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File: 55 KB, 701x559, Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16065989 No.16065989 [Reply] [Original]

Does he even have ANY flaws?

>> No.16066001

>jacked off his circumcised penis in the trench while thinking about math problems

>> No.16066004

Being jewish. Still love him though.

>> No.16066018

dead white male

>> No.16066022



>> No.16066029

His biggest flaw was simply existing and then unfortunately getting one of the most annoying cultish fanbases possible. He's basically the Sans of philosophy. Thanks.

>> No.16066031

he killed his 12 years old student and due a strong financial background his family covered up that case

>> No.16066050

Insane pedophillic faggot

>> No.16066100

Yes. He claims the mind has nothing to do with the brain. Also his linguistic philosophy is reductionist and not actually analytical.

>> No.16066107


>The judge suspected he was mentally ill, and ordered an adjournment for psychiatric reports. Wittgenstein continued to live in Vienna while the case continued, writing to a friend, Rudolf Koder: "I'm curious to know what the psychiatrist will say to me, but I find the idea of the examination nauseating and am heartily sick of the whole filthy business."[8] A letter in August 1926 to Wittgenstein from a friend of his, Ludwig Hänsel, indicated that the hearings were continuing, but nothing is known about the case after that. Wittgenstein's family was one of the wealthiest in Europe at the time, and Waugh writes that they may have managed to cover things up.[4] According to Monk, the hearings were a source of great humiliation to Wittgenstein

t. sperg out 3000

>> No.16066111

Not a real philosopher.

>> No.16066340

As far as I can tell, the only wise thing he said or did was recommend Weininger's books to his friends and students.

>> No.16066361


>> No.16066494


>> No.16066558

he did so ironically

>> No.16067408

Absolutely insane view. He does NOT claim that the mind has nothing to do with the brain.

>> No.16067788

Don't see anything wrong

>> No.16067797


>> No.16067800

He provides empty critiques.

>> No.16068010

He said what needed to be said at the time. The PLA and his accompanying observations will have to be transcended, but only after they are fully absorbed.

>> No.16069165

Hahaha you obvious fraud. The ladder is a Tractarian notion. The PLA is not to be transcended.

>> No.16069255
File: 662 KB, 876x1444, Wittgenstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16069257

More like Shittgaystein

>> No.16069267

When he was young, he was stupid. But, then, weren't we all

>> No.16069272

Claiming x!=y is not the same as x has no shared characteristics with y

>> No.16069310

Literally just being Jewish. I died a little inside when I found that he came from a Jewish family, which makes sense because he was loaded. He wasn’t a true Jew though, having given away all of his money by the time he was an adult. Being Jewish definitely explains why he was gay.

>> No.16069361
File: 34 KB, 680x695, pic related.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ludwig Wittgenstein wrote several passages about the incompleteness theorems that were published posthumously in his 1953 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics, in particular one section sometimes called the "notorious paragraph" where he seems to confuse the notions of "true" and "provable" in Russell's system.
>There has been some controversy about whether Wittgenstein misunderstood the incompleteness theorem or just expressed himself unclearly.
he was too dumb to understand one of the most beautiful (and quite simple) theorems

>> No.16070409

Didn't he teach at Cambridge?
I suppose it wasnt quite as bad back then..

>> No.16070463

read this case >>16066022

>> No.16070507

He was a pedophile who attempted to adopt male orphans

>> No.16070534
File: 19 KB, 474x632, george-bataille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He would take a saucer of milk and put it upon the floor, insisting that my wife lift her dress and sit in it

>> No.16070627

You don't need to look for much
He wrote a whole book about how wrong he is

>> No.16070704


>> No.16070712

it's fake

>> No.16070717

Yes, he did. But did he have any flaws?

>> No.16070889

Even Russell misunderstood the theorem

>> No.16070911

He wrote the most concise work of philosophy ever then beca e stupid and gay and spent the rest of his jewish life shitting on said achievement

>> No.16071673

what are you gay for him?