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16067144 No.16067144 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16067147

i feel so horrible for him.

>> No.16067159

Wasn't much of a treatment drug if he's gotten worse now, was it?
Did he fall for the hydroxychloroquine meme?

>> No.16067173

>Hey goys! Mikhaila Peterson here with another family update...
>And don't forget to donate to our GofundMe page to help daddy beat rona

>> No.16067180

don't worry, covid and benzos go together ok and even if he dies he'll be in a better place

>> No.16067181

Just let the man catch a break. This is getting overboard at this point

>> No.16067196

Eh, I don’t blame him. I’m only 27 and I felt like I was dying despite my case probably ending up being classified as mild to moderate. If I was asked to take part in a trial I would have done it in an instant. Really sucks being incredibly sick and doctors not being able to do a single fucking thing for you besides poking you with sticks every day.

>> No.16067201


>> No.16067204

Trips and he lives to redeem himself

>> No.16067208 [DELETED] 

Say what you will about his views, he's really being put through hell right now and he doesn't deserve it. I hope he manages to get through this.

>> No.16067220

Mikhaila Peterson gave her father coronavirus

>> No.16067237
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>> No.16067242
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This whore either has Munchausen by proxy or wants her dad to die so she can inherit his money.

>> No.16067246

Why Ameritards dont use mask? I usually watch public freaks out for old woman not wearing mask but also theres a lot of zoomer like watching movies in the park? wtf

>> No.16067248

Shit. I’d get corona too if it meant I got to plow her.

>> No.16067251
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>Just let the man catch a break. This is getting overboard at this point

>> No.16067256

It’s literally “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” personified

>> No.16067261

how did he catch corona? doesn't he wash his penis every day?

>> No.16067267
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>I usually watch public freaks out
Nice LARP. No European would subject themselves to that kind of frivolousness.

>> No.16067268
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>> No.16067275

french kissing his daughter

>> No.16067280

I know Euros have deep emasculated resentment towards America but come on. I never see people use masks in my supposedly advanced model country unless their particularly paranoid. Also young people just don't give a fuck.

>> No.16067293

Why did normies hate Peterson again? I had problems with how he used his popularity to make so much money, since he had to know much of it was coming from fans who were a little too invested. Especially when he sold his stupid rug.

But normies seemed to hate him just for being a moderate liberal bourgeois and saying basic stuff.

>> No.16067305

He repackages truisms into word salad with the intention of making it sound profound to retards like you.

>> No.16067313

Right, he's bland so it makes no sense to hate him as much as you redditors do. That's exactly what I said.

Maybe if I had "repackaged" it into something simpler you could have understood it?

>> No.16067315

It's divine retribution

>> No.16067325

He’s clearly pandering to his right leaning audience. He’s not above looking like an idiot to justify his followers’ beliefs. When he was asked if Jesus was the literal son of God or something he said some shit about how it would take him an hour to properly set up his answer and didn’t really have a good answer to “how about almost certainly not?” Because the group he panders to is right leaning, the left sees him as a nazi.

>> No.16067342

>he's a hack
Is that not a valid reason to hate the guy?

>> No.16067359

How are they even right leaning though? I knew a few people who were into Peterson and they were mostly normie girls with reservations about slut culture or video game bros who wanted a kick in the ass to stop them from spending all day online.

I don't watch his stuff but I'm not surprised he dithers on real questions since he doesn't want to lose followers. But that should just make him even more bland because he would be unlikely to say anything clearly "right leaning."

I hate a lot of hacks but I don't obsess over them the way a lot of reddit/twitter people do over Peterson. From what I can tell /lit/ doesn't even care about him, not past his 15 minutes of fame anyhow.

The only threads/posts I see here are like >>16067305, strangely angry about some youtube guru. That poster was so angry he didn't even stop to read my two line post, he was so excited to yell retard at a Peterson fan.

>> No.16067362

For fucks sake, can he make a single appearance WITHOUT his whore daughter directing everything and hogging all the attention?

>> No.16067374

Nice bait

>> No.16067402

its more a case of the neutralising effect on echo chamber based leftism he has, which if you aligned with that, you would determin him by contrast rightwing, and if you derived power from the left you would want to ensure he "couldn't catch a break"

>> No.16067479

>the left sees him as a nazi
No, the left sees him as an amusing clown and a pseud.

>> No.16067485

>How are they even right leaning though?
How are you even asking this question? Everything he initially railed against was pretty much exclusively the left’s sacred monuments. The reason he got famous in the first place was his fight against forced pronoun use. In general, he is against censorship which is one of the left’s key weapons. He spoke against feminism and perceived gender inequality which are unquestionable on the left. He seems to have a general theory similar to /pol/‘s idea about degeneracy, while the left as you mentioned slut culture and similar changes in norms. He’s definitionally conservative. I mean I guess it’s possible to have been a fan of him for psychiatric stuff, but none of that is particularly special in an inflammatory way or otherwise so it’d seem weird.

>> No.16067488

Dubs and he dies

>> No.16067491


>> No.16067494

Delete the post.


>> No.16067501

Good. Now his sexy daughter is mine.

>> No.16067504

See >>16065404
They actually see him as a gateway to Fascism.

