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16053795 No.16053795 [Reply] [Original]

tell your kids to stay away from books

>> No.16053832

I fucking hate this self masturbatory mindset that late zoomer/early millennial; mostly females; have adopted. Oh wow, gongrata fucking lations you got an A+ on your grade 6 social studies test about the history of indigenous tribes. Oh what? You aint doing so hot in grade 10 because your depressed? Or is it because your a fucking retard nigger whose brain got fried from looking at tumblr text posts all fucking day. ''Oh i loved reading as a kid, I was really smart!'' Read what you retard? Harry potter? Captain fucking underpants? Some fucking shitty dystopian YA series where the main character is a female that gets simped over by two fucking dude? Were you reading wattpad fiction? Was that it? Holy fucking shit I wish all of the americas were set ablaze by napalm I hope every single one of them are burnt alive

>> No.16053840


>> No.16053846

I know plenty of guys like this as well

>> No.16053847


>> No.16053852

more like make sure your kid has friends and has a girlfriend he's fucked before leaving high school

>> No.16053856

>whose brain got fried from looking at tumblr text posts all fucking day
is your brain metaphorically frying a real thing? can it go away if you stop staring at the computer screen all day?

>> No.16053858

have sex loser

>> No.16053859

Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, autism, all legit. But fuck me, all kids these days think they're one of those because they're lazy shits who can't comprehend the benefit of getting off social media/vidya/anime/porn.
They fry their brain, self-isolate because nothing lives up to the hit of the aforementioned things then go "Damn, I wish I wasn't this fucked up and lonely, I used to be a happy boy when I was 6, before I've been exposed to any of this, anyways, time to check 4chan then jack off before sleep".

>> No.16053867

It's a term for getting too much happy juice flowing in your brain with zero effort to the point where your brain goes haywire and gets addicted to it.
Yes your receptors will normalize eventually if you stop, expect bouts of sadness before that happens though, because modern man is an addict.

>> No.16053876

holy shit based

>> No.16053888

Very based.

>> No.16053890

Its cause kids these days are self diagnosed weirdos who dont have any genuine interests in anything because theyre under so many deep layers of irony that even EXPRESSING that they like something is physically painful for them. Wouldnt be surprised if suicide rates skyrocket when these zoomers hit their mid to late 20s

>> No.16053894

i will allow him to start reading once he finds a good job

>> No.16053895

holyyyy based

>> No.16053913

This is such a demeaning attitude towards POC, women and people who like to read. Maybe instead of being a fucking asshole to them, you can encourage them to read and maybe you'll like to talk to them more. Maybe instead of being a misogynist who shits on them, you can support their art and maybe you will enjoy reading a story. Not sure how I can explain it to you, but I was raped by my own father when I was 14. I'm still raped every day, my life is hard because of this, but I read stories and I understand how it hurts to be a woman. I think I understand why a society can turn into a sewer without a toilet. Is that really a person you want to lead our society? If you want to influence someone, you should offer your help and work on them, not diminish them. I say this to everyone who has anyone on their radar. Don't let anyone tell you how to live your life. Nobody tells you how to love your life.

>> No.16053918

lmao I know people like that.

>> No.16053925

>Don't let anyone tell you how to live your life.
Take your own advice faggot and stop telling me how to live mine. Fuck women and fuck niggers.

>> No.16053931

T. seething "talented" and "promising" kid from high school that everyone had great expectations for

>> No.16053939

The same ["smart kid" -> depression] thing happened to me but before most of the stuff you're referring to existed.

>> No.16053944

>This is such a demeaning attitude towards POC, women and people who like to read
>Maybe instead of being a fucking asshole to them
why would anyone be nice to these animals

>> No.16053946

I'm just giving you suggestions on how to not live a life full of hate and misogyny. I can tell that you're a bitter incel. Reading some stories written by women who struggle with the current patriarchal society will help you understand how hard it is to be a woman.

>> No.16053956

They hated him because he spoke the truth.

>> No.16053963

No one with 10 dollars in their pocket is involuntarily celibate.

>> No.16053970
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why are men like this?

>> No.16053978

You have wojak saved on your PC, your opinion is invalidated.

>> No.16053981

When I was 9 I read Predator 1 2 and 3 Aliens 1 2 and 3 and Predator vs aliens 1 and 2.

>> No.16053983

Where did did this stupid meme come from that being smart makes you depressed?
He is probably baiting b t w.

>> No.16053994
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imagine being a loser early in life and then blossoming in your 30s. it's way worse

>> No.16053995

>I'm just giving you suggestions on how to not live a life full of hate and misogyny.
Would you like some suggestions on how to go fuck yourself?
>I can tell that you're a bitter incel.
>Reading some stories written by women who struggle with the current patriarchal society will help you understand how hard it is to be a woman.
I don't give a fuck how hard it is to be a woman.

>> No.16053997

reminds me of when the university paper interviewed a drunk about what he does with all the money he spare changes off of bleeding heart college kids.
>you can get a prostitute for five dollas

>> No.16054000

Can relate

>> No.16054001

If you aren't depressed you probably arent that smart.

