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/lit/ - Literature

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16070196 No.16070196 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16070224 [DELETED] 

grorious nippon

>> No.16070251

I hate women.

>> No.16070255

I enjoy women

>> No.16070272


>> No.16070391

I am very sleep deprived at this point in time and not thinking with much clarity, since I needed to bring the trash down to the curb in the morning and deduced it would be easier to stay awake than it would be to sleep and then wake up on time.
In my current state I am pretty impulsive and emotional, and many thoughts are rushing through my mind. The main ones being my hatred for the English, the Turks, the Jews, and the Chinese, as well as an almost resolute conclusion that a perfect society cannot be achieved with fiat currency, and that a revolutionary nation must abolish it if it wishes to truly rise above the limits of mankind for centuries.
I am feeling isolated and frustrated in coming to a conclusion that seems common sense, but is accepted or pushed by no one. What is common sense to me seems like it should be common sense to others, and the fact that it is not the case leaves me dejected, and wondering why I even bother researching and thinking of government systems, ideologies and ideals in the first place.
A right-wing society libertarian in values but without fiat currency and with a monarch in place to provide consistent and direct order but be overthrown if he falls to corruption is easily the most functional idea for a free country I can think of, yet no one seems to reciprocate these feelings, and given the complexity and lack of proper comparison for my ideas I am frustrated in attempting to convince others what I see and feel.
Back on the subject of the English, I don't think there is another race of people on this planet with eyes so lacking in anything resembling humanity. Their glassy, beady, soulless eyes tell a history you can ready anywhere, and give the proper impression that you should not and cannot trust anything they say, nor permit them near anything or anyone you even remotely care for.
My hatred for the English as a race, culture, nation and people is pure and uncorrupted in nature and transcends motives of national heritage or history, instead focusing on their evident lack of any soul and questionable position among mankind. I sincerely and truly hate them.

>> No.16070393

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jwml0jevv0.. So beautiful.

>> No.16070557

The shards of a yellow glass lantern clinked on the voice of a lady: do you want to see the ghost of your mother? The unstable light dripped onto the delicately marked bald head of a young man who turned away in fear to avoid any thought about the composition of his person. He turned away from the booth of distorting mirrors, which stimulate more contemplation than the words of fifteen professors. He turned away from the circus to suspended gravity, although he smiled and realized that he was missing the solution of his life. He avoided the theatre of silent ecstasy with his head proudly bowed: all ecstasy is indecent, ecstasy disgraces our skills, and went shuddering to the museum of cheap paralysis, at the cash desk of which a wide blurred lady was sitting naked. She was so wide that she was not sitting on a chair, but on her melancholy, wide-open posterior. She wore a sweeping yellow feathered hat, emerald-coloured stockings whose ribbons reached up to her armpits and decorated her body with not too excitingly vibrating arabesques.

>> No.16070566

She's got bigger tits than any child I've seen

>> No.16070606
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I want a steppe gf

>> No.16070613


>> No.16070657

I have seen this thread before

>> No.16070669

>Do you think I’m still a child?
Yes, but I can make you a woman :)

>> No.16070674


>> No.16070680

You must perform bride kidnapping to prove your strength to her

>> No.16070834

Does literature have a future? Is there a single promising writer below the age of 40?

>> No.16070850

Life is pretty underrated.

>> No.16070934

I'd like to stop dissociating and experience life authentically, without projecting imagining that it's happening to someone else or dulling my own senses in an effort to undermine the impact life events have on me. I laugh and cry, but only because of certain physiological reactions; inside I feel coldly detached.

>> No.16071056

I think you are a creature of deceit, yes.

>> No.16071067

why is raising cats such a consumerist affair? try look up information and 20 videos pop up dykes talking about feed and litter brands and how some litter brands have better user experience and whatnot.
how do you keep cats the natural way?

>> No.16071096

Women will always try to manipulate and control men. Take control away from a woman and she's a useless shell of her previous form.

>> No.16071170

>Implying men don't want to control and manipulate women

>> No.16071192

The Mary Lou Lord song I Figured You Out, its great

>> No.16071254
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Got a small sum of money from self-publishing and I immediately spent it on a fake rolex that may or may not fit me, by god I must learn to spend more wisely or else I may not have enough money for cigarettes and drink in the near-future.

>> No.16071278

thinkin about thos beans

>> No.16071335

If I had superpowers, I'd go back in time and talk to my young self about how to not be creepy. And after that talk I destroy his phone, give him a laptop with fl studio and some cool drawing programs on it. And that if he does not hone his skill (my face is obscured by the cloak I am wearing) he could end up like me, but I tell him this in a dramatic fashion, hastily lifting the cloak which obscures my face. My face is rich with acne and also I'm balding. If it scares him, I take my leave. I warn him that he should decline having any phone that isn't a flip-phone. This is so he can be attribu in prevented from looking at Krystal from Star Fox in pornographic situations.

>> No.16071356
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Aww shit! Audible got a sick Great Course 2-for-1 sale rn. Usually the Great Courses that go on sale are "ok" ones that you didn't really want, but this time there are so many good ones, including new releases from as recently as 2019. Hmmm, what to cop? Can't decide.

>> No.16071386

havnt been here in a while, when did all the r9k incels and pol neonazis move in?

>> No.16071425

The presence of /pol/yps has grown steadily over the last 3-4 years, and that would probably account for most of the rise in incels as well since those two things tend to go together.

>> No.16071521

If the TikTok ban actually goes through (there will presumably be a legal challenge, especially since Microsoft want it now) Trump is actually finished for real, perhaps the one thing that is guaranteed to get the zoomers to vote.

>> No.16071534
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Today I'am going to finish the last 200 pages of Jane Eyre. I really like her character and I hope it ends well for her. I haven't talked to anyone except my mom for two weeks and I feel tremendously good! I didn't remember how good it was to talk to no one. Thanks for reading my blog post

>> No.16071555

I like TikTok getting sold to Microsoft, but fucking with WeChat has my Tencent stock off by more than 5%. That shit was on fire lately too, wtf.

>> No.16071575

You - so they say - have chosen, the very humble disadvantaged, with your tiny chance facing the stormy ocean of failure, you have chosen in your dying youth to work hard to get a relationship. You knelt beside the bed and prayed whispering; it was so important to you to succeed, after all this time you have repeated the prayer several times. You shook your head and finally decided to act. And in front of you all the girls who ignored and rejected you. The room seems to have grown larger and is cluttered with female figures that make you fearful; before these you made your choice to act. You set off straight away, towards social situations; you are a strong, tireless man who does not give up; stretch out your arms, as if to push away that multitude in your mind; if you encounter resistance, point to the chest, where your heart burns with passion and enthusiasm. But the multitude of failures that haunt you is huge, and real opportunities never come. How would you like it if you could get to know the perfect girl through one of your friends and immediately hear her sweet and friendly voice. Instead you tire yourself out for no purpose; you struggle in a world of busy girls; you will never know any decent girls without boyfriends and even if it were you would get nothing; you should fight among many suitor, and even if you do it you won't get anything; you should know them well even though they spend almost every day within the walls of the house; you should get their interest; corteggiarle; seeing them hang out with other guys; and so on for months; and if you could finally get into their attentions - you would be faced with what their real personalities are really like, the center of their real behavior, imbued with all their mental illnesses. Nobody would want to have anything to do with them much less if you are not dead inside when it comes to relationships. But you stay at your window and keep dreaming of them when evening falls.

- Rewriting of a work by kafka

>> No.16071613

The longer I observe current affairs and human interactions, the more I wish for a stricter form of society, more authoritarian. but then I'll always remember the possibility of tyrannis, an unjust and selfish ruler rising to power. it's paradoxical. I truly wish for some selfless, promethean figure to guide humanity to a better life. some ancient greek mythos coming to life. but I know it won't happen.

probably the biggest disappointment in my life was recognizing just how flawed, clueless and selfish the persons are I so deliberately wanted to trust - first the parents, then the teachers, the executives, the politicians.

