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16074741 No.16074741[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Aleksndr Dugin is basically a psychopath who wants to destroy everything the west has made and reinstate communism under the chaos flag.

>> No.16074752

I hope that whoever made that pic dies in agony

>> No.16074758

Who cares?

>> No.16074762

Based Dugin

>> No.16074766

I tried to read a bit of Dugin but it was like Evola levels of memery with none of Evola's charm. Listening to him waffle about racism and russophobia is just incredibly tedious too.

>> No.16074777

>Slaanesh cultists will be real in your lifetime
Could be worse I guess.

>> No.16074807

>who wants to destroy everything the west has made and reinstate communism under the chaos flag
the west is doing this pretty successfully on its own

>> No.16074959


>> No.16074994

>will be

>> No.16075001

Really, this is the logical conclusion of protestantism.

>> No.16075050

That sounds amazing. Where do I start Grand Wizard Dugin?

>> No.16075131


>> No.16075153

What about it offends you?

>> No.16075167

do not worry anon they are probably living in agony, which is even worse

>> No.16075198

They'll die alone and childless and be eaten by their pugs.

>> No.16075823

>Aleksndr Dugin is basically a psychopath
>who wants to destroy everything the west has made
Correct, he's from the East
>and reinstate communism under the chaos flag.
Extremely wrong, he rejects historical materialism.

>> No.16075832

Wrong, most Catholic countries are in a similar state. Only the Eastern Bloc countries aren't. It's a product of capitalism.

>> No.16075858

reductionist particularizing take as usual. its the logical conclusion of modernity. religious social economical psychological etc. might as well say this is the logical conclusion of Helenistic religion because it preceded it in terms of chronology.

>> No.16075887

Protestantism is dissocative. It's the first instance of modernity, trying to reach some mythical truth through analysis and introspection and most importantly by discarding all tradition. It's the direct precursor to Rousseau and Marx.

>> No.16075917

I don't think I'll ever understand this image.

>> No.16075925

>Protestantism is dissocative. It's the first instance of modernity, trying to reach some mythical truth through analysis and introspection and most importantly by discarding all tradition.
except that isnt what protestantism is and almost all founding branches defered to a tradition they believed was earlier or “purer”. not a uncommon thing. multiple times chinese intellegencia and religious leaders tried to go back to a “purer” tradition that you could see as “disonent”. for example rejecting buhdist influence for a return to confucianism, amoung others.

too broad a strokes you cast.

>> No.16075966

>Hey [MY ENEMY] if [GROUP] don't exist why are they [COMPLIMENT]

Even when you understand the language it's a fucking non-sequitur

>> No.16075992

Modernity IS a Protestant construction. It could not have come from anywhere but Protestantism.

>> No.16076000

They did this by burning away everything that Christianity had developed. It's exactly analogous to the purging of neologisms from the Latin of that period in favour of Ciceronianism, pure classical Latin rather than the admininstrative Latin of the Middle Ages, which just about destroyed Latin as a written language in Europe by the sheer aridity of its purism.

We see Protestants delving into the Old Testament, into books that simply had never been a part of Christianity, that were unknown during the Middle Ages, and drawing conclusions from them that Jews of that time would have been baffled by. It was fake archaism, completely innovative, no different than Margaret Mead looking at Pacific islanders and discovering the mirror image to her boomer self, but selling it as ancient natural wisdom.

Likewise, Protestantism is dissociative. All it takes is some loon and a book that has nothing to do with him, and he can read anything he wants into it.

>> No.16076004

The French contributed a lot to creating Modernity and they were mostly Catholic

>> No.16076018

yes, the entirety of human experience in the general classification of “modernity” is sect the product of a specific religious sect. nothing else. it was certainly not influenced by every other string of thought.

>> No.16076224

>ideas don't come from anywhere, they sort of just pop into existence for no reason what so ever and have no connection to the ideas that came before them, or the people thinking them
No. Read a book.

And many of those French thinkers were Protestants, might-as-well-be-Protestants, and outright atheists.

>> No.16076280

what the fuck is an enbie

>> No.16076354

Non Binary (NB)

>> No.16076367

So, are they hermaphrodites then? Like, suffering from some chromosomal disorder.

>> No.16076377

That's fucking gay.

>> No.16076379

what the fuck is truscum and enbie? I'm guessing it's some filthy tranny shit.

