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16076498 No.16076498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>philosophytube eternally btfo antisemites
Your move, nazi punks.

>> No.16076511 [DELETED] 
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>A toast, for antisemitism

>> No.16076515

Why does he have makeup on

>> No.16076518
File: 1.84 MB, 864x960, A6FD5791-104F-4D14-8FA9-8843FEDDC1D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here here

>> No.16076522

fentanyl floyd's face always makes me laugh

>> No.16076526

i’ll drink to that.

>> No.16076530


>> No.16076537
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>> No.16076557
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>> No.16076567

You ight black boy, you ight

>> No.16076584

I can't deal with the way he has edited this video, can you just tell me what his main points are? Does he mention moneylending and banking?

>> No.16076609

>People here actually watch e-celebs
Explains a lot.

>> No.16076612

biting off the contrapoints, ludicrously 'queering' his image; such a boring and predictable trajectory.

>> No.16076642

I'm guessing xer is transitioning? Don't know I don't watch youtube trash.

>> No.16076702
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I can't watch this shit because of all the fucking theatrics
I'd rather watch a 2 hour unedited video of someone talking to a camera

>> No.16076827

>"I disapprove of activities Jewish people commonly engage in which, by their own admission, are motivated by a strong sense of Jewish identity."
Refute this.

>> No.16076848

I wont watch this but there is no merit in an argument against antisemitism unless usury is directly referenced and accounted for as it is the root of "antisemitism"

>> No.16076857

Catering to the zoomer crowd means constant cuts and theatrics to keep their anemic attention.

>> No.16076863

I don't like watching videos rather than reading a text at the best of times but this guy is particularly insufferable.

>> No.16076866

Simple, Jews were the only ones permitted to practice usury so naturally they had most of the banking positions during antiquity.
It's as simple as that.

>> No.16076869

The Christians should have banned usury outright instead of only making it illegal for other Christians. Retard-tier lawmaking.

>> No.16076873
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Have they even read A People Who Shall Dwell Alone? Imagine being a VOD dilettante who won't engage with the literature on a topic.

>> No.16076878

And, as usury is immoral and the manifestation of capital as evil, it would only make sense to question why the Jews were allowed to and ecstatic about conducting it during antiquity.

>> No.16076881

The Church can only set laws for Christians. It's up to the King to set laws for non-Christians in his kingdom.

>> No.16076882

he is right on every point

>> No.16076886

What about seeing themselves as the Chosen race and refusing to marry, eat with, or socialise with Gentiles for thousands of years?

>> No.16076901
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>> No.16076904

Sounds based, why don't gentiles do the same?

>> No.16076905

I'm taking about the King's laws, genius.

>> No.16076913

>Jews were the only ones permitted to practice usury so naturally they had most of the banking positions during antiquity. It's as simple as that.
They could have refused. It would have proven that they at least have some integrity. But they didn't. They embraced it.

>> No.16076914

I couldn't care less in all honesty. Jews have a right to be themselves and have actually very rich teachings and ideas on meditation and mysticism. If only all Jews were more like Yeshayahu Leibowitz or Gershom Schloem, educators and righteous leaders of their race instead of money-hungry vampires

>> No.16076922

Jews were not 'permitted to practice usury'. Usury was banned, as were Jews often, and when Jews would enter a country they would bring usury, often somehow getting it legalized, which would fuck everything up.

>> No.16076928

Let me guess, xer is jewish.

>> No.16076933

Hitler tried, but the Chosen had the US at their bidding.

>> No.16076939

It's not possible to see the rest of humanity as a separate species and not see them as cattle to be farmed.

>> No.16076940

Not literature.
Go back.

>> No.16076944
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She admitted in one of her videos that she browsed >>>/lgbt/ she might also have browsed this board. I remember seeing infinite jest on her bookshelf.
She is literally /ourtrans/

>> No.16076950

But as king I can profit from having an intermediary class wholly beholden to me, outside of ecclesiastical power, to do my dirty work like tax collecting and money lending. I can use them and tax them as I need. Why would I limit my power?

>> No.16076954
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I really hate this faggot, but I have to thank him for introducing me to Carl Schmitt

>> No.16076956

It really does look awful.

>> No.16076959

Oo wait I thought OP showed Contrapoints, lol since when does philosophytube crossdress as a woman.

>> No.16076978
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Ah yes, very good.

>> No.16076979


To trigger all the alt-right retards who are obviously going to get a video about antisemitism in their feed.
Kudos to him desu

>> No.16076982

Now we're getting down to brass tacks. The Christian powers-that-be had a love-hate relationship with usury and Jews. They would make full use of usury then purge the Jews as soon as the bill came due. Retarded system.