>> No.16067512

dubs and he lives instead of dying

>> No.16067516

His sexy daughter has belonged to every male within a 4 mile radius of her house

>> No.16067521


>> No.16067528

I have no idea who those people are.

>> No.16067529

How fat are you? I see most 80 years olds getting over it without much difficulty

>> No.16067531

not really. your ideology will always be filled with angsty teens and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.16067532

after dad died, i thought one way for him to stay with us, is for me to have his ankles, fortunatily the russian hospital i brought him to specialises in ankle transplants.

heres a selfies of how great i look with my new ankles

>> No.16067534

Project much?

>> No.16067536
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based left btfoing pseuds

>> No.16067538

not really

>> No.16067541

I can't wait to see what BDSM costume she'll wear for the "my dad is dead" YouTube announcement video

>> No.16067546

/pol/ is a board populated by 14-year-old self-loathing darkies.

>> No.16067554

/pol/ represents the right about as much as tumblr the left

>> No.16067558

hell be fine

>> No.16067563

rent free as always

>> No.16067571

I mean those 20-50 make up almost 40% of hospitalizations and 80+ have a 20% case fatality rate...but sure I guess what you “see” is proof enough for me.
Oh and I’m literally 205 with abs...

>> No.16067625

jojo got the 'rona

>> No.16067647

died in a russian gulag, like his hero, on whose works he is well versed

>> No.16067652

Does anyone believe this increasingly surreal story of mounting illnesses, addictions, rehabilitations, disorders, esoteric side effects and conflicting treatments? This hypochondriatic retard is bullshitting everybody. A thimbleful of juice kept me awake for 72 hours, I eat only steak, I got the meme virus while in my Russian, pardon me, Slovakian or whatever rehab clinic. Come on. How can people be so gullible to keep believing these lies

>> No.16067657

at a serbian hospital, of all places

>> No.16067874

he will be allowed to feel better once biden wins

>> No.16067880

>meat-only diet
>both are weak and unhealthy-looking as shit
For what purpose? Why would you cut out delicious vegitables and grains?

>> No.16067882

I’m starting to think this is all at least slightly bullshit, these ridiculous health issues he’s going through. To me there’s simply no way a PHD psychiatrist with decades of clinical experience would go about using benzos that way. A 16 year old doing some reading on erowid will know the dependency issue and that you need to taper off. It’s not fucking quantum mechanics, it’s a drug with a reputation and millions of users.

I think it’s all to get donations/pump up his daughter’s stupid fucking podcast and fad diet blogging because he knows no publisher or academic institution is going to touch him now.

>> No.16067890 [DELETED] 

Some hate him (justifiably) because >>16067293
But most are just assblasted at his searing and irrefutable contentions against identity politics, intersectionality, regressive leftism, and critical theory.

>> No.16067895

He was insisting that eating anything other than steak was making him deathly ill and/or insomniatic for weeks on end. His daughter developed the same affectation at the same time, so strange!

>> No.16067898

Some hate him (justifiably) because >>16067305
But most are just assblasted at his searing and irrefutable contentions against identity politics, intersectionality, regressive leftism, and critical theory.

>> No.16067923

Why would he care if Springer or some academic publisher won't print his works? He can self publish and get better royalties anyway

>> No.16067943

Because even totally broke charlatans can have some level of self respect anon. Self publishing essentially makes you a literary gigolo for life

>> No.16067954

>he knows no publisher or academic institution is going to touch him now.
Didn't he just come off like the longest book tour in history? He made a lot of money for a lot of hand rubbers, dunno why he'd be untouchable. I think he really lost it on drugs
His daughter is spinning it as hard as possible to get views for her podcast and stuff though, for sure

>> No.16067960

It's rather the opposite. Self-publishing allows you to say whatever you want, rather than censoring yourself according to the rules of institutions.

>> No.16067967

How tall are you fat boy bitch.

>i mean
You MEANT to say “man I gotta get back to lereddit, they’ll tell me how scary coronavirus is!”

>> No.16067982

JK Rowling made her own publishing house because she wanted to go independent. It's essentially self-publishing. But she wanted to do it because she would get more money per book sold

Eric Trump also self-published his new book, although it's debatable as to how literary he is.

>> No.16067983

Look what you've done

>> No.16068027

His room, sparkling.

>> No.16068086

Amerimutts are literally a population of 2 digits IQ, they behave like children

>> No.16068120

Didn't some black magicians literally throw a curse on him?

>> No.16068137

That's the thing about COVID though is that it's totally random how you react to it. There are old ass people shrugging it off and perfectly healthy 20 year olds getting lung transplants, to say nothing of that weird Kawasaki disease type reaction in kids.

>> No.16068171

He's gunning for a biopic. Alive or dead; and that's just the bloody truth.

>> No.16068282
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top kek

>> No.16068309

Americans don't wear masks literally for the sole reason that authority figures told them to.

>> No.16068317
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im a red blooded 18 year old male im not dying of the zogvirus, but i sure as hell will carry it so niggers and fatasses will. fuck this clown world, this is my own form of retribution.

