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File: 374 KB, 1554x1200, Camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1606137 No.1606137 [Reply] [Original]

Spent $82 ordering these online. You jelly?

What order should I read these in? Already read The Stranger. Read it again today after these shipped to my house. What order after that?

>> No.1606140

>You jelly?

Not really. I have all of those free on the Kindle. : \

>> No.1606141

I also remember ordering at least half of those for less than 15 bucks. Used copies but still in very good condition.

>> No.1606146


>> No.1606149

Not jelly, because I've found almost all of those books for about 20 bucks in a used bookstore.

Good taste, though. Camus was a master.

I'd recommend A Happy Death first and The Plague last.

>> No.1606151

I'm jelly, OP. I only have The Stranger and The Plauge. I totally recommend the latter.

>> No.1606154

Hrm, I've been meaning to complete my Camus collection. I only own The Stranger, The Plague, and Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.1606155

UGH you fucking twit, entry level garbage. If you are going to read them at all, read them all in French, L'éranger in french OUI OUI
>just kidding Camus is my fav
>I was just getting all of that out of the way

A Happy Death
The Stranger
The Plague
The Fall
Myth of Sisyphus
The Rebel
Exile and the Kingdom
Resistance, Rebellion and Death

>> No.1606156


Lalalulululuu. The thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was the 82 dollar part. Even if you're not into stealing or e-readers and the like, paying that much for those books is absurd.

>> No.1606158

Nice entry level stuff OP. Need to be spoon-fed much?

>> No.1606161


>> No.1606162

I still consider The Plague to be Camus' greatest work.

>> No.1606165

>paying that much for those books is absurd.
>books is absurd.
>is absurd.


>> No.1606167

Myth of Sisyphus and other Essays is a pretty thick book to pound through.

>> No.1606172

If you don't spend ANY money on your books you truly have no appreciation for the writing and the effort the writer put into it. UNLESS you steal your books because you believe books should be free, but even then, that would mean that the writer would have to have a career instead of focusing on his/her writing.

>> No.1606173

entry level is best level

>> No.1606176

dont b gay ya?

>> No.1606179

Thinking about ordering these as well. I read The Stranger.

If I buy them used, how can I ensure that I get the covers seen in OP's pic? I like to have my collections be in a similar format. Don't flame, bro.

Where can I buy used books cheap?

>> No.1606181


>> No.1606183

OP here. You made me laugh, so I'll read them in that order. Thanks

>> No.1606184
File: 92 KB, 602x602, 1293406881027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people in need of some medieval Rosicrucian philosophy

>> No.1606188


If authors set their own price then believe me when I say I would be willing to pay. But if individuals like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin get published while Howard Zinn gets stuffed into a corner then no thank you.

Btw, whether a person pays for books or not doesn't necessarily reflect on that person's appreciation for literature. What if I simply can't afford the literature itself? If the purpose for an author is to sell a product rather than spread wisdom and insight then please - spare me the morality lesson. I wouldn't scold anyone for buying books anymore than I would for someone that gets them for free. I was simply pointing out that 82 dollars is a bit overpriced. Buy them used at least.

>> No.1606193


And the simple fact that this anon is correct illustrates my point that much more.

>> No.1606196


It would probably cost even more here in England. Books are really expensive. I for one don't have the money nor the space for them. The Kindle has really opened doors for me.

>> No.1606199

OP here. It wasn't me that said you shouldn't get them free. I spent so much because I wanted them new. I've recently run into a bit of money, so I decided to begin a collection of my favorite books, plus some stuff I haven't read yet. 82 seems like a lot, but along with the other books I've bought recently, they're going to last me another sixty years (if I live till life expectancy =P). I used to go to the library for most my stuff, so my bookshelf until recently has been mostly empty. You can probably understand my reasoning.

>> No.1606200


Also this.

Last time I checked e-readers were putting certain big name book retailers in a choke hold, not the authors.