>> No.16054002


>> No.16054006

>Where did did this stupid meme come from that being smart makes you depressed?
I didn't say that being "smart" (I don't think that I am) made me depressed or that it makes anyone depressed necessarily, just that the same sort of thing happened to me. As to what the actual cause was, I'm not sure. Maybe I just have some kind of mental illness.

>> No.16054008

Why is that worse?

>> No.16054012

21st century thinking

>> No.16054018

Of course you dont, because you're a privileged man. You've never been raped. You've never been sexually assaulted. You've never been harrassed. You've never been denied a job because of your gender.

>> No.16054019

If you are depressed then you aren't smart enough to recognise what is making you feel depressed. Or you're mentally ill.

>> No.16054025

Correct. Being privileged and having an easier life is a good thing and I have no interest in giving it up.

>> No.16054032

they aren't even in their late 20s and it's skyrocketing.

>> No.16054043
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Holy moly guacamole that's-a fucking based one right there!

>> No.16054046

Being smart makes you depressed because you can think more deeply about all the bad things that have happened to you.
Dumb people are lucky they go through life forgeting about shit that would keep a smart person up at night for years.

>> No.16054047

Depression is a mental illness. It doesn't matter whether you understand the cause because it takes away your will to fix it.

>> No.16054052

My thoughts exactly.
You niggers have it the easiest on the planet, and depression isn't real. SHUT UP.

>> No.16054056

Fuck Tol*ien he ruined my life

>> No.16054059

Terrible bait, glow more

>> No.16054071

I know this girl who stands at M4 like every afternoon, want me to drop you off at her Anon? I'll pay her for you, pretty sure it's not a dude in a dress and a wig.
Huh, that's a good one, it's true. If your sole goal in life is to get some pussy regardless of whatever, even a blind amputee can probably manage it in like a month max.
I just think incel is a stupid buzzword with even less meaning than usual, would make sense if we were in a world with tribes of men fighting over the last dozen women or something but it's just silly at best and delusional at worst.

>> No.16054077

People can become depressed due to a bad life style.
Someone smart would understand that thinking about those bad things or experiences doesn't help in the present.

>> No.16054086

A smart person is smart enough to deal with depression just fine before it even really hits them while a dumb person can't even be bothered.
It's the midwits who are smart enough to be depressed but can't climb out of the hole they've dug for themselves.

>> No.16054093


>> No.16054094

And you believe that you are smart, don't you?

>> No.16054096

That's not true. See dumb people make the same mistakes over and over because they are too dumb to experience consequences. Smart people make a mistake once because they torture themselves over it.

>> No.16054101
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This website is for males only.

>> No.16054103

If they were smart then they wouldn't torture themselves over it but try to improve themselves to prevent that same mistake.

>> No.16054106

well fuck...

>> No.16054108

You can be depressed and still carry on an achieve. Its just not that enjoyable.
Absolutely. Its been proven to me on countless occasions. Do you think intelligent people believe they are stupid?

>> No.16054116

hyper based.

>> No.16054117

Maybe if they were also devoid emotions. You are describing a psychopath not a smart person.

>> No.16054143

A smart person is rational and determined, you are probably neither.

>> No.16054153

Determination actually has nothing to do with intelligence. Some of the dumbest people are the most determined in the world.

>> No.16054164

I guess that I described a good person, then a smart person is rational. But not necessarily determined.

>> No.16054198

>Absolutely. Its been proven to me on countless occasions. Do you think intelligent people believe they are stupid?
Depression is really the disease of the midwit.

>> No.16054200

But your fictional person doesn't get upset when they fail or when life shits on them. Presumably they have little to no emotion. What makes them good? You can be rational and determined and do nothing but pure evil. Doing bad is easily rationalized. If you don't believe in moral consequence and you don't feel attachment to people then you have no limits to what you are capable of. A person who never gets depressed must not feel attachment to people. I only really get depressed from my interactions with others.

>> No.16054203

Based and this pilled. Nothing makes me cringe harder than people jerking themselves off in faux self deprecation.

>> No.16054205

>I'm so smart that I think I'm an idiot

>> No.16054209

Who said I'm not a midwit? I had depression too and I also thought I was more intelligent than I actually was.

>> No.16054221

A smart person is virtuous, since rationally that is the best thing someone can be for himself.
Someone virtuous has morals, what makes you think that someone rational has no emotions?

>> No.16054231

I don't think I'm more intelligent than I am. I am just self aware of the fact that I have a much easier time than other people with some things. The thing is everything is so easy for me I feel no sense of achievement for doing them. When I got into one of the top universities in the country I had put only the barest minimum of effort in. I never fail at things that require mind power. I am depressed because I'm alone and I cant relate to people.
Not trying to blog but since I am being psychoanalyzed I guess I need to clarify.

>> No.16054258

Then challenge yourself, and why can't you relate with anyone? Do you have no interests?

>> No.16054267

>I don't think I'm more intelligent than I am. I am just self aware of the fact that I have a much easier time than other people with some things. The thing is everything is so easy for me I feel no sense of achievement for doing them. When I got into one of the top universities in the country I had put only the barest minimum of effort in. I never fail at things that require mind power.
This is very similar to me. Intelligence doesn't mean the same as wisdom. You need purpose in life. I solved my problems with Christ.

