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16088105 No.16088105 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop coomlecting books? I already have over 200 that I haven't read yet and I just bought 13 more today from a thrift store.

>> No.16088114

by not doing it again.

>> No.16088117

Just start giving me your money so that I can get my uppers

>> No.16088124

But browsing the book section at the thrift store makes me happy, and they're only one dollar. How can I pass up a book that I'll want to eventually read some day when it's only a dollar? If I don't buy it right then, then I'll have to pay full price down the road when I decide it's time to read it.

>> No.16088153

Is this still enjoyable when you have to wear a mask the whole time? Going to book stores is not the same any more

>> No.16088170

Yes, it's basically no different. How does wearing a mask stop you from looking at books on a shelf?

>> No.16088196

Not that guy, but I'm too chicken to go into stores. I order books online and get them delivered, and then I leave the package outside my house for a month. After that, I open the package, but then I still keep the book in a corner and don't touch it for a week. It all makes me nervous

>> No.16088209

It's everywhere in the air. The virus can get into your eyes, it can get on your skin, on your clothes, in your hair. It's on the books, inside the books, on the credit card machine.

>> No.16088217

I remember I once spent a long time looking for a particular book(Charles Rosen, The Classical Style) I wanted in thrift stores, after a week of looking I caved in and ordered it online, the next week I actually found it.

>> No.16088254

I'm as careful as possible. If you keep your distance from people, avoid touching everything, frequently use hand sanitizer, and thoroughly wash your hands when you get home, your chances of getting it are much lower.

For me, new books I buy tend to go straight into a box and sit there for months before I touch them again anyway. It's been like this since before corona. I don't get packages very often so I haven't encountered that yet.

>> No.16088259

That's fine, especially if you're buying them used, as long as you plan to read them. When the power goes out, your books won't, you'll be prepared. Fine.

>> No.16088338

That's how I've generally felt, but 200+ unread books is starting to feel excessive.

>> No.16088346
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It's hard to stop thrifting books when you find stuff like fine/new copies of Unintended Consequences. Can't beat $1.00 or less when books like this can only be had for $150 on Abebooks.

>> No.16088384

Eventually, you won't have any space in your shelf. It happened with me.

>> No.16088392

Don't buy any more until you've read 80% of your collection. Giving them away to reduce it is acceptable.

>> No.16089276


I'm afraid what will happen when I get there.

>> No.16089845

Lucky, I've never found anything terribly expensive. Occasionally I'll find some cool old books nearing/just over a hundred years old, but they're always super common and never worth anything.

I'm already there, when I buy books now they go into a box in my closet. My shelf has been full for a while now. Granted, it's a very small shelf.

>> No.16089914
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>Lucky, I've never found anything terribly expensive.

That was just one of my finds -- I found one of these, worth about $50, and a book on the Eichmann capture worth $35. The truth is that most are absolutely worthless. I grabbed a Civil War tome the other day thinking it might be worth a few pennies, and it's about $2-3.

I do it, though, because I enjoy the hunt & enjoy reading about history. The value of the books themselves is just secondary.

>> No.16089926

That's when you start stacking them on the floor.

>> No.16089963
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I already have floor stacks. Help. I'll send you a book on the Pilgrims or something.

>> No.16089985

Convince yourself to read a certain number of books for every one you buy. Instead of constantly looking for something new, make a point to start reading the ones that are already lying around. Lately, I've started reading some books I've been waiting to get around to for years, and it feels great to finally do it.

>> No.16090169

I recieved the marx engels reader from amazon a couple weeks ago and found it for one dollar in a thrift store the next day. i sent it back lol

>> No.16090227

What a fucking loser my god kys

>> No.16090570

I’m basically there right now after filling 3 bookshelves, with about 1/2 of one shelf left on one. That’s 11 shelves in all. And I still have 3 more books coming in the mail.

>> No.16091571

what thrift stores do you go to, chains like Goodwill? I mostly go to used bookstores but I figure their deals won't be as good since books are their specialty.

>> No.16091612


Yes, I shop at Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc. I also drop in on some antique stores but their prices are higher. During the summer, yard sales and garage sales are good.

>> No.16091642
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not stacking floor to ceiling pleb

>> No.16091652


The amount of pleasure I would get scouring that store would be.. indescribable.

>> No.16091669

I mostly just read ebooks now but still like going to book stores. I especially like Salvation Army since everything is so cheap. With ebooks I feel much less likely to stumble upon something random as I do in a store. But the space issue is a concern.

>> No.16091828

>coomlecting books
Great word, I'll write it down.
Anyway, I keep a list of unread books and only buy new stuff if I've read two old books for every new one that I'll buy.
I disregard that when there's a really good offer, really cheap or free shit. At worst I'll just sell it later if I never get around to reading it.