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16077046 No.16077046 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or does postmodern discourse basically boil down to buttsex, levels of whore never before thought possible, and trannyism, with relativism invoked against whatever obstructs these?

>> No.16077081

just you

>> No.16077086

no that sounds about accurate, modern philosophy is basically "just do whatever feels good, man" with a touch of schizophrenia for those attuned to senses beyond the bodily pleasures

>> No.16077105

OP is Guenon-fag who is reinventing himself as a radical Salafi terrorist.
Has kept posting cringey (((quran))) threads, (((Sahih al-Bukhari))) threads, and (((anti-Shia))) threads.
Keep an eye out for him.

>> No.16077109

I have never ever been a Guénonfag lol. I hate Guénon and always have. He's astrology for men

>> No.16077138

You forgot melanin levels and rioting against the "system"

>> No.16077154
File: 238 KB, 540x681, Antifa Kurds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's more just journalism

>> No.16077174

When reality is less believable than fiction.

>> No.16077178

Why is there a George Floyd memorial in Syria of all places? Whites are a nonfactor in Syria.

>> No.16077192

Antifa operates there, they're very close allies to the Kurds

>> No.16077220

When the MIC wanted to invade Syria Obama put it to a media pol vote. The overwhelming result was no new war. But the CIA hired some Iraqis to play Islamic Statists and invade the place. At the same time they told the media that we were arming “moderate rebels” to fight them. These were just ISIS without masks.
At the same time the US started arming Kurds to shoot at the newcomers. Their was an underground recruiting campaign to make the Kurdish cause seem like the Spanish Civil War. This lured in a lot of westerns. Some may still be there, I donno.
This confusion was all a cover so US planes could level cities. Any time Russia killed some ISIS fags the US complained. Every time the US destroyed a hospital, school, mosque, they issued an apology. Though they knew damn well what they were doing.

>> No.16077235

Kurds probably, they're a US asset

>> No.16077246

Are you saying IS in Syria, originally under al-Julani, was started by the CIA? Because that would make no sense as it was Syrians originally operating independent and who gave bay'ah to IS but later went over their head and asked for independence from Zawahiri who was over both. Which he gave to Julani triggering the schism between IS and AQ. Julani then backstabbed AQ on behalf of Turkey

>> No.16077250

Postmodern discourse especially in the Anglosphere is deeply reactionary - pic related is still living rent free in everyone's head ~75 years later, which is at the root of all the degeneracy or >>16077138.

>> No.16077255
File: 363 KB, 1218x1600, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.16077281

Why does postmodernism celebrate what is ugly and revolting as opposed to what is beautiful?

>> No.16077299

I don't think that's always true, but if it does it's probably done in some sense out of a reaction against an Official Idea of beauty, as in fear of >>16077255.

>> No.16077327

They originally were a group that came of of Iraq. Well armed, supposedly stolen from the US. Ex-Saddam enforcers and that kind of shit. They filmed themselves killing some people to scare everybody. Well I’m sure their inner workings have gotten more complicated since it began. Recruiting some true believers and all. But then there’s the White Helmets. They work *with* ISIS. They’re a fake humanitarian group funded by some Brit

>> No.16077350
File: 39 KB, 720x447, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard White Helmets are Mosad

>> No.16077452

>I don't think that's always true
Can you show me a single example that's not the case?

>> No.16077496

I think outside of the US and maybe to a lesser extent the UK postmodern thinkers don't necessarily celebrate ugliness. Americans made questionable readings of a lot of "postmodernists".

>> No.16077573

I'm drawing a blank thinking of a single postmodernist work, artist, writer or anyone celebrating beauty. It's is an inherently destructive idea.