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/lit/ - Literature

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16052905 No.16052905 [Reply] [Original]

well, what book, /lit/?

>> No.16052911
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>> No.16052914

Catcher in the Rye
Madame Bovary
The Stranger

>> No.16052927

On The Road

>> No.16052928

anything by dostoyevsky

>> No.16052948

My aunts old romance novels. God the main characters are annoying

>The Stranger

can you tell why without spoiling?

>> No.16052978

>can you tell why without spoiling?
I found it unnecessarily 'edgy', and I thought Mersault was repugnant. Maybe it isn't fair to call it "truly horrible", but The Stranger did not resonate with me at all, and I found it an absolute chore to read.
Yeah, I probably got filtered, I don't care, I didn't like the book, simple as

>> No.16052979
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>> No.16053045
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>> No.16053333
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Absolute worst book I've ever read in my entire life. Fucking awful. Just some druggie bragging about how much drugs and sex he and his dirty coworkers had while cooking and making the same stupid mistakes again and again. After you read this book, you will think, "wow, no wonder this guy killed himself".

His major downfall was that he looked up too much to the experienced cooks who had no lives, were yes-men when it came to putting in hours, and idolized their subpar social skills and general degeneracy as something to be respected.

He really could have been alive today if his elder coworkers had any sense of decency so as not to affect his mind.

Fuck this book.

Also fuck this thread. Leave an explanation why your book was bad or you didn't even read it.

>> No.16053436

>When you were eating, I studied the kukri.
>When you were having dessert, I mastered the santoku.
>While you wasted your days at the salad bar in pursuit of croutons, I cultivated mad flavour.
>And now that the kitchen is on fire and A.A. Gill is at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for help?

>> No.16053444

The Myth of Sisyphus. Didn't find his arguments convincing and found it (or at least the translation)poorly written.

>> No.16053473

Democracy: the God that Failed by Hoppe
He's so proudly wrong about almost everything that it starts to hurt the reader. An ignorant pseud, like most Austrians.

>> No.16053483
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>> No.16053495

As a democracy-skeptic, I am very interested in this book.

What is wrong with it exactly?

>> No.16053515 [DELETED] 
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:( I liked that one

>> No.16053710

Naked Lunch


>> No.16053865

Cabbages and Kings by O.Henry

>> No.16053880
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Zorba the Greek

>> No.16053902
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>> No.16054081

>Catcher in the Rye
I was lucky enough to have not read it in high school. Strangely, I ended up reading NS,F&Z, and RHtRC before I read Catcher. Salinger is a very good read, one of the best stylists I’ve read, but I remember getting a sense of dread and disappointment when I finished Catcher, like it had been written by someone completely different. Maybe I missed the boat (read it when I was 21), maybe if I was younger it would have had an effect.

>> No.16054333

>the worst book he ever read was kitchen confidential

What the fuck? One of the more entertaining books I have read. Do you like cooking?

>> No.16054442

Camus's philosophy sucks

>> No.16054459

No, I agree. Its a good book, certainly not bad, but inarguably different from the rest of his body of work.

>> No.16054466

That culture is fostered by virtue of it being a late-night job, ludicrously underpaid, long hours, and low education/formality.

Try to find me a clean chef, you literally can't.

>> No.16054481

Nobody realizes that it's good book until they're at least 30. Teaching it in high schools is honestly stupid

>> No.16054561


>> No.16054703

Children should not be given books to begin with. And even after, only grown men.

>> No.16055284
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Oh god oh fuck

>> No.16055321 [DELETED] 

Faust I

>> No.16055484

Unironically. I was a bona fide retard until I turned 20

>> No.16056662

>truly horrible book

WHY would you torture yourself by reading the whole thing?

>> No.16056688

>unnecessarily edgy
In what way?
>I thought Mersault was repugnant
Has there ever been a more brainlet take than "The main character was a meanie. Don't like."

>> No.16056809

thanks anon, Ill keep it in mind

>> No.16056861

Odessa files

>> No.16056878
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>> No.16056888

>Lord of the Flies
Brits do not know how to write entertaining literature. Somehow he made a bunch of boys crashing on an island into a boring story but injected with enough boiler plate philosophy to keep brainlet college kids talking about it for decades.

>> No.16056939

Gogol-dead souls

>> No.16056949

The Alchemist

>> No.16056950

Don`t listen to that fag. Stranger is great would highly suggest to anyone.

>> No.16057346
File: 666 KB, 1649x1716, dunecover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book. Literally less demanding of your brain than Harry Potter or whatever YA shit is popular today, and less entertaining to boot.

Because brainless cunts insist that Dune is good and you need to BTFO them when they want a detailed argument

>> No.16057361

y tho?

>> No.16057369

>Wow I can't wait until this all ties together in the amazing way everyone says it does.

>So Maud'dib what was all of this for?
>IDK. Genocide I guess.
>WTF why?

>> No.16057373


>> No.16057389

>OMG what has happened
>I am inside of you looking out at you from the part of you which is you but you do not want to look because you are you but I am me and you.
I really fucking hated this book. HE just rambles in prose which makes it seems like he's saying something profound but there's absolutely nothing there.

>> No.16057402

This board has rightfully turned on this book designed for STEM-autist 14 year olds.

