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16058924 No.16058924 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else looking forward to reading this book? I was an English major and breezed through because I learned early on that all I had to do was frame everything around criticism. I remember I had teachers ask me to take their classes because "clearly you get it." It seems like ever since I've graduated the sense that the treatment of criticism as truth escalated exponentially in the humanities.

>> No.16058947

I don't read anything written within the last 50 years.

>> No.16058954

the thesis will be that idpol is bad, and critical theory is bad. it will support this with numerous tedious examples. we will all end the book more entrenched in what we already think. so tired of culture wars and the confirmation biases on every side. someone said recently that observing it all feels like tripping on cough syrup and i imagine that's right.

>> No.16058975

Define "criticism".

>> No.16058979

Aren't these the guys who wrote a bunch of shit posts that got accepted into academic journals like the dog park rape one?

>> No.16058980

Why imagine it? Go buy some cough syrup.

>> No.16059003

Yes. I liked their paper on getting fat acceptance into bodybuilding, personally

>> No.16059006

Because the experience is perfectly simulated by checking the daily white fragility idpol hate thread.

>> No.16059007


>> No.16059012

Except tripping on cough syrup is much more enjoyable.

>> No.16059018 [SPOILER] 
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With you ladies and gentlemen
Both sides of the culture wars

>> No.16059092

But didn't they mainly submit to shit-tier journals, like the kind that spam academics begging for anything semi-serious to publish?

>> No.16059108

>ugh both sides bad
Identity politics and critical theory have ruined the humanities though. They are also very clearly a fig leaf for a rancid synthesis of ochlocratic collectivist politics (best to avoid blaming Marx despite the clear lineages back to his ideas and political legacies because it causes certain people to just stop thinking) with capitalism to continue breaking down what is (or was) social - not for the sake of liberty or equality, but so that more of Society becomes Economy... and so that corporatism and financialisation can assume more control of humanity. I doubt the book will be much good, but anything fighting back against these forces must be supported.

>> No.16059121

>but anything fighting back against these forces must be supported.
Must it? No, I don't think so. I think you already know what you think and the book will confirm it for you as you have decided in advance. Someone bring me the cough syrup

>> No.16059134

They got a shitpost published by Hypatia
>Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy is a peer-reviewed academic journal published quarterly by Cambridge University Press.

>> No.16059156

>muh open mind

We are all entrenched in everything if we have put a modicum of thought and study in them.
But yeah keep on equivocating the desire for regular discourse with the overwhelming established philosophies of resentment that dominate research and writing.

>> No.16059160

you might want to check out Literature Lost. It talks about how SJWs took over the humanities and it was published back in the 90s.

>> No.16059170

keep tilting at windmills, don

>> No.16059173

>We rewrote a section of Mein Kampf for intersectional feminism and it got accepted

>> No.16059183

I think colleges would vastly improve if the Humanities were removed.

>> No.16059198

Kek. Leftists are so pathetic

>> No.16059200

>I think you already know what you think and the book will confirm it for you as you have decided in advance.
Couldn't the same be said of any book about race, gender, and class? If we read any book about one of these issues, we know what is has to say before we even open it. Racism is bad, gender discrimination is wrong, oppression is bad. If we know what these books have to say before we read them, what is the point of reading them?

>> No.16059209

Yes, that's the point I'm trying to make. Each side viewing this whole thing already has their take. You can predict the thesis and the antithesis in advance and the synthesis goes nowhere and takes us all right back to the start. Like an endless spiral of ideology that we cant break out of to have original conversations. Just locked into this same old culture war script like tripping balls watching a movie you already know play out.

>> No.16059241
File: 70 KB, 432x648, Literary Criticism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll check it out

And pic related is the book I had in college. It's like a step-by-step guide for making for making critical arguments. I did have professors who weren't into critical theory at all, and those were the toughest (and best) classes because I had to use my brain, not follow a recipe.

>> No.16059280

It's not particular destructive pet ideas that immoral academics peddle into public life. It's media, culture, and authority being centralised and institutionalised. Communities should manage themselves and shouldn't have their culture and worldview engineered into dysfunction and suffering for the incompetent grand visions of technocrats.