>> No.16071618
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I'm a uni student who's basically stuck at home having to deal with everything more or less myself. House bills and what not, its been like this for the past year or so. I have to take care of the house, and having to take care of my old ass dog who's sick. I'm left with little to no money by the end or even middle of the month because money is short due to covid as I'm mostly reliant on allowance. I feel pretty guilty when my friend asked me to her birthday but I couldn't go because I'm literally broke.
Tldr; i hate being a broke uni student

>> No.16071980
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We failed him.

>> No.16072008


>> No.16072033


>> No.16072046

Rent free

>> No.16072048

am I really more attracted to young teens? It’s hard to tell. I hope I can marry someone and be happy

>> No.16072071

Le Yawn

>> No.16072161

Future looks shit, it's hard to be enthusiastic about life when everything around you is in decay. Won't be long until we're working 100 hour weeks like the wagies in Asia, and when neoliberal soft surveillance puts and end to human intimacy there'll be no point in living. Fuck, why couldn't I have been born in literally any other era of humanity. Make me a fucking peasant or a hunter-gatherer, I'm done with this modernity shit.

>> No.16072168

Go live innawoods. Nothing stopping you.

>> No.16072229
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no thoughts give jav code

>> No.16072241

>when neoliberal soft surveillance puts and end to human intimacy
What do you mean by this?

>> No.16072260

That Thoreau's mother would do his laundry and bring him sandwiches while he was writing Walden is one of the most hilarious facts I know of.

>> No.16072326

It's literally againts the law.

>> No.16072410 [DELETED] 

BBC. 3 letters that strike fear into the hearts of white men, and lustful desire in the hearts of white women. The BBC is not a penis, nor a dick but a sheer force of nature built for penetrating the delicate vagina of the white European flower. The law of BBC states that any given white woman (x) will be drawn towards the BBC (y) within a 5 km radius. That means that the overall selection of BBC for the white women to choose from is a linear correlation as diversity increases. Did you know there is a missing element on the periodic table? White supremacists didn't want it known. The missing element is known as BBC. It is highly nonreactive but has the peculiar property of drawing in white women like a magnet. It is only found in nature between the legs of black African bulls. Thousands of years of evolutionary success. In a single moment this is destroyed as the potent seed of the African bull covers the egg of the European female. Hundreds of thousands of ancestors culminating into a beautiful blue eyed, blonde haired goddess utterly BTFO by a single BBC. This is the power of BBC. The Jews figured out that all it takes for the white race to be destroyed is white goo from BBC. BBC is good. BBC is life. BBC is epic. BBC makes the world go round.

>> No.16072455

I am socially unadaptable motherfucker. One day you will see me on the news.

>> No.16072779

So, I'm getting ready to order some shit off Amazon, and I was looking for a relatively cheap paper back to put the order over the $25 minimum to qualify for free shipping, so I started reading the preview of Infinite Jest. "consciously congruent"? You call that an opening sentence? Some awkward alliteration like that? This is no "pretty ugly feet" or whatever, but I scrolled ahead anyways. "a fifth of a kilogram or 200 grams of unusually good marijuana". Wrong. Marijuana in the United States is weighed using imperial measurements which is to say pounds and ounces. No one in America buys "a 5th of a kilogram of weed", they would buy a quarter pound or "QP". This guy is such a god damned phoney. Can't read it. Guess I'll order Moby Dick instead, at least his 20 page long wale wikipedia entries are generally considered authentic.

>> No.16072838

A flying ant
I killed it
The flying ant is dead

>> No.16072843

Stop fucking talking about Thoreau

>> No.16072851 [DELETED] 

I always feel kind of bad when my white cock is huger than some gay black dude's. Like basically your whole self worth is based around having supposedly gigantic cocks, but then some white kid whips out a giant uncut slavic slapper that's maybe 20% longer and easily twice as thick. Poor guy's whole self-concept just got rocked.

>> No.16072871

barely visit this board anymore but now that you say it I can easily imagine him being talked about a lot

>> No.16072892


I think you're projecting
It's clear that you whole self-worth is based around your dick
Black guys dont give a shit
I'm sorry anon
I guess this is all you have

>> No.16072899

It's just another facet of white guilt we have to live with I guess

>> No.16072921

So, the QTDDTOT is not going so well, is it?

>> No.16072950

Schizo, yet based

>> No.16072986

In elementary school the other boys would make fun of me for having the biggest dick. In the showers after gym class they'd point and go ''haha, anon has the biggest wiener!''. I was a tad ashamed, but felt vindicated when puberty rolled around.

>> No.16073015

Is it elitist and/or ableist for me to write "Someone who reads books would be nice" on my Tinder profile?

>> No.16073025

I think the world seems so fucked because I've been recently addicted to 3dcg dogxwoman porn

>> No.16073038

>Write what's on your mind
Underage Asian prostitutes

>> No.16073068

Every guy is gonna see that and be like "Dude, I totally loved that biography of Derek Jeter, it could work!"

>> No.16073083


>> No.16073100

I hate how good alcohol makes me feel.

>> No.16073104

There's so few good new releases on Apple Music this week that I'm actually forced to browse the jazz section in hope of finding something good

>> No.16073131

The shit, shit came out wet. Curse my poor diet, seeping, smelly, brown. Some gliding down the porcelain splat while the rest gets retained on the edges to be pissed off by it's next user in this world.

>> No.16073161

Fucking shit I'm disappointed. This life isn't worth it at all. I'm seriously considering just doing something stupid to get me into jail so I don't have to care about anything

>> No.16073206

An old friend has turned into a non-stop whiner who endlessly articulates his problems without doing anything to fix them and without accepting them. I think I have to mute him on everything and fade away.

>> No.16073226

i am so horny holy fucking shit it is all i can think about it occupies the entire space of my mind all i want to do is coom and jerk off and watch porn and melt my brain and fill it with filth and garbage and horrible awful disgusting stuff, it's all i can think about i get intrusive thoughts about it i am practically physically restraining myself from indulging in it but i'm held back by the knowledge that if i do i'll be miserable, i literally don't even want to do it, i am perfectly cognizant and thinking straight and the thought of doing it is making me depressed and unhappy but this pressure is immense it's like a thousand feet deep on the ocean floor, it's dark and i can barely see and the weight is all around me, i'm suffocating but if i give in to it i'll die anyway so i don't even have a way out of feeling like this except to wait until either i eventually do give in or it somehow miraculously passes i hate sex i hate cooming i hate porn i hate thinking about sex i hate the way i can't stop thinking about sex i hate hate hate every fucking whore who ever did porn and every kike pornographer that enabled it, living like this is hell and i know if i give in it's just that much longer until i get out of it but i don't know how much more i can take of this

>> No.16073254
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For me, it's pussy, ass, feet and boipussy.

>> No.16073290
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>> No.16073307

A tree once grew here,
sprung from heaven, formed in earth,
and back out of time.

>> No.16073324

is this pornography

>> No.16073329

I fucking hate being poor. Its the root and cause of all my problems. I just want £3 million so im not poor but dont have to work.

>> No.16073383
File: 145 KB, 1080x1080, 1595099276260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so obsessed with women with large pretty eyes and it makes me suffer. I'm so paranoid about not being able to marry one. How do I stop thinking about them? FUCK

>> No.16073398

well you'll be pleased to know that hannah in your pic there is kind of a slag irl.

>> No.16073505


>> No.16073515
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Can a straight male appreciate William Blake?

>> No.16073520

she has fucked niggers unironicallly

>> No.16073534
File: 113 KB, 1024x1004, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose not to disclose my interest in certain things because my status as a straight white male strikes fear into the hearts of nu-males, women, and minorities

>> No.16073613
File: 29 KB, 320x186, crowning-glory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As of this post I'm only going to participate in 4-5 threads a day. Time to put an end to my addiction to image boards.