>> No.16057456

Half the problem with Dune is that the entire premise makes no sense. Why would you invite someone you hate to a planet that's basically a secret giant industrial mine to kill him?

>> No.16057491

Poker Without Cards

>> No.16057609

lord of the rings (entire trilogy)

>> No.16057641

This. There is a reason most of the good ones are complete sociopaths.

>> No.16057644

rise of the warrior cop
tiresome journalistic tripe

>> No.16057649

Sorry meant to quote >>16054466
See >>16057641

>> No.16057775

>Why would you invite someone you hate to a planet that's basically a secret giant industrial mine to kill him?
because house atreides was growing in power and quickly becoming a potential threat to the emperor's power. im pretty sure that was pretty clearly spelled out in the book.

>> No.16057787

Battlefield Earth

But I didn't finish it.

>> No.16057806
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>> No.16057846

sorry, i think i misinterpreted your question, are you asking why the emperor didnt just kill the atreides instead of going through the whole rigamrole? if thats it then the other great houses united in the lansraad would see a precedent set of the emperor eliminating any potential threat to his power. they would quickly unite against such an overt deposition and remove the corrino family from the throne. again, pretty sure this was spelled out.

forgot my explanation.
>"""snarky""" humor like The Martian
>sjw bullshit pronouns, complete virtue signaling
>room-temperature iq prose
>what could have been an interesting premise completely falls flat
>muh heckin sciencerooni!!1!
it wasnt RP1-tier, but god damn

>> No.16058015

The Name of the Wind
God, what an insufferable protagonist who just happens to be a genius in everything he tries. Faggy nerd wish fufillment.

>> No.16058299

I love cooking but the book was just a bore. I guess I just don't care for the food industry which is what this was about.

>> No.16058502

The first book in the Wheel of Time novels. Really derivative with boring characters and bad prose. He should have just gone full femdom.

>> No.16058590

Stop deliberately trying to make us look stupid with interpretations of the plot that would make a retard blush. We all know the real problem is the infantile writing, pulp prose, and braindead pacing.

>> No.16058632

>Less Than Zero - Bret Easton Ellis
Dreck. Worst thing I’ve ever read. Ellis cannot write for shit, and somehow makes everything, and I mean everything, in this book boring, the scene with the literal child sex slave tied up to the bed frame isn’t even shocking, it’s just banal. You should at least be able to illicit some emotion from your reader when describing some of the events of the book, but nothing. Ellis accomplishes nothing. You might say that’s the point, the numbness of the book is meant to reflect the narrator and such, but frankly I don’t care for it. Completely turned me off reading anymore Ellis.

>> No.16058652

>In what way?
How he didn't really care that his mother died and how his excuse for killing the Arab was along the lines of "it's hot and the sun got in my eyes". It seemed like Camus was reaching for plot points that were convenient to illustrate absurdism, and they came across hamfisted and amateurish. That might have just been the translation's fault though, to be fair.
>Meanie character etc
I don't mind if a protagonist is a "bad guy" or whatever, I just found Mersault to be an insufferable narcissist. Again, I often don't mind that in a character, but Mersault rubbed me the wrong way. But again, it could have been a translation thing.

It was the 2012 Penguin(?) translation

>> No.16058674

The sun also rises.

>> No.16058676

My diary desu

>> No.16058684

I first read it when I was 23. I can admit that it was quite well written in terms of structure, characterization, plot, etc, but all the "Goddamns" and the sheer amount of blasphemies got old very quickly for me. I suppose someone not religious probably would have enjoyed it far more than I did.

>> No.16058711

Probably one of the most disappointing things I've ever read desu, they're not truly horrible, but not exactly great

>> No.16058742

I somehow tolerated NoTW despite the obnoxious protagonist.
Wise Man's Fear however... God damn the wish fulfillment bullshit dialed up to 11 and turned into a self insert's fapfic in the latter half of the book.

>> No.16058900

Of course they're disappointing, they're written by a mythology fanboy rather than a serious artist.

>> No.16058929

>a serious artist.
imagine being this gay and boring

>> No.16058955

i like his books but there are only a handful of russian to portuguese translators and both my mom and dad are literature majors and before i even pick up anything by a russian they always get real shitty about which translation i should read and to avoid a specific one who was their college teacher or some shit. Real social reject vibes from my lit major pops

>> No.16058968

You literally just described working in a kitchen

His book is great specifically because anyone who's worked in one knows exactly where his life was going.

>> No.16059099

Am i the only one that drops books if they are boring? I dont know what your definition of horrible is tho

>> No.16059140

t. tolkien kid

>> No.16059312

fuck off fag. You have no idea what you're talking about. People in kitchens are not chef boyardee

>> No.16059319

To kill a mockingbird

>> No.16059335

>translastion bad probably
its not i read it in french and thought the same mersault is insufferable and probably autistic but the prose is nice and the book is short so eh

>> No.16059358

filtered by siddhartha

>> No.16059367

jesus christ filtered

>> No.16059406

Do you guys really finish bad books? I usually just put them away and read something better instead.

>> No.16059517

Bitch, I already knew that. I'm saying the way he presented everything sucked major balls. Oh I did drugs. We did drugs. We did drugs again. Did I mention we did it again?

Every story he says is just repetition but you swap out the restaurant name.

Fuck off, garbage book and terrible story telling.