>> No.16068396

I don’t think it’s as strange as you think, anon. It’s not totally random in any sense because there have been clear trends in severity based on age. There will be some outliers in both directions, but that goes for familiar diseases as well. It just seems like the ways that COVID can hurt you are much scarier and permanent, should you actually have a bad time with it.

>> No.16068611

>a literary gigolo for life
Someday when I am a successful self published author I will put this on my self published business cards.

>> No.16068633

Holy based.

>> No.16068656

It's worst with certain comorbidities and genetic backgrounds. Those with Italian ancestry seem to get it bad.

>> No.16068662
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Non mask wearer here.

I don't wear a mask for two reasons

1) I want to heighten the curve and worsen the impact of the virus. The more people that die, the better off I'll be if I survive. There will be more jobs and lower use of capital resources meaning life will objectively improve.

2) If I die it will put me out of my misery.

No matter what, I can't lose here. Low IQ people and big brains don't wear masks. Midwits wear them.

>> No.16068680

Damn based.

>> No.16068696
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>Why Ameritards dont use mask? I usually watch public freaks out for old woman not wearing mask but also theres a lot of zoomer like watching movies in the park? wtf

>> No.16068701

u kno the moral of clockwork wasnt to be a sociopathic cringelord right

>> No.16068710

Hes larping amerisht or some spic because in most European countries especially the one I reside in no one wears a mask unless on public transport. Hes probably some toursist from reddit honestly

>> No.16068712

Not in the movie version which leves out the final chapter.

>> No.16068717

>He repackages truisms into word salad
You say this only because you're retarded and can't follow what he says. Also this is a basic bitch criticism

>> No.16068731

What a cunt

>> No.16068773

Hegelian dark magic spell casted by Zizek

>> No.16068802
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>> No.16068815

While not a word salad, 12 Rules for Life is also not terribly well written. It's passable.

>> No.16068818

Its somewhat popular meme diet, I think its a reaction to the pushing of vegetarian and vegan diets.
Same in here Europe. Most people were fine with masks, until rumour that masks will be mandatory started to spread.

>> No.16068840

He's not a psychiatrist, but a psychologist

>> No.16069014
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>Whore daughter
>Benzo addict despite having PHD in psychology
>Right wingers think he is a Jewish shill
>Left wingers think he is a retard
>Academics don't even recognize him
>Dying from wu flu

>> No.16069024

He is a bad person and is now paying the price.

>> No.16069094
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What is her f**king problem, really?

On another note, is he actually looking good for a man of his age that doesn't seriously exercise?

>> No.16069116

Dubs and his benzo treatment induces a delayed gender dysphoria

>> No.16069212

I concede your big brain Gigachad.

>> No.16069223
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You can see the transition so well.
>some hyperbolic professor in Canada
>at the height of his powers, touring around and lecturing in auditoriums overdressed and groomed, talking on TV, going to Oxford Union etc.
>the bizarre and abrupt JUSTing

>> No.16069224

Damn you are so cool and edgy

>> No.16069305

>I think its a reaction to the pushing of vegetarian and vegan diets
So he is literally a caricature of a reactionary?

>> No.16069322

he cant talk. what do you want, hes a vegetable now.

>> No.16069327

huh no, beta men rely on women for everything

>> No.16069331

it's very bizarre to me these things would be opposed to each other. My idea of eating healthy is to eat almost entirely meat and vegetables, with stuff like bread only supplementing for when I need extra energy.

>> No.16069352
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>> No.16069358
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>> No.16069366

what the fuck. peterson wont live to see the end of this month.

>> No.16069371

big cringe

>> No.16069382

yes he is looking good for his age. anyone with two eyes can see that.

>> No.16069387

wtf is this real? why does it look like an 80s VHS tape?

>> No.16069390

This is so sad, I wish him the best

>> No.16069393

I doubt that the way he makes the left seethe.

>> No.16069399

it is, its a screenshot from amazon. even worse than the look its the composition, its literally a huge woman and this manlet besides her in a submissive position, how the fuck did he agree to such a cover, when he was obsessed with lobsters and their hierarchies.
the best that can happen to him now is death.

>> No.16069406

He's not a psychiatrist, he's a clinic psychologist. He wouldn't have much training or experience with drugs.

Also have you seen the most recent video with him? He looks FUCKED.

>> No.16069411

>Also have you seen the most recent video with him? He looks FUCKED.

>> No.16069432

her podcast, it's the one that explains what happened this year with him.

>> No.16069451

okay found it

seems like a different person. he talks, he utters stuff, but its like theres no emotional attachment to anything he says, no spark, not in the way he used to be, its like he got the brain rewired, but for bad, its not the same guy.

>> No.16069490


>> No.16069498

the evidence that this was all prepared and constructed before his anti-tranny speech is his hair transplant

Yes peterson was probably a spook OP

>> No.16069521

I still think he died of his addiction and everything from the experimental treatment to the recovery to, now, the coronavirus diagnosis was poorly orchestrated by his daughter to continue cashing in.

>> No.16069527

He could write a self-help book every year until he died and a publisher would scoop them up. He likely already had an agent.

>> No.16069539

My comment was about meat only diet overall. Mikhaila Peterson said that he has some digestion issues or something, but even then, I don't think eating only meat is making it better.
I can understand having meat heavy diet, but eating only meat is something most people don't do. Far as I know eating only meat is a eskimo thing, and even that is because there are little to no plants to eat.

