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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 680x640, 1591464707969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16069861 No.16069861 [Reply] [Original]

This meme hits me right in the feels bois

>> No.16069866

Quentin was a blast. What happened to him?

>> No.16069867

Quentin died for our sins

>> No.16069880

video coffee incel magna retard

>> No.16069888
File: 165 KB, 995x902, quentin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16069893

So I never figured it out is this Quentin the bookclub youtube channel or someone else, I'm pretty sure he came before him so I gather someone else.

Also yes obviously anybody would do well to start reading when they're younger, and most at least somewhat intelligent people(not all) do.

>> No.16069907

I always thought it was the Bookclub guy as well

>> No.16069933

Imagine a debate between Quentin and Horia

>> No.16069942

i think he got arrested for some domestic bullshit. after that he kinda dropped off.

>> No.16069943

This dude was high as shit when he made these

>> No.16069948

thanks man I've got to collect all the Quentins

>> No.16069968

wait no it was like a shooting threat

>> No.16070033

>stopped gaming and started reading more at about age 17
>now 28
>look like a hobo, smoke and drink daily
I must have read the wrong books.

>> No.16070055
File: 58 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the older you get the more quentin starts to make sense

>> No.16070105

Women are shallow whores and I don't play videogames and I read more books than all of you.

>> No.16070171


I don't know who this bookclub guy is but quentin was the guy against weed in these comics like 10 years ago, so I'm gonna say no.

>> No.16070175

Holy shit, blast from the past

>> No.16070183

I realise that doesn't actually invalidate him being a youtuber. In my head ten years ago is still before youtube, sometimes...

>> No.16070191

He was definitely right about dude WEED. If only I listened.

>> No.16070193

Then yeah it definitely isn't the young homosexual youtuber that shills his videos here, but do you know who the Quentin in these comics actually was in real life?

>> No.16070200

We found the newfag guy at least

>> No.16070205

fake. I gave up video games at 16 to devote myself to reading and still ended up an incel

>> No.16070206
File: 359 KB, 680x680, 1591728362849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Quentin’s living it up in Heaven :)

>> No.16070207

He made another one not so long ago, the bing bing wahoo one.

>> No.16070316

Literally me I'm several years ahead of you. I'm an alcoholic now. Cheers.

>> No.16070442

You tried to GAME the system.

>> No.16070446

Yeah, I cant drink & play vids but I can drink & read

>> No.16070490

I doubt that. I have a friend who is a game who is getting girlfriends 24/7. Any girl will talk to him. He is indeed a ladies man. I on the other hand read books and am well single and hardly ever had a girlfriend.

>> No.16070638

*between Quentin and Kantbot

>> No.16070655

These are at least half a decade old.

>> No.16070697

lmao what the fuck. I started reading and still played games and still stayed home all day. Guess the OP is a faggot as usual.

>> No.16070714

Do you have any book recommendations?

>> No.16070741

Gamers get laid more often than "readers"

>> No.16070786

Unironically Lolita

>> No.16070841

Quentin is a faggot

>> No.16070864

the great gatsby

>> No.16070887

Naked Lunch

>> No.16070903

Quentin doesn't simply get "laid." He forms deep intricate relationships with beautiful women who would whole heartedly create a loving family with him. Clearly you are still caught in the childish gamer mindset of having quick one offs which give you the same quick rush that games give you. Your mind is so hard wired this way that you refuse to think about women in any other way.

>> No.16070910


>> No.16070922
File: 122 KB, 452x391, bamcorino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16072244

Holy based

>> No.16072262

Hahahahaha. Too good.

>> No.16072340

I remember this guy from years ago on /mu/, the mu related stuff was way better than what’s posted ITT

>> No.16072387

Quentin was a forced meme and nobody liked his shit, you fucking newfag

>> No.16072396

smoking weed isn't against the law though

>> No.16072462

All you've proven is that Quentin is an attention-seeking faggot who wastes enormous amounts of energy leading women on without settling down with any of them. A gamer is a better person.