>> No.16054282

The one thing that irritates me nowadays is "depressed" 20-something year olds.

Yeah, I was depressed too...IN FUCKING HIGHSCHOOL. Cut it out with that teenager shit, and unironically pull yourself up by the boot straps. If you're no longer a teenager and still "DUH PRESSED", maybe you just need to fucking lift some weights and make some friends, Jesus Christ.

You're in your mid fucking 20's and you're literally squandering the prime of your youth because you're too scared to engage life? Fuck off. "Oh, woe is me, I'm almost 30!". Dude, shut the fuck up. I'm barely 24, and 30 years old is STILL fucking young to me.

Hell, even 40 seems somewhat young, in my honest fucking opinion. Middle-age is like fucking 50/55/60. I've seen and drank with 35 and 40 year olds with waaaaaaaaaaaaay more life and vigor than some of my 25 year old "still-stuck-in-highschool" friends.

Wow, you don't have a good degree? Wow, you need to pay rent? Wow, your job sucks? What? You think you're the ONLY FUCKING ONE? What's worse, a lot of you guys have middle class to upper-middle class parents, and have a huge fucking safety net.

People from working class parents don't have that same fucking safety net YOU do, yet it's always the working class kids who learn how to live life to the fullest; having fun, meeting people, dancing, living life.

Grow the FUCK up by staying YOUNG. That's IT. Fuck you. End of story.

t. Guy in his mid 20's

>> No.16054306

A few reasons. I have a hangup about honesty and unfortunately I can always tell when someone is lying to me and it hurts me more than it should because I never lie. People are flakey and ignore my messages and I only talk to people when I really want to talk to someone. Other people send a million messages a day and forget about half of them. That is also very upsetting to me.
Basically I'm to intense and needy and if people won't respect that about me I see it as a personal rejection and get very resentful towards them.
That's because I listen to them and remember the things that bother them and try not to do them. But they don't notice things like I do. Or they just don't care. Its not because I haven't tried.

>> No.16054346

You need to love with humility, friend. To love expecting nothing in return. Humility is not thinking less of you, but thinking on you less.

>> No.16054350

Extraordinarily based, fuck fags with "depressive realism"

>> No.16054365

Honestly I can relate to that, but I don't know what your plan is because the majority of people are going to be like that. Either you stop interacting with people or simply look past that kind of behaviour, and accept that most people are like that.

>> No.16054404

Good advice. Hard to practice.
How do you accept that without looking down on them? See my problem is I'm getting very bitter. I'm starting to just see everyone as worthless garbage so I guess I'm leaning towards the first option.
If I can be a genuine person why should I have to deal with these frivolous liars and pretend we are the same? So that's why I can't relate to anyone.

>> No.16054418

baste and roastpilled

>> No.16054445

Yes, it is. That's why you need to search for a strength that's not proper of yourself. That's why we need God. It's by imitating God, who loves us unconditionally even if we don't love him, that we can reach perfection.

>> No.16054460

From reading your posts I can tell you're not very smart, you're just very good at memorizing and being told what to do. This is why you're bitter and feel ''depressed'' because even though you made it into the top university in your country, you don't feel accomplished. You need something that has meaning, you have the feeling to do something, write something, invent something but alas, you cant. Your brain has been conditioned to only think what it has been told, you were lifted up as genius for it, being fooled and lied too. I'd be depressed too anon.

>> No.16054494

You also have the third option of looking for someone genuine that you can relate to, although this option is definetly the hardest.
You also don't have to pretend that you are the same, at least if you don't want or need any friends. But then what is really the point of having a social life?
As to what this anon said >>16054460 If you are truly intelligent, and you consider everything too easy, then why don't you try to challenge yourself with something harder?

>> No.16054500

I have drawers worth of things I've written and art I've created and if it wasn't great I destroyed it out of shame. You don't know me m8. I only care about finding love so no amount of academic achievement or artistic crearion will ever satisfy me unless it impresses the girl I like. Damnit I hate talking about my problems.

>> No.16054520

>That's because I listen to them and remember the things that bother them and try not to do them.
Unfortunate lesson: being outwardly and constantly considerate of other people makes them see you as a resource and unworthy of consideration in turn. It's a sick game and I wish it wasn't so, but you actually have to play kind of aloof until the stakes are clearly high - then feel free to dispense some consideration. Somehow THAT makes people respect you and reciprocate.
You're setting yourself up to be the doormat.

>> No.16054554
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>> No.16054569

>I only care about finding love so no amount of academic achievement or artistic crearion will ever satisfy me unless it impresses the girl I like.
But with your high expectations you are never going to find anyone you like, you have dug a hole for yourself. And that is not very smart.

>> No.16054576

>When I got into one of the top universities in the country I had put only the barest minimum of effort in.
Consider that you might not be well calibrated. I tested into a top university purely on the "aptitude" segment. Turned out the curriculum was baby shit compared to some classic textbooks in my field. I'm almost embarrassed to even have my degree.
Thinking you're hot shit and can't relate to proles is almost always delusion. You need to push until you find something difficult instead of assuming what you've been spoonfed is all there is.

