much as we do. They suffered far less from things like cardiovascular diseases, auto-immune diseases, cancer and dementia, the main killers of today

>> No.16090078

Another lier, according to Marx it was the other way around. Aristocrats always married, they were smarter. They wanted to protect their economical heritage. Plebs give away to their impulses and lost their fortunes

>> No.16090094
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>according to Marx
You should tell Marx to actually study ancient laws, those who did not marry were punished, those who were not monogamus in those marriages were punished

>> No.16090104
File: 30 KB, 750x750, venus-of-willendorf-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

matriarchy is the rule, not the exception. fat big tiddy wine aunt hags lorded over the tribal longhouses of primitive man watching your every move and deciding who gets allocated what resources much like the corporate HR department AWFL keeps you in line with the neoliberal orthodoxy and deprives you of a living if you step out of that line.
>b-b-b-but muh force dominated!
NO! ideas dominated just as they always have and always will. why can you not march into HR department today and bash karens head in with her phone demanding a raise? simps! big tiddy longhouse mommy sees you trying to steal extra bread so she sends goodboi coomsoomers to drown you in a bog because you've offended the gods. matriarchy is flat, primitive, and stagnant, the natural existence of man. in papua new guinea girls send out men to headhunt and any man who does not come back with kill is emasculated by girls and denied sex as he is not a man! there is your noble savage, the bonobo.

patriarchy is innovation, new forms of social organization and new forms of technology. big mommy longhouse primitives sat in awe of the chad indo-european chariot, of the chad indo-european stirrups. never before had stupid simp society thought that man could create such groundbreaking gadgets. the romans and the greeks were the most horny societies of all times? perhaps long nose man behind movie screen would have you think that, but both of those societies believed very strongly in the concept of virtue as an organizing principle in society much like the protestant conquerors 2000 years later. stiff upper lipped men with balls full of cum spilled only in his wifes receptacle from missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation. that is the cornerstone of your democracy and look where it's gone! bonobo matriarchy vs chimp patriarchy.

>> No.16090123

No, it you should study de facto custom of a people you mongoloid

>> No.16090132
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>> No.16090173

people who use terms such as simp should be beheaded

>> No.16090222

People unironically need to just stop being misogynists. Embrace Marx's idea of class struggle.
You need to realize you don't hate women, or blacks or whatever, you hate people who's souls are peasants in nature. Now maybe you can argue certain demographics have a higher likely-hood of being peasants but so what? The goal should still remain the oppression of the peasants no matter what for they take.

>> No.16090233

Or maybe people just hate women.

>> No.16090238
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>n-n-n-no you can't just heckin make fun of me for bending over backwards for women I'm protecting them they're delicate little flowers and if I whiteknight hard enough I may get just a tiny little crumb of pussy!

>> No.16090250
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Why not just oppress the peasants AND the niggers and women and gays? Why choose? Fuck niggers and fuck peasants.

>> No.16090269

False flag

>> No.16090285

Well, he was gay.

>> No.16090331

This but don't listen to Marx. Listen to Cicero who said misogony was a disease of the mind

>> No.16090344

Simp is literally american nigger vocabulary

>> No.16090355

Laws are the customs of a people

>> No.16090368

>simpleton is nigger voacublary
okay simp

>> No.16090380

No, simp is, niggers made it up

>> No.16090398

this thread embodies the high quality of intellectual discourse I have come to expect of /lit/

>> No.16090399
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Another fun day at /lit/ of no one being able to refute any of my arguments, have a good one. Its funny really, people who go against nature can't come up with arguments and just post a few words

>> No.16090418

you truly have blown us all the fuck out with facts and logic anon

>> No.16090419

I tried my best to keep it high quality discourse

>> No.16090423

joggers are unironically more roman in their attitude to women than most white people

they lack strong patriarchy because fatherhood requires the ability to take BOTH responsibility and control, and for an entire community supported by welfare, personal responsibility does not come into the picture, and control is always temporary as long as women can rely on the state

something similar applies to white men when their women don't see them, but rather the divorce court, as being the ultimate authority

>> No.16090441

Divorces, abortions are far more common among blacks, as are STDs and single motherhood and fatherhood. All they are is more animal, they lack a soul that indo-europeans have, this is why they have never had a civilisation despite having far enough ample time to do so if they could. All ancient civilisations had wild beasts like tigers, lions, wolves and elephants roaming their lands so that's no excuse

>> No.16090454

simp is literally just a shortening of simpleton you retard, it's existed for decades. just because zoomers suddenly rediscovered it doesn't make niggery.

