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16065038 No.16065038[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about the noble savage?

>> No.16065043

Dead meme

>> No.16065075


>> No.16065080
File: 103 KB, 614x564, 95608CC4-91FA-4C0E-AB78-CBF94EA6292F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 racists show up

>> No.16065092

>rationally and appropriately
That's an interesting way to describe the video.

>> No.16065093

>Immediately after a person dies the blood concentration of fentanyl increases significantly

>> No.16065121

edward s. ellis

>> No.16065128

>Immediately after a person dies the blood concentration of fentanyl increases significantly
That's the first time I've heard of this

>> No.16065160

Ah yes, he was incapable of following instructions a 4 year old could understand, but he was behaving rationally according to kikes.

>> No.16065308

A month without drugs, keep going

>> No.16065325

>hmm i will surely trust the results of a celebrity coroner who was hired by the criminal's family

>> No.16065342

If you have any property or investments in the Minneapolis area, you might want to unwind them before verdict comes back from the Chauvin trial.

>> No.16065359

I doubt he'll get off, but I do wonder what will happen when the other cops inevitably do.

>> No.16065360

I'm always surprised they picked this guy as the symbol over breona taylor.
Her case was way more heinous and her character is pretty much clean- she was making something of herself.
Why this guy? Why do they focus so hard on the men? It doesn't make any sense. It truly seems that BLM is run by amateurs. They were infiltrated almost as soon as they were formed. Not that I give a shit, I'm just surprised at how efficiently they were delegitimatized and made a laughing stock of.

>> No.16065368

Because the overarching narrative is that black men are superior to white men and guns are bad. When a black man is taken down by a white man with a gun, it's the perfect amount of fuel for social unrest.

>> No.16065372

In addition, if they focused on women, the inherent sort of chivalrous spirit of conservative white dudes could be stoked. Even though they're maybe not attracted to black women, they still would stand up for a black woman on a bus. Or casually watch out for one who appeared vulnerable, ie an elderly or pregnant lady.
Especially a respectable appearing one, like Breona Taylor.

>> No.16065382

I think that's the narrative you're meant to see as a white dude. The narrative black people see is that white men are casually hunting them down in the streets. Neither are true but this propaganda maximizes unrest and discredits both sides, successfully distracting them from any sort of organizing to improve their material conditions.

>> No.16065387

i agree. ultimately BLM, regardless of your opinion on them, has shot themselves in the foot by continually picking the wrong horse in the race. where were the protests when philando castile was shot for being a law abiding gun owner? instead they pick blatant criminals as their martyrs: george floyd, michael brown, ahmaud arbery

>> No.16065399

desu i think its because the vid was more visceral and evocative rather than any actual moral worth. its like those slaughterhouse videos where the point isnt so much to make a rational argument for veganism (although there very much could be) but a emotional pathos response.

>> No.16065406

agreed. I don't think it's a coincidence that the BLM movement became The Most Important Social Cause right as the american government bungled a pandemic response, effectively showing how flimsy and unfair our healthcare and public health infrastructure is, and as unemployment reached an all-time high, effectively showing how little de facto power the american worker has. Conversations of a mass general strike, maybe even of overthrow, were immediately sidetracked.
BLM is just an incredibly useful puppet. I sure hope their members get the NGO, academia, and media jobs they were promised.

>> No.16065410

Her husband started firing at the police mate and she got hit in the crossfire. But yes.. she dindu nuffin.

>> No.16065419

Because Floyd was a violent thug and liberals love excusing the actions of thugs, since they present a direct opposition to the "system" (no matter how poisonous to the rest of society that opposition may be). Breona Taylor was, in their minds, selling out.

>> No.16065425

no knock raids are still tyrannical bullshit. infact a few weeks prior they shot a /k/ poster in his sleep because they were investigating him for posting boogaloo memes

>> No.16065427

>Conversations of a mass general strike, maybe even of overthrow, were immediately sidetracked.
These conversations were never serious or widespread. I'm not saying they might not have become relevant eventually, but they weren't at that point.

