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16087794 No.16087794 [Reply] [Original]

China’s gonna rule the world and we’re fucked. Say hello to government censorship and tyranny

>> No.16087796


>> No.16087800
File: 43 KB, 330x440, mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro like Western values are dying bro. The future is terrible bro

>> No.16087805


>> No.16087808

one question: will China ban anime? if not, then it ain't so bad

>> No.16087815

I will rape the Chinese government if they fuck with my hentai

>> No.16087838
File: 63 KB, 242x400, 983F14FC-B364-4AA2-BBE5-4D18E88C65A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro America is da best, fuck the debt and inequality xD

>> No.16087853

If it decreases the shipping costs of fake Yohji clothes and seagull shitter watches that's a good thing.

>> No.16087856
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>Why yes I can't see beyond the dichotomy of extreme America worship vs Pure hate for America. How could you tell?

>> No.16087889

>government censorship and tyranny
I live in Poland, that's all know.
I can't wait for Chinese takeover, I just hope they bring some chinese to live here, I think their men are cute as fuck

>> No.16087908

Just embargo their yellow asses

>> No.16087919

Yes, stop trading with 1.4 billion people who make literally everything

>> No.16087931

don't underestimate the power of religious martyrdom. If the Chinese come and try to suppress Catholicism in Poland a second time, you'll have the polaks driving their Fiats into Huawei centres in the name of christ.

>> No.16087935

They only make consoomer crap. And it's only supposed to last until they cave in and begin negotiations, where western countries put sanctions on them preventing them from ruling the world or we keep raping their economy.

>> No.16087938
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i want to have read it, but i don't want to read it

>> No.16087953

the based jews wont let that happen

>> No.16087959

China lives of plagiarism. They will always need a western society to feed them ideas. That makes up for interesting political constructs in the future. Does the author realize this or is he one of the demographics clowns?

>> No.16087966

India rise up

But seriously America still has the hugest military

>> No.16087981

America has an omnishambles of a military that’s ran like a HR diversity initiative and staffed with self-serving underachievers only enlisted for the benefits. We have the firepower but the artillery is crewed by borderline retards who would desert if their bennies were taken away.

>> No.16088078
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Do a get my own CCP global governement madated wife?
If yes, I'm all for it.

>> No.16088095
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>> No.16088096

The west is run by incompetent last men who would destroy anything in order to feel more comfortable. The rise of China is ultimately a good thing because it will force them out of power eventually.

>> No.16088108

Dude just shut the fuck up

>> No.16088109

Imagine being ruled by a "people" that build towers out of sand and cardboard.

>> No.16088112

They better not but let's be real. They'll create the 1984 constant superpower war for their mutual benefit.

>> No.16088115

I think it really depends if the Jews side with China.

>> No.16088119

Implying the chinese bureaucrats aren't even worse last men

>> No.16088125

Western leaders have been abusing copyright, nepotism, and austerity to boost themselves at the cost of everyone under them. Why exactly should the average westerner care if this arrangement survives? Force them to change or let something competent replace them.

>> No.16088129
File: 9 KB, 233x217, 1569302027278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Say hello to government censorship and tyranny
Good. They'll put an end to the sois, the homosexuals, the trannies and the muslims. Based Chairman Xi and the 25 Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. The global triumph of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong thought will triumph.

>> No.16088134


>> No.16088138

>posts soi
>wants end to soi
Based anti-natalist retard

>> No.16088142

Chinese bureaucrats have actual ambition, whether you like it or not.
Western bureaucrats just want to watch funny lines go up while paying indulgences to useless progressive NGOs. They want Fukuyama to be right.

>> No.16088143

I have a problem with sois. Not soi posting.

>> No.16088147

I don't know why Americans think this is a good thing. 300 nukes or 3000 nukes, 10 aircraft carriers or 5 aircraft carriers etc. makes literally no difference apart from shoving money into military contractors and making them rich. The bloated American military is actually a source of great problems for America. America can keep on wasting away its money on stuff it doesn't need or it can invest 100x more in technology development and healthcare.

>> No.16088149

>implying there's a difference
Lmaoing at you rn

>> No.16088159

Hentai users should be executed.

>> No.16088160
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Any of you read it from cover to cover? Is it worth my time and what exactly is the author trying to convey? Thanks for any replies in advance.

>> No.16088169

China and the USA are nuclear powers, they can't go into a hot conflict with each other so all these debates over military might are worthless.