>> No.16069552

bet the eskimo only meat doesnt mean only steaks. they must eat the bones and everything is there in the animals, its way different than the retarded meat only diet i imagine those fuckers do.

>> No.16069567

Praying for his death

>> No.16069574

>Did he fall for the hydroxychloroquine meme?
probably. it seems like something he'd do.
its an anti-authority thing. americans are especially resistant to being told what to do. watch CartNarcs for examples of this. they pretend its about right-or-wrong, but really its about pride

>> No.16069696

I'm European and nobody wears masks here but old people. The only time you will see someone wear a mask is in the store. I can go to a cafe or restaurant and none of the customers will have a mask, not to mention clubs.

>> No.16069721

Does the virus even exist in Europe now? I think the US is seeing over 1k deaths a day still.

>> No.16069742

the virus still exists everywhere and will become endemic everywhere. it's completely impossible to contain it

>> No.16069771

Not hard to believe

I'm a fairly educated talented person, from the outside people think I have it together. But I have a never ending string of health problems I keep secret from people.

I had to type out the complexity of these health problems and how fucking absurd the heights they get, you would think I was insane. This is why I don't tell people about them, they're literally hard to believe.

In relation to Peterson's health drama I will say this, one health problems tends to snowball into 10 other ones if you're not careful. You start off with one health problem and one medicine which creates two health problems and two medicines until you're completely fucked. So it's not hard to believe.

>> No.16069780

They have less than 10% in my country, and most of them are seriously ill

>> No.16069798

>In relation to Peterson's health drama I will say this, one health problems tends to snowball into 10 other ones if you're not careful. You start off with one health problem and one medicine which creates two health problems and two medicines until you're completely fucked. So it's not hard to believe.
same, had this happen for a period in my life
got one rare disease
then it was like my whole body gave out. all kinds of weird problems. nervous system, circulatory, digestive.
am doing better now

>> No.16069847

Yep it's bizarre

You'll be totally normal, then one day a health problem starts. You start working on it, then something you do creates another health problem. Then another health problem because of the two health problems, and it just keeps going on.

I'm still dealing with it but I've at least reversed the domino effect, only have like one problem left now

>> No.16069850

Has anyone ever been a bigger disproof of their own philosophy than a guy who writes a self-help guide becoming a druggie?

>> No.16069857
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I have the same kind of problems. It seems to be of autoimmune nature, and Peterson believes his (before benzo) issues to also be.
Most of these unexplained health snowballs seem to originate from autoimmune issues in digestive system. This is why so many people recently try the meat-only diet (cuts out the antinutrients and allergens that plants use to scare off predators), and apparently it helps a lot of them. I have tried and while I felt less sick, I also had major lack of energy which did not go away over time, so I stopped.

It's either the stress of modern life, dogshit food with harmful substances in it (from industrial farming), hormones and medicine in the water, lack of immuno-suppressive testosterone (because of xenoestrogens), lack of physical activity, and personally I believe of the major reasons to be excessive masturbation (only in men, loss of valuable substances with cum and chronically elevated prolaktin levels).

>> No.16069859

>Mikhaila Peterson said that he has some digestion issues or something, but even then, I don't think eating only meat is making it better.
I’m willing to bet she farts, poops and sharts all the fucking time because of it.


>> No.16069864

Clean your immune system, bucko!

>> No.16069871

I am >>16069857
I can with 100% conviction say that you will not fart a single time if you're on the meat-only diet. The only source of gas in your digestive system seems to be from rotting fiber and other plant material. That's why you get the worst farts after beans or peas.
However meat-only diet has its own, different problems.

>> No.16069878

Do you even shit on it?

>> No.16069886

The volume of shit is very low, almost all of the material is absorbed (there is no "filler" like fiber). In terms of digestive comfort the meat-only diet is superior in every way.
The problems are mostly lack of energy and low-quality sleep, caused by lack of sugar and other carbohydrates. People say that you'll get adapted to ketosis after some time but I felt like half-dead zombie for months. It's possible that I ate too little or not diversely enough.

>> No.16069911

just a flu bros

>> No.16069952

Everything he said was to advocate for free speech which isnt a right wing concept

>> No.16069956

Freedom of speech is inherently a right-wing position, that's why there's /pol/ and /leftypol/, but there is no /rightypol/.

>> No.16069960

He's clearly pro-capitalism which is what makes him right wing.

>> No.16069976

free speech is not obviously right or left wing. The whole idea when you actually think about it makes both right and left politics look kind of bad, because neither of them allow everybody to argue their perspective based on evidence and reason, and have that responded to.

>> No.16069978

No it's not
You're clearly retarded if you think left wing necessarily means anti-capitalism. Ironically this is the kind of radical thinking Peterson has described.

>> No.16069979

he really must start loving jesus only

>> No.16069999
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>> No.16070011

>Jordon Peterson
>makes the left seethe
Pick one, benzo man.

>> No.16070016

That's what the term has always meant. Do you think in the 1800s people used the term referring to tranny pronouns?

