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16055817 No.16055817 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some authors who never got the respect they deserve in their lifetimes?

>> No.16055832

how expensive are whores in the UK? why don't just pay for one and stop being a virgin?
i worked a part time job for two years and still could pay for sex once a week while going to college in a country where prostitution is legal

>> No.16055947

HP Lovecraft

>> No.16055971


>> No.16056013

im sure he doesnt really care about being a virgin, that was just something else to throw in there

>> No.16056024

>having sex with a prostitute
>losing your virginity
Lmao, this is only true if you were younger than the aoc where you live when it happened

>> No.16056034


His bitch ass fiance shouldn't have left him

>> No.16056044

>Lmao, this is only true if you were younger than the aoc where you live when it happened

If you go to a restaurant and pay to eat the food instead of making the meal for yourself, you still had a meal. Don't be a retard.

>> No.16056064

john fowles

>> No.16056072

for people with this complex it's about proving to themselves that they're fuckable, capable of sexual conquest. a prostitute would be a step backward. has nothing to do with actually having sex, that's not their problem

>> No.16056078


>> No.16056092

You still had sex, but you didn’t really lose your virginity because loss of virginity is a mark of independence and maturity

>> No.16056101

Loss of virginity is a mark of being fake and gay

>> No.16056110

>loss of virginity is a mark of independence and maturity
children might think that, maybe

>> No.16056122

>didn’t really lose your virginity

Losing your virginity is a physical act, so if you do the physical act you lost your virginity.

>> No.16056183

Imagine thinking that fucking with someone makes you a mature and grown person. Molested kids must be really mature then. This level of stupidity happens when you think that a physical action has more meaning than what you subjetively perceive about it.

>> No.16056204


>> No.16056229
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I think what anon tried to say was: "courting" someone into wanting to fuck you is to actually lose your virginity, fucking a prostitute is more like fucking a very sophisticated sex doll, you pay to make them into tolls not a person, ergo you're still a virgin because you didn't have sex with a person but only their body. Like almost fucking a corpse, there's no soul in it.
The same is true for fucking a gold digging whore.
You know what, if you've never had sex with someone in love with you who you're in love with, you're still a virgin.
Call it the 'true 5th base'.

>> No.16056236

Yeah, they just lost their virginity in a pathetic way. Its how whores and whoremongers cope with shame. They think the issue you have is virginity or sex mattering, the goal is to reduce sex to something closer to a bowel movement than a trancendental act. Better a pig satisfied than a man dissatisfied.

>> No.16056251

No has has sex in atleast 300 years because persons no longer exist

>> No.16056369
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Having sexual intercourse outside marriage is using someone as a means to an end, which is sex. So whoremonguers and fornicators like you, my hypocrite friend, all do the same exact thing: reducing sex to something closer to a bowel movement than a transcendental act. A transcendental act is when the act has transcendence, and the transcendence of sex is procreation, which (you) reject, converting sex into a commodity or an ephemeral gratification. Whoremongers are usually cleverer as they know the fake institution that our age calls love is the only appearance, and they are able to satisfy their desires without falling for normie social pressure and most importantly, reducing the chances to please a woman in the process.

>> No.16056384

imagine if it was HP Lovescock and the HP stood for Homo Phaggot

>> No.16056411

masturbating outside intercourse with your wife is to be unfaithful

>> No.16056414


>> No.16056530

So is sex without intent yo produce children withen marriage

>> No.16056549

>So whoremonguers and fornicators like you, my hypocrite friend

Uh can you not tell who samefags are? I have never had sex and rejected my few oppurtunities to have it.

>> No.16056554

How do you manage lust? You, personally.

>> No.16056658

Easy to convert it into disgust or contempt. Lust is an addiction, it gets worse with indulgence. Finding a worthy surrogate for the inclination to love the soul is much harder. Sincerly wanting to love exposes eros as the novelty it is.