>> No.16073744

because you are mentally ill

>> No.16073877

because being asexual is merely a cope for you

>> No.16074100

Good luck anon, I hope you can kick the habit and use your time more productively

>> No.16074147

Trying to construct a good vow to lessen my media addictions and involve more self-improvement in my daily life. Rather than cutting out something entirely, I have to do certain tasks to unlock certain rewards. I haven’t yet really decided which tasks unlock which rewards, and I wonder if I should be using different tasks, etc. I also need to add some sort of punishment for masturbating.

7 pages
10 min meditation attempt (any style)
a prayer

25 calf raises
15 squats
7 neck curls per side (28)
10 donkey kicks + 10 pops per leg

40 cherry pickers
5 pushups
7 Superman reach outs
15 crunches

7 doorway face pulls
7 wall angels
5 reach over hip thrust each side
Brush teeth
Wash face


phone game apps (that aren’t advertised as brain training)


— being shown anything by others directly is ok, but no requests or persuasions
— purposeful viewing others is ok
— day lasts from awaking to sleeping (not naps)
— lasts from X to X

>> No.16074148

>This is pretty amazing because I certainly don't recall the NYT reporting on the chaos while it was occurring. The NYT reports made it sound like Seattle was having a block party when in fact the opposite was true. I saw some reports of the chaos on Facebook, but figured it was just right wing propaganda. I guess I'll have to get serious about getting the truth from many news sources going forward. It's naive to think that news reporting is not influenced by political agendas of those reporting it. I'm liberal, but I still like to know the truth even if it flies in the face of my beliefs and forces me to rethink them rationally.

This is the top rated comment on the NYT story "Abolish the Police? Those Who Survived the Chaos in Seattle Aren’t So Sure". Bwahaha.

>> No.16074219 [DELETED] 
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Best way to deal with masturbation is just pick a fapday and stick to it. That way you know if you get horny, you will be able to get off, but you have to delay gratification rather than just whipping it out. I think trying to never wack it is counterproductive.

>> No.16074239

I used to do this as well. I'd tell myself I'd have to do 10 push ups between every game of TF2 or before every fap etc. and I'd end up doing 200 push ups a day or so. idk if this autistic listkeeping works in the long run though, but I wish you all luck.

>> No.16074248

Yeah sure buddy

>> No.16074280

tfw playing way more games recently

>> No.16074282

yeah that’s another route, to do a task every time before getting the reward. I wonder if that would lead to more exercise in the long-run.

>> No.16074309

also I'll be honest with you bro, including prayer in that list is kinda cringe. If I had to guess you're not even religious, you just keep praying and hope something will click eventually, am I right?

>> No.16074356

what do you think I meant by vow? I couldn’t do this by will alone

>> No.16074417

also, the 7 pages is implicitly understood by me to mean 7 pages of the Bible

>> No.16074448

cool, go wild

>> No.16074464

Weak lil bitch

>> No.16074485

yes, I couldn’t quit porn cold turkey by just willing. I’m not that strong. But I still quit it, through a vow. But that’s a permanent vow and I don’t want to rely on those again, so I’m trying to cultivate willpower by using temporary vows, so that one day I won’t need them as much

>> No.16074492

The notion that you should just "talk to women" in order to have a chance at intimacy is useless advice. Most well-adapted and handsome people are used to girls responding in a positive fashion when approached, so they assume everyone shares this experience. But they are seldom met with that horrid frigid demeanor that a woman has when she is forced to talk to someone she isn't interested in; not necessaily inhopsitable, quite the opposite, their responses will be perfectly manicured and genteel but they ooze disinterest and coldness. It's like talking to a wall, because they communicate so directly that there is nothign in the world they'd rather not do than to talk to you. It's a quiet lesson in humiliation. You begin to stutter, to lose strength in your voice, so you say stupid shit.

Of course, when a girl is actually interested in talking to you it's the most wonderful thing in the world and suddenly your voice has strenght, you speak with confidence and wit. But it's happened to me on three or four occasions in my life.

>> No.16074500

Damn, you must look creepy as shit

>> No.16074512

yes, what gave it away?

>> No.16074529

Here's a really good punishment for masturbation - got to Confession. Nothing like having to admit to another human that you failed, and that you coom regularly, as a disincentive to ever do it again. It's worked wonders for me.

>> No.16074563
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Is studying philosophy worth it if you're not a career-driven person? And how hard is it? I feel like the hard work would kill my interest but I really don't know what else to study
Also does anyone here regret studying what they liked?

>> No.16074573
File: 183 KB, 832x1024, zrjewrfreg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of the qt Tiktok zoomer cosplay/lolita/goth girls are lesbian

>> No.16074579

>Also does anyone here regret studying what they liked*?
*instead of pursuing a future-proof degree

>> No.16074604

>their responses will be perfectly manicured and genteel but they ooze disinterest and coldness
I'm willing to bet this is mostly in your head

>> No.16074703

So is that from a documentary or something?
That's what it sounds like from some minor posts here.

>> No.16074714


>> No.16074773

I've no memory of snapping this pic, but it seems I did.

>> No.16074835

It remains a mistery. I hope Google doesn't rape me for searching by the image.

>> No.16075186

Gaelish is so beautiful.

>> No.16075199

I’ve been having “manic anxiety” and it’s making it really hard to accomplish things. What I mean is that I’ll decide I want to do something, like start an exercise regime or practice drawing or study something, and then I’ll get so worked up about it I start feeling anxious and somewhat insane. It’s difficult to describe because it’s so irrational. It’s a bad feeling and makes me choose calmness over productivity / self improvement. I haven’t found a way yet to balance motivation with a calm, rational state of mind, but I am trying to by gradually easing things into my routine instead of going all-in with a new activity (eg, doing just a couple sets of exercises until I get fully used to them, then adding more). This seems to be working, but the patience required is difficult. I’m also keen to know what the fuck is actually wrong with me, since this didn’t used to happen, but self-diagnosing is a meme and I don’t want to shell out for virtual therapy.

>> No.16075505

Fuck! I wish I was straight and could actually appreciate the beauty of the singer.

>> No.16075524

Why is War And Peace AmazonClassics only $4, but Moby Dick is $12? Isn't War And Peace longer, plus it's a translation, so why does Moby Dick cost 3x?

>> No.16075537

There's biologically nothing wrong with that. Teens are absolutely insufferable to be around though, so you shouldn't want to date anyone under ~19-20 for that reason alone

>> No.16075555

>Teens are absolutely insufferable to be around
not all

>> No.16075595

The dogs were on a thigh leash, or so I thought. In an instant, I was once again dragged into the apocalyptic parallel universe, except that this time I was one of the dogs. I wanted to scream but every thing I could hear was my own bark, but then I realized that I can't realize anything because I'm a dog.

>> No.16075621

God help us all, metaphorically.... or literally.

>> No.16075622

Cat dead on the road,
smashed out of the world and gone.
Never coming back.

>> No.16075636

>How do I stop thinking about them? FUCK
I'd tell you if I knew anon...

>> No.16075640
File: 61 KB, 1080x1080, 1593911703912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post "BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPP" under a girl video
>she likes my comment
I have been baptised with incel holy water.

>> No.16075649

show me the video

>> No.16075652

I thought so too, but it was only after I spoke to girls who were genuinely interested in talking to me that I understood what a huge difference it was

>> No.16075661

>nothign in the world they'd rather not do
can you learn how to fucking write, please?

>> No.16075668
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>> No.16075682

>gym bunny
>is overweight
>also 5'2"
the absolute state of tik tok thots

>> No.16075683

I'm relating to this to such a high degree that I should be paying taxes for air traffic

>> No.16075691

I have now farted on my chair so much that the gasses have penetrated the cushion. Not fecal matter per say, but If I was to smell the cushion now, or even tomorrow, I would feel the aroma of my week's digestive work.