>> No.16070027


>> No.16070034

>That's what the term has always meant.
No it referred to Republican sentiments, anti-monarchical, at first.

>> No.16070037

I'm not a fucking retard I understand that the further to the right you are the closer you are to fiscal liberty that doesnt mean left wing means anti-capitalism come on now

>> No.16070052

He's definitely a better orator than writer. And yeah his talks definitely sprawl in all kinds of directions and tangents, so I'd say he often takes a long time to get to the point, but he's not at all hard to follow, nor is anything he says void of meaning. "Word salad" is either a stupid or dishonest criticism.

>> No.16070060

I also get you didn't call the book a word salad, but it's a common thing said by his critics.

>> No.16070072

Because burgers are obstinate dunderheads.

>> No.16070107

130iq verbal aspergian here
What people dont understand is that the reason he goes out of his way to explain things with the extended precision he does AND the reason why he tends to allow himself to follow several tangents that wrap up later on is because by doing so the listener (assuming they are actually listening) can naturally pick up on the abstract relationships beneath the concepts he talks about (hence why his first book is called Maps of Meaning). People that think hes being redundant or flowery for the sake of selling himself do not understand what hes trying to do.

>> No.16070110

Monarchy is just ancap at its logical conclusion.

>> No.16070119

Leftism just means anticapitalism, dumbfuck. Peterson has the IQ of a turnip.

>> No.16070155

Oh yeah it's almost as if "leftism" and "left wing" are two different terms you stupid sack of piss

>> No.16070179


someone pass me the adderall i'm going in.

>> No.16070199

>and fatasses will.
based coofer, honestly I despise fat asses more than ethnics tbqh

>> No.16070242

Nothing good happens without sacrifice.

>> No.16070250

Projection is real. Imagine being unironically idpol lefty and thinks JBP is an amusing clown pseud.

>> No.16070264

> /lit/ - Literature
Get all of this /pol/ bullshit out of here

>> No.16070364

Peterson has wrote multiple books.

>> No.16070431


>> No.16070437

I believe his daughter has been trying to kill him to take his wealth

probably with the help of her Pick-up Artist psychopath boyfriend

>> No.16070480

>idpol lefty
Nice oxymoron, dumbfuck. Peterson must be your hero.

>> No.16070489

Post body

>> No.16070493

>Mr. Peterson, I don't feel so goo- COOOOF

>> No.16070520

What's the bet we eventually find out he's been diddling her for years? What if the *hits pipe* meme becomes real?

>> No.16070529
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>"got worse" after taking treatment drug
>also got worse (aka addicted to the point he had to put himself in a coma to stave off withdrawal) after taking drugs to treat his depression
Maybe "take your meds bucko" isn't such good advice after all?

>> No.16070560

Why does a supposed medical expert whose advice largely consists of telling young people to trust medical experts insist on only getting healthcare in the shadiest countries? First the induced coma in Russia and now this.

>> No.16070779

>whose advice largely consists of telling young people to trust medical experts

No? Why the fuck do you retards keep making shit up, he said antidepressants were helpful, not that they were the answer to everything.

>> No.16070831

I remember the time being a liberal was about caring for the poor and the worker and freedom of speech, not that race-baiting™ pozzed™ everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi bullshit. Now call me a boomer and floss away, will you?

>> No.16070886

Remember when scoffing at the idea of blasphemy earned you leftie cred? Man, Quake really was a great game.

>> No.16070897

What exactly are Peterson and his daughter doing in Serbia?

>> No.16070900

He and his daughter also have many health problems after eating only meat, all day, erryday

>> No.16070909

I don't want to blame the daughter but I don't exactly feel like she's a positive influence on her father's health.

>> No.16070948

My theory is that she is making up illnesses for her father, so she can get attention. She wasn't getting very much attention for posting bikini pics and shilling her fad diet. Who cares about that? You can find a half dozen Instagram girls who do the same thing within 10 minutes. However, she found out that people are very interested in her father. She is unable to replicate or contribute to any of his academic works, but she can get him to try all kinds of wacky health shit

>> No.16070961

probably trafficking bennys or "models" for his daughter's bf's third world camgirl slave house

>> No.16070971

holy based

>> No.16070992

Andrew Tate runs a girl cam website?

>> No.16071001

It's the perfect country for christian schizos

>> No.16071203

why why?

>> No.16071378

Did you eat it raw? There is no point eating a only-cooked-meat-diet.

>> No.16071401
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>christian schizos

Oh look it's jewanon, he's projecting again.

>> No.16071479

> t. non-Protestant heretic

>> No.16071502

I cycle carnivore to cut weight and you get adapted fast, if you're not a feeble person, of course. Sugar isn't benzos.

>> No.16071516

Also, I start to sleep at least 3 hours less than regularly, and wake up 6:00 AM without alarms every day. The longer I went was 40 days. And to think the clarity of mind, energy, health and time extra time for sleeping less I gained doing carnivore wasn't enough to make me abandon chocolate and ice cream...

>> No.16071720

she looks legit insane

>> No.16071817

How much money would she inherit if papa died? Her mother is still alive, and she has a brother

>> No.16071837

>Why can't he catch a break?
God tries to prove something here

>> No.16071854


No one needs a reason not to wear it.

