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16050144 No.16050144 [Reply] [Original]

Try to refute him, anti-capitalisms fags. I'll Wait.


And here he is destroying your silly theories, as a cherry on top; Your welcome.

>> No.16050155

The issue with capitalism is that makes the majority of people miserable not that it doesn't work.

>> No.16050177

>Like people aren't miserable under communism
Try again.

>> No.16050225

Under communism you can at least blame the party for your life being miserable, which makes it less miserable. Capitalism smashes on your face how you're irrelevant and useless because of your own failures.

>> No.16050272

Have you considered it actually IS because of your failures?
Capitalism lifts the hard working up, and leaves the lazy fools to their own demise.
Communism brings the hard working down to the lazy fools level, resulting in all's demise.

>> No.16050289

>Yaron Brook (Hebrew: ירון ברוק; born May 23, 1961)[1] is an Israeli-American entrepreneur, writer, and activist.


>> No.16050308

Lmao. He has absolutely no idea what the Labor Theory of Value is. It has nothing to do with "physical" labor. What an embarrassment.

>> No.16050319

Ever notice how the only people who complain about capitalisme, FAIL at capitalism?
If you fail at a chess game, do you propose that the game of chess be radically altered to suit you? No. You get BETTER. Prove your own worth and you will reap the rewards.
Turning up for work on time and being flexible with your hours is a good start. You might not make a lot of money in the beginning, but the idea is; you make yourself invaluable to the company you work for. It's easy.

>> No.16050325

>Have you considered it actually IS because of your failures?
That is literally what I said.

>> No.16050333


work, especially physical work.

>> No.16050349

No. You said the Communist Party made everyone miserable no matter what, which is correct. Good job.
But then you said Capitalism also makes you miserable, which it does not. It only makes failures miserable, unlike the Communist Party, which makes all miserable.

>> No.16050408

Most people fail. That is why we need to make the rest conform so that the people who fail at capitalism feel less bad because they will go on with their lives thinking that if only they were free, they would not be miserable.

>If you fail at a chess game, do you propose that the game of chess be radically altered to suit you?

>> No.16050435

Anyone who trades their time for a paycheck is engaging in labor.

>> No.16050447

Lol, you have no idea what you're talking about do you? Read Marx.

>> No.16050450
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Capitalism needs government, government needs capitalism.
The byline says “big government” that’s your sign it’s a sham. There is no “free market” solution to the excesses of power.

Now refute these

>> No.16050475

>Ever notice how the only people who complain about capitalisme, FAIL at capitalism?
Wait, I thought it was the opposite? I thought it was the spoiled trust fund kids -- the greatest beneficiaries of capitalism -- who complain about capitalism? Dumbfucks like you go back and forth because you are incapable of thinking clearly.

>Prove your own worth and you will reap the rewards.
Only under socialism. Capitalism punishes hard work, and rewards parasitic idleness.

>> No.16050492

LOL so if I sit on my ass farting all day, and someone pays me, I'm "labouring". Sure.

>> No.16050511

How does Capitalism punish hard work?
Capitalism: Work hard, Get money.
Socialism: Work hard, Your money is stolen.
Spoiled trust fund kids actually fail at Capitalism because they are not working hard. Capitalism only rewards hard work, intelligence and invention.

>> No.16050533

We need a new response to marxists saying "read marx". How about "READ MISES" ?
My time is better spent reading theories that have actually been proven, and do not kill 1.000.000 people, thank you.

>> No.16050565

Under capitalism that's how the PMC spends most of their 'work' day, yes. If you rely on paychecks to survive, you are in the working class. Cope.

>> No.16050577

You mixed them up. Here, let me correct it for you:

>Socialism: Work hard, Get money.
>Capitalism: Work hard, Your money is stolen.

Now go read Marx, numbskull.

>> No.16050578

Retard, read the definition again dumb nigger holy shit you're probably a NEET

>> No.16050587

I already read Mises. He never read Marx either. His books are embarrassing in their deep ignorance.

>> No.16050606


Any examples?

>> No.16050618

I never get this, America was a much better place to live when the top tax rate was 70% or higher

>> No.16050634

There will always be a poor class. Always. Unless humans get their heads out of their amoral asses. But that won’t happen

>> No.16050649

LOL you mean when the hard work and money being stolen to feed jobless, lazy fools?
Imagine Steve Jobs living in that America. You can't. There's a reason he invented the iPhone.

>> No.16050650
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Why does he talk in a baby voice? Is he retarded? Design, engineering, etc. are labor, and the they should get their share just as much as the manufacturers. They are not the problem. The problem is the executives above them unjustly stuffing their pockets and giving everyone else hardly enough to live on. Pic related is the problem.

>> No.16050719
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Is this the sublime object of ideology Zizek keeps talking about?

>> No.16051094

Is this satire?
I can’t tell anymore

>> No.16052228

This is rough

>> No.16052292

Reminder to all randroids that it was Alan Greenspan, a former member of the collective, who used government money to save the banks in 2008, and that Ayn Rand herself used Social Security and Medicare, after spending her whole life railing against it. That’s the immense irony of Randroidism, you don’t even need to refute it, in due time, it refutes itself

>> No.16052323 [DELETED] 

This. The "free market" doesn't, has never, and never will exist. Jews promote the idea to goyim while steering the whole ship themselves.

>> No.16052472

>Reminder to all randroids that it was Alan Greenspan, a former member of the collective, who used government money to save the banks in 2008,
because the secular humanists who created the republic put the banks and the market valuation at the center of their republic

>> No.16052552
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>Capitalism lifts the hard working up, and leaves the lazy fools to their own demise
You dont even need to be a commie to understand how out of touch that statement is.