>> No.16075780


>> No.16075789

I hear this calling, still,
You don't seem so far at all

>> No.16075798

is this what zoomers really do, watch videos like this

what the fuck is going on

>> No.16075806

Getting frustrated at the silent treatment but then I remember this is literally only happening because I'm not a rapist with lots of money

>> No.16075811

This edition of "write what's on your mind" is distinctly shitty. Yuck.

>> No.16075816
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>> No.16075814

They sit on their phones, on the latest app, and they scroll endlessly. Liking, retweeting, reposting, commenting, just endlessly.

>> No.16075827

I have almost no nostalgia for anything from the time I was in college. It's like that whole surrounding years was a waste of time. I don't know how that happened cuz I certainly have nostalgia for other periods from my life. Maybe there really are limits on what nostalgia can make seem good. I would try to give people advice on how to avoid this outcome, but I really thought it was sort of not bad at the time.

>> No.16075836

Hitler was right about literally everything.

>> No.16075839

>pajeet fanboy
Doubt it

>> No.16075859

Most of my nostalgia from college relates to the music that was playing in the background while i hung out with friends or had sex.

>> No.16075863

I miss the walks I would have on campus, every saturday night.
Wake up late afternoon saturday, finish off friday night's pizza, take a shower, then go for a nice walk. Campus was a ghost town at that time (occasionally a distant echo of some frat party could be heard).
I wish more spaces were designed like college campuses, lots of greenery and room to walk around without being close to speeding cars.

>> No.16075870

yeah it’s all a blur to me and I’m still in college

>> No.16075889
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Gotta mastrubate somehow, even if half of the girls on the site openly say #KAM2020 next to their boyfriends.

>> No.16075892

I hate all the music from when I was in college. Ok, I still like MIA, but I don't really listen to her ever.

>> No.16075905

Really? I honestly lucked out in my time in college. It was the one time in my life that I felt I truly came into my own.
> grow up as the book smart working class outlier
> hate highschool because fuck the system; still impress teachers
> fight my way into getting into an overpriced private liberal arts college (the debt of which I have been strategically evading with much success)
> Finally move in to college. It's like paradise. Hot, cultured, healthy young people abound rather than the wretched slag I was forced to interact with growing up through fate of birth
> Befriend an awesome group of artists and musicians, make lifelong connections
>Get my first boyfriend and hook up a bunch of times from the nearby mega-university overflowing with thots
> Campus is located in a serene, idyllic part of the country that inspires poetry and daydreams, spend hours wandering the countryside
>roomates become lifelong friends
> study everything I'm interested in and continue to impress with my academic prowess
I wish I had never left.

>> No.16075907

It's not even the music itself being amazing, just the landmarking. MGMT - Kids in the background when a girl first asked me if she could sleep over. That kinda shit

>> No.16075918

I used to go for long night walk on the waterfront, but I don't remember any of them, it's like it never happened. All those evenings basically used for nothing. Well, I remember one night listening to Cosmogramma, but out of like 4-5 summers, I remember only one of those nights, and it's not a particularly dear memory, I just remember it indifferently.

>> No.16075922

Yeah, I know what you mean. Maybe I should listen to some Franz Ferdinand and see if it does anything for me. I never really listened to it, but any time you'd go to a bar or whatever that shit would be playing.

>> No.16075928
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I don't ever liked going to college. It's just a hour-long trainride until some classes and then back into my room again. School was way more fun despite being the same.

>> No.16075941

Did you go to Amherst College?

>> No.16075960

Maybe it was because it was a weekly ritual for me, I'm not sure.

>> No.16076037

>My hatred for the English as a race, culture, nation and people is pure and uncorrupted in nature and transcends motives of national heritage or history, instead focusing on their evident lack of any soul and questionable position among mankind. I sincerely and truly hate them.
This but with americans

>> No.16076074


>> No.16076165

It's a fantastic edition.

>> No.16076374

gays compliment my physique more than girls do

>> No.16076456

Yes, that's a known issue with working out

>> No.16076472

I ain't get to roll no weed, ain't get to roll no Swishers
I was locked up on Christmas, ain't get to see my niggas
Ain't get to hug my mama, couldn't even give her no kisses
Can't even post on my Instagram 'cause these pussy niggas be snitching
Everybody acting suspicious, might prolly say that I'm tripping
When I'm all alone in my jail cell, I tend to get in my feelings
And all I smoke is that loud, don't pass me no midget
And I'ma smoke all of my pain away 'cause that the only thing that gon' heal it
I don't understand these women who go around pretending
As if they really fuck with me, so I love 'em all from distance
'Cause the same bitch say she down to ride be the main one who tricking
Got Molly mixed with Promethazine 'cause every time
I wake up in the morning I got murder on my mind
Ak47, MAC-11, Glocks, and 9's
And all these pussy niggas hating tryna knock me off my grind
But I can't let 'em do it
I got murder on my mind
Bitch I got murder on my mind (bitch I got murder on my mind)
I got murder on my mind (on my mind)
I got murder on my mind (I got murder on my mind)
I got murder on my mind
I got murder on my mind
Yellow tape around his body, it's a fucking homicide
His face is on a T-Shirt and his family's traumatized
I didn't even mean to shoot 'em, he just caught me by surprise
I reloaded my pistol, cocked it back, and shot him twice
His body dropped down to the floor and he had teardrops in his eyes
He grabbed me by my hands and said he was afraid to die
I told 'em it's too late my friend, it's time to say, "Goodbye"
And he died inside my arms, blood all on my shirt
I wake up in the morning I got murder on my mind
Ak47, MAC-11, Glocks, and 9's
And all these pussy niggas hating tryna knock me off my grind
But I can't let 'em do it
I got murder on my mind
Bitch I got murder on my mind (I got murder on my mind)
I got murder on my mind (on my mind)
I got murder on my mind
I got murder on my mind
I got murder on my mind (I got murder on my mind)
Bite like tarantula, bitch I'm a animal
Melly's a savage, no he not no amateur
Bad bitch named Angela, fucked her on camera
Bitch I'ma murderer (yeah, yeah)
I might just kill the boy
Don't wanna kill the boy
Bake him up, say he want beef, we gon' grill the boy
(Grill the boy, we gonna grill the boy) Uh
I'm bleeding so good I might dip his ass in it and spill the boy
Murder on my mind, whoa-oh
I got murder on my mind (on my mind)
I got murder on my mind, I got murder on my mind
Wake up in the morning I got murder on my mind
Ak47, MAC-11, Glocks, and 9's
And all these pussy niggas hating tryna knock me off my grind
But I can't let 'em do it
I got murder on my mind
Bitch I got murder on my mind
I got murder on my mind
I got murder on my mind
I got murder on my mind
I got murder on my mind (I got murder on my mind)

>> No.16076486

I start to convince myself that the circumstances I was angry about half an hour ago aren't so bad even though nothing has fucking changed and hasn't changed for months. Having a healthy mindset is such a waste of time.

>> No.16076502

I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Weiner
That is what I truly wish to be
Cause if I were a oscar mayer weiner
Everyone would be in love
Oh everyone would be in love
Everyone would be in love with mehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJKsyjD3r6I

>> No.16076520

I really do think mental asylums should be back. I was thinking about that like a full year ago and it makes way more sense than what has happened with institutionalized prison system. Prisons/dungeons have only ever been used heavily during the heights of instability.

>> No.16076549

then be angry

>> No.16076618

They probably don't really want to talk to you, but them not wanting to talk to you being a big deal is all in your head.

>> No.16076628

This is my favorite song of all time

>> No.16076638

Holy shit. Maybe.

>> No.16076659

Birds fly west to roost
anons become unhinged, wild.
Trolling through the night.

>> No.16076677

Haikus never should have been introduced to English speakers.

>> No.16076708

le maître et le serf
l'un est radieux, l'autre terne
un pédé stupide.