>> No.16090462

>This term got its start in the Black community in the late ’90s, most notably when hip-hop group Three 6 Mafia used it as an antonym to “pimp” in their song “Sippin’ on Some Syrup”. As such, “simp” has been a vocabulary word in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) for a while.

>> No.16090470

I mean they kind of had a civilization but it entirely revolved around selling each other to each other and mining gold for the kang nigger to trade to Arabs for trinkets and doodads.

>> No.16090502
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Based empricist

>> No.16090507
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>> No.16090513

>a silly or foolish person

Lets not kid ourselves, that's obviously not what you had in mind when you said that word

>> No.16090528

Yes, but unironically. I don't see why you're being sarcastic

>> No.16090532


>> No.16090552

They only had tribes, not a civilisation.

>> No.16090568

what do you mean that's literally what a simp is. if you're a simp you're a fucking fool who thinks arguing for a girl online or buying her shit or whatever is going to get you closer to fucking her. how is that person not a fool?

>> No.16090586

So why do people use it EXCUSIVELY in the context of
>if you're a simp you're a fucking fool who thinks arguing for a girl online or buying her shit or whatever is going to get you closer to fucking her.

>> No.16090617

Because doing that is foolish, it is what a simpleton would do? Do you disagree?

>> No.16090625

So if someone crashes their car, why does no one call them a simp?

>> No.16090667

Crashing your car isn't always foolish. You could probably start using simp to describe similar situations in different contexts and people would understand what you're saying though similar to how the use of "cuck" has extrapolated out beyond simply referring to literal cuckolds.

>> No.16090688

As it stands, it is not used merely to describe a foolish person or a foolish action, for if someone is being a fool they'll call him a fool or foolish and not a simp

>> No.16090722

If I call Dan Crenshaw a cuck do you understand what I mean?

>> No.16090740

I don't know who that is. But you would not understand if a called someone who did anything foolish a simp

>> No.16090826

I know what the word simp means so if it made sense it could 100% be extrapolated out to contexts other than the context it's popularly used in nowadays. Like you just sound like an angry retard. The word is just a shortening of an English word that was used mostly in the early 20th century. A few niggers used it in songs in the 80s and now white Zoomers mostly used it on shit like Twitter and Tiktok to shame whiteknights. It's not like some made up nigger oogabooga nonsense, quit being an autist.

>> No.16091113

>Embrace Marx's idea of class struggle.
>embrace my religion

no thanks

>> No.16091172

yes, I addressed that

i'm not saying they aren't animals, just that an african patriarch (e.g. a tribal chief) would have a similar dominant relationship with his family that a roman would have, and american joggers have this but without the economic basis that makes it anything other than a pump and dump

hate to break it to you, anon, but siring children and telling women what to do does not require civilisation or culture. it's precisely the animal element that western men now lack; all our relationships are mediated through pop-philosophy these days. there are white men out there right now who think they have to share things called "hobbies" with a potential mate, and who are no longer able to take a possessive attitude towards her, seeing her working as another man's secretary as being her personal right. cuckdom began with women entering the workforce, another failure of animal dominance on our part

please don't be an american and start talking about penises. children obey you, you should inspire exactly the same awe and submission in women. poor people would also obey you if you wore a suit, didn't smile, and asked them to do something. i wonder if the experience of slavery has made black men hypersensitive to issues of social dominance; it would explain pretty much all of hiphop and its posturing

>> No.16091189

try reading tariq nasheed or mickey royal

>> No.16091282

Why would I read an irrelevant Twitter personality who doesn't even cater to my views?