>> No.16054611

This feels both like a copypasta and an original troll. Which one is it?

>> No.16054635

>Where did did this stupid meme come from that being smart makes you depressed?
From depressed people who think they're smart, obviously.

>> No.16054641

Well believe me I would happily trade all the intelligence I have about everything else if I could be a genius at love. I realize how cringe that sounds. I'm not even that shallow. I mean I have some physical vanities like anyone but I'm not looking for some 10/10 super model. All I want is the same level of care that I am willing to give. I don't see whats so hard about that. Its not hard for me to do it.

>> No.16054647

>Cut it out with that teenager shit, and unironically pull yourself up by the boot straps. If you're no longer a teenager and still "DUH PRESSED", maybe you just need to fucking lift some weights and make some friends
wow, decades of growing up in an abusive home where nobody loved me, and the answer was right in front of me all along!
lift some weights, make some friends, and just be myself bro!

>> No.16054655

Why you got to be so savage and accurate at the same time anon.

>> No.16054657

>Its not hard for me to do it.
Siri, what is "codependency"?

>> No.16054681

I'm down for codependent. I've been independent for long enough. Where is my codependent lady?

>> No.16054693

You're acting like a pet. You're not smart.

>> No.16054711

Like what? Reading a big book? Learning to play tennis? Seriously if you know of some super challenging thing I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.16054738

>You don't know me m8. I only care about finding love
Enlarged ego 20-something year old who thinks their smart because they doodled on a piece of paper and everyone around them told them they were smart. You are a midwit, an imbecile and you will die achieving nothing in your life while exclaiming you are smarter than others.

>> No.16054746
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Yeah stop being a faggot

>> No.16054747

I'm smart I'm not omnipotent. I have flaws like anyone. I only have two gears, docile pet is preferable one to me. The me who isn't trying to be nice is a very bad me.

>> No.16054753

Holy shit this has to be bait. You got me anon, well done.

>> No.16054755

I promise you I've already achieved a far more lasting effect on this world than you ever will.

>> No.16054767

So you don't have a great challenge for me to tackle then?

>> No.16054770

Yet we both post on the same Japanese basket weaving forum.

>> No.16054776

What if you’re in your late 20’s and legit have no passion for anything? Right now, i’m just reading to kill time.

>> No.16054791

Well I could be wrong you might have done something amazing in your life you are right I don't know you. And you don't know me. I've done things. Can't say what without putting my identity out.

>> No.16054792

Learn an instrument

>> No.16054794

A smart person isn't acting as a doormat.
>hurr being nice is being smart, me not bad
Grow up. You'll start realizing when you're 17 (hopefully) that you're not as smart as you think.

>> No.16054795

Thread theme

>> No.16054817

Are we really talking about me here? Being nice doesn't mean being a doormat. If you read along you would see I've cut nearly everyone out of my life for not being as nice as me. At this point I think you are just projecting.

>> No.16054875

>grow the fuck up by staying young

Fuck that shit just be yourself and actually mature. Youth is universally considered more retarded than the Old for a reason.

>> No.16054902

There should be no such thing as "smart kid" or creative, lazy, dumb, etc.
most kids are average and still developing their interest and personality, grading them, and putting expectations on them is damaging, no wonder they all think they have some mental illness in their teens when the world becomes harder.

all the "smart" and or talented kids that bloomed early are average adults, failing at life, some I knew even committed suicide, but that girl that finished art high school and never went to college, she is able to work the interior design from home/laptop and is traveling the world now and is just 25 yo.

>> No.16054925

Women tend to do that to themselves because of the situations they put themselves in random rapes by family members suck but bitches will literally go hang out with muslims and niggers knowing theres a good chance you will be raped and they LIKE IT and you didn't get the job because you lack qualification and the REAL scientific understanding says women are stupid so.

>> No.16054954

I'm such a genius. I'm going to go jerk off to pictures of my cranial scan.

>> No.16054957

Me too, let's hold hands while we're doing it. I love you so much anon.

>> No.16054963

I thought I wanted love but now that someone loves me I scared. I'm going to run away now.

>> No.16054971

Watch (rewatch) Evangelion unironically. Preferrably with some company, it's not like it's obscure weeb shit.

>> No.16054992

What women round the world crave
drawn toward its gravitational wave
Plebian brainlets young and old
are never free from getting told;
this cranial giant has it all
above all those whose heads are small

IQ tests are only needed
when circumference goes unheeded
genotype comes no where close
while phenotype can always boast

see a sperglord start to cry
when this ashkenazim walks on by
engineer goys try not to mind
when it solves problems ahead of time
cerebral thirst that's only sated
when theorems numerous are created
mastery of physics is his right
as is obvious at first sight
there is no time for popsci tripe
for he has the P H E N O T Y P E

>> No.16055010

Why does one of the characters say something like what I said in that post and then something terrible happens to them? I haven't seen it.