>> No.16071855

Eskimos do eat berries, leaves, roots, seaweed, etc They dont follow an all carnivore diet, which no animal does.

>> No.16071871

I usually don't wear one outside unless I'm in a crowd because the odds of catching or spreading it outside in an open, aerated space are negligible. I wear them in shops etc because it's the polite thing to do and I follow the law.

>> No.16071872

THat fucking bitch is going through a teenage fantasy phase right after having a kid. Porr husband, based arab chad who showed the world her true face.

>> No.16071874

Because he catches everything else.
>carnivore diet will cure everything and make you super human
>gets sicker by the minute
I‘d laugh if it wasn‘t so predictable.

>> No.16071892


>> No.16071910

the Carnivore diet is just the Vegan or Fruitarian diet, just the opposite and slightly more healthy.

They are just fads, just like the paleodiet, yes its a fad, we adapted to agriculture and drinking milk, we arent paleohumans.

>> No.16071914
File: 111 KB, 1600x1063, a forest full of berries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong and retarded.

>> No.16071922

>we adapted to agriculture and drinking milk
>Approximately 65 percent of the human population has a reduced ability to digest lactose after infancy. Lactose intolerance in adulthood is most prevalent in people of East Asian descent, with 70 to 100 percent of people affected in these communities.

>> No.16071973


>> No.16071976

Any predator eating the intestines of its prey, will also eat the preys food. No animal only eats meat.

>Approximately 65 percent of the human population has a reduced ability to digest lactose after infancy.

Only White people are human.

>> No.16072057

>More to the point that dudebroism is a kind of autism. They only affirm the world inasmuch as it serves them well, and despair when it does not even more than the "weak", not because of wishful thinking but because of extreme intellectual disability.

>> No.16072102
File: 924 KB, 350x234, skee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another win for Slavoj!

>> No.16072257

Pretty big reach there

>> No.16072285

Me my most serious problems is that some mods on my steam game dosent work anymore and I got to play without mods. For fukken Sake bra

>> No.16072298

man Peterson really loves drugs

>> No.16072301

Why are bears so ugly, except for the Grizzly, they look kino as fuck

>> No.16072313

I noticed a while again this petty passive aggressive type anti americanism where >dude masks, >dude Fahrenheit, >America current year, >American Education and >dude healthcare America bad bro, are Americans and Canacucks almost exclusively. They LARP as euros to act as if these are really rent free topics floating around our heads.

>> No.16072317

>Porr husband, based arab chad who showed the world her true face.
Huh? I'm lost because I don't follow eceleb stuff.

>> No.16072337

Fuck old people. Rona is a gift from God to wipe out the boomer menace.

>> No.16072348

Polars look comfy as fuck, I wanna hug them.

>> No.16072356

It's just oikofobia. Common in redditors of all nationalities.

>> No.16072394

I've heard this from a lot of Euros too, what bothers me is that Euro-narcissim doesn't like to own up when their cunts act in ways that mirror "ugly americans."

>> No.16072486

I don't know who the Arab is, but when Mikhaila's child was about 3, she suddenly left her husband and child and went to Eastern Europe alone. Later, she was found to be the girlfriend of a half-black PUAer named Andrew Tate. He also guest starred on a podcast and talked about how he kept women in line by telling them that they're only good for sex and easily replaceable, and that he used the same technique on Mikhaila.

>> No.16072496

I've been saying for years, once you hit 50 you should be pushed into a meat grinder and made into dog food

>> No.16072511

Who's going to give you your apportionment of the dole if we kill all the people in charge?

>> No.16072547

>it's just a flu, brah

>> No.16072572

this earned at least a (You)

>> No.16072605


>> No.16072628

i just got off the phone with mikhaela peterson. jordan is in a bad place. due to a side effect of experimental synthetic opioids he was prescribed while in Turkey to treat his coronavirus, he is currently nonresponsive, sitting in lotus pose, speaking chinese for 50 hours at a time, only stopping to eat lint from the carpet. he doesnt even know chinese. doctors can't explain this novel illness. they're taking him to Myanmar next to try a mixture of khat and LSDA.
pray for him

>> No.16072655

>you have to be old to be in charge
Stupid fuckers should step aside once they're out of their prime

>> No.16072757

Ah, I too enjoyed Logan's run and Onions Green.

>> No.16072998

that's the europoor face par excellence

>> No.16073028

true it must be a conspiracy you're not obsessed t all

>> No.16073040


>> No.16073081

>Kermit posting is the new Billy Mays

>> No.16073400

dubs and he dies and doesn't go to heaven because there is no god

>> No.16073426

Fuck off Satan.

>> No.16073485

God exists.

>> No.16073486


>> No.16073499

There is no treatment drug, dudes been popping the second benzo pack LMAO

>> No.16073518

He's absolutely fucked.

>> No.16073560

Its not about objective truth in that case, he just needed a fix to sustain his inhumane career. idk whats going on inside him but i guess he believes in sacrifice

>> No.16073592
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his WHORE daughter got him killed. this fucking BITCH

>> No.16073597

If that is real, holy shit......................