>> No.16059291

the one and true discussion is whether you think aesthetics are objective or subjective. They are clearly objective unless you are ugly, ugliness breeds resentment, the school of resentment, I’m so sorry Harold I don’t want to let you down. I must protect the canon.

>> No.16059307

Dios mio...

>> No.16059332

incredible. even just the moniker greivance studies is gold

>> No.16059426

Because language is subjective, "criticism" is whatever I want it to be. If you have a problem with it, you're a racist, transphobic, capitalist truth denier.

>> No.16059550

gender/ethnic/sexual orientation studies departments are worthless.

>> No.16059603

Op, I did the same thing with my history degree. Any time I had a paper deadline coming up, or any essay question on an exam, I'd just whip up some Marxist interpretation of the situation. I didn't get straight As, but it got me through. My answers would be like 70% Marxist jargon and talking points, mixed with 30% actual content from the class. Ironically the professors who were least familiar with Marxism were the easiest to get with this tactic. I remember in one class I smugly proclaimed "Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism!". Boomers who grew up with the cold war would have known the source, but this guy was Gen-X, and even tried to diss me by saying "That might sound good in a coffee shop, but what does it even mean?!", then I just regurgitated the standard Lenin without citing him, and the guy was like "Uhm, OK", and moved on.

>> No.16059685

I did the same thing in English. I analyzed Victorian literature through a Foucauldian lens, and my professor had no idea what to make of it, so she just gave me an A. My lecturer for a sports writing course I took for fun also gave me an A for the same reason. I did a discourse analysis on several articles covering the same story. I promise I'm not making this up, but he wrote on my final paper, "This is way above my head," wrote no other marks, and just gave me an A.

>> No.16059715

just so everyone knows, this is a problem with academia and has been for decades. this isn't just about btfo leftists. see:

people seem to misunderstand this a lot. don't be like >>16059198

>> No.16059716

Oh, yeah, I did that in African-American history class, I argued that the United States was separate from western civilization because it had syncretized European and African folkways or some shit, and I compared it to Russia which I said was a synthesis of European and Asiatic values. I can't even remember where I ripped that idea off from, but the professor wrote "very sophisticated analysis" on it, heh.

>> No.16059725
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how did we get from the origins/beginnings of critical theory (which I guess to be the Frankfurt school, goal of emancipation for the human race, Marcuse sort of "they say we're free but we're really NOT free" sort of talk) to where we're at now?

t. you guessed it, brainlet

>> No.16059727
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>I remember in one class I smugly proclaimed "Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism!"

>> No.16059774

other than 4chan posts obviously

>> No.16059797

doesn't that destroy brain cells? i already have a tiny 140 IQ.

>> No.16059805

there are lots of people with +140iq.
there are very few people with +130 who have dissasociated and seen shadow crabs crawl up the walls.

>> No.16059808

The ironic and tragic answer is the communization of education. We went from critical theorist being persecuted and on the perpetual verge of defunding to brands like Disney and Wendy’s co-opting critical jargon in their twitter post. Capitalism is enternally adaptive, incorporating its own criticism into itself. There are many leftist (actual ones) and Marxists criticizing idpol everywhere.

>> No.16059819


>> No.16059839

that's not a word, anon

>> No.16059841

everyone already agrees with the thesis bro. its just impossible to fight because its too well-aligned with capital

>> No.16059846

I could’t think of the spelling in English and I wasnt going to google it. But Marxists use it all the time, idk how to write it in English. But you get the idea.

>> No.16059853

>write paper as a joke about Rip Van Winkle analyzed through Marxism
>say the wife is the bourgeoisie because she forces Rip (the proletariat) to labor
>make comparisons to modern gender roles
>get a 95 and have professor say she wanted me to write 10-15 more pages of it

>> No.16059855


what language do you speak bro? maybe i can help

>> No.16059865

lmao, ahh man college is a great time

>> No.16059868

The thinkers people commonly call "postmodernist" were basically a perfect storm for the US:
>"Everything is discourse" meets the Newspaper Nation
>Power is about the control of discourse, if you control all of the discourse you have all of the power. The CIA agrees!
>Allows you to be Leftist (and thus not a Nazi) while not being Communist and thus critical of the USSR
>concepts like micropower fit perfectly into democracy
>It's only a matter of time before this becomes a race issue because race and equality are so important in the US

>> No.16059871

He obviously meant commodification

>> No.16059885

I think you guys forget what drooling retards the average college student is nowadays. even joke analysis like the one you’re talking about are infinitely more original and clever than the shit they have to slug through.