>> No.16055028

From what I can tell from personal experience being very talented at drawing from a young age: talent exists, but needs to be fostered.
If it's not raised and nourished, and is instead just praised, then the child grows up with a sense of self-importance and a withered work ethic, and when the laziness catches up with the 'talent', they start to fall behind compared to other people with more discipline. The sense of loss felt when this is realized is large, because a talented child's ego is built up quickly through school, and when their pride collapses they fall in to a depression.
I agree that there should be no such thing as a "smart kid", but it's difficult to avoid comparison in a school environment. Personally I think kids should have strong mentor figures to foster interests, which teachers are largely incapable of with large class sizes; the responsibility falls in the hands of the parents.

>> No.16055043

You do nothing but cope and seethe and cry, just like shinji.

>> No.16055049

united states of based.

>> No.16055053


Talk to any teacher, they'll tell you that every 4-6 years there might be one genuinely intelligent child that stands above everyone else. It is unlikely you are that kid you fragile faggots, accept that you're average and lazy.

>> No.16055070

That's not true I do a lot of self-aggrandizing and being wildly arrogant as well.
I don't think this Shinji is as complex a character as me. I'm more like a Barry Allen type.

>> No.16055101

Thank you for helping me to cure my pervasive infantile narcissism. Having seen it in other person I am now more aware how not to be such insufferable faggot. Thank you again.

>> No.16055114


>> No.16055120

Why do people associate reading books with being smart? I get that maybe if you were reading nonfiction or science books, but it's not like reading fiction is some noble academic activity.

>> No.16055123

t. American
No one cares about your fake smiles and perky optimism for being corporate or debt-ridden slaves of Jews. I do what needs to be done for my own survival. I don't give two shits if you die.

>> No.16055133

You are just trying to be like me now cause you saw how cool I am.
>Oh I have the same problems as you and am equally self-aware of them
Pretty quick turnaround. Man why can't I ever talk to anyone with some convictions?

>> No.16055150

huh?? huh.??? huh huh,.,.... minecraft block game crafting game mine and craft and build, defeat the dragon buold and craft and kill for food eat felsh for survival of the body, do not kill the steve you play as build and mine and craft for material survifve deafeat retard mining and building game made by mojang notch in sweden number one sell game in the earth minecraft earth square earth mine and build and do not die in harsh survival world of minecaft,,, generate world infinite world build by hands of notch and mojang team survive hardcore survival game oonga boogna bash the tree for wood and return to the nature minecraft game set in 2000 BC mining and crafting game for the .. do not die in the harsh mining and crafting caves of minecarft ifnite generaton machine, infinite squares in minecafrt together with caves diamonds, mine them for armour and pickace for mining, harsh world of minecart. collect the iron and do not die, niggers, stop the niggers from entering your minecart base full of wood, material, and emerald diamond. unique hand craft mining experience in 2000 BC set in minecraft survival and killing game, action packed survival kill zombie and skeleton or they kill youm impossible hardcore harsh world cave exploring game, will you sfurvive?base building and more, defeat the dragon or, revbuild civilisation in minecraft create politicvs, pilosophy, mathamatic, biolog, cultur, lanuage, religigon (islam and christ) sex, penis, cum, balls, anus, and more incel. esoteric kaballah mining and building game for the smart and intellect, notch and mojang are the jewish god jahwah, read torah go to and become god./
do not mess wsith me, i am the niggergod and i brougth niggerness into the light, i created the nigger to niggerroam the niggereearth, niggerfear me nigger for your niggersuffering will be relentless if you do not, i am niggerpenis and niggerballs, and i will niggersmite you to niggerhell where you will experience endless niggerpain the likes of which you cannot even fathom.

>> No.16055153

If you are depressed you probably aren’t smart, more like.

>> No.16055160

When you are a child and every other child around you is just itching to start masturbating and drinking like the big people do it is taken as an assumption that reading even the trashier of trash will take them away from that path and make them become engineers, doctors and architects(you know... worthwhile careers).

The reality is that reading was an activity associated with middle, higher and the higherest class and with many things that get associated with those people it's assumed than even superficial imitation is the ritual to become just like them.

>> No.16055172

>tragedies don't occur even for hard workers, lol

>> No.16055173


>> No.16055175

Oh well that's depressing then.

>> No.16055187

>Bro just get over it what are you stupid
Your brain is to small to generate complex emotions.

>> No.16055212

It has been empirically proven that depressed people are generally less intelligent than non-depressed people. The fact that you believe otherwise just means you fell for the Hollywood/literary fiction meme that smart = sad

>> No.16055215

If you are too stupid to not recognise that doing nothing all day is the main cause of your depression then you are a retard. Go play vidya all day and seethe more nigger.

>> No.16055226

Sad and depressed aren't the same thing. I think this thread is failing to make the distinction between being sad and having chemical brain imbalance.
Being lonely because your crush ignored your text isn't depression.

>> No.16055237

You know what I meant.

>> No.16055238

Who said anything about doing nothing all day? Stop projecting.

>> No.16055252

I do recognize what makes me depressed, but there's nothing I can do about. Have you ever come across an obstacle which you know you cannot overcome due to social or historical context?