>> No.16073608

Several millions shared together with her brother

>> No.16073617

Shes everything Jordan warned us. Bitch initiated a divorce, hangs out with psychopathic males like andrew tate and overall whores herself out

>> No.16073623

>boney, no female features, gross makeup
do people think this is attractive

>> No.16073624

I honestly do not understand why she became so "popular".

How exactly did she deserve a spotlight and a Rogan interview?

I know that he has a son as well but I've never seen him.

>> No.16073632

Please describe your symptoms and experience in graphic detail. For science.

I haven't been taking the meme disease seriously.

>> No.16073662

I don't know why normies hated Peterson, but I hated him because he was a retard trying to encourage the dumbest social/political instincts in antisocial teen boys. If I were younger when Seven Rules came out I would've eaten it up and been dumber and more obnoxious to this day

>> No.16073676

This cant be real holy fucking shit. The cover looks like its meant to be ironic holy fucking shit

>> No.16073690

if juden peterstein cant even raise his own daughter right why should i let him tell me how to live?

>> No.16073699

I don't use reddit, but I read /lit/ and twitter and I see him mentioned 100 times more on this board than in that hellhole

>> No.16073710

Singles and we all die eventually

>> No.16073716

You cant always control how your children turn out.

>> No.16073720

Normies hate him because he’s le mean transphobe man.

>> No.16073732

>I'm glad I got indoctrinated the right way because if I didn't...
No anon, you're exactly what you always would have been.

>> No.16073736

Why does every right-wing forum ban people constantly then

>> No.16073749

dude fucking goes along with it though. thats the fucking thing. put your foot down man, ive lost all respect i had for him.

>> No.16073755

Jordan wouldn't leave anything to his wife?

>> No.16073757

If you're not anti-monarchism, anti-feudalism, and anti-capitalism, you're not left-wing. That is the basis of the concept. Pro-capitalism lefty posturing is called liberalism

>> No.16073759

Rest in power

>> No.16073770

>the further to the right you are the closer you are to fiscal liberty
Monarchy = fiscal liberty? Are you high

>> No.16073771

>In Serbia the country with a huge shortage of respirators
Literally why did he go back, especially during a pandemic

>> No.16073776

He said left not liberal

>> No.16073781


>> No.16073793

*and also le mean patriarchy man.

>> No.16073804

I don't understand, is it Mikhaila's book? Why is the author a literally who Johnny (((Rockermeier)))?

> Jordan & Mikhaila Peterson - Our Carnivore Diet: How to cure Depression and Disease with Meat only: Revised Transcripts and Blogposts - featuring Dr. Shawn Baker

>> No.16073807

>Not worshipping bestselling pop authors makes me ""indoctrinated""
Sorry for your loss faggot

>> No.16073817

Does that mean penis inspection day is cancelled?

>> No.16073823

So did anyone famous die from COVID so far? I can't think of anyone.

>> No.16073824

It's a random internet guy who copied-and-pasted a bunch of shit they wrote and paid a press to make a "book" out of it
Do people on /lit/ really not know what self-publishing is? Like 80% of Amazon books are self-published/plagiarized bullshit by literal whos

>> No.16073831

John Prine.

>> No.16073832

Government says literally everyone who died since February died of covid-19, 4chan says literally no one has died of covid-19, truth is probably somewhere in between

>> No.16073834

But self-publishing still doesn't allow you to plagiarize or sell copyrighted works. Wouldn't Peterson's works belong to Jordan's copyright?

>> No.16073838

god dammit i almost forgot

>> No.16073869

Anything's "allowed" in practice until a lawsuit happens. And lawsuits cost money/time. They're probably not aware of this and it's not a priority because who would buy this shit anyway

>> No.16073871

Luis Sepúlveda

>> No.16073880

In Russia head of Chuvashia was dismissed by Putin with a scandal. A bit later he threatened to sue Putin and then suddenly died from corona.

>> No.16073890

I don’t know if he’s considered famous, but Herman Cain recently died of it.

>> No.16073893

Heard his condition is deteriorating. Holy shit, we might actually lose him

>> No.16073905

Wife is sadly struggling with terminal cancer.

Peterson literally cannot catch a break.

>> No.16073930

Yeah, I could do without his fad diets and medical conspiracies, but I really wish we could hear more of his thoughts on the current cultural/political climate.

>> No.16073949

I swear to God man. Why do most women not have the sense of duty that's inside every decent man?

What the fuck is she doing there? She's either retarded or evil.

>> No.16073966

They can’t help it.

>> No.16073971

Again? A few years ago, Peterson's wife was """"""terminally ill with cancer"""", so he got addicted to benzos, but then she got better and healthy. Meanwhile, Jordan was still addicted

>> No.16073977

Normies love Peterson though. Still.

>> No.16073987

Guys.. check the latest news

>> No.16073998

He has an autoimmune disorder so he is at risk

>> No.16074004
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> who would buy this shit anyway
I don't know this guy's sales, but he's translated a whole bunch of Peterson's speeches and books. He also has collaborators on some of his books, so we know that he has friends who help him. Translations belong to the translator's copyright, so he's ok here


>> No.16074138

Why contain it?

>> No.16074241

Are you retarded

>> No.16074243


>> No.16074295

>it's completely impossible to contain it

then what the fuck do we do now? how can we live with this shit going on? people have died, and if they haven't died, they've gotten fucked up regardless. this is insane.