>> No.16076742

When I was feeling really badly, about a year ago, I would fantasize about going for a night drive on a windy road with no street lights and turning my headlights off. Now I just eat poorly (bacon every morning) and hope maybe I'll have a heart attack. You have few options when you live life so passively as I do. There is always the chance of an accident taking you but I go out so rarely that those small odds are even smaller. The issue is that when I'm not working, I don't know what to do with myself. On work days I'll work longer than needed, just to fill the time. On off days, I'll work anyway, since I don't know what to do otherwise. In those moments when I'm not working, I'm paralyzed because I don't know what to do. No friends. No girlfriend. Just elderly parents whose declining health depresses me.

>> No.16076780

That's why I'm kind of pissed that I'll never have a full time job because I really love to work and would have no problem just living at the office like the Silicon Valley places that have gyms and cafeterias and shit so you never have to leave, but I know I'll never pass one of those bullshit whiteboard hazing interviews, so I just work some part time job and work on side projects

side note: when you say you're feeling badly, the "ly" makes bad into an adverb instead of the object of feeling, so the sentence as you have rendered it is saying your ability to feel was bad, not your state of feeling being "bad"

>> No.16076797

No I don not think you are a child, you are an ugly old hag gook sunhuman.

>> No.16076861

Length doesn't really matter and neither does translation. If it is a public domain translation you're paying for the formatting anyway. Moby Dick in that edition is $3 on amazon for me, though.

>> No.16076880

I don't trust the AmazonClassics now though because it always comes up as kindle by default, then when I click on paperback it shows the cover of some random ghetto ass edition. I'm just gonna go Penguin or Oxford.

>> No.16076908

If you're going to get a digital edition of Moby Dick you might as well just get the free public domain edition. It's a great book though so owning a nice edition is worth it.

>> No.16076924

I want the printed. I can just get the public domain epub from Apple Books, but I don't like reading epubs.

>> No.16076961
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>mfw the pale king costs $14.88 on amazon

>> No.16077013

can someone translate

>> No.16077038

>irritably depressed in a way I haven't been in years
>normally think "how was I ever an alcoholic"
>suddenly realize "oh yeah this is how I used to be an alcoholic"


>> No.16077139

Read "History of Central Banking and The Enslavement of Mankind" if you haven't already.
Also many people think like you but they are not as vocal as those who don't.
The common sense is there in more people than you think.
Weak are here to create hard times to make strong men stronger. This is the way(Taoism and Stoicism).

Everyday, everywhere you see weak men and hear them whine and witness them pull the world around them down with them.

But you do not see the strong men, not yet. The men seeing the confusion and delusion around them and making a choice to rise above and get ready to push society forward.

There is a weak revolution being pushed in the world, but it is a weak revolution that needs to be pushed. There is a strong revolution that is coming and it cannot be pushed back.

>> No.16077158

>log in to see comments
no thanks chink

>> No.16077185

starting from top left, going right, but just to the end of the authleft section, then left-right on next column of authleft, etc.

Youtuber communist: they ate my greatgrandfather in the gulag, but look at me, im a communist!
Unironic Stalinist: The dialectical laws demand it. History doesn't have a subjunctive mood.
Nazbol: yes, i sucked

you know what I've entirely lost the desire to do this, the image is way too big

>> No.16077187

The pains getting worse. I have a hard time concentrating now. How the fuck did I keep this up for 2 years. It just wont go away. Its not that bad but its constant. Though its sort of interesting to have a reaction to something again I was afraid my brainstem was going inactive. Why didint I react when it attacked? Have I become so numb to everything that even my fight or flight reflex is stumped. I get attacked by a dog and I immediately think to a youtube video i watched about a man standing still while attacked by a gorilla. No fear or instinct to defend myself or even protect myself just bordom. I might start to lose myself soon. I really hope the last 3 weeks of bad sleep wont give me braindamage.

>> No.16077301

I realize now I'm too dumb for college. Not in the "academic" sense of getting good grades since I'm doing fine.
I'm just dumb and uninteresting compared to all the students in my uni. My opinions are so unsubstantial and inconsistent, my vocabulary in both my mother tongue and english is honestly laughable, since I was always inside my house reading 4chan posts and random wikipedia articles, consuming some film, music album or book from time to time but never really thinking deeply about why I liked these things. I have never anything interesting to say, just dumb trivia shit.
I just don't fit in at all with these people

>> No.16077313

>I'm just dumb and uninteresting compared to all the students in my uni
Have you seen uni students? That's an accomplishment in itself, congratulations anon.

>> No.16077447

All those students are fake shallow idiots and anything "interesting" they do is their dad paying for their trip

>> No.16077739
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If orangutans go extinct humanity deserves to die. Horribly. Hopefully with radiation.Such creatures are too sweet , innocent and goofy for this world.

>> No.16077742


>> No.16077864

I have an idea for a story, and I'm currently developing it. I'm worried it's not a good enough idea. I wish I could share it here so I can get critique, but I have a real life image to uphold and I can't be associated with 4chan. God, I fucking hate this. I hate this so fucking much. I'm tired of living two lives.

>> No.16077890

would you fuck an orangutan

>> No.16077906

*stares tiredly at the azn qt in pic related*
"i wonder where she's from," anon thought absent mindedly.
The "sleep maintenance insomnia" had been continuing for its 3rd month. It was as though anon lived in the twilight zone of life; too tired to engage in it meaningfully, but not tired enough as to be outright bedridden. The pandemic was not helping either, perhaps it was even the cause. The only thing that offered a distant and faint solace, was the triumphant return of anon to Thailand, where he had recently spent 6 months sampling the delights of the Pattaya freelancers. By the trips end, anon had filled 65 tight little thai pussies with his thick white cock.

>> No.16077928
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>> No.16078031

What is "adult" fiction. I just want to know.
And the Wuthering Heights part. How do they expect children to understand the 2 full pages of Charlotte's fury at all?

>> No.16078151

You buy cat food and a litter box and they literally do the rest themselves, with or without you.

That's the beauty of cats.
If you're not afraid of mice, it will bring them in and then there are 2 options. Eventually the cat will find it again after it's done playing with it the first time and it gets loose and it will die from your cat biting and clawing it eventually, or it might actually eat the damn thing for once.
Or you get a broom and dustpan and get it yourself for 5 minutes.

>> No.16078164

It's only because you want it to be. Just go to the store and buy food and litter

>> No.16078167

I thought Wuthering Heights was pretty good in high school. Yeah a teenager probably wouldn't understand it as well as an adult but that goes for anything. Society just raises people to be braindead, I don't see why there shouldn't be some effort to counteract that. Teenagers aren't five year olds.

>> No.16078169

Keeping cats is unnatural and consumerist in nature. That's also a persistent theme in hobbies that are popular with women for "some reason"

>> No.16078176

Having internet access is unnatural and consumerist in nature.

>> No.16078181

Having is consumerist in nature.

>> No.16078269

I'm nothing. Stupid fucking monkey. This world is too small for me. Put me on a spaceship. Let's meet the man with the black box. We'll know all the secrets of the universe. Alien invasion. They are already here. They have been influencing human behaviour since time began. Who poisoned the water hole. I'm thirsty. Let's drink ourselves to death. It's what we've been doing anyway. Toil. Sweat. Breath. I am always alone. I've always felt like a misfit. There is something wrong with my brain. I am the chosen one. We all are. I'll get by. I need to survive. Listen to your programming, son. You have a mission. Eat. Sleep. Procreate. Be a functioning member of society. It's all I ask. Chewed up, spat out. It's an endless machine. We work for a man called Death. He ain't so bad. Stupid fucking monkey brain. Humans need some perspective. The aliens will show us. And we will destroy ourselves. I want society to crumble. Topple the skyscrapers. We have built too much. A great anger inside of me and no focus. The anger turns inwards. The cycle continues. Fuck you all. I'll burn myself alive. I'll be the happiest man. I'll make you proud. I make myself suffer for it. I will survive. I must. But I got nothing. Vacant space. Looking for company. Send help

>> No.16078367

While most likely not a revolutionary thought transhumanists and primitavists fundamentally agree on almost all points. Both agree that the way society has structured itself has outgrown what our animal minds have evolved to want and to be satisfied with, dooming humanity to an unfulfilling and overall disappointing existance.
The main point of difference is that primitavists believe the way is to go back to how man was born to live, where as transhumanists believe that the technological genie cannot be put back into the bottle and therefore the only option is to change man into a creature that acan find happiness and fulfillment within the unfathomably complex system we have made the world into.
Of course the transhumanista are right in that the technological genie cannot be put into the bottle and any attempt to do so is rather pointless. However the transhumanist assumption that humanity will get to the point where we can mold humanity into beings who thrive off of menial mental tasks and bureaucracy given how our technological growth has ravaged the planet is starting to be shown to be extremely optimistic. But I suppose prescribing everybody with anti-depressants to keep them drugged up ala Brave New World is a kind of transhumanism.