>> No.16055276

Are you really depressed or are you just sad/lonely/hungry/whatever? Being lonely isn't being depressed.

>> No.16055281

No. I'm intelligent enough to overcome all obstacles I may encounter. Unlike you, oh oh oh

>> No.16055296

You can be depressed due to a bad or unhealthy lifestyle or due to being mentally ill.
>Who said anything about doing nothing all day
It is a major cause of why so many people are depressed nowadays.
>Stop projecting.
You were the one that immediately got defensive, I'm not projecting anything.
Are you depressed due to your lifestyle or are you diagnosed?

>> No.16055304

I mean, if I keep my goals simple, such as securing livelihood, then I wouldn't be despondent. However, if you have higher goals, then many times you come across insurmountable obstacles given certain social context. It's just the way it is.
If we want to be precise with words, I guess embittered describes me better. I vacillate between being melancholic and embittered.

>> No.16055328
File: 24 KB, 748x235, current_state_of_publishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sad because my illustrated picture book is incredible, but all agents ask for is inclusive diversity and pro-LGBTQ+ themes. I've read hundreds of picture books, and I know mine is very good. However, no agent will represent even after the endless querying process. Pic-related is what most agents resemble.
I do have one short story published in a literary journal.

>> No.16055341

I have a job you are assuming shit about anonymous people personal lives thinking you have insight. It makes me cringe. But this thread did help me realize that I am not actually depressed. So that's cool.

>> No.16055375

talented? or did you have an interest in drawing, maybe you liked how cartoons or comics looked when you were a child and wanted to recreate that, think about it you will never see a child who is not interested in let's say baking make perfect cookies, but a child that is interested, maybe grew up watching adult bake whit interest (or TV shows) will make them decent first try because he cares about it and is interested.

>> No.16055399
File: 40 KB, 410x598, 1581690427304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trrrrring trrrring
You have a phone call mister, do you wish to take it?

>> No.16055410

Nah talent is a thing. I loved cartoons as a kid and wanted so bad to be good at drawing but I sucked and it took me 20 years to get good.
But I was great with words practically from birth. I spoke my first full scentence at 5 months.

>> No.16055414

Nah dude I read a fuckton as a kid and I'm far better for it. It made me seem funny and intelligent to people who got Impressed when I used the word diligently. If you're an escapist you will ruin yourself no matter what you use to escape.

>> No.16055443

And they say that there is no agenda, they are blatantly indoctrinating children.
You were too stupid to understand or properly read my post >>16054019, I can safely assume that you are a retard.

>> No.16055482

You are dumb by your own standards because you didn't make a distinction between depression and other emotions. You don't "feel depressed" you either are or you aren't.
To say a smart person should be able to just turn off their depression or any emotion really doesn't make sense.
Emotions and intelligence are two seperate things.
Suppressing emotion isn't intelligence either so you can't be too smart to feel you are just repressed.

>> No.16055541

>You don't "feel depressed" you either are or you aren't.
What? If you "feel depressed" then you are depressed. Don't really understand what you meant with this.
>To say a smart person should be able to just turn off their depression or any emotion really doesn't make sense.
I did not say that, I said that someone smart or intelligent should be able to recognise the cause of his depression, whether it is because of a bad or unhealthy lifestyle or due to mental illness.
>Emotions and intelligence are two seperate things.
Never said otherwise.
>Suppressing emotion isn't intelligence either so you can't be too smart to feel you are just repressed.
Someone intelligent is rational, and will not act emotionally. This does not mean that someone intelligent is emotionless.

>> No.16055557

>they are blatantly indoctrinating children.
I know. I made a video touching on it:
I also had plans to develop a data mining or web scraping algorithm to use on websites like QueryManager and more in order to determine the proportion of literary agents pushing leftist nonsense. I have dropped this plan because I think it's obvious to anyone with half a brain now.

>> No.16055581

Emotions are very powerful. You can be rational and do irrational things because emotions make you.
You are thinking of willpower not intelligence. You need a lot of willpower to endure emotional suffering and not act on it. But you could be a absolute genius and be an even bigger slave to emotion than a dumb guy because you think about it more.

>> No.16055621

basado y mucho rojo-pastillado, si si.

>> No.16055646

>You can be rational and do irrational things because emotions make you.
You cannot be rational and irrational at the same time, that doesn't make sense. If someone does something irrational then he by definition cannot be considered rational.
>You are thinking of willpower not intelligence. You need a lot of willpower to endure emotional suffering and not act on it.
Now that I think about it, what is the difference between being rational and having willpower? Aren't both about not acting on you emotions or urges? Isn't willpower more like being determined?

>> No.16055647

why does the tweet look like that?

>> No.16055709
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>> No.16055710

You can know what you are doing is the wrong thing and do it anyway because emotions make you. You are not irrational, you understand that you are being forced by your lack of willpower to cave to your emotions.
That's different than just pure irrational emotion.
I could agonize over a decision and then choose based on emotion. That wouldn't make me irrational.

>> No.16055852

That isn't the definition of rational, if you act on something emotionally and it is bad, then you are being anything but rational.