>> No.16074365
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>> No.16074700

this is me, former gifted and talented youth who lost it all to IBS medication. one time i didn't shit for 7 weeks, had to have a c section. thankfully i'm back on my path and I pray everyday that god helps JBP through this tough time, I'll add you to my prayers tonight anon.

>> No.16074880

Masks aren't magical you fucking retard. How many people have you infected by incorrectly using them?

>> No.16075122

i don't think any of the excuses about being anti-authoritarian or even black pilled are actually the reason, and it isn't a uniquely american thing. The real reason is that so many people are just too mentally weak to put up with minor discomfort for a short period of time. They have to come up with a better reason than 'I'm pathetic' so they make some shit up.

>> No.16075257

They do make a significant difference though, its gotten way better by using them

>> No.16075262

Get fucked, kek.

>> No.16075354

I wish I could sleep after sex. Every time I cum I get cosmically depressed.

>> No.16075491

>He’s clearly pandering to his right leaning audience

so what

>> No.16075530
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>Another win for Slavoj!

>> No.16075672

it's a clone

>> No.16076101

Friends, autoimmune issues suck ass. I had rashes since I was a kid, then it progressed to extreme fatigue. I was sleeping around 16 hours a day. I tried many things for years until I started getting better about a year ago after I was diagnosed with crohns disease after shitting blood on and off for half a year.

I think it's literally everything about our modern way of life. UNENDING small amounts of stress that build up, not enough major stress that is short lasting, eating like shit (I was eating the stuff your average normie thinks is healthy, greens, salad, meat, no processed foods)

There isn't one thing that healed me, because I tried all of these things by themselves in the past but they did NEXT TO NOTHING (most of the time literally nothing at all) until combined them.

This is what helped me:
I started eating as much fiber as I could handle without shitting blood. I started taking supplements of organs, bull testicles and shiz. I'm a neet who stays inside and reads all day so I started taking 16000 IU's of vitamin D a day, light exercise, meditation, eating and drinking everything at a warm temperature. Probiotics are YHUGE. Antioxidants: Chocolate without sugar, blueberries, etc. Fall for the sulforaphane meme.

tldr: Doctors are literally fucking retarded autists. Don't listen to them, start reading studies because they don't. I swear to god they probably just check the wikipedia article.

Damn, a tear started down my face when writing this, Haven't felt this good since I was 8 years old. I sleep 5-6 hours a day... I WAS SLEEPING 16! Hope this helps someone. Fuck society I'm literally moving into the woods for my health.

>> No.16076174

Forgot to say that I took A LOT of different herbs as well, too many to list. Do your own research, frankincense seemed to help inflammation in the beginning.

>> No.16076964
File: 145 KB, 992x975, 1518808693384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.16077017

>A few years ago
literally just last year
>so he got addicted to benzos
he was already on benzos, but they upped his dose because the news about his wife hit him really hard. then he tried to go off benzos and that's where things went fucky because they tried to make him cut it off entirely and change it for ketamine, and it was the benzos withdrawal that put his life in danger

>> No.16077088

what kind of place is that

>> No.16077102

there isn't even any milk in those things, how does she feed that kid

>> No.16077336

He saved others but he couldn't save himself from being put in a coma in Russia and dying of coronavirus. Ironic.

>> No.16077342

Serbian bar.

With meat of course

>> No.16077348

guess ill pour one out for JP

>> No.16077355

His daughter is trying to murder him, serious. It was her idea to take him for experimental treatment in Serbia (while she went out and partied). She already took over his twitter account and is shilling her own shit.

>> No.16077361

Idiocy runs in the family.

>> No.16077367

In a month from now we will read that his daughter has taken him to some third world country for a lobotomy and he will be locked away while she spends all his patreon millions

>> No.16077374

>he's suffering from pneumonia now
Really not looking good for him. Pneumonia brought on by covid is pretty rough. I'll be praying for the guy

>> No.16077378

He (or his daughter) retweeted typical right wing ''covid is actually no big deal'' shit so fuck them

>> No.16077386

God is punishing him for not being Catholic

>> No.16077396

His wife is dying.

>> No.16077442

She got better

>> No.16077444

is his daughter a tranny or something? she's such a weirdly masculine girl

>> No.16077511

>got worse after taking the treatment drug
just as with benzodiazepines increasing his anxiety
a man of contradictions

>> No.16077538

how caan people listen to a man that thinks that is a properly raised daughter

>> No.16078585

You may die, despite being young and healthy. Thanks for posting this cringe because when you die it will be amusing to everyone.

>> No.16078590

>Hi IQ
>Doesn't have a satisfying job due to competition

Dude just off yourself.

>> No.16078632

Outcomes in Crohn's improve every year due to research performed by those literal autists. You are a self-described NEET who just started supplementing their diet to the point of being more like the normal humans the doctors are used to treating.

I assure you that not only do gastroenterologists read journals very regularly, they are more selective with what they read than you, and have a framework to put the information in so have a more coherent synthesis.

In response to your inevitable appeal to your experience I remind you that N = 1 and that I'm not going to read your response anyway.