>> No.16088181

based deng

>> No.16088184

What are they even going to be destroying, the west has already shat on every "western" value themselves, is there even going to be anything left by the time the chinese come over?

>> No.16088250

It's a good read for a non-Sino since it explains China deeper beyond casual anti-Sino content from the NYT/WSJ etc. However, Martin Jacques is hard left (an actual commie) so bear that in mind. A better balanced book is the one posted here before, "Has China won" by Kishore Mahbubani (a Singaporean diplomat)

>> No.16088463

Who cares? Better than America, and plus China obviously isn't intent on actually militarily taking over shit, just look at their foreign policy vs the USA.

>> No.16088550

Yes, it's unavoidable. And Trump's accelerating it.
Sure, some moves like getting aggressive towards TikTok are per se cool, but even that is done so amateurishly and dumb that I wonder if he's not only a Russian but also Chinese traitor.

>> No.16088592

soulful setup

>> No.16088705

Not even a week goes by and another doomer china thread.

>> No.16088853
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It's this thread again! No one is afraid of china. Even their attempt to undermine US is bootleg opium war (fentanyl), because they lack any originality. They are a pain in the ass and should never have been propped up by western money, but they will never be a super power.

>> No.16088878


We'll at least have our rights to own firearms if Communist China decides to send a person to the gulag/laogai.

>> No.16089212

>China’s gonna rule the world and we’re fucked. Say hello to government censorship and tyranny

how is that even going to happen? please explain

>> No.16089255

If we’re going to have a global hegemon I would prefer one that doesn’t simp for niggers and trannies

>> No.16089366

How is that the case when the world (including Hong Kong) is against China?

>> No.16089641

i want one that simps for all people gays and lesbians included but not trannies fuck them

>> No.16089981

Would be an improvement for Burgers either way, at least they'd get some worker rights and health care.

>> No.16090182

Getting taken over by china is the closes my country will get to becoming natsoc so i fully support it. 100x times than being burger puppet

>> No.16090234

yes. stop buying cheap chinese made plastic and give your kids wooden toys instead.

>> No.16090279

Lol China does not have a functional healthcare system.

>> No.16090282

I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords.
I will take anything over that rotting corpse of neoliberalism.

>> No.16090286

We already live under the tyranny of big corporations to the point that they can censor what the president of the most powerful country on earth say on internet

>> No.16090307
File: 65 KB, 540x720, 25C3D53B-1F87-4B8E-9AB0-26EED1C4321B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. American consoomerism is disgusting

>> No.16090309

Almost like the president isn't supposed to have powers of a dictator.

>> No.16090322

It has disgusting parts, but overall it isn't.

>> No.16090349

Oh my god you fucking retards. What the fuck difference does it make whether one empire has undue influence over the entire globe or another? If you think China does ANYTHING draconian or evil that the us doesn't do, you're fucking retarded. We have a social credit system, we have censorship, tyranny, authoritarianism, surveillance, all of it. The only difference is that the US is so good ad its administration of it that people like you don't even recognize we have it - or worse, think it's a good thing.

>> No.16090386
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>> No.16090395

>women like having lots of different shoes to wear
>shoe stores know this
>this is somehow disgusting
What are you, a Muslim?

>> No.16090408
File: 77 KB, 660x680, 12338063-F205-4B82-8BA5-1681895FFE3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes keep buying shooooooos I need to consooooooom

>> No.16090411

If I have money I'm gonna spend it how I want to because that's the fucking point, genius.

>> No.16090452
File: 233 KB, 1500x1124, CDDE628D-60E1-48D4-980C-5BEA41B9AA6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh I need to consooooooom on MORE products. Consoooooooom

>> No.16090463
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>> No.16090467

English professor in China reporting in. Got into powerlifting and kegels here. Life is good. The women are good. The money is good.

If faggots at home are getting colonized that's fine w/ me. I'm colonizing their women here.

Learn to live in Mediterranean Rhythms.

>> No.16090469

>Ahh I need to shitpoooooooooost in MORE threads. Shitpoooooooooost
What's the difference, faggot?

>> No.16090473

>government censorship and tyranny
uh oh anon i've got something to tell you

>> No.16090490

by this definition, there would be no market for literature. That would be unfortunate.

>> No.16090518

I'm the owner-operator of a cafe and consider myself an artisan. I create products for consumption, but also buy jazz records to play at my cafe because I think they promote critical thinking about musical form. So, two questions here:

Is the consumption of a caffeinated beverage consooming?

Is the purchase of a product for edification of your patrons consooming?