>> No.16059890

Also a much shorter answer could be given than >>16059868 which is just "the expansion of education after the GI Bill". The reality is, no more than 50 or so colleges are even needed in the US. College is just the acceptable method of proving a moderate degree of intelligence since IQ testing for jobs is illegal.

>> No.16059898

Every paper I wrote in English class was like this. It's so easy you don't even have to try, you just shoehorn leftist ideas into anything.

>> No.16059914

>Someone bring me the cough syrup
jesus fucking christ you write like a faggy rationalist on ssc. either kill yourself or realize this is a culture war, emphasis on the war

>> No.16059916

he could have meant commoditisation

>> No.16059929


>Allows you to be Leftist (and thus not a Nazi) while not being Communist and thus critical of the USSR

I think people underestimate how important this is. Even when they think they're critical of capitalism in the US (when in reality, they just want capitalism a la Nordic model), they prioritize intersectionality and what have you precisely because anti-capitalism was so repressed in American discourse for the entire 20th century that they are almost unable to conceive of an anti-capitalist political mindset

>> No.16059930

Culture war doesn't exist because there's no actual battle. Whoever has control of the discourse wins because humans are submissive to authority and most will do anything authority tells them to do. This is what everyone should take away from the 20th Century and early 21st. You don't have to convince anyone of anything, just shut down leftist news outlets and jail people for wrongthink (redefined to be leftism) and you've won. It's that simple.

>> No.16059941

A lot of US intellectuals were slavishly pro-Stalin in the prewar period, they just pivoted away from it when Stalin's crimes eventually became undeniable and the USSR wasn't going to accept a position of subordination to the US. They were effectively forced into sanity for a short time, once the USSR fell it was back to leftism as usual, as in Dissenter-derived theocracy.

>> No.16059951


Stalin's "crimes" okay buddy

>> No.16059954

>just shut down leftist news outlets and jail people for wrongthink (redefined to be leftism) and you've won
sure sounds like warfare to me

>> No.16059956

Take the Walter Duranty case
Guy gets a Pulitzer for denying Holodomor and is a literal Soviet spy or at the very least a sympathizer

>> No.16059960

you live inside a CIA psyop from 70 years ago. your one dimensional worldview is just embarrassing. your whole "war" is a way of making you controlled opposition. wake up.

>> No.16059968

>say the wife is the bourgeoisie because she forces Rip (the proletariat) to labor
lmao this is the hardest i've ever laughed at on /lit/

>> No.16059971

WSJ just had an article busting the NYT's balls over that haha

>> No.16059972


>> No.16059991

It's not a culture war is the point, it's a "reorganization of priorities" for CIA cells present in all news outlets of note. Most of those people are slavish devotees to the State and above all to the Pension - they'll do what they're told once certain figures at the top are removed. If you can meme young men into cutting off their penises, you can surely meme them into a healthier worldview with much less effort.

>> No.16059998

do you think those things are untrue? not saying it's particularly impressive thought, but do you think it's untrue? America is also derived from the low culture of western Europe whereas European culture is still largely run by the same people who were in charge in the 18th century (or by people who were integrated into the ruling class)

>> No.16060001

I actually respect the Stalinists and Maoists more than the "ComMuNiSm HaS NeVeR BeEn TriEd!" types. Tell me "Communism HAS been tried, and the imperialists got the smoke!" if you have a pair.

>> No.16060004

wake up to what? you talk like you've got some answers

>> No.16060011


Straight up bro. communism was tried and worked but was destroyed by satanic capitalists

>> No.16060019


ok kantbot. nobody cares. get back into marx

>> No.16060024

Not him, but basically all political discourse in the US is like a hall of mirrors if each mirror were labeled "CIA". You can't take any of it too seriously, but at the same time, methods of social engineering aren't going away, so you may as well use it to promote better social outcomes than "Black trans lives matter!" or whatever the platitude of the month is.

>> No.16060055

I'm not saying if it has merit or not, just that I whipped it up quickly over one Redbull fueled weekend, might have even been a one nighter, can't remember that was more than a decade ago now, haha.