>> No.16076385

it's called being an overdramatic teen who is afraid of pregnancy

>> No.16076390

...So they're not actually non-binary, as they're still men and women.

>> No.16076413

what the fuck is a non binary

>> No.16076597

forget about him.

>> No.16076619

whoah, whoah there anon
pregnancy is a big step, they're absolutely not ready for that and "probably will never have children," because they're under thirty and don't know what lonely old age looks like

>> No.16076643

And 2020 is papa Nurgle's year.

>> No.16077067

Doesn't try to conform to any particular gender

>> No.16077098

You know the West is reaching a low point when the main reason to have kids is because it's the only way to not be utterly alone past fucking age.

>> No.16077238

Enbies are people who believe themselves to exist outside the "gender binary". They call themselves non-binaries, or NBs. It's difficult to pin down exactly what they believe about themselves, because gender binary has become a personalized concept and so whatever lies outside of this binary must also logically be a personal concept decided by the individual. This is separate from transgender people, who simply believe they were born on the wrong side of said binary and need surgery to correct that default, but still accept that binary as valid. "Truscum" is a term which refers to transgender people who believe that transgenderism only exists in the conventionally understood form: you were born in the wrong body, this has caused you extreme emotional distress, you need surgery to fix it. Truscum believe that NBs are simply attempting to claim the romanticized identity of the oppressed transgender population without experiencing any of the negative aspects. "I'm not a woman in a man's body so I don't need to undergo difficult, painful, medical procedures or display symptoms of extreme emotional distress, but I stand in heroic defiance of society's oppressive gender norms, just like you and the blacks before us, and the women before them, and the native americans etc. etc.!" All of the glory, none of the sacrifice, so to speak.
This image attempts not to validate NBs but rather to troll "truscum" by placing them in a position wherein their beliefs are beyond debate. It's not intended to convince the opposing party, merely to infuriate them, like a child shouting "I can't hear you!". There is no logic behind choice of the terms used (cute, valid), they were chosen precisely because they are not an answer to the question which the image appears to be asking and therefore not an answer at all, which creates the appearance of invalidating the question to begin with. Basically saying "enbies are real because I say so"
Hence your confusion.

>> No.16077854

no u

>> No.16078154

they probably will

>> No.16078175


>> No.16078345

>Aleksndr Dugin is basically a psychopath

>who wants to destroy everything the west has made
He is an unironic Evolian. He wants to destroy 'contemporary western civilisation' and instate 'authentic and organic' classical Western Civilisation.

>gommunism under the chaos flag

>> No.16078355
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>> No.16078357

>'authentic and organic'
So what you’re saying is that he’s a giant retard?

>> No.16078366

>Modernity IS a Protestant construction. It could not have come from anywhere but Protestantism.
This is the problem with rejecting historical materialism, you have to try to invent some abstract reason for the decline of traditional ways of being, rather than the obvious and correct answer of it resulting from the increased mode of production.

>> No.16078371

>instate 'authentic and organic' classical Western Civilisation.
No he doesn't. Dugin does not care about Western Civilization because he's not from the West. He argues that Russia, and by extension Orthodox Slavic Europe, is a separate and unique civilization from the West or the Oriental East.

>> No.16078375

So you could speculate things like that a person is not a real transgender because they only decided to call themselves transgender because of autism, political reasons, social reasons. This would make you truscum. Its a pejorative term for someone who tries to differentiate some sort of true transgender person from fakers/delusional people (except in a Lauren Southern type case). The people who use the term seem to believe that just the outward identification of being transgender is the only qualifier for actually being transgender, and it is not a biological/genetic type thing.

Enbie is more simple, just means non-binary.

"truscum" tend to reinforce the binary aspects of gender and come into conflict with enbies because of it

>> No.16078376

None of that contradicts his repeated statements about how the West should re-orient itself.

>> No.16078400

Dugin also doesn't believe in a 'West'. He views continental Europe and the Anglosphere as two different things, and that only the former can reorient under a 4PT. He has enormous doubt over a 4PT arising in any Anglosphere nation, especially America.

>> No.16078405

non binary question - how do they reconcile the anima/animus? Do they dissasociate qualities with the packaged gender, associating them instead with a faceless, have-all 'human'? That may be the fact, but it seems counter intutive to me to believe in that and then stereotypically wear very defining clothes - if you have no definition, by what are you defining yourself? I don't really know their scene so correct me if they have a different answer.

