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16074916 No.16074916 [Reply] [Original]

I want to reread it to brush up on some specific events, dates, and names, but how does one go about re-reading such a massive tome? It's so laden with detail that a read through is exhausting. What is the motivation?

>> No.16074925

>asking a nippon bongo players club for motivation

>> No.16074937
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>reading a book for the purpose of memorizing dates and names

>> No.16074966
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Lots of important things happened, and with key players an dates. If you want to dismantle the holocaust, you need to know these things. I think I might go for a re-read and take notes.

>> No.16075207

>dismantle the holocaust
go back

>> No.16075392


To where?

>> No.16076113

It isn't really overly accurate anyway. Easier to just look up a specific date or event online, where you can get more than one perspective as well. Another thing, often you can contact authors online(living authors, that is, otherwise you'd have to check to see if /x/ could help you), and they often even answer your questions!

>> No.16076178
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>he didn't make notes
This is what happens when you don't start with How To Read A Book

>> No.16076186

>He got pleb filtered by a fucking big black book cover

>> No.16076190

> If you want to dismantle the holocaust,
Cringe. Go back

>> No.16076197

My bedroom, you sexy lil manwich

>> No.16076252


I really wish I had kept a fucking notebook. I thought I would remember things. What an utter fucking moron, I was. What an imbecile.

>> No.16076264

Cringe nigger

>> No.16076338
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Samefag, and most probably J*wish.

>> No.16076346

Kill yourself glownigger Redditor tryhard. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS

>> No.16076463
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I have an original 1960 Simon & Schuster which has seen better days, but is still serviceable, and I was thinking of grabbing one of the new "50th Anniversary" prints, but I also noticed this '85 Anniversary' version that seems quite scarce.

Anybody know anything about this?

>> No.16076497
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>dismantle the holocaust

>> No.16076525

if you don't want the holocaust to have happened, why not just assert so whether it happened or not? who gives a shit what some gay dusty history book says? i'll tell you, certainly nobody you hope to convince by reading it. if history can be written by the victors, i don't see why it can't be rewritten again by (You)

>> No.16076698


I'm interesting in systematically refuting it.

>> No.16076846

Shirer is a terrible place to start with the history of Nazi Germany. He’s not a historian and his insistence on creating a digestible and politically expedient narrative about the Third Reich leads to some of the dumbest myths that still exist today in the popular consciousness. His portrayal of Hitler as somehow completely insane yet also a devious charismatic mastermind makes no sense - such characters are interesting in fiction, but don’t hold basis in reality. Any chance to make the Nazis look bad is used - they constantly flip between complete buffoons and unstoppable geniuses. He also doesn’t really talk about how, for a totalitarian state, Nazi Germany was ironically pretty decentralized in many ways. The entire book is written to make Anglosphere readers feel good about the war ex post facto by painting the Germans as cartoon villains and the western Allies as the morally flawless guardians of the Free World.

>> No.16076872

Can you recommend any good books? I feel like Ernst Junger's journals would be a good source, but it's hard to say how much he wrote in the expectation of being censored.

>> No.16076972

why should you bother, when they're not interested in systematically defending it? you're fighting a losing battle my friend. the reality or unreality of the holocaust has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not it actually happened, and in what sense or magnitude. it is a fundamentally spiritual object and as such is disconnected with any material reality - a foundation myth, as it were, for the modern era. whatever holes you can poke in their narrative they'll just assume there is, somewhere, an answer to them, or they'll assume the rest of the narrative is intact and makes up for it, or most likely they will just write you off as the worst kind of person, who isn't to be listened to at all - someone who doesn't *want* to believe in the holocaust
you want to fight them with some kind of logical argument you've constructed, but they won't be defending against it with anything resembling rational logic - they have the power of an entire spiritual apparatus on their side, which has singularly identified the exact thing you are trying to do as one of the greatest possible evils and malicious falsehoods to exist in the modern world. that apparatus, fundamentally, *is* the holocaust - the assertion that tribalistic interests inevitably lead to barbarism and damnation, and that assertion has passed from historical record into unquestioned religious dogma, its truth transcending whatever material conditions may have given birth to it to become a purely moral and spiritual axiom. it no longer has any need for its basis in worldly reality to sustain itself, if tomorrow you found an iron-clad proof, a signed document by hitler himself ordering that the prisoners be treated humanely, it would literally not change a single thing about what the holocaust means to people
it's easy to see this in the parallels people make to the holocaust in the modern era - for example, putting illegal aliens who happen to be minors in detention centers is, apparently, exactly like the holocaust according to most leftists, so what does that tell you about the place the actual holocaust occupies in their minds? it's not posturing or rhetoric - they actually think this. given that, what do you think proving "there wasn't a concerted and specific effort to exterminate the jews" will do to change their view of the holocaust proper?
the unfortunate truth is that whatever you can find in some history book has absolutely not the slightest snowball's chance in hell of prevailing against these forces, any more than physics has a chance to disprove christianity or vice versa. they're just apples and oranges, you can't get there from here - if you do indeed want to fight against them, you need to do so by playing the same game as them, which has very little to do with silly questions like "what actually happened"

>> No.16076998


This is true, but it is a seminal work on the subject, so it's handy to keep around when people want to regurgitate bits and pieces of it. My first read through was pretty serious, but I didn't take notes and that was my fault. I did catch a lot of the obvious errors, though.


Utterly blackpilling, my friend.

>> No.16077005

I just finished Evans' trilogy and will probably read this book soon. I would feel like a bit of a fraud not experiencing it at least once.

>> No.16077014
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As I've said, it's one of those works that even most devout Hitlerites have read. The authenticity of the contents is a problem, but everyone should still read it, especially with a critical eye. Don't make my mistake, though, get a notebook, and for God's sake, do not use a highlighter on the thing.

>> No.16077415

This has been asked about almost daily for the past few weeks. Sure is election year itt

>> No.16077646


My fucking God anon why would I subject myself to learning about the Trivium from a bunch of kikes

>> No.16077654

How about you pay your favorite yter to read it and make a 10 minute video on it while referencing a lot of contemporary politics the whole way

>> No.16077661

if you're going into reading something already knowing what you want to take away you're not learning anything, you're just a mindless sheep trying to force everything you consume into your worldview. Open your mind while you read, and form your opinions after.

>> No.16077671

don't listen to these triggered heebs anon. Although it's self-defeating to dedicate all your time studying the Holocaust, you can start with these books in order to learn more about the eternal jew:

>On the Jews and their lies (Martin Luther)
>You Gentiles (Maurice Samuel)
>The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit (E. Michael Jones)
>3 part Culture of Critique series (Kevin B. Macdonald)
>Debating the Holocaust (Thomas Dalton)
>Blood Passover The jews of Europe and Ritual Murder (Ariel Toaff)

>> No.16077686

This. I stopped reading midway, what fucking retard would take this hot garbage seriously? It's just ad hom attacks and personal opinion.

>> No.16077736

Any good books on Heinrich Himmler and the SS?