>> No.16078370

Your all the a bunch of fucking losers

>> No.16078415

I really really wish trannies could get real help instead of chopping their balls off or growing chest hair. That's how a 4 year old thinks the other sex is. Men have body hair and women don't have a PP.

Also I do have to hand it to the left. They really got me to be a feminist after all because I'm sick and tired of tranny men talking about their subjugation, their victimhood. It's like the world is actually pushing women out of the spotlight again and going, "No, no! Look at me, I'm a man who wants to be a women! Fuck women!" Can you imagine being the sex that people are finally rallying behind to catch up to men and then these sick people come in and say, "Ok, now you have to race against this man because he checked a different box on the questionnaire. And if he wins, he, err, she sets the new record."

>> No.16078428

Based TERF

>> No.16078445

THATS what TERF means! Huh. Didn't know that before. I guess I never googled it...

>> No.16078584

You haven't become a feminist, you just like to use women's rights as a shield in order to shit on trannies. You should be able to admit that much.

>> No.16078591

Kill non whites

>> No.16078592

The discourse about 'feminism means equality' expired faster than anyone expected

>> No.16078616

its funny, i spent my teens tracking down the weirdest avant-garde experimental music I could find, hundreds of hours worth, then forgot all of like I can't think of a single post-rock blackened space metal shoegaze with jazz time signatures album that I give a shit about anymore, and now when I want to feel young I throw on something like Blink 182, which I didn't even allow myself to like at the time because I was too much of a snob. This is probably connected to some form of sexual repression because I also didn't lose my virginity until my early twenties.

>> No.16078642

I think i can ignore the fact that im a 28 khv for now. However i think it will be harder and harded to ignore it as years pass. I hope i wont snap one day and kill myself in my 30s-40s.

>> No.16078660

I don't understand how people physically need sex. Masturbation takes care of everything just fine.

>> No.16078663

Fucking posers

>> No.16078825

It isn't only that.
I love women. I emphasize with them.
Imagine having sports all to yourself, away from the male gaze if you're that radical cunt, your own categories to be the best at, your own standards for half (over half) of the population of Earth. You're the best at whatever it is because you're in Olympian shape. Something many of us have probably never even seen in person.
Then a man of all people comes along and says you have to accept this man as your competition because he's abusing the system to win competitions. But this very same man is too woke to go, "Ok, but you're one of the bad ones." because he'll be hit with the cancel bus. "Oh what? I'm not valid? Who the fuck are you to say... etc etc."

In being so god damn woke to push women into everything they are pushing them back out to make room for more men. It's stupid. It's stupid, stupid, stupid.

>> No.16078837

Another day on this godforsaken rock. And it's still only the morning. I've got the whole day ahead of me. It's truly awful. I'm listening to the clock tick. I want out. Where is the door? All I have is my anxiety. Oh how I love to suffer. I am addicted. Just a little more suffering please. I'll take fries with a side of suffering. Why do I want to suffer so much? It makes no sense. Help me find God. Because I want to have a word with him. Give him a piece of my mind. This shit is ridiculous. It's a fucking joke. Fuck you. And fuck you. And fuck you.

>> No.16078919

I have decided to start writing.

My pocket notebook came yesterday morning, since then I have been writing down anything that comes to mind, anything that pique's my interest.
My aim is to attempt to grasp my mind and put the thought's and feeling's into new perspective, to put a stop to the reactionary swiping at each anxiety and see them on paper with a analytical and contemplative outlook, to be able to communicate with myself, outside of my mind.

I'm wondering if I'm wasting my time, if it's another fruitless gesture, an attempt to cure my boredom, if I should spend the time learning to write well, or to organize my life through some well thought out journal, instead of writing down that chaos which bubbles up to the surface.

I'll be writing this down.

>> No.16078980

Writing is never a waste of time. Along the way your thoughts become clearer to you, your language more precise, and your reading habits will change also. Post a page

>> No.16079000

It's a jumble of words, without taking into consideration any thought that it would be read that probably won't fully make sense, but I'll post a random page.

I noticed the scar left over from the open wound I had a few years ago, upset me quite a bit because it's quite large and discoloured, so no shorts for me for all my life, i think i need to maintain my hygiene more, or things like that, will continue to happen, just need to stop the lazy approach and start caring for myself.

I have been getting back to that melancholy, feel im in the typical spiral down, but we'll see, i just need motivation. I'm getting frustrated with this constant dust, it's ever present and makes me remember the situation of my decaying room, and further, my lifestyle. I like this romantic feeling, of writing while listening to Tom Waits.

>> No.16079653


>> No.16079792

Losing your virginity/deal with women makes you lose a part of your soul, here's another example

>> No.16080236

Same but without losing my virginity, just getting into university

>> No.16080252

Yuria Kizaki
Not porn.

>> No.16080400

If I just write my own thoughts I feel like every sentence I’d write would begin with “I....” something something, I struggle with anything third person. Is this alright, would this naturally improve overtime?

>> No.16080421

Haha, I knew no one really enjoys that tryhard bullshit.

>> No.16080451

A bone-colored sky
over false pines and sitkas
and stands of alder.

>> No.16080551
File: 751 KB, 473x709, 1596470353542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meeting my turkish girlfriends parents was way weird, I don't think that I will ever forget about how her dad talked about his "pure" and "virginal" girl when the first kiss we had was the one where she kissed my asshole.

>> No.16080594

I knew you touched my daughter with your pooper before you kissed her

>> No.16080626 [DELETED] 

Don’t get discouraged by what I’ll say, you need more reading and practice is all. You have the drive and spirit. But:

I can’t read very far. This reads very juvenile and prosaically inundated. “The heavens above bleed purple” is a laughable mangling of the English language. Just word by word: heavens? The power of that word carries a connotation of grandness and importance. “Bleed” is also an incredibly strong word. The image conjured is that of dripping, pain, and death. “Purple” is not a color the sky turns often, it’s already on its own a strong image atomic. Put those together, and you have a sentence so self-important it has a huge connotative presence, yet transmits conflicting and overexaggerated information. It also sounds awful when you say it out loud. It’s authorial intrusion at its worst, and it’s the prosaic equivalent of a chess player slamming his pawn down in celebration when he plays an en passant — it’s ridiculous. It’s also a problem with most of your sentences. You can’t string together nice words and assume the sum is equal to the whole. I would suggest studying some poetry before going back to attempting prose like this — or if not, then practicing to become more surgical with prose so that you can focus on the parts that matters more: psychology, narrative information transmitted, etc. eventually you can realize that they’re interleaved, but you’re not there yet. Slow down, edit heavily, have your plebeian friends read it and listen to their opinions. They’re not right, of course, but you aren’t either.

>> No.16080639

I pray I have a soul, that I am human.

>> No.16080773

Not that anon but I guess he means something like those corona apps that track who you meet with

>> No.16080788

>Corona virus app tracks all the tinder/grindr hookups you had

Yes, true intimacy will be impossible!

>> No.16080846

When i have to write a text message or email i imagine the recipient as being extremely hostile and unreasonable

>> No.16080851


>> No.16080872

Joke's on you when you're going to have to kiss her back.