>> No.16056664
File: 216 KB, 752x500, hookers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. here is the redpill that nobody talks about when it comes to hookers

>illegal in the majority of the countries where incels exist
>therefore you have to commit a crime, possibly end up in jail
>street walkers and pimped out whores on backpage are dangerous fucking people or involved with such people, so you have to watch your ass. being an autistic incel makes you a candidate for robbery etc.
>even in countries where prostitution is legal like netherlands, the cost is prohibitive to incels because incels are largely poor due to being outcasts, so they don't have hundreds to drop on some fuq in the red light district when they live with their parents
>they are often very ugly and awkward which makes them "creepy" to prostitutes who will reject them as clients, even if they are well-meaning

the great irony is that even prostitutes are largely out of reach and/or impractical and risky for incels/the burgeoning virgin class. if there were truly safe and affordable, laissez-faire whorehouses across the country then there would probably be no incels but prostitution in its current incarnation is still fairly exclusive for many reasons. on top of that women are wising up to the fact that they don't even have to fuck for money in a world of funko-obsessed simps.

>> No.16056692

Its also much more visceral irl and I rarely leave my home or interact with attractive people. Its easy to foolishly thing a personal anecdote is the exception when you are sunk in the now of life.

>> No.16056734

Inceldom was never about sex. Incels want validation they want someone to be attracted to them just as they are attracted to others. Incels are more human than failed normalfags with no issues being the betabux, backup guy or unstable inbetween realationship while she looks for an upgrade. The incels actually obsessed with sex are just really autistic and got fixated just as they might for some random deviantart subculture


>> No.16056746


>> No.16056782

cold take. for many of them it's about feeling left out of a very fundamental part of human experience. if they just got their dicks wet they could get over this retarded anxiety about sex and stop feeling like aliens and turbo losers. yes, there are the "I want a pure waifu to prove my manhood" types but you guys see those fags and think they are an archetype for all frustrated, sexless males. that is a very incorrect and normie opinion, and the consequences are possibly going to reach a boiling point at soon (i.e. this problem probably contributes to a lot of the political polarization of the west these days that could be solved with convenient rent-a-pussy lol)

>> No.16056799

The issue isnt sex access. Being unattractive is the primary factor is a majority of neurotic pathologies, going far beyond inceldom.

>> No.16056843

I will just put it to you this way. The average normie would start feeling mentally unwell after a three month dry spell. People are having entire-life dry spells, and going fucking insane over. This could be fixed with hookers, but hookers are actually quite inaccessible. You are underestimating the mental damage this shit causes people.

"Money aint shit unless you don't have it" etc.

t. late bloomer faglord who chilled out after no longer being an entirely alone discarded person jacking off every other night

>> No.16056846

Melville and John Kennedy Toole come to mind.

>> No.16056868


This guy's situation fucking sucks. Idk the specifics, but it sounds like normies (softly) rejected him and he totally lacks any social capital. He probably oozes neurotic loser vibes, and never got the chance to develop social skills because he could never get his foot in the door. Maybe he was awkward as a kid, or his family was super low status. You have to impress the Stacies at HR, or they will not let you through.

>> No.16056880
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People here only started talking about him after he died

>> No.16056883

HR roasties dont even read resumes which is why applying for jobs is for suckers. Most job openings are never public, you get brought in personally. All nepotism.

>> No.16056983

This guy is me but I'm 36 and have a job.

>> No.16057128

>tfw 30khv with no friends, and stuck with no job and in a shit town in the UK I can't get out of

>> No.16057335

do something about it then

>> No.16057452

I'm trying some things, started working out, problem is there really isn't any work around here at the moment so I need to think of something to do.

>> No.16057754

Most of them. They die poor and alone. Fifty years later some college student picks em up and they're ranted about on Mongolian basket weaving message boards.

>> No.16057873
File: 13 KB, 1130x133, rejected by pros but still friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea it's not exactly safe. i've seen people on here say they've been robbed lol.

>> No.16057886

>started working out
are you retarded? what the fuck do you think thats going to accomplish? really, please explain your thought process to me because im honestly dumbfounded

>> No.16057908

>the respect they deserved
Ernest Cline

>> No.16057913

>friendzoned by a prostitute
i didn't know such a thing was possible

>> No.16057951

i think its kinda sweet

>> No.16059483

probably a lot better for him actually. one-time awkward sex that probably wouldn't change his life at all vs. having a friend (when he had none) and socialising a bit.

>> No.16059559
File: 37 KB, 600x487, 1596303699752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the kid that tries to bribe his coach for an mvp trophy.

>> No.16059598

Imagine if HP stood for Humours Post, like the opposite of what you just did.

>> No.16059854
File: 44 KB, 780x520, ak_bt_0104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overpopulation of job markets. you people cum too much in vaginas.

>> No.16060017

prostitutes are gross

>> No.16060038


underrated post