>> No.16060108

Someone ought to rewrite Hutu propaganda as a critical race theory screed and try to get it published.

>> No.16060111
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Ponder a moment with me gentlemen. The Germans have given to Western Civilization the dark sage Hegel, Weltanschauungskrieg, and the Frankfurt school. Has God ever created a more wretched race in his boundless wrath?

>> No.16060134

Too risky, post-colonial scholars and afropessimists might get it cancelled. These guys know they have to carefully thread the needle with this shit.

>> No.16060158

Just replace "Tutsis" with "Whites"

>> No.16060162

The "culture," or "Western Civilization" you're defending is a verbal meme invented by the CIA to justify foreign interventions by implying they were in self-defense. This was a strategy to oppose the USSR for world map-control in the aftermath of WW2. It currently just serves as a false prop to get people fighting over "this a culture war emphasis on war" when the war they're talking about is just about the semantic definition of abstract concepts, thus rendering their efforts totally impotent. >>16060024 gets it.

>> No.16060171

Yeah, I did college the same way, but with Vyvanse.
I think my Shakespeare professor complimented me on my surprisingly deep gender analysis of Lear, which just felt like saying "Idk, these bitches r twisted"

>> No.16060177

To be clear, I wasn't attacking the CIA for controlling the discourse for the purposes of the cold war - it's inevitable that the State will try to control how its citizens think to the extent capable. I take issue with the utter stupidity of the things they require us to believe.

>> No.16060198

>Communism worked
Was the wholesale slaughter of the kulaks(peasants), the Ukrainians feasting on their children, or the death of tens and tens of millions of chinese that was communism working?

>> No.16060214

The holy trips have spoken...

>> No.16060939

Can't argue with that
Someone was going to figure it out eventually, Germans just did it first
>Frankfurt school
Jews, not Germans

>> No.16061951

Jesus Christ who is the autist trying to find a new Peterson.

If the title of this book would be real he´d suggest that after the civial war race relations were worse than before. It´s just the usual tradcells intellectual dishonesty.

>> No.16062113

This is it really. The average literature student is an unspectacular middle-class woman who goes to uni for the credential and the social life. She chose literature because it allows her to regurgitate the latest talking points on race, gender and economics every now and then. To stand out from her, all you have to do is write coherently. If you couple this coherence with ‘originality’, you’ll get good marks.

>> No.16062129


>> No.16062198

This is because public schools tell students that college isn't for the intelligent, but rather for those who are willing to work hard. With school loans easy to acquire, colleges let practically everyone in, and why wouldn't they? Colleges get cash without accountability for student success.

>> No.16062318

Why do people forget the greatest proponents of Zionism were germans?
The Germans are so wretched they can corrupt any other group in their presence even one as vile as the original corrupter, the jew.

>> No.16062331

Just tell him to read Bernays if he doesn’t get it on his won yet, and to draw the logical conclusions manifest in history since.

>> No.16062392

i've seen some anons make some very enlightening posts about college
can someone redpill me on the college-industrial complex?

>> No.16062406

See >>16059890
Legalize IQ tests for jobs and close most US colleges.

>> No.16062427

i'm talking about how the system works and why it is pushed so hard/what they benefit from it
and i mean i am studying geology so i definetly need colleges to stay open lol

>> No.16062429

Im liking this new race theory. Whose on top? The Swiss?

>> No.16062453

It exists because education is sacralized in the US as a vital part of creating Informed Participants in Our Democracy. It serves as a means of signaling intelligence in a manner that can be plausibly claimed to not be racist, as opposed to IQ tests which are officially discriminatory according to Griggs v. Duke Power. Elite colleges also function as a sort of finishing school for the ruling class where they earn what is effectively a title of minor nobility. The administration of universities creates a lot of fake jobs for admins and their friends to do and earn in the high 6 figures per year.