>> No.16081307

The pop song played in supermarket that i visited today is telling me to hurt people, i think it was sung by maroon five.

>> No.16081396

Fuck MKUltra.

>> No.16082176

>but be overthrown
yeah it’s just going to be that easy in 2020. just overthrow your government! he’s right there! just give him the guillotine! also the English are the closed you will ever get to a wealthy modern constitutional monarchy

>> No.16082187

we learned from Bernie Sanders that kids don’t and will never vote. Nothing will happen if trump bans tiktok

>> No.16082188

The book is set in an alternate timeline where America, Canada and Mexico become one nation and the imperial system is adopted. If you actually read it you would know that. He's not a "phony".

>> No.16082193

My lifes work is done.
I'm going fishing.

>> No.16082199
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>> No.16082209

*metric system

>> No.16082237

Fucking source?
I’m cooming already.

>> No.16082241

This but heroin.

>> No.16082515


>> No.16082630
File: 279 KB, 646x738, 1579492164888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent the last 24 hours coming to terms with the fact that I'd absolutely fuck a teenager, if it was a willing, consenting thing. I'm over 30 myself but I'd absolutely have sex with a 16 year old if I was sure she actively consented to it. As long as she gave me the go-ahead I'd absolutely do it. Maybe this comes from watching too much anime, especially anime with age-gap relationships like RahXephon.

>> No.16082647

Seek help. A man on the cusp of middle age shouldn't be watching Chinese cartoons and wanting to fuck minors. Get a wife and a job.

>> No.16082656

Same to both.

>> No.16082672


>> No.16082675

stop rejecting your conditioning. Go marry a whore. Accept society. This is progress

>> No.16082684

At almost any time and in almost any place where humans have existed, there is/has been/will be absolutely nothing wrong with a grown man grooming and seducing a 16 year old. It is merely a legal fiction of modernity that such post-puberty women are A) undesirable for this purpose and B) incapable of consenting to it. However, watching anime is messed up.

>> No.16082759
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>> No.16082765

Wow, nice spoilers asshole

>> No.16082807

I don't have any advice for you, but please don't give up.

>> No.16082811

>says this just before the Trump presser where he cut taxes
OOF its fucking over, Trump won! Ahahaha

>> No.16082841

Biden didn't even bother to pick a VP, he knows Trump is gonna win

>> No.16083125

I wish i believed in something

>> No.16083150
File: 39 KB, 660x371, _112968704_biden_vp_contenders_index_promo_976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden said he will choose one of these women, two of which are called Tammy, which only recently has come to my attention as actual grown up people's names, and with recently I mean two minutes ago. BBC has rating charts up, as if these women are Pokémon, attacking with either Fundraising or Experience.
"The move [going for female vices] would suggest the Democrats are looking to secure the advantage they have among female voters according to polls, and perhaps insulate Biden from allegations that he engaged in unwanted physical contact with women."

>> No.16083246

Slothrop is fucking an 11 year old girl in luridly described ways. Wtf am I reading. What was the artistic intent of all the sex in this book? I get the rocket - penis parallel but it goes deeper than that. Someone enlighten me

>> No.16083249

I always am either so aroused that I cum super fast (~2 mins), or I can't even get it up.
Please send help.

>> No.16083262
File: 33 KB, 255x391, Confederacy_of_dunces_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nearly done with A Confederacy of Dunces and I think this is the best book I've ever read. It's not a meme on the /lit/core chart, actually go read it if you haven't.

>> No.16083428

Am i seriously supposed to pretend that voting matters or is this just some type of defensive mechanism to avoid cognitive dissonance?

>> No.16083791


>> No.16083819

You don't even have to pretend, most people can't actually give a reason why it matters anyway. There are lots of ways you can have an impact and voting isn't one of them.

>> No.16083843

I'm a lonely husk of my former self. SIP has taken a huge toll on me. I don't think I can do another year of this

>> No.16083905

>Kids in cages!

That's literally the only argument the Democrats have for why they should be elected. Now you might say "not an argument" and you would be right, but they don't have anything else.

>> No.16083922
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>catfish using an alt-girls pics
>dude liteally says "You have been hurt, don't you?" and tries to get me to therapy
Some men are weird.

>> No.16084002

>Implying kids in cages isn't the most logical and humane solution to human trafficking of minors.
Also they're Obama cages.

>> No.16084140
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>> No.16084152

most of the romantic relationships I've been in have been miserable, and most romantic relationships I read about in novels are miserable: is that just the way things have to be?

>> No.16084176
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>share a major with a girl
>share its respective (smallish) class for 3/4 semesters incl this one
>goes from only small greetings in past classes to her now sitting next to me in classes and talking together, occasionally walking between shared classes together and sharing discussion in groups
I realise there's no clear sign of intent but I can't help feel like she might like me. Only a couple of weeks into this semester so I haven't pushed my luck yet getting into personal talk etc. What are some telltale signs I should look out for or moves to make here?

>> No.16084182

She's dating a black guy that works at Arby's.

>> No.16084228

Ain't American, sorry

>> No.16084253

i am almost 23 and a KHV and my mum knows this yet has never brought it up in any way

>> No.16084263

if Trump bans tiktok and other zoomshit then he should have the planet named after him

>> No.16084282

I'm not miserable in mine

>> No.16084288

just ask if she wants to get a coffee or something clear like that. don't try to "read the signs" or anything, because that's a fool's game. be direct. if she says yes then she says yes and maybe you can go from a coffee to getting dinner. and if she says nah then take the nah and know that it's what she's saying.

>> No.16084292

Because your mom isn't fixated on your sex life (or lack thereof). Why would she?

>> No.16084296

after months of not being on this board at all, I wrote a poem and had a few moments of pride, and wanted to share it, but then I went to the feedback thread and realized that there's millions like me and one poem isn't going to get me read, even if I think it's good. I need sheets and sheets of good poems, and I need to know someone, and and and...

>> No.16084307

Because parents get pretty scared when they realise their child isn't a normalfaggot.

>> No.16084314

Maybe anon's mom finds it too awkward to say anything and hopes he'll figure it out on his own. Or maybe she's just cool.

>> No.16084334

"Cool" parents are the one that ask the most.
t. has a cool aunt who's first words to me whenever we meet are "When are you going us the girl"

>> No.16084355

By cool I didn't mean stereotypical cool just relaxed and not obsessed with making sure the kid is a good normalfaggot

>> No.16084356

you should be happy

>> No.16084363

If she was a good mom she'd take care of that for you

>> No.16084495

Try to do your hobbies for yourself before anyone else. Don't use feedback as some kind of necessary motivation, just grind away at whatever task you've chosen and someday you'll get there.

>> No.16084502

Now they say TikTok is gonna merge with Twitter. If there was any doubt Twitter is run by the CIA, this should remove it. Every wondered why ISIS accounts never got banned despite doing shit way worse than Republicans? Now you know.

>> No.16084584

define matters. is your individual vote that big of a deal? no, that's not quite how it works. does voting change things; is there a functional difference between the two major parties? most definitely, in fact on basically every major issue. people who go around repeating that there isn't are just in levels of cope so cope that they cant even articulate their first thought past this very idea. just "bro, there's no difference!" then you point out the difference in healthcare policies, social policies, tax policies, immigration, and everything in between, and their next sentence is emotional appeal to some vague world conspiracy

>> No.16084610

There is a difference in what they do but there is no difference in that they don't care about you.

>> No.16084626

voting at the federal level really doesn't matter, but voting at the city level, it sure as hell does

>> No.16084630

My sister decided she's a "transsexual transvestite". Aka a trans "man", except she wears skirts and shit. She is absolutely fucking retarded.

>> No.16084636

If you want change, burn down a police station. Don't vote. It's pretty obvious which is more effective at this point.