>> No.16076983
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>> No.16076989

How can you read schmitt but still remain a feg?

>> No.16077002

the way he copy pasted "MASS GRAVES" really, and i mean this in the most absolute and unironic seriousness, speaks to my very soul

>> No.16077009

Quickly perused his catalogue of videos and didn't spot any philosophical content at all. Also, based on the titles, his politics appear to be more radlib than left. All signs point to pseud garbage.

>> No.16077025
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>this is a gross generalization, not all Jews think this way, every person has its own opinion.
>There's nothing wrong with having a identity and working in the name of it, so long as you don't oppress others through it like white people do
>Jews have been persecuted for centuries, they have a full right to have a strong identity and act in its name to challenge potential future persecution

These are the most common arguments - refute them.

>> No.16077032

looks like sasha foxx

>> No.16077044

Oh boy, you're naive.
Look up what the Kabalah teaches on difference between gentiles and Jews.

>> No.16077045

Not going to watch that. I just think Jews are ugly. I also believe that beauty is inherently virtuous and that those who lack it don't possess virtue. Therefore Jews are vicious according to my philosophy.

You also cannot argue with me because lmfao beauty is in the eye of the beholder

>> No.16077052

According to the Bible, usury is forbidden between Jews but allowed between a Jew and a gentile.

>> No.16077056
File: 1000 KB, 500x243, tumblr_67f1357bd1ecef9f4e00435a6de7eac4_dec0fa40_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just think Jews are ugly.

>> No.16077057

What the fuck is wrong with eceleb faggots? I mean holy shit, from "left" to "right" they're all fucking annoying faggots, how do people watch these hacks? What happened to reading? Why can't political niggers not be cringe?

>> No.16077075

She only looked good as a loli

>> No.16077106

>Simple, Jews were the only ones permitted to practice usury so naturally they had most of the banking positions during antiquity.
Don't care

>this is a gross generalization, not all Jews think this way, every person has its own opinion.
The saying goes "Two Jews, three opinions."
>There's nothing wrong with having a identity and working in the name of it, so long as you don't oppress others through it like white people do
Oppression by Jewish people is lived experience for millions.
>Jews have been persecuted for centuries, they have a full right to have a strong identity and act in its name to challenge potential future persecution
"Why don't you just move to Israel?"

>> No.16077114

How do you explain beautiful yet shallow people, like Instagram thots?

>> No.16077131

>Instagram thots
Women are the jews of the sexes.

>> No.16077153

>The saying goes "Two Jews, three opinions."
Admittedly that's pure cope, no one is using this argument in good faith.
>Oppression by Jewish people is lived experience for millions.
That's a canard and a conspiracy theory!
>"Why don't you just move to Israel?"
That's a white supremacist logical fallacy! Anyone should be able to live anywhere he wants!

>> No.16077156

They needs to read the culture of critique.

>> No.16077168


>> No.16077203

>Bruno Bauer's essay "The Jewish Question" argued Jews should not have German citizenship because Germany is a Christian nation, but Bauer was an atheist!

literally not what Bauer argued. It's obvious he didn't read the sources of anything he references, so where does he get this shit?

>> No.16077212

he proudly declares that he DOESN'T read things because their authors are "problematic"

i don't understand why people pay attention to this faggot, his audience is 90% woke zoomer women. i might as well have just said "retards" three times

>> No.16077251

>maintaining a strong excluding identity separating yourself from rest of society is what generates persecution
>They are literally making destiny manifest by their paranoia of being persecuted and inviting that by maintaining in-group nepotism
refute this

>> No.16077475

I don't know if it would have, if not for the murals

>> No.16077497

Ah, the famous book "philosophytube."

>> No.16077504

can you fucking imagine his reaction to what happened if he could have been somehow revived after a couple months?

>> No.16077505

What's with youtube educated Americans shitting up this board?

>> No.16077669
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Jannies in thread

>> No.16077967

It's pretty easy to read the final chapter of Political Theology and think, "wow, Schmitt's a communist too!"

>> No.16077987

It was the only job they were allowed to have...

>> No.16078007

>often somehow getting it legalized
and how did that happen? If Christians were so opposed to Usury, that should have been impossible. Maybe the reality is that the King knew Christians hated Usury but knew that he needed it so he chose a group that was allowed to do it and was already hated so they would get the hate and he could just use them until Usury started to hurt him, then he would wipe the slate clean by "heroically" expulsing his scapegoats.

>> No.16078041

It fascinates me that the progressive left holds up Jews as a "persecuted minority" despite them exemplifying every aspect of "over-representation" and nepotistic power sequestration they hate whites for but to a higher degree. It's almost like they just believe what they're told.