>> No.16062878

The humanities need to be rethought. "Criticism" here means hate for western civilization. There's no reverence or respect for it. The one and only result of humanities now is that it produces this peculiar self-divided, resentful graduate who is remarkably uncritical about their critical attitude toward the racist, sexist, evil lineage of western civilization and thought. Then their only option is to become an academic who repeats the same claptrap. It's a useless and destructive cycle

>> No.16062958

Based and me too

>> No.16062991
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>be English major
>required to take one crit theory class to graduate
>prof says practicing crit theory is more important than reading about it so we never even use the textbook
>for our "practice," he slots every other class day for three or four students to present on a piece of media of our choosing
>could be a book, a poem, a movie, a TV show--just not a song since prof doesn't want to hear his students' shitty taste in music
>this presentation will be a major grade for the class
>someone asks if we can do advertisements
>everyone quickly comes to the conclusion that deconstructing a 30 second ad is way less effort than a movie or book
>mfw I spend every other day of class watching racist ads (like that Chinese one with the washer and the black dude) and listening to my classmates explain why these ads are racist with powerpoint presentations
>mfw the other day of class when the prof is supposed to be teaching is either a Trump rant (this was pre-election) or watching Die Antwoord music videos (this part was enjoyable actually)
>mfw watching and rewatching the Volkswagen 2013 Superbowl spot to prepare for my presentation
>mfw the final paper of the class is me writing for the third time in my life an essay on why Heart of Darkness is racist

>> No.16063040

It’s commodification

>> No.16063082


>> No.16063092

Now do you see why the Greeks wanted Socrates to fuck off?

>> No.16063105

>for our "practice," he slots every other class day for three or four students to present on a piece of media of our choosing

That's a trick lazy professors do to get out of lecturing.

>> No.16063146
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Experience has shown these people are enthusiastic about capitalism corporate rule social atomization endless wars and the degradation of culture as long as their masters plaster rainbows over everything and keep down the white working class and allow them to indoctrinate our children eith impunity. A viable anticapitalist movement would be third positionist, not afraid of smashing those pink hair skulls.

>> No.16063158
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>>mfw watching and rewatching the Volkswagen 2013 Superbowl spot to prepare for my presentation
>>mfw the final paper of the class is me writing for the third time in my life an essay on why Heart of Darkness is racist

Why do they hate this book so much? It is a fantastic piece of literature and criticizes colonialism in a good way. Is it just because Conrad uses uses nigger?

>> No.16063179

It's because Achebe wrote a paper critical of it, and no one has had the balls to criticize his criticism of it since

>> No.16063195

>“PR said the shooter looked at him then looked back” at Mr. Anderson “and shot him twice,” the report said. As PR recounted these events to the police, he “completely broke down and sobbed,” the report said, and he later identified Mr. Long from a series of photographs provided to him by the police.

Badass CHOP thug cries like a baby and then snitches his ass off, what a surprise

>> No.16063238

Conservatives are mistaken in thinking todays universities are radical hotbeds of communist subversion when they are really HR biopolitics training camps for multinational corporations. The goal of 'education' is to create an homogenous and compliant mass of consumer units. Communist cadres of the twentieth century were at least guided by an ideal and a total conviction in a world historical absolute, one cant look at todays left and see anything else but already defeated subjects who want nothing else but to force others to participate in their shame. The last man has nothing left but '''identity", which amounts to nothing mote than consuming product and proudly getting fucked in the ass.

>> No.16063335

My theory is that the lefts corporate masters view western culture and the cannon as competition to the degraded nigger pop culture they want to promote. Just like poptimism in music criticism.

>> No.16063343

>Conservatives are mistaken in thinking todays universities are radical hotbeds of communist subversion when they are really HR biopolitics training camps for multinational corporations. The goal of 'education' is to create an homogenous and compliant mass of consumer units. Communist cadres of the twentieth century were at least guided by an ideal and a total conviction in a world historical absolute, one cant look at todays left and see anything else but already defeated subjects who want nothing else but to force others to participate in their shame.
It's more "the goal is to create compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and associated jurisprudence".

>> No.16063415

Who pushed for the civil rights act if not the ford and rockefeller foundations?

>> No.16063441

When it comes to managerial state one cant easily distinguish between the private and public sectors. American conservatives are the ultimate dupes, the american enterprise institute, national review are just the other side of the corporate zionist shekhel as antifa george soros osf and lgbtblmwtf

>> No.16063457

Bloom had a similar view. He felt that they didn't want to compete with the glorious production of the past so resentful academics decided to even the playing field by omitting them by calling them dead, white males. Funny enough, people in the past were fueled and sharpened by competing against Homer, Virgil, Dante etc. Now everyone can start on a blank slate like Rupi Kaur.

