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File: 278 KB, 1600x1152, hitler_youth_burning_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16058972 No.16058972 [Reply] [Original]

if you had to commit a book burning, what book would you throw into the massive firepit?

>> No.16058984

my diary desu

>> No.16058985

probably one of the dean koontz garbage from my boomer dad's bookshelf

>> No.16058986

All the books i've to cope with being ugly

>> No.16058990
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Das Kapital

>> No.16058992

>my diary desu
explain why. just reading a synopsis sounds bad but why exactly.

also i'd burn the fucking "giving tree", that guy in the book is a bitch, change my mind.

>> No.16058994

the bible for a laugh

>> No.16058997

harry potter

>> No.16059004

I would cast a magic spell to transform you into a book, then throw you in

>> No.16059008

>Das Kapital
while were at it, let's throw in "People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent"

that book is shit, if you want to solve wealth inequality and that, don't rely on the current system. though im not here to talk politics.

>> No.16059009

What else would you transform me into

Be detailed

>> No.16059011

Two Treatises Of Government

>> No.16059021

the handmaid's tale. women don't seem to understand that it's fiction, they actually get irl grievances over it. too dangerous to have that stuff around

>> No.16059023

This is funny

>> No.16059031
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incredibly based.
fair point.

>> No.16059039

also who is in favor of burning empress theresa. fuck it, cause you know what, im burning it anyway.

>> No.16059041

I work at a library. Being generous, I’d say maybe 1 out of 5 books is worth saving. Maybe 1 out of 10. So many shitty books. An example would be all the Sarah J. Maas sci-fi shit. She has so many and they get checked out all the time. I hate it. 80-90% of the books are practically a literary lobotomy.

>> No.16059050

I mean, fair. I'm not saying we burn down all the libraries. Only the shitty books inside of them. Sarah J. Maas books are being thrown in too.

>> No.16059058

Tranform u into toilet paper for my stinky bum. then I rub you on my bumhole to clean the greazy poopies on it (after I pooed). then I throw u in the stinky toilet water with the pooes and pee floating in it. I flushes the toilet and laugh. Bye bye forever.

>> No.16059064

because it so accurately called out a few problems but then subsequently became assigned high school reading, so no one takes any of the problems seriously because if you reference the book it's cringe

>> No.16059066

dude you just gave some guy new wanking material. if that's your life goal, i mean, good on you i guess.

>> No.16059076


>> No.16059077

the original idea for the threat was too make it about books like 1984 which talked about descent into fascism, loss of free will and thinking, etc.

if were talking about books we would save in a bookfire, george orwell's "animal farm" im still keeping.

>> No.16059086
File: 42 KB, 723x666, 22219B53-1860-4C0B-B7F7-32C694696205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets keep it simple. Anything written by a jew, femoid, or one of the other breeds of nigger.

>> No.16059096

of course you would. i mean, sure if you want, it'd be a massive bookfire. a really massive bookfire.

>> No.16059101

The same literature the Hitler youth threw down, degenerate lit promoting trannys, pedophilia, abortion, and general licentitiousness mostly written by members of a particular minority group, who incidentally are promoting the same things in our time

>> No.16059102

farenheit 451 lol

>> No.16059110

all works by peter sotos, and also peter sotos

>> No.16059118

the irony is that was a book about burning books. oh well, into the firepit it goes.
but hitler didn't burn those books? he just burnt books that were of the political opponents, mostly communist books or even alot of rightist author's who didn't go "far enough".

i mean, the communist books can burn i guess.

>> No.16059128

>peter sotos

it is incredibly creepy to write books from the perspective of a pedophile. i can see what he was trying to do but it is incredibly bad how he handled. i'm putting that one on with some lighter fluid first.

>> No.16059171

also could we please burn a copy of the communist manifesto and The Wealth of Nations? especially for the second one, put alot of lighter fluid on it and throw it in.

>> No.16059178


>> No.16059202

because the book is incredibly fucking CRINGE.

>> No.16059218
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Some books should be burned.

>> No.16059227

The same ones they did.