>> No.16072586

Quentin is a paragon of virtue and we should all strive to match him.

>> No.16072689
File: 109 KB, 700x640, ProgressOfAReader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16073419

>Argumentum ad logicam

>> No.16074637

I mocked Quentin in the past but I slowly come to realize he was completely right.

>> No.16074659

Have you tried not reading fantasy/sci-fi/horror books?

>> No.16075294

God, I miss this guy.

>> No.16075305

me on the left but with books

>> No.16075637

Not the post you are addressing but I read plenty of non-fiction books, and I am still an anti-social. reading utopia hasn't given me friends either.

>> No.16075658

newfags get the rope

>> No.16075664

I wonder how he's doing that that when you search his real name on Google his racist and pro-weed shitposts come up.

>> No.16076014

Okay keep jerking off lower

>> No.16076029

Bottom right is just what happens to whitoids who got raped by their irish uncle. Nobody gives a fuck if you read

>> No.16076071

I know, right?

>> No.16076604

First time seeing this and it's amazing. Can you guys tell me more /post more?

>> No.16078326


>> No.16078341

I liked reading when I was a kid though

>> No.16078502

This guy gets it

>> No.16078513

If you're not pumping and dumping you're a simp, unless you're only getting virgins

>> No.16078528
File: 44 KB, 645x773, wojak mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's functionally retarded and a midwit, and I don't smoke weed.

How could a midwit ever get popular on /lit/? Very Disappointing.

>> No.16078529

is it wrong to like total war games? I barely even consider them games, I like doing diplomacy, battles and there is a lot of history in there and shit.

>> No.16078534

How old are you?

>> No.16078536

>What is playing a character for comedic purposes

>> No.16078540

>Bottom right is just what happens to whitoids who got raped by their irish uncle. Nobody gives a fuck if you read
Are you okay bro? I'm the bottom right and read a lot but never got raped by my uncle. I also play games occasionally.

>> No.16078543
File: 27 KB, 640x477, Just according to Keikaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno anon just who even is this "Quentin"?

>> No.16078596

The coolest man on Earth

>> No.16078612

You’re retarded

>> No.16078615

Nah, total war games are kino. Trying to save the western roman empire from collapsing in Atilla is quality gameplay

>> No.16078654

if this was made today /pol/ would spam him with shit like "uh nah there was no genocide"

>> No.16078705
File: 8 KB, 454x520, hmmpsh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16078761

Except the gamer gets a normie gf and a job
The reader gets autismo and becomes a huge success... In his autismo world

>> No.16078951


>> No.16079731
File: 126 KB, 680x296, 1595446993618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16080229

Reading is useless for girls. I cannot discuss non fiction books with girls, because nobody reads non fiction book in the real world.
Still, it's good for the soul, and understand the entrapment that is life.

>> No.16080355
File: 138 KB, 640x640, IMG_20200705_210312_976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bros. Like most of you I was the smart kid in the class growing up. I used to read a lot, but eventually gaming peaked my interest. I got really fucking good at 1 game (Dota 2 - 5k mmr), but at price of ~3k hours. Anyways since then I think I lack the attention span to do anything recreationally other than gaming. It's just 100x times more stimulating and engrossing than reading for example.
How do I escape it bros?

>> No.16080754

Realizing that you were never that intelligent in the first place.

>> No.16081689

>Dota 2
You're a hopeless bugman for ever giving that piece of shit more than 1 hour of attention at best.

>> No.16081706

>competitive gaming
lmao just go outside and get into sports

>> No.16081770

there's literally nothing wrong with genocide in moderation though

>> No.16081776

Daily reminder that fiction readers are literally worse than gamers

>> No.16081829

Did Quentin an hero after decriminalization started?

>> No.16081894

>I was the smart kid in the class growing up
No you weren't.