>> No.16063463

What does that have to do with my point? It should be common knowledge by now that the Foundations and CIA ran Civil Rights as a PR movement to appeal to African countries in the Cold War. They didn't just sit back and think >"How can we make employees of American companies obedient?"
>"I know, let's force them to hire a ton of nonproductive employees so that they don't get sued or harassed for racism in the press."
>"Good idea!"

They're forcing corporations into alignment with State goals in the same way that the CPC uses cells to force Chinese companies into compliance with CPC goals. HR and diversity hires are the US equivalent of CPC cells.

>> No.16063514

In a post industrial society "productivity" is just about managing indistinct masses of undifferentiated masses of human matter. At least the chinese can feel proud to be chinese and raise chinese childrenas part of chinese civilization. I bet you the students at beijing tsinghua are far more familiar with the western classics that those at harvard or UCLA

>> No.16063551

this. fucking boring and unremarkable. and I say this as an autist who has literally punched a hole in his wall over seething hatred for leftists.

>> No.16063556

They probably are, classics are racist after all.

>> No.16063564

>please don't laugh at us

fuck off lefty

>> No.16063572

But wasnt real capitalism! If anything we should have patriotic nationalist cadres ensuring compliance in every workplace in america, the difference between america and china is their cadres work for the interests of the nation, our cadres against it.

>> No.16063619

um sweaty, all those chinese kids who are virtuosos on piano and violin are upholding white supremacy ok?
classical music is had nazi undertones according to a holocaust specialist at my uni. this man also teaches lectures of +1000 students this bullshit

>> No.16063662

Chad CCP fifth comumnist v Virgin "asian american"

>> No.16063691


>> No.16063723

In times of cultural marxism, merely refusing to apologize for being white and straight amounts to a revolutionary act. Sieg f*cking heil!

>> No.16063726

The US literally does this though. American Patriotism is #BLM, feminism, trans rights etc.

>> No.16063752

The Achebe critique is the one where he complains that the blacks in the books never get to be subjects only objects right? I find such a shallow criticism, especially where the black steerman who dies is presented as much more human than many of the white people in the book.

>> No.16063758

Chinese policies are eugenoc and based on cultural pride american policies are dysgenic and aimed at breeding an undifferentiated mass of subhuman cattle.

>> No.16063810

American policies are based on American cultural pride as well, which is again #BLM, feminism, and trans rights. They take tremendous pride in what they've done for equality.

>> No.16064092


>> No.16064309

Absolutely based and every anon should follow this rule.

>> No.16064488

>The last man has nothing left but '''identity", which amounts to nothing mote than consuming product and proudly getting fucked in the ass.

Normally i dislike Nietzsche-posting, but this is exactly right. If only he knew how much farther there was left to fall.

>> No.16064518

compliant, yes; homogeneous, no. the fractalization of identity allows for greater and greater specificity of niche, opening marketing opportunities and increasing tribalisms based around minute and imaginary properties that nevertheless make these groups susceptible to factional pressures coming from any direction.

>> No.16064621
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>Must it? No, I don't think so. I think you already know what you think and the book will confirm it for you as you have decided in advance. Someone bring me the cough syrup

>> No.16064750

>If only he knew how much farther there was left to fall.

He failed to predict how people would use and twist part of his philosophy. His views on truth and language was for example used by feminists to argue that gender is a social construct etc.

>> No.16064765

>Gender is a social construct, read Nietzsche.
>Why don't we construct "woman" to be "someone who doesn't leave the kitchen except to give birth?"
>That's oppression of my autonomous individuality you sexist!
>Oppression is a social construct.

>> No.16065844

yea his criticism is pretty retarded. most of the whites are treated the same way. just nameless figures, like the company men on the steamer

>> No.16066209

I read "How to Have Impossible Conversations"(which was authored by two of the grievance studies people), and it's actually a pretty good handbook on persuasion. Anyone have any other rhetoric/persuasion books they'd recommend?