>> No.16091287


>> No.16091356

Blacks don't have that because none of them have families to begin with, and if they do its single motherhood or fatherhood. A pater familias was someone with honor who was just, rational and virtuous

>> No.16091383

a pater familias also originally had the legal right to execute his children or wife, and arranged the marriages of his daughters. i'm sure modern men think they are being extremely just and rational by allowing their women to do whatever they want

>> No.16091393

mickey royal is the reddest of red pills, nasheed is just some guy who represents the kind of modern black guy that says simp in a serious way

>> No.16091409

Why is asking loaded questions the best way to low-effort troll on 4chan?

>> No.16091425

No he did not at all, not in the kingdom or the republic. And for marriage the bride's pater familias had to approve of it so it was genuine. And the rape of the Sabine women included zero rape or non-consensual sex. Where are you getting any of this from? I'd post my sources but its late, I'll post them tomorrow and trust me I will, I'm the only person in this thread so far who did, so I know what I'm talking about
Only the murder of a pater familiar was punished harshly, perhaps you're confusing it with that

>> No.16091434

so we can beg for sauce of >>16090502

>> No.16091457

>And for marriage the bride's pater familias had to approve of it so it was genuine. And the rape of the Sabine women included zero rape or non-consensual sex.
this is a blatant cope. the marriages were arranged. the fact that you see telling your daughter who she can and cannot marry as violent rape reveals how utterly conventional your thinking is; all you want is to wear a toga and carry on exactly as you are

>> No.16091477

I'll post my sources don't worry, I know something when I say it or I don't say it I guarantee you that. Arranged marriages did not occur, this is why they had so many festivities to socialize at, far far more than today, so young men could find a suitable partner at them. Sure at the festivities they worshipped gods and dieties, but their chief purpose was socializing

>> No.16091576

Most people who say the word simp are white Zoomers.

>> No.16091626

see >>16088647
for tldr verison

>> No.16091657

Most of the time our reprehensibility has good enough logic behind it minus savage behavior

>> No.16091675

>tldr verison
that would be THUNDER, PERFECT MIND though
disclaimer: don't look it up

>> No.16091692

that's great. it's also great that you are unable and unwilling to exercise any veto on your daughter's choice of partner. very rational and just of you; i'm sure it has nothing to do with your lack of personal power or lack of support from the legal system.

>> No.16091702

i'm sure it comes from their rich culture of bitch slaps and pimp sticks. totally not an exotic import.

>> No.16091715

What are complex numbers, quaternions, etc. ?

>> No.16091740

>Their are pretty prudish and hard to let themselves be fucked

What year are you in?

>> No.16091760

>403 BC represents the Roman Empire until its collapse

Really trying hard to ignore history.

>> No.16091891

but the faggot who posted it without source should be put to /x/ i guarantee thatl fuckin motherless faggot

>> No.16092199

>You know, sex is humiliating to a woman
>Their are pretty prudish and hard to let themselves be fucked.
This is completely wrong, what planet do you live on? Women day are the most self-loathing and solipsistic, they want to be humiliated more than ever, that's why they dominate the sexual market and are more promiscuous than they've ever been

>> No.16092525
File: 5 KB, 258x195, 1596634061423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Odysseus journey was very obviously fictitious

>> No.16093425
File: 62 KB, 720x919, FB_IMG_1593139732891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah faggot atleast the thief is interesting and does shit the other is in a state similar to non existence

>> No.16093492
File: 44 KB, 377x814, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never seen a man look better in a dress than a woman

>> No.16093501

holy shit based

>> No.16093618
File: 588 KB, 719x719, 1596398276366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based factbro.

>> No.16093958

atleast post a better trap
theyve come a long way and there a plenty beetter looking ones you fagget

>> No.16094109

hm who doesn't?

>> No.16094195

Women are inferior and awful.
t. gay male that is misogynistic because society and personal problems with female family members

>> No.16095288

based and cabbagepilled