>> No.16078417

Because the Anglosphere is not truly 'Western'.

>> No.16078419

You are overthinking a fashion trend utilises by 14 year olds on the internet.

All this transgender shit is just the new emo.

>> No.16078436

>Aleksndr Dugin is basically a psychopath

Yeah, like the majority of Russians

>> No.16078439

obviously the emo kids who use it are overthinking it, but behind it there is someone who thought of the whole idea. That's why im afraid im judging the idea based on the poor stereotypical execution.
If you are non binary, then the individual either exists in another system or he is systemless. to my intuition to be 'systemless' would be to act to everyone as if you don't know their gender, and take them as their whole, and to be 'system-full' would be to take each person as coming from a wildly different culture which you do not know their gender system.

>> No.16078450

The concept of 'Western civilization' is largely an invention of the Anglosphere, especially in the Post-War era.

>> No.16078469


I think you are wrong, the majority of Western Europe can not an will not embrace Eurasian nutjobbery, because both the good and bad aspects of the modern world go back to traits that evolved in the bronze age.

Modern democracy for example is an imperfect attempt to recreate Bronze Age tribal councils. Most Europeans will see the world pragmatic and rational, thick mysticism simple wont hold.

Mystictism didnt dominate discourse in the time of Charlemagne, it slowly was removed from catholicism in favour of Aristotle.

A lot might be wrong about the West, but a tradtional Western society is simple modern Western society from a rightwing perspective, anything else is eurasianism or some attempt to start a rennaissance that wont hold.

>> No.16078488

>their gender system.
Emo, before it was co-opted and packaged by shops, was a pseudo-punk thing where a young person recognizes that they are in the grip of bad feelings they can't translate to action due to their ethics. The emo hero is at their most virtuous when at their most powerless.
There are men and women, the rest is posturing and fiddling with percentages. Internet culture has allowed people to talk for years now in self-referencing conversations that have developed layers of terms that require understanding of other terms to use. Terms that have been entirely fabricated.
Weak personalities usually try to present as larger-than-life, people with gender/sexuality issues are nearly always, but not always, selfish empty idiots looking to be special the only way they know how.

>> No.16078499

You should get a (you) for that unironic breakdown.
Especially for summing up all of what /pol/ has been trying to piece together in-between posting "Built for BBC" in a single paragraph. They know they hate them, just not exactly what they are.
And now I know.

>> No.16078512

What a world we're living in

>> No.16078517

They already live in agony

>> No.16078521

>the majority of Western Europe can not an will not embrace Eurasian nutjobbery
Dugin has never argued that they would, merely that they would return to their own traditions and political system once American hegemony collapses. 4PT isn't a dogmatic doctrine for that reason.

>> No.16078669

That's always been the primary reason. The ancients would phrase it more like "The household gods must continue to receive offerings after I die, and my grave must be tended, or else I'll become a wandering spirit" but it's functionally the same thing.

>> No.16078674

Not really though, it's only a thing due to nuclear family making everyone more isolated. In the past it was mostly because you needed more help to do your peasant work or needed sons to inherit your shit when you die.

>> No.16078677

I'm pretty sure emos never bought hormones on the internet and chemically castrated themselves with them.

>> No.16078682

Can someone please explain me what the fuck any of these words mean?

>> No.16078684

>needed sons to inherit your shit when you die.
Why would this be necessary, though? A dead man doesn't need a well-run estate.
There's something deeper at work in having children. Deeper than fairtrade dildos and pugs, anyway.

>> No.16078702

Probably the concept of leaving legacy and having control over things after you die. The "choice" of having kids is an incredibly modern one, since before extremely effective birth control was a thing, having children was just an inevitability of two fertile people having sex, and lust is a pretty strong instinct, so it makes sense this shapes a lot of society. You only didn't have kids if you failed to find a mate, died young or someone had fertility issues. Whether people should have kids or not when they have a choice seems like a pretty open ended question.

>> No.16078727

I think its intellectually dishonest to disregard an entire movement as stupid, based on its apparent stereotype. Just as a numbers game, theres bound to be a part that has actually thought out its action and supports its view. They may not represent the level of thought most of the group thinks, but in no movement are the common folks thinking the same as the thinkers.
>But their movement arised out of stupidity, any thinkers coming after the fact
May be, may be. Thats a good argument nad is why i mentioned it before you post it but even if it arises out of blindness im interested to know what the arguments are after the fact.