>> No.16066221

Oh, shit, that's by them? I got that as an audible daily deal months ago, listed to like ten minutes cuz I figured it was by some conservative asshole when the opening scenario is him arguing about affirmative action with a lib

>> No.16067421
File: 69 KB, 662x1000, How to Have Impossible Conversations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The grievance studies trio was James Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose and Peter Boghossian. Lindsay and Boghossian wrote How to Have Impossible Conversations; Pluckrose and Linsday wrote Cynical Theories.

>> No.16067429

Nope. Peer-reviewed cringe.

>> No.16067437

>Conservatives are mistaken in thinking todays universities are radical hotbeds of communist subversion when they are really HR biopolitics training camps for multinational corporations.

The Force is strong with this one.

>> No.16067487

>Conservatives are mistaken in thinking todays universities are radical hotbeds of communist subversion
Yes, especially considering none of the tenured professors making six figures never complain that associate professors make like $24,000 per year. They want to maintain academia's caste system.

>> No.16067510
File: 69 KB, 509x294, DpnWathX4AABIst.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James Lindsay
DROPPED. Stop supporting litersl retards.

Pic related, he must be sub-80 IQ

>> No.16067540

Wait, is this real?? How could anyone miss the point THAT much?
It's almost as bad as Sam Harris' argument for deriving and ought from an is.

>> No.16067574

>We define "science" as a branch of philosophy ...

>> No.16067575

Imagine a >80 iq managing to get his work published by critical theory/feminists journos. Can it get any more embarrassing for them?

>> No.16067587
File: 11 KB, 250x201, 424tav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophers unfairly needled Sam Harris
Hope he reads this, bro.

>> No.16067609

There's nothing wrong in that text.

>> No.16067618

He thinks psychology is a science, lol.

>> No.16067626

They mostly targeted pay-to-publish journals
The only non PtP journal they got published on was Hypathia, and they got away with it only because their whole original editorial team quit the journal a few months prior (due to the Tuval scandal). At that point they basically had no peer-review team
When Lyndsay&co got published on it, Hypathia had already been considered a joke for months.

>> No.16067634


>> No.16067636

"What should I do?"
"You will probably do x."
"Ok, but should I?"
"You will probably do x."

>> No.16067643

Their serious articles are more offensive than the hoax ones.

>> No.16067700

Here's a review, if wnyone's interested:


>> No.16067766

I once wrote a typical muh technology bad essay citing Oswald Spengler, Rene Guenon, the Unabomber, Julius Evola, Jacque Ellul, and Zhuangzhi and my professor complimented me on writing on an ambitious topic and got an A.

Actually I got 10 points knocked off my grade for turning it in late and got a B. I had a case of identity theft and have to go to the bank to sort things out instead of going to class on the due date.

>> No.16067995


>> No.16068201

Honestly we need something like "Main Currents of Postmodernism" to be written by a non-idiot, there's a lot room for research into how the Americans built a non-Communist Left informed by questionable readings of thinkers like Foucault etc. and how it developed into Critical Race Theory.

>> No.16068260

>Gender, Place & Culture
>Fat Studies
>Sexuality & Culture
>Sex Roles

Not Published but Accepted
>The Journal of Poetry Therapy

Revise and Resubmit
>Porn Studies
>Feminist Theory
>Women's Studies International Forum

Under Review
>Gender, Work and Organization

>Sociological Theory
>Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
>GLQ: A Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies
>Sociology of Sport Journal
>International Review of the Sociology of Sport
>Journal of Gender Studies
>Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
>Qualitative Inquiry

>> No.16068364

My bad, I thought that Hypatia published them. My memory was a bit rusty

>> No.16068432

Hypatia was ready to, though. Either way, all of these journals seem fake. What's worse is I guarantee universities pay a ton of money for these. I used to work in the periodicals department of my college's library while in school. We had quarterlies that cost hundreds of dollars each year, if not thousands (especially weird foreign business journals).

>> No.16068554

And then university libraries whine about sci-hub and libgen claiming it undermines them when they pay out the nose for that trash.

>> No.16068659

Isn't this the guy who always lie about having a Math PhD?

>> No.16068695

that's part of why tuition costs a million bucks, it's not all going to diversity officers and climbing walls in the gym

>> No.16068959

Lmao no, libraries take only a miniscule part of the budget even in colleges with no relevant sport team.