>> No.16055890

I also want to add that I think that being irrational is the lack of willpower, and that being rational is the exact opposite.
And if someone intelligent must be rational, then he must he must have willpower.

>> No.16055898


Time to man up, exercise does help. Are you anti-science?

>> No.16055951

Unironically yes, what other plan do you have? Do you want my fat cock down your throat? Would that make you feel better nigger?

>> No.16056123

Well you would be 100% wrong. You think every different thing is the same thing. Acting on emotion isn't irrational acting without logic is irrational. You could come to a logical conclusion that following your heart is the best choice. It may not work out and someome could call you irrational later. But they may not have made a better choice.
In fact if we want to make false equivalency your version of rarionality sounds more like cowardice. Like you are too afraid to act without total control of a situation.

>> No.16056149

Protip: Your sexual organs compete with your brain in the use of nutrients, hormones and mental energy.

The bigger the brain, the less time you should spend on masturbation, sex or sexual stimulation of any kind.

If you are highly intelligent, you are not a nigger, you cant just have sex whenever you want, you will damage your brain when being sexually active.

Someone should have taught you to not masturbate and surpress your sexual desires.

>> No.16056173

If you were an actual genius like me you could cum buckets till your brain was at 50% capacity and still be 100x smarter than average.
I pity those who must deprive themselves in hopes of gaining a few IQ points. They will never know what its like to be a true ubermensch.

>> No.16056188

Thats now how it works, your brain will just become clouded, you will become depressed and disintrested, etc

Depression amongst higher IQ people is primarily caused by then engaging in too much sexual stimulation.

>> No.16056247

>Acting on emotion isn't irrational acting without logic is irrational.
Being emotional is the exact opposite of being rational, so acting emotionally must be irrational. Acting on emotion is mostly without logic, just because something makes you feel good doesn't mean that it is actually good. That would be irrational.
>In fact if we want to make false equivalency your version of rarionality sounds more like cowardice. Like you are too afraid to act without total control of a situation.
Someone rational does not act on emotion but on logic. That is my version, I don't understand what you meant with this since I have never said that someone rational can only act in perfect circumstances. Someone rational must act in the most logical way possible in whatever situation he is in. A coward is scared and thus acts on emotion.

>> No.16056272

A coward is irrationally scared*
I wanted to change that, because someone intelligent isn't emotionless. He simply doesn't act on those emotions.

>> No.16056279

I screen-capped it from mswishlist.com. It just serves as an example of this growing trend.

>> No.16056285

fpbp ( first post best post )

>> No.16056304


>> No.16056313

Anon your simpleminded thinking is making my head hurt. Emotion is not the opposite of rationality.
I just told you sometimes in uncertain circumstances the most logical choice is to follow your heart. Try to understand.

>> No.16056316

What pisses me off is when they act like it's everybody else's fault. You know the whole "I was always told I was gifted and smarter than the rest of my class, so I never developed a work ethic blah blah blah." Yea retard, well now you're 17, 18, however many years old and you're still a lazy piece of shit by choice. That's no one's fault but your own. Makes me so angry. Fucking hate those stupid memes. God there's even a subreddit for it. I think it's like /r/aftergifted or something.

>> No.16056332

That's dumb. What are people going to do go sit in a park all day?

>> No.16056385

>Emotion is not the opposite of rationality.
Emotion isn't, but acting emotionally is because it is irrational.
>the most logical choice is to follow your heart.
Intuition isn't logical, tell me one situation where it would be.
This has to be bait, but I do a lot of hiking and mountainbiking. Go to /out/
You can also do a lot of sports outdoors.

>> No.16056501

And how can you call me simpleminded when you have been trying to convince me that intuition, something completely irrational, is actually somehow rational.
You might as well try to convince me that war is peace and that diversity is our strength anon, this is ridiculous.

>> No.16056550

jokes on you, i was a highly literate kid and all my teachers hated me anyway

>> No.16057618

>I fucking hate this self masturbatory mindset that late zoomer/early millennial; mostly females; have adopted.
women are like this at literally all ages. they're overgrown children.

>> No.16057659

based ranter

>> No.16057663

>Captain fucking underpants?
Captain Underpants is based though.

>> No.16057674


>> No.16057681

Holy based as fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
sorry my k button got stuck

>> No.16057684

Most people I see with this attitude are males though.

>> No.16057692

you can't shag young pussy without looking creepy

>> No.16057724

>19th century romanticism
although they used to be a bit more manic.

>> No.16057731

>you actually have to play kind of aloof until the stakes are clearly high - then feel free to dispense some consideration
elaborate please

>> No.16057743

fuck that was me
except i was valedictorian in hs and got like a 36 on the reading portion of the ACT
how do you know if you're that kid
i feel like if you have to ask you probably aren't
but wouldn't it be worse to assume you are and actually not be

>> No.16057750

>caring about what some (((teacher))) thinks of you
I've had teachers who thought FDR wasn't a president and thought Ben Franklin was. I couldn't give a shit about their shitty opinions.