>> No.1606206

Considering how easy I found his novels to read, I found Myth of Sisyphus pretty hard going. I've never read philosophy before though. It probably wasn't a good place to start.

>> No.1606209
File: 280 KB, 397x502, 1293585947674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Myth of Sisyphus


Fucking lol'd.

>> No.1606210



>> No.1606215

Anyone got an answer to me questions? What I mean is that I've always worried about buying used books off Amazon or Barnes and Nobles because with book series and such I've worried that I'll get some with a dissimilar cover than others. Is that a legitimate concern?

>> No.1606218


I suppose if you were to contact a private seller and ask them you could get your answer. I know what you mean. I have two different copies of The Rebel. (I lost the first copy and found it at a later date)

>> No.1606220

Your posts are all variations on "you're stupid." with no humour whatsoever. Please stop; you're boring.

>> No.1606223


Ignore him, he's a fucking faggot.

>> No.1606225


Globeeye? What's that?

>> No.1606229

>Not jelly, because I've found almost all of those books for about 20 bucks in a used bookstore.


>> No.1606235
File: 22 KB, 300x412, brautigan.watermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Howard Zinn set his own price, I would only pay it if it were the opportunity to punch him in the face. That would be the only effort I would put into possessing one of his works.

Howard Zinn: I'll let you punch me in the face if you take a copy of this garbage I've written.

Me: Sure thing, Mr. Zinn. Punching you in the face will make reading your terrible book worth the effort.

>> No.1606237
File: 66 KB, 500x702, 1289618572627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Humor is for clowns. I'm nothing but a mirror held up. Do you find yourself funny?

>> No.1606245

Those covers are lame...

>> No.1606249

The Myth of Syphilis

>> No.1606270

stupid american

>> No.1606291
File: 15 KB, 225x300, brautigan5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My nationality has nothing to do with the fact that Howard Zinn should be punched in the face by every human that reads his drivel.

>> No.1606444
File: 65 KB, 800x533, excuse-me-what-the-fuck-are-you-doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent $82 on 8 books

>> No.1606450


I have every one of those.

I spent $30

>> No.1606461

anyone who doesn't pay at least 10 dollars for a book obviously doesn't care about keeping their books in good shape

when was the last time i bought a book?? lemme see hmmm never !

>> No.1606462

>when was the last time i bought a book??
a used book*

>> No.1606463

If you've read it as L'Etranger then I would be a little more 'jelly.' Ou si tu a lit La Peste, pas 'The Plague.'

>> No.1606467

Anyone that doesn't spend the time and care it takes to acquire and take care of old books obviously is fucking Stag.

I have 15 or so 100+ year old books. 2 were from family, the others were bought used.

They've cost me maybe $30 in all.

>> No.1606470

you missed my point. i take care of my books and care how my books look so i never buy used. n e v e r !

>> No.1606471

actually it might be my fault i might not be making my point clearly i'm tired

>> No.1606472

>i might not be making my point clearly
It's called "being Stagolee."

>> No.1606485

Me too. I don't buy shitty used books, I buy ones owned by book lovers. It's really not very hard finding ones in good shape.

>> No.1606537

Why do existentialists publish?

>> No.1606549

>yfw you could have bought
and gotten half of those for a fifth of the total price.

You moron.

>> No.1606559

I like that people who don't understand the concepts involved feel themselves in a position to criticise this book. It's not analytic, and it's incredibly flowery, but it is very philosophical.

>> No.1606564

why not

>> No.1606568

OP, Camus' philosophy evolves. Read them in the order of writing or you're just going to confuse yourself.

Also, pick up Lyrical and Critical Essays. The "other essays" in that edition of Myth of Sisyphus are single excerpts from the full L&Cs, which is silly when they're so short to begin with. Read it before you bother with his fiction and the denser essays (Rebel, I'm looking at you). You'll get a shitload more out of The Stranger and Plague specifically with the background from Nuptials and Summer, and just pay attention to the chronology as you move on.