>> No.16078730

Just because they thought it out doesn't make it not retarded.

>> No.16078735

In old times having children was also an economic boon, they may be mouths to feed but after they grow they can work and further your lineage (and power) as the head of the clan.

>> No.16078764

ok, that's why im asking what they think. its obvious you don't know and already decided theyre retarded, so why even reply? why am I replying to you? There is an actually interesting question here, that is, can you disassociate qualities from their individual percieved masculinity/femininity, and they seem to have a positive answer or atleast claim to have one. I know there are cultures in which the established genders are not binary as we have, but can there be a state of no roles? is it possible to completely detach qualities from how they attached themselves in your mind while you grew up? for me, everytime i feel generous and cook food for people I feel it as distinctly feminine urge, same as the urges i get for examining wildlife and their beauty. Is it possible for me to detach all urges and qualities from a role, and make them all like, say, childishness/maturity which to me is both female and male

>> No.16079179

What's a 4PT?

>> No.16079203

sage this tranny thread and kys OP

>> No.16079331

>wants to destroy everything the west has made and reinstate communism under the chaos flag
explain how this is a a bad thing

>> No.16079446

It's also a big reason why you're supposed to have kid in Chinese thought as well.

They see themselves in a Gnostic, pseudo-Platonic light. That is, they have a Soul, a True Self, a (Them) inside them. This Soul is a blackbox from which all thing spring. It's theoretically a very Randian thing, to be a pure well of Will. Why do they wear the dress? Because they choose to.

Of course that's not how reality works and in truth they wear the dress because they're sexually aroused at the thought of crossdressing and this allows them to be part of a community of people who will lavish affection on new members.

>> No.16079478

Letting your household gods go untended after death was basically seen as condemning yourself to life as a starving ghost, so you could say that there was a religious requirement to have children on pain of going to the above, the pagan equivalent of hell. Read Fustel de Coulanges for more on this subject.

Jews also had prohibitions on having sex with a woman around the time of her menstruation. This is explained as ritual uncleanness, but it seems like a weird coincidence that they forbade husbands from wasting their seed during their wive's week or so of infertility. "Be fruitful and multiply..."

>> No.16079520

>shitpost thread that should be deleted
>filled with insightful discussion
proud of you /lit/
anywhere else this would have been "uh dilate neck rope tranny" "incel chud miga racist"

>> No.16079583
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>> No.16079630

>Why would this be necessary, though?
A smooth flow of new people through your social ranks is what allows you to maintain a society without mass importing an as-if underclass. It makes retirement possible and keeps the upper ranks from getting stuffed full of geriatrics.

>> No.16079663

no binaries are valid. trannies are not only delusional but completely cucked by the very traditions they pretend to revolt against

>> No.16079680

Why would a corpse care about society?

Be it the family or the tribe, anon, there's no other explanation than ancestral cults. You die and join your ancestors, and you care about your fellow man because you share the same forefathers. All primitive tribes believe they have a common ancestor, usually identical to or represented by their tribal totem.

>> No.16079683

I expect, aside from the trenders, there to be two types of "non binaries". The first will be dissociating from both male and female as a consequence of dissociating from adulthood itself. They want to remain sexless children. The second will be a minority who are already reconciled with their anima/us and think this means they're neither male nor female. Sort of "but I'm not an extreme stereotype so I can't possibly be a man/woman".

>> No.16079690

Yes, which is a mythological encoding of something very material and real.

>> No.16079718

That's what I like about it. Religion only annoys me when it leads away from real life.

As freaky as these neutered permanent children are, I don't think it's that big of a deal. We've survived having a celibate caste before, and it may even serve a purpose by purging the mentally ill from the breeding pool. With child mortality so low, the mutation load of the West must be really staggering.

>> No.16079747

Ultimately I only see a problem when it crosses into trying to "diagnose" kids who just happen to have sex-atypical interests. Let the kid bring it up, not their activist teachers.
Otherwise I've always been most attracted to androgyny so this is fucking great.

>> No.16080615

Don't give a shit personally, but if you stop and think about it, almost every single person on the face of the planet is nonbinary according to the NB's definition because they've separated "gender" from it's relation to any physical characteristic of the individual. Therefore gender must logically be decided based on the individual's understanding, and since each individual must logically have a different understanding, there can be no universal definition.

Of course you agree with them, there is no level of hypocritical dipshittery to which a tripfag will not stoop.