>> No.16065432

well, they should have thought about that more. Anyone who looks up what actually happened is quickly disgusted by the guy. My dad is a democrat voting perfectly respectable professional, who once lectured me for several hours about the insidious nature of white supremacist propaganda after seeing me and my friends laughing about iron-pill comics from /fit/, and he pulled me aside at our last barbecue to tell me about how this dude pointed a gun at a pregnant woman and was likely on opiates. As if it was a secret he'd only just found out. All over the country normal, respectable people are getting burnt out on the BLM cause by this discordance. So it fulfills its role as a distractor and easily self-destructs.
Seriously the anti-populist anti-labor machinations in this country are bordering in genius. I almost want to meet the people doing it or try to get a job in the NSA just to see the type of amazing thinking and strategy that goes on. Some of the only creative and effective work happening in this fucking country.

>> No.16065437

It's because video is the greatest tool for generating pathos. It's not a coincidence that the civil rights movement accelerated with the widespread adoption of television.

>> No.16065446

If a bunch of men stormed into your house in the middle of the night, you'd shoot at them too. He did the right thing as the man of the house.
You're quite right. They were nipped in the bud, before they even had a chance of coming to fruition. If any societal circumstance had ever provided the best opportunity for that type of conversation to yield results, it was this one. But they shut it down quick as fuck.
This type of competence displayed at the government level but somehow the DMV line is still 45 minutes long.

>> No.16065472

Good point.

>> No.16065485
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I hear that shit. RIP to small businesses.

>> No.16065489
File: 13 KB, 310x162, gauche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the whole movement is gauche as fuck and it would be improper for a historic moment to lack poetic irony

>> No.16065497

well, i dont disagree. im not unsimpathetic to the black plight, but i understand how mob mentality works and im not surprised he became a rallying point instead of someone more logically sound. repeat something often enough, you know?

funnily enough on your second point i agree. im actually trying to get into some of that work eventually since it’s actually kind of fascinating from a purely academic perspective.

>> No.16065505

You're telling me that with a nose that big, he couldn't breathe, and he couldn't breathe so much he was able to have the air to cry out for 7+ minutes that he couldn't breathe? Something doesn't add up.

>> No.16065517

>Stunning African queen taps into telekinetic prowess to fend off evil white attackers

>> No.16065546
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Everyone is already selling, anon. Doomp eet.

>> No.16065553
File: 13 KB, 1152x394, BLM trends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also timed it poorly. If the riots were in September they'd sweep all 50 states from white guilt. By now, the masses have gotten bored. They haven't learned from 2016.

>> No.16065617

US anti-populist/anti-labor machinations aren't really genius. The vast majority of people are submissive to authority and will do whatever they're told. The 20th Century has rather definitively shown this.

>> No.16065633
File: 223 KB, 800x531, flowerpower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help an illiterate anons. That picture always makes me feel it is one where being photographed and the image being presented by the picture is the main aim of the woman. More performative, to be transmitted to the wider world, than something like pic related where the action captured by the camera instead of being made for it. Is there a word for this?

>> No.16065688

Don't care either

>> No.16065697
File: 25 KB, 218x231, Meme_Creator_1593206249169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.16065719

I still can't believe there are nations out there that choose to live along side niggers.

>> No.16065723

Philando Castile got set up by his gf who scream "he's got a gun!" when the cop approached.

>> No.16065754

this is a legit criticism though, and I'm glad that people are chimping out wanting more police accountabilty even if it's for the wrong reasons because it's the only way it could be achieved. it's the classical problem of who polices the police

>> No.16065761

This is why I'm baffled by how Europe encouraged African immigration. You had 200 years to watch the issues the US had with race relations. Why would you want that problem in your country?

>> No.16065772

Who polices the people who police the police? And so on.