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16077090 No.16077090 [Reply] [Original]

>Was very racist AND very supportive of the civil rights movement
Was she playing 5D chess?

>> No.16077118

She would have changed her mind if she had gotten the BBC

>> No.16077124

She literally did what progressives always implore people to do and put aside their personal grievances and support the greater good and not “vote against their own best interests”. It’s exactly what they ask of everyone, all the time.
The fact that pawing through her private letters revealed contradictory thinking should, by leftist standards make her more admirable

>> No.16077132

She would have opposed civil rights but become non-racist?

Perhaps her upbringing has revealed certain aspects of a racist, bit later in life she came to support MLK etc.?

>> No.16077135

There's a difference between being racist and denying people basic human rights. You can hate black people but still think they should have the right to vote and go to a school of their choosing

>> No.16077147

Yes, it would have made her non-racist but she would have wanted to preserve the segregation that lent the act the perversity that made it so pleasurable

>> No.16077152

You don't have to hate black people to notice racial differences.

>> No.16077165

But that's retarded because then niggers will come to YOUR school and vote against YOUR interests.
Every one of these posh elites supports nigger "rights" when it's other people who have to deal with them.

They just effectively kept their schools segregated by the mechanism of high tuition that niggers couldn't pay.

>> No.16077180

If you don't like blacks just move somewhere cold where their population is below 1%

>> No.16077257

I hate rightoids but I think they deserve basic human rights. And I have to deal with them too. Loud polluting trucks, racist methheads getting into fights with black people/breaking into houses, toothless bible thumpers smelling like shit clogging up stores, and proselytizing fucking mormons. But they deserve a right to vote and live where they would like. Any attempt to segregate people who are "bad for society" will unjustly segregate those who are good for society with the bad. The segregation would have to be be administered by a state(unless it was completley voluntary), and the definition of bad for society will eventually be changed to fit enemies of the state rather than those who are actually harmful to the people's wellbeing. I don't want the secret police to take away bible thumpers, as much as it would improve my life. It's not a good road to go down.

>> No.16077269

It's too bad the south didn't win the civil war.

>> No.16077271

This is the most reddit post I've seen all day

>> No.16077273

Okay reddit
You act like the integration of schools and neighborhoods is the natural equilibrium but everywhere it exists was actually very forced, sometimes literally at gunpoint

>> No.16077285

The true galaxy brain take is opposing civil rights while being non-racist and recognizing the utter justice and beneficience of paternalism in US race relations. Calls to equality won't make blacks equal, and will just make them angrier when they realize this. The logical endpoint for leftists is, ironically, a Politburo of 100% pure Anglo-Saxon phenotypes telling Jamal that they're finally equal now because race is an epiphenomenon of capitalism.

>> No.16077307

>Loud polluting trucks, racist methheads getting into fights with black people/breaking into houses, toothless bible thumpers smelling like shit clogging up stores, and proselytizing fucking mormons.
The problem with what you've chosen to identify with 'rightoids' is that it applies to blacks more than white trash, apart from the Mormon thing. But you would never shittalk blacks like that. Which makes it all seem kind of dishonest.

Progressives do this over and over again, they studiously avoid ever criticizing blacks, and then they berate the shit out of poor whites for doing the same things as blacks, except to a lesser degree. It is just ridiculous.

>> No.16077318

>Progressives do this over and over again, they studiously avoid ever criticizing blacks, and then they berate the shit out of poor whites for doing the same things as blacks, except to a lesser degree. It is just ridiculous.
Because blacks are like children and whites should know better. See >>16077285. All racial discourse in the US. obscures the uncomfortable reality that no one really believes in equality and just want to blame each other for the child (blacks) not developing properly.

>> No.16077320

i hope i see you on a lamppost some day

>> No.16077325

B-but anon the poor black people can't help it, they're disadvantaged and it's their culture! White trash just need to use their white privilege to stop being poor and stop appropriating black culture.