>> No.16059268

indeed they do. has anybody said to save curious george yet, hes my homie. my childhood.

>> No.16059309

None. no matter how shitty, disgusting, destructive or retarded a piece of writing is it shouldn’t be destroyed. It’s like the library of Babel, it holds the collective thoughts of all those who have ever put pen to paper or who typed a word onto a page.

>> No.16059326

Curious as I was tempted to give this one a read, what makes it shit? Is it just a blatant and shallow defense of the status quo or does it actually attempt to introduce new ideas into the conversation that simply fall flat?

>> No.16059328

Why keep all thoughts? Imagine writing a first draft and just publishing it, editing nothing.

>> No.16059342

>Had a group discussion about this in highschool
>Almost everyone said "Fahrenheit 451"
Fucking normans

>> No.16059397

Imagine all of the books and novels people have ever written but never published because of fear of rejection. The unknown literary masterpieces that sit on hard drives. Kafka would have never been found had he existed today since he would have just left all his stories in a usb and never looked back

>> No.16059412

>kafka would have never been found
ugh what could have been
based highschoolers with a sense of irony dabbing on some shitty mandated scifi

>> No.16059427
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>> No.16059432
File: 513 KB, 794x801, DBA40B81-D67D-475D-B1B5-5DADD93EAF6B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you got against Kafka dude? His stories are very unique in the depressing atmosphere that is not found in a extraordinarily circumstance but a slightly exaggerated depiction of a normal circumstance

>> No.16059435

>slightly exaggerated depiction of a normal circumstance
>wake up as giant bug

>> No.16059443

I saw it as a metaphor for crippling depression. And rather than his family caring for him they locked him in a room to avoid the shame

>> No.16059447

>but hitler didn't burn those books?
Bullshit. Stacks of Freud and Hirschfeld books got burned.

>> No.16059499

He burnt books advocating for the sexualization of children. Good fucking riddance.

>> No.16060181

Any and all pornography.

>> No.16060187

Hear, hear!

>> No.16060224
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>Stacks of Freud and Hirschfeld books got burned.

>> No.16060265

Extremely fucking based

>> No.16060274

I've already burnt two books: House on Mango Street and Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.16060321
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Even me?

>> No.16060420

rather throw the book burners in the firepit

>> No.16060815

I had a philosophy professor who looked just like him. Could never tell if he was Polish or (((Polish)))

>> No.16060821

All Abrahamic texts

>> No.16060858

>Waaaaaaah, da joooz and wiminz ruined my life I waaaaaah

>> No.16061186

De Sade, all of his books. And then Foucault

>> No.16061268

So, a guy whose books had no real influence except shock value, followed by a guy whose books are actually pretty informative when it comes to law and order

>> No.16061278


>> No.16061300

The ones with the most pages made from environmentally friendly, bio-degradable materials.

>> No.16061345

The first one would be exactly for that, they have no value yet its like a virus of the mind which is why they're so popular, degeneracy is contagious and corrupts the mind.

The second one is his whole philosophy was him trying to justify his degeneracy and project it onto society and bend it to his will so his degeneracy would be allowed, it unironically is just that. And he was an open pedophile who wanted to legalize fucking children since birth, good thing he died of AIDS

>> No.16061384


>> No.16061516

There is nothing more cringe than LARPing as a Nazi, deal with it

>> No.16061519

Atlas Shrugged, clearly

>> No.16061526

All the german romantics c:

>> No.16061630

id literally do what those fine bozs were doing and burn the gendre study sections of the libraries (eventgough it wouldn’t just be the medicine gendre study section but all the faux literature and “”””philosophy”””” that would have to go as well)

>> No.16061640

Collected Writings of Martin Luther and Complete Works of Descartes, this is where the downfall of Western civilization began

>> No.16062786
File: 150 KB, 600x450, zs33847549771_dbcc4291e8_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the hairy podders
all the Brandon Sanderson
all the copies of Teddy K's manifesto
all the copies of Elliot Rogers """manifesto"""
Infinite Jest because Good Old Neon is better

>> No.16062795

all of em. may as well.