>> No.16057766

fdr wasnt president
he was a cripple whiny niggercrat faggot w polio who had to be wheeled around like a human meatloaf

>> No.16057770

What did you read as a kid anon?

>> No.16057778

If that were the case, anon, then this young anon would *NOT* be on 4chan of all places. Your typical 4channer is not a socially well-adjusted conformist who thinks only what he's told to think.

>> No.16057781

I had a teacher call me over privately and thank me profusely for writing a decent essay for some assignment as if it was some kind of relief from having to grade tons of trash. I still don't think I was that kid but was kind of a surreal experience considering it was AP English and my classmates were supposed to be smart kids too.

>> No.16057824
File: 81 KB, 666x375, 41sthoorah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o shit thats crazy

>> No.16057845

It's not, zoomers just don't know how to write anything but text messages.

>> No.16057859

i take creative writing at my uni (20 yo zoomer) and some people can write really well
but its usually the older kids......
some people (lowkey the black ones) are really bad tho...

>> No.16057871

I took a creative writing at uni once and there were 2 or 3 people who weren't actually retarded (I was not one of them) and everything I had to read was pretty awful.

>> No.16057902

damn i must have lucked out
granted i am one of the retarded ones (im a frog poster for fuck's sake)
some shit it pretty awful and like
the classes are meant to be uhhhhh its like um a lot of workshops and critique each others work which is cool but sometimes it can be a bit too nice ya know? like if someone's work is shit you can't tell them it's shit without feeling bad or looking mean

>> No.16057906

How to actually quit 4chan, hypothetically? Dont really have much problem with the rest

>> No.16057922

Sell or throw away anything that gives you access to a browser.

>> No.16057923

Cringe mid-wit Britbong. Do the world a service and kill yourself lad

>> No.16057967

>Cringe mid-wit Britbong
Because he is describing you and you know that he is completely right?
Seethe and cope more nigger, seethe and cope.

>> No.16057983

This is like saying to coomer "lol just cut your dick and balls off bro"

>> No.16058021


>> No.16058030
File: 31 KB, 750x669, received_599785610730372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression is cringe reddit midwit tier. If you were smart enough you would get that.

>> No.16058088


Only schizos are legit

>> No.16058114

Schizos are just the enlightened.

>> No.16058155

>Taking breaks from constantly being on social media, vidya, porn etc. is the equivalent of cutting your cock off.
You are genuinely retarded. Americans continue to surprise me with just how stupid they are.

>> No.16058408

Okay Spock

>> No.16058607

Have sex

>> No.16058867

You know, I came into this thread thinking there might be some kind of actual productive discussion being had. My mistake, I should have known better than to expect so much from this website. Go ahead and call me a faggot, I don't care. I'm not coming back to this thread.

>> No.16058927

Very based

>> No.16058957

If you live your childhood or even teen years being told that you are supper smart and meant for "big things" you will expect to much of yourself and will fell a failure in the end.

tl;dr: Labelling kids is bad

>> No.16059017

Don't remember anyone asking

>> No.16059088
File: 108 KB, 328x431, D57E8A21-A8ED-4E4A-9714-B4EDC2455B0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too smart to do well in school

>> No.16059440

a faggot

>> No.16059461


>> No.16059513
File: 559 KB, 528x845, F3960687-FA33-4DF5-950B-43F11FA2EC69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16059667


>> No.16059682

biggest midwit cope ever, all people that i've know that said this are midwits who think they hot shit

>> No.16059700

midwit cope

>> No.16059721


>> No.16059744

at least it isn't a midwit cope.

>> No.16060190

>Come back hours later
>thread is still up
>still getting (you)s
This is why I like /lit/

>> No.16060203



>> No.16060278


>> No.16061664


Fucking kys you narcissistic pseud.

>> No.16061669

Dangerously based

>> No.16061670
File: 880 KB, 576x1024, 1594572837990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit based

>> No.16062324

If anything I know more men like this desu, otherwise agree entirely.

>> No.16062348

based as fuck

>> No.16062361

Willem Dafoe is looking rough.

>> No.16062363


This guy thinks I'm gonna have kids lol
Sorry I'm trying not to destroy the planet and increase the net suffering on the earth which is already at an all time high it seems

>> No.16062544

The world is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think.

>> No.16062684

thats way better though
.t bullied for 15 years

>> No.16062714


>> No.16062730

thats a really midwit cope. If you overthink your losses and indulge yourself in self pity you are a retard who deserves to be depressed. You are not smart nor sad, you are just a little zoomer crybaby faggot who neads to read some nietszche

>> No.16063760

midwit cope

>> No.16065535


>> No.16065621

I see someone is still mad that the kid who skipped and didn't do homework got better test scores than him. I see the majority of /lit/ these days are also seething midwits

>> No.16065759

I could be the poster child for gifted in elementary school but never learned to apply himself. Coasted high school, got to college, and didn't have any study habits. You know what I didn't do? Bitch and moan and blame my parents, the school system, or anyone but myself. I fucking just learned how to study and now I'm coasting through college. Suck a dick

>> No.16065942

I am in college too. I specifically remember IB nerds who seethed at me me daily and that post might as well have been written by any one of them