>> No.16084646

That's kind of cute

>> No.16084654
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>The best of times
>The worst of times
>Hey are you listening
>I had a chat
>With Cat in the hat
>While he was pissing
>Where did I find myself
>Lost in the city?
I've been bitter since earlier this week when I applied to the usps as a mailman, but got rejected. I love manual labor because it's an easy way to not be a fat slob and get paid doing it, at my previous job that fell apart because of bat soup, I lost 15 pounds of fat and transferred it to muscle within two years doing labor. I wanna go back to work, but the job searching is very emotionally challenging, because I don't ever want to do the easily application job of McDonalds or something, because I know myself too well to be in a fast food environment on a muti day basis. Many of the people on my social media cannot shut up about boomer this, and simp that, what happened to memes dying once your parents start talking about it? I hate that in order to be "correct" in western media, you gotta be in the democrat ideology, I'm not even politically charged, I just hate those who flaunt their politics like it's their personality and not a belief. I got into the habit of dissassociating with my family during quarantine because they can't stop talking about Facebook stuff, Dad will walk around the house sometimes blaring a Facebook video rant on his phone at full volume. I'm the only one in my family to not have Facebook & not reply in the family group chat more often. We all believe in YHWH and do tuesday night prayer, but when I pray to him, I'll emphasize how much contempt I have for my family and how I need to overcome this irritation I have for them.I started coming to /lit/ because I have grown tired of the storytelling in American live action television & yadayada
This could be a 7 paragraph run on sentence

>> No.16084659


>> No.16084662

Burn down a police station(if you are very sure you have institutional backing such that you won't get sent to Federal Prison immediately). For example do not burn down a police station as a protest against desegregation, suddenly you will find that it isn't a very useful tactic at all, and the mayor of your city will not tell the cops to stand down.

So yeah, burn down a police station if you happen to believe exactly the same things as the powerful institutions that will protect you if you do their bidding.

>> No.16084693

fuck off cultist freak

>> No.16084694

The thing is the Democrats let them burn the cities down to make Trump look bad, but now they are quietly rounding up all the looters they gave a nod and wink to, and hitting them with big felonies. How does it feel to know you got used?


>> No.16084702
File: 190 KB, 678x1024, leemr4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me, or anyone, in particular? of course not, my mom doesnt even care about me. it's simply not possible to care that much. the idea is that you elect someone with some semblance of ideals, which has diminishing returns the higher up the ladder you go. it's actually not that hard to make a big difference at your local level, which just like voting, to make a non-local difference requires a bit of a cultural shift away, ironically away from the there-is-no-difference-between-red-and-blue mindset that has been gaining traction in recent years. especially among increasingly jaded bernard sanderson fans. or the ron paulson fans before him.

i do empathize with the feeling tho. i-am-powerless leads to a v. stronk, 1-step heuristic for the world, for the amount of work you have to put into believing it. its the path of least effort, the Default.


>> No.16084710

>you elect someone with some semblance of ideals
You're not wrong but people like that are unelectable at anything but local levels.

>> No.16084748

Then shoot the mayor. Find out where the cops live and shoot their families. Just don't vote.

>> No.16084757

The Democrat mayors and AGs who are on the side of the protesters are not the same people who are making these arrests obviously, it's cops and feds doing that. And the actual rich people funding BLM will continue to provide lawyers for those who get arrested. But yes they're useful idiots and many of them will get slammed.

Most of these guys who are just looting stores are not going to see much hard time if any anyway. I did see that two journalists got booked for throwing a molotov cocktail in a cop car and are looking at minimum 35 year sentences apparently. I wonder if that will really happen.

>> No.16084770

Is she cute though? Pics?

>> No.16084782

One of the molotov lawyers is from Princeton, affirmative action admit, but still, there's no way he sees any time. The girl only went to Fordham, plus she's muslim, so bad news for her, she's gonna get time.

>> No.16084790

Step to the cops, you're gonna get the smoke.

>> No.16084799

When people say there's no difference from blue and red, what they're actually picking up on is that tribalistic behavior is basically the same no matter what the tribe is, and characterizing the party by their followers rather than their policies. The parties do have different impacts, but party lines are arbitrary and things that would benefit or harm the lives of the average person on both sides of the line, making any choice at best a compromise. Benefits from decisions made at a federal level are almost incidental, because there is very little consideration for "the people" at all in these decisions.

I believe it's the job of those campaigning to convince you to vote for them, and "vote because it's you're duty and at least we're not the other party" is pretty unconvincing to me. Voting locally is pretty important though, but I'm not convinced enough to go to the trouble of heading to a polling station for anything federal.

>> No.16084802

were they lawyers not journalists? I only skimmed an article. I'd be surprised if they didn't get anything, i mean it's a fucking molotov cocktail.

>> No.16084809
File: 142 KB, 750x1000, 95430-954-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so motherfucking dog shit tired of working alongside non white cocksuckers.
I'm so motherfucking dog shit tired of having to pretend to give a fuck and play by these civil rules of a Godless society
There's not a moment where I don't fantasize of violent scenarios.

>> No.16084814

Planes streak through the clouds,
threading silky vapor lines
behind their vectors.

>> No.16084817

First of all, no one got "smoked" from burning the police station. Second of all, I said to kill their families, not them. Soft targets. Our conversation is now over because you can't read.

>> No.16084819

I think there are mandatory minimums for using incendiary devices, like 5 years, so they'll probably get that, then when they get out they will get cushy gigs some non-profit.

>> No.16084832


OK tough guy, try it out, and see how fast you become a another statistic

>> No.16084852

I'll tell you my side of something I did back in June. I forcefully tackled a guy who had been infuriating me for months on end to the point where I had dreams of hurting him. And after the initial attack happened, the next day I woke up sweating and in shock and didn't eat for the entire day, because I was still as angry as I was the day before. I've been spending the past 2 months learning to move on from that guy and not giving into my wrath
Because in those "I'm so tired" moments, you either get healed or you get revenge, there's no middle ground

>> No.16084862

I wonder every day if I'm being lured into a delusional optimistic outlook toward the future, and if I'm really just making peace with mediocrity and mistaking that peace for progress. At the end of the day the greater issue is that I just have no idea about anything anymore. At the very least, my depression is better. I enjoy very little and have no source of joy in my life but my lows aren't that low anymore and I've begun to found an ability to just get a grip when I need to.

>> No.16084938

So many addictions are starting to be justified because so many people have vices to cope with life struggles
>Substance abuse
>Sexual deviancy
>Excessive use of something
And yet when someone calls them out on their addiction, y'know doing something so much that you have withdrawals when you aren't doing it, they're seen as whiny prudes who can't "live a little". I mean. Coffee drinkers can get the same habits as your heroin addicts, but guess which distribute gets more leverage

>> No.16084990


>> No.16084997


>> No.16085064

Whenever I have alcohol around, I drink it too fast. This usually ends in me telling myself I will quit of it altogether. But then I start to think, extremes are no good, I should be able to rationally use it without overusing it. So I buy more. Then the dumb cycle repeats.

>> No.16085198


>> No.16085204

Post your fat clit you tourist slut.

>> No.16085228

Thinking about what if I just decided to be an assassin for hire. Just watched John Wick 3 btw

>> No.16085390
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>> No.16085411

i said post clit. did i stutter?

>> No.16085533

Watch the final ten minutes of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood it's cathartic if you hate women

>> No.16085551

This but xanax

>> No.16085622

I wish I could sense when girls are ovulating like a wild animal
they are too difficult to deal with when they aren’t turned on

>> No.16085630

All in all I’ve been feeling good lately. My life has increased significantly due to my efforts. I feel stronger because of this and I’m excited to see what this new strength can achieve.

>> No.16085634

Tarantino may be a perverted freak but Cliff really had some great scenes in that movie

>> No.16085654

I wish I was born male

>> No.16085865
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I've been brought up in a family where we're supposed to stick together through thick and thin. But I wonder if its worth it even when your sibling is a fucking toxic self-righteous hypocrite. I just don't wanna deal with this shit anymore.

>> No.16087025


>> No.16087100

this website is toxic as fuck at most of the times, people being negative for no reason