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16064683 No.16064683 [Reply] [Original]

What was so create about the Indo Europeans?

>> No.16064722

The blessing of Dyeus Phter.

>> No.16064778

larger more manly genitalia.

>> No.16064834

they tamed the gray wolf and defeated the non-human hominids single-handedly as their geographic peers were defeated and raped
that is all

>> No.16064874

Was this purposeful, and a reference I do not understand?

But I mean can the "Indo Europeans" really be lumped together all as the same people that did this????

>> No.16064990
File: 118 KB, 936x1200, sagittal crest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. I1 E and R1B haplogroups. they are the indo-europeans and they once lived as a small clump and did the things I said they did

>> No.16065048
File: 73 KB, 380x206, ANE_K8_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PIE is so 2 years ago. Now it's all about the ancient north eurasians.

>not being the society that all notions of the golden land of the north descend from
>not being the last people's to hunt mammoths
>not being the bridge between the mythical similarities between the eastern and western hemisphere

>> No.16065051

The Indo-Aryans are the only people who have ever produced anything of value to this world

>> No.16065062
File: 46 KB, 595x270, knock knock its the aryans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot inventing the chariot

>> No.16065063

They had a true understanding of the divine.

>> No.16065079

But wouldn't you say the Indo Europeans extend beyond such a small clump?

>> No.16065240
File: 52 KB, 567x467, hyberborean living truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said what I said

>> No.16066821
File: 83 KB, 577x550, Wolfgang-iz-ciklusa-portreti-evropskih-nacija-1993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at them and you will understand.

>> No.16066843

What does Krishna mean by Arya in the Gita? Is it referring to what we know as Indo-European?

>> No.16066858
File: 498 KB, 1346x1250, hyperborea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16066877

One of my favorite /lit/ posts

>> No.16067852

Zarathustra’s influence on Christianity, Dyeus Phter (you still pay him respect every time you use the word “day” btw) and shitloads of other stuff.

>> No.16067863

Bronzemaking and horsemanship.

>> No.16067872

As a staunch worshiper of the Jewish god Yahweh, I take pains to avoid using that word.

>> No.16067877

Yes, in so many words. Hinduism is where the term Aryan comes from.

>> No.16067925
File: 132 KB, 720x455, Glacial_Maximum_World_Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only part that bothers me about this is he describes hyperborea as cold. It's supposed to be beyond the ice.

>> No.16069226

>all createns are lye airs

>> No.16069421

>Khazaria full red
So the jews were the true aryans all along, Hitler spinning rn.

>> No.16069454
File: 211 KB, 806x722, Chamberlain and Cosima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hyberborean living truth
Yeah Okay Serrano, it's a nice picture but the worldview is bit of a purposeful construction in front of your eyes, similar to Chamberlain.

>> No.16069594

Is that Evola?

>> No.16069753

Khazar-theory was made up by a sephardi jew (Arthur Koestler, even wrote a book about it but dont remember name rn, its easy to find though).

>> No.16070297

The word Arya in gita is an adjective word not a noun, it means noble or wise person, tho the word Aryan is made out of it cause of confusion of indologists who made AIT theory, now despite being misnomer word it is used as a classification for indo-iranians aka indo-aryans, one group family out of indo-europeans, atleast accroding to modern revised Theory that's AMT and largely accepted among scholars.

If you wanna be semantically accurate, yes Arya and aryan are different and reflect different things, prior reflects quality and later reflects a group of people,but for many who don't go in nuances it will signify one meaning which is the Indo aryan group.

>> No.16070299 [DELETED] 

The word from hindusim is Arya not aryan, Arya is a word for quality of a person who's noble and aryan is a word for indo-iranians or indo-aryans, one of groups of indo-european people

>> No.16070336

Of course Arya means noble, but do you mean to say it has no racial connotations at all? I was under the impression that the ruling castes were the Indo-European subjugators and the lower castes were non-Aryans. What about other Indo-European ethniticites? I know for a fact that in Persian Arya means both noble and Indo-European.

>> No.16071442

By the time the Bhagavad-Gita had been written the term Aryan in Hindu literature was understood by them to refer to the upper three castes of Brahmins, Kshatriya and Vaisyas, who as 'twice-born' castes all undergo a upanayana ceremony where they are invested with the sacred thread; they are distinguished from the 'once-born' Sudra caste and the Dalits who are both considered non-Aryan

>> No.16072888

Don’t the PIE have one of the largest ancestral components of ANE?