>> No.16077347
File: 14 KB, 255x247, 85E228C1-F79B-4ACC-92C0-820FECE8FD90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys want a nanny state and the government interfering with civil rights because you're too limp wristed to defend yourself and your personal property with a firearm? God damn you bugman are fresh off the boat
>lost the war
>lost the culture war
>losing the demographic war
Posting on 4chan will surely help my noble cause!! Race war now!

>> No.16077354

It would unironically have been better for everyone if the south had become their own country and these groups of people did not co-exist in one single "country"

>> No.16077364

Poor people act like trash anon. There are a lot of poor blacks. If I put you in a house with roaches in the pantry, poor childhood nutrition, negligent parents, and a shit school district you would turn out as trash as the blacks you hate.

>> No.16077370

So why is it that you make excuses for the blacks and shit on the whites as disgusting trash?

>> No.16077381

>but you didn’t, so now it’s time to pay

>> No.16077389

She knew logically that racism was bad but grew up in an era where racism was common. Its like trying to get anyone older than millennial to understand concepts like gender

>> No.16077455

I don't hate poor blacks or poor whites though. Maybe it's just because I'm trash myself, who knows, but I don't even slightly hate them. I am racist, in the sense that i don't think every race has the same average intelligence, but the only black people I hate are those that are like the white people I hate: smug upper middle class progressives. That particular combination of egotism, sanctimony, cowardice, passive aggression, etc. I don't understand how anybody can like those people.

>> No.16077474

I don't. Where in my post did I make excuses for blacks? I didn't mention them, I live in a small town, there are like 10 black people and the one I know is very nice. I don't even shit on whites in my post, I criticize right wing idiots that bother me while recognizing their right to be annoying because it is better than the alternative. The same applies to blacks blasting shitty music on public transit or starting fights at the skatepark.

Poverty is the root of trashy anti social behaviour, poor whites and blacks act trashy in equal measure. The black(and white) people I interacted with in the office of my big city banker uncle were all extremely polite and well dressed. Black people are not incapable of contributing to society, to think so is genuinely uneducated. Thomas sowell was not a diversity hire.

>> No.16077529

>Poverty is the root of trashy anti social behaviour

Wait, what if anti-social behavior results in poverty?

>> No.16077674

Yes, it results in poverty if you're poor or middle class. And the poor (In america) are fucked over constantly so their children develop a hatred for the society that robbed them of opportunity. The best way to prevent anti social behaviour is to prevent poverty. Poverty is not a perfectly administered divine punishment for anti social behaviour. It's mostly bad luck.

>> No.16078113

Based Fitzhugh bro

>> No.16079569

More or less. If you can't separate your personal prejudices from the way you want society to be run, you're not an adult.

>> No.16079706

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. And I don't think a few private letters to friends are enough to call her "very racist" either. Also keep in mind that Flannery was very Catholic:
>Was deeply Catholic AND a sinner
No contradiction there.

>> No.16079732


>He wants his opponents to have freedom and rights

Lol, talk to me when you slide on over a little further on the spectrum, libcuck.

>> No.16079779

Why shouldn't she be both? Just because you recognize he reality of intrinsic, biological, racial differences doesn't mean that you hate other races. It simply means that you view them realistically.
This whole idea that simply because you have an opinion on race that contradicts neo-Marxist ideology you have to be some sort of hate-fuelled moronic wignat is a stereotype, one meant to stop people from thinking, to cripple them mentally.
Don't fall into that mistake. Being aware of race and being a good, kind person are not mutually exclusive: if anything just the opposite.

>> No.16079787

Access to white people is not a human right

>> No.16079802
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>30 years ago
>Flannery O'Connor isn't racist
>Flannery O'Connor is a racist!
This is all so stupid

>> No.16079862


>> No.16080663

Pure bullshit. I grew up in Russia in far worse conditions than average US nigger. It didn't prevent me from getting university education, being law-abiding, and being civilized. The same can be said about large portion of eastern Europe men and women who were born during collapse of communism.