Definitionally it seems like they are, I just want to confirm this from you if so.

>> No.16090547
File: 85 KB, 850x400, 4DE4D785-1EC8-49D7-81F7-D4A942B22D58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking consooooooom more more more. Consoooom until you’re fucking SICK

>> No.16090559

I don't blame the consoomers, I think they are the mules that foment capitalism and technology, but I like to make fun of them

>> No.16090577

Take your meds.

>> No.16090604

ah, so you're just arguing in bad faith. The ideological NEET.

>> No.16090867

are you sure? how is it? tell me more

>> No.16091487

Not after we nuke Beijing.

>> No.16091534
File: 110 KB, 1024x576, 9458F58F-2207-437C-B6ED-2454E3DC5A8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can m what you want about the debt that the us owes and the growing power of the Chinese government and it’s influence but the truth is might makes right. The US can, if things get hectic, just deny the debt and decimate the CCP with it’s military alone. And with the virus that has sullied china’s stance in the world stage the rest of the world might help as well

>> No.16091609

Not him but I know on /gif/ people say that in China if you help someone who is injured ecc... you'll have to pay his medical bills. Don't know if this is 100% true but it would explain why chinks act like robots and just walk away in those webms. Even more fucked up than the American system

>> No.16091620

>crying right now

just wait till you read it bro :O

>> No.16091636

>millions of people die in a war in order to feed the american military industrial complex and its Lord Israel

>> No.16091643

They would have started it so blame China.

>> No.16091667
File: 64 KB, 1019x784, 741C59AF-9479-42EA-B468-564E5D76B013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> nah dude that’s impossible they don’t have the military to even attempt it compared to the US
It’s like you people imagine the words on the screen

>> No.16091680

There's no possible way to predict world events, especially far into the future
To many unknown unknowns and too many variables. What if some assasin or loon kills a world leader for example? Or what if some world leader launches some batshit crazy strategy? Or there is a computer glitch that makes a bad strategy due to misinformation

>> No.16091686

So let me understand this... When capitalism makes you rich and powerful you are right. When capitalism makes someone else rich than they should get nuked?

>> No.16091710

When communists use capitalism to fuck up how capitalism works, you get nuked. Some people becoming rich doesn't fuck up capitalism. China is a nation of criminals.

>> No.16092066

China's economy is going to hit some roadbumps in the future. Look up the Lewis Turning Point. Look up its shadow banking sector. Look up the fact that nearly a third of its population will be over the age of 65 in 2050 and will be demanding more and more services from a smaller workforce. Consider the fact that it still has incredibly stringent capital controls. Consider the fact that it is still hesitant to run up deficits, which is what emerging markets need from its superpowers. Consider all this as Xi gets incredibly desperate as his economy starts to post lower and lower rates of growth.

Everyone is quick to see China as the next king of the world, but they still have a lot of hurdles and not a lot of viable solutions.

>> No.16092082

China and the EU will come to an agreement

>> No.16093598

any evidence we have a social credit system anon?

>> No.16093629

Manufacturing is moving out of China because wages are increasing. China won't be able to invest of massive infrastructures soon and will need to move to more complex methods of economic growth. China's leadership is no longer rejuvenating and the 10 year limit has been repealed and replaced with a charismatic overlord Xi Jinping (AKA Pooh Bear). If growth slows people will no longer support the authoritarian regime.

>> No.16093663

China is also going to get caught in the middle income trap. Sad!

>> No.16093768

Homosexuals are worse than trannies . They aren't castrated meaning they are a greater social harm.

>> No.16093907

>Chinese come and try to suppress Catholicism in Poland a second time
What was the first?

>> No.16093982

Mutually assured destruction.

>> No.16093988

>organ harvesting
>black bagging/disappearing
>can't openly and loudly insult government

America has slipped hard, I'll give you that, but you need to stop drinking /r/latestagecapitalism kool-aid. I have friends who fled china because the government put them through struggle sessions. forcing children to smear shit on their parents' faces to break familial bonds so all they know is the state. We are, in fact, better than them. Your system of beliefs is consistent with 'useful idiot'.

>> No.16095101

>China’s gonna rule the world and we’re blessed

>> No.16095112

I just want a state-assigned cute chinese gf.

>> No.16095496

anyone thinking so is fucking stupid.

>> No.16095505

we all consoom. you do too faggot.

>> No.16095519

Yes because today’s China is the China of the 60s huh

>> No.16095528

And the libtards crying about China would never in a really years reject the postmodern values killing the west