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/lit/ - Literature

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16072754 No.16072754 [Reply] [Original]

My gf buys too many shoes she's the ultimate consoomer. Recommend me books on consumerism to red-pill her

>> No.16072773

Don’t try to changer her, be a better boyfriend.

>> No.16072785

Here‘s a red pill for you.
You should be concerned the day she stops doing that because that‘s the day she stops seeing herself as basically a doll she can dress up. It‘s also the day she will stop trying to look good. You do not want to accelerate the speed at which this day is approaching.

>> No.16072809
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what kind of shoes?

>> No.16072818

reflect on your actions

>> No.16072826

Impregnate her.

>> No.16072827
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(my gf thinks you're a femoid)
easy there incel
creepy question but still based

>> No.16072834
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hello double yikes-department?...

>> No.16072852

>trying to change her with literature
lmao gl with that nerd. you should be reading the relevant literature and then synthesizing it into key points you can use against her in arguments when you confront her about her bad habit

>> No.16072857


>> No.16072865
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>consumerism good

>> No.16072880

I can smell your reeking vagina trough your post

>> No.16072884

You will think about my words in a few years.

>> No.16072938

I smell retardation with a hint of faggotry
Ummm yes

>> No.16072963

I have seen no counter arguments from you to the point i made, only insults. Get good or shut the fuck up.

>> No.16072967
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> 13 replies in about 20mins
> not a single one mentions or revolves around literature
i hate nu-/lit/

>> No.16072982

At first one has to discuss if what op wants from literature is actually what will benefit his situation the most. THEN we can talk about lit recs.

>> No.16072981
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this is what you need my friend

>> No.16072983

It's just how women are. Literature will not help her, she will relapse to consoomption eventually. This is why women were not allowed to use money in the household.

>> No.16073000

American Psycho or any other book by Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.16073008

But you have made no argument there kind sir
Only a baseless accusation stemming from a life of inceldom

>> No.16073042

If only you knew how far off you are.
But i‘m all ears for you to change my mind. All you have to do is have better arguments than i have and i‘ll bow before you and change how i think about it.

>> No.16073063
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OP here, what will benefit my situation the most? I want to red-pill her on the destructive and corrosive effects on the soul that modern consumerism does to someone, particularly women.

I've told her our brains aren't designed for the constant advertising and culture of consumption stimulation we're living in. It's like Kierkegaard's line about the tyranny of choice. We've just become numbed by the reign of quantity.

Shit only has meaning when it's finite and rare. The more you buy stuff on impulse the less meaning any actual object you own has. Ironically it actually hurts your long term enjoyment of purchasing and owning such items and general process of consumption.

Anyway what's wrong with this attitude? I want to get her out of this modern pathology.

(p.s. she's reading these replies with me so can we keep the optics strong and lessen the spergery)

>> No.16073091

I will make no such effort for I care not for the mind of a faggot transformed by a life full of rejection
Bother me not with your drivel

>> No.16073106

To know that we‘d have to know more about your situation. How many shoes are we talking about? What are the reasons she buys them? Do you have an area where you are just as prone to consumerism but might be blind to it? Ask your gf, she probably knows. Unless you hide it ofc.
Once we have established if she is truly just consuming mindlessly or you just don‘t understand her wardrobe needs, and know if you‘re in a position to judge instead of learn together, we can go to the next step.

>> No.16073107

Au Bonheur des Dames by Zola

>> No.16073112

I understand. You have no arguments. That‘s ok. I expected as much.

>> No.16073476
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gf here! you speak wise words! The shoes were a style I don't have and I've been looking for.. they were 67% off! And currently I have three pairs of shoes so I did need them!

>> No.16073508

Digital minimalism is also pretty good

>> No.16073517


>> No.16073519

Do they fulfill a wardrobe need that wasn‘t covered by the other 3 pairs you already own? Let‘s say, sandals for hot weather, hiking shoes, sport shoes, casual every day shoes and evening attire shoes? Or do they replace a pair that‘s worn out or doesn‘t fit your aesthetic anymore? Or did you just buy another pair of the same shoes you wear anyways because „they were cute and on sale“?

>> No.16073531

I do not own shoes like them, nor have I. They do fulfill a need!

>> No.16073549

Then why is your bf so assmad about you buying them? Are you broke? Does he want you to go on a hike with him in sandals? Or to a nice restaurant in hiking boots?

>> No.16073583
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Well, I have a job and he doesn't! I'm also in line for a promotion! I also support his book addiction

>> No.16073593

I see, you‘re fucking with me. Alright then. You had your fun.

>> No.16073599

This is not your blog

>> No.16073601

end her suffering OP. A swift blow to the head should do the trick

>> No.16073600
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>> No.16073612

true story

>> No.16073615

I asked, so it‘s valid to answer you imbecile.

Just what i thought.

>> No.16073622

So what‘s his/your explanation then?

>> No.16073651

the lad here. explanation for what? i think her spending habits is cringe and needs to be sorted out

she likes buying things and is happy with that

what is there to explain bro

>> No.16073668

Just tell her black guys wouldn't complain about stupid shit like this

>> No.16073692

Tell her to stop being stupid and not waste so much money or else you’ll have to put the foot down on this shit. If she continues and wants to leave or break up then she was going to leave but if she stays or eventually gets over it remind her why not to do that and you do it out of love and the future of the relationship. Then have insanely rough sex

>> No.16073702

So what do you expect her to do? Go hiking in rain boots? Anti-consoomer philosophy is all nice and dandy but not very practical. You can argue that people can go trough live barefoot or with one pair of shoes for 40 years. Ofc it‘s possible. But you should ask yourself if it is necessary. Will her not buying sandals really make that big of a difference to validate her having to endure things a pair of shoes could easily prevent? If you want to be radical about it, then do that. But then i wonder how come you are able to access the internet. That shows me that you yourself don‘t follow trough with your own ideology. I‘m not an advocate for consumerism in any way. But you also have to think practical and in every day life, most philosophical and political theories are simply too far removed from reality to be applicable. Unless you‘re a fanatic. And good luck finding a partner who‘s just as fanatic about the same things. And i can tell you right not that there is a whole ocean of stuff coming your way if you ever have a baby. It‘s mot going to get better with the consuming down the line with a family in mind. Ofc you could buy a piece of land and live off grid. But you wouldn‘t be the first one to try and fail. I know it sounds so good. But this unfortunately isn‘t the stone ages anymore. So all i have left is to wish you the best of luck in implementing your values in reality and finding a balance that is actually do able. This is exactly what people mean when they say relationships require work and compromises.

>> No.16073703

This entire tread has nothing to do with literature moron, move to a different board and discuss op’s relationship problems.

>> No.16073729

Hide the thread if you‘re offended by it