>> No.16052555

This. Anyone who still parrots "hurr durr free market destroys you with facts and logic" is NPC-tier.

>> No.16052609

>so the labor theory of value is the notion that ALL value is created by

>> No.16052682

Which is perfectly in line with the ideal of rational self interest as the true form of democracy.

Gee, it’s almost as if rational self interest is a very narrow and limited model to describe the human condition with, leading to a cartoon version of the human experience or something

>> No.16052693

It literally is.
Marx "proves" that the material capital doesn't matter (that's why he needed thousands of pages for this equilibristics)

>> No.16052714

For decades, Americans have experienced a populist uprising that only benefits the people it is supposed to be targeting.... The angry workers, mighty in their numbers, are marching irresistibly against the arrogant. They are shaking their fists at the sons of privilege. They are laughing at the dainty affectations of the Leawoof toffs. They are massing at the gates of Mission Hills, hoisting the black flag, and while the millionaires tremble in their mansions, they are bellowing out their terrifying demands. 'We are here,' they scream, 'to cut your taxes.'

>> No.16052737

I met this guy!

>> No.16053055

This was debunked 145 years before it was published.

>> No.16053163

Exchange-value is not use-value, and snlt is not limited to physical labor. The guy in the OP's video is a total retard.

>> No.16053530
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Intellectual innovation destroys value and makes things cheaper. You invest billions and then that investment becomes worth a lot less because its outdated all of a sudden. Without a big global government the marginal cost of ideas is 0 and anyone anywhere can duplicate your idea without having to pay you anything as the rate of profit declines.

>> No.16053759
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>a game where everyone is given equal chance of winning is just like capitalism
anon I... I can't believe you're this delusional. Or actually yes I can because nearly every capitalist lives in the same fantasy world.
please tell me how minimum wage workers who either died or accumulated debt because they couldn't afford medical treatment are "lazy fools".
And while you're on it please explain to me how the people in 3rd world countries working 24/7 until they die so that CEO's can maximize their profit are being "lifted up" by capitalism.
go back to 9gag fucking faggot

>> No.16053825

Nice antisemitism there, bud.
Give me one example that proves any of this. I'll wait.

>> No.16053860

sovereignty is conserved and anarchism sux

>> No.16053900
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Do they still simp for megacorps?

>> No.16054197

This kike had some lecture where he holds up an iPhone and calls it beautiful and then says free markets made it beautiful, galaxy brained.

>> No.16054241
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>governance, such as takes place within any organization, is fine so long as there is absolutely zero public accountability

>> No.16054564


>> No.16054593

Accumulative currency. It’s for putting the many in debt to the few. It’s objective is monopoly. Just like the board game

Interesting choice of words, bootboy

>> No.16055582

capitalism - the acknowledgement that people are shit

>> No.16055707

My values do not align with the accumulation orientation of capitalism.

No further refutation is needed.

>> No.16055735

if you don't know how to play, yes. in that case, too bad and I hope you don't reproduce. the more we allow genetics ill suited for the environment to propagate (and bitch and moan) the longer it's going to take for us to move about the stars

>> No.16055744

that's great, but your shitty brand of humanism is simply going to be derealized by materiality. hope you don't reproduce

>> No.16055751
File: 95 KB, 537x2414, 50s Tax Rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16055816

communism is the inevitable outcome of capitalism, according to marx. none of the "communists" regimes are communist. communism is the abolition of state and money - organically, through revolution. mind explaining how the USSR is communist again?

>> No.16055826

Its "you're" you idiot.
Ayn Rand died on government assistance.
Get the fuck out.

>> No.16055842

I'm some unholy hybrid of a socdem and neoliberal and I'm ok with capitalism so I can't really refute him.

>> No.16055855
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>> No.16055867

Let me modify that subtitle
>How AYN RAND'S ideas CAN END America

>> No.16055871

I don't get the point being made here. High progressive tax rates were progressive because they made the rich spend less of their income changing the demand structure of the economy encoring investment that benefited people with lower income instead of luxury goods, how the money disappeared doesn't matter per se (a minor increase for a handful of tax accountants isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things).

Oh, probably some laffer curve "government losing revenues" logic

>> No.16055940

>all value is created by labour
Based libertarians debunking arguments that no one ever made

>> No.16055972

People with medical debt that are working minimum wage jobs are the result of their own failures.
First- they failed to achieve any value to society greater than positions that are for entry-level workers with no experience.
Second- 99.99% of medical expenses are easy to pay for if you make good decisions about your diet and exercise
Third- many hospitals have bill forgiveness if you are unable to pay your loans

Most people are dumb and make crappy decisions, but that shouldn’t mean everyone else has to get dragged down to their level

>> No.16055992

No that's Marxs position if presented in a retarded form. Obviously natural wealth exists but any price it captures is a deduction on an aggregate economy based upon labour. Without labour you either have full communism or noting getting done and no value generation and everything breaks down.

>> No.16056039


>> No.16056165

>First- they failed to achieve any value to society greater than positions that are for entry-level workers with no experience.
without minimum wage workers your beloved system would fall apart. you have the audacity to say that they have no value in our society right after they worked their asses off during a pandemic to satisfy everyone's needs. They take extra shifts just so that your consoomer ass can get a nintendo switch on next-day delivery you fucking bugman.
Also who in your opinion is of value to society? Brokers? white collar retards who move money from a to b? muh real life iron man who destroys the environment and exploits workers for le epic cybertruck?
>Second- 99.99% of medical expenses are easy to pay for if you make good decisions about your diet and exercise
those "good decisions" highly depend on your socio-economic conditions. a wagie has to live off of cheap meat and to-go food because daddy bezos would rather eat his own nutsack than raise the poor man's wage.
Of course, not to mention the countless accidents that are mostly out of your control and genetic predispositions.