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16049567 No.16049567 [Reply] [Original]

Thread 1:
>Muh Marxists are just lazy and don't want to work
"He who does not work shall not eat"-Lenin
>Muh human nature
Look up primitive communism

>> No.16049576

Deja vu...

>> No.16049577

>proceeds to execute the most productive workers
>t. LELin

>> No.16049621

Digits of Truth

>> No.16049633



>You have to do things

>> No.16049655
File: 248 KB, 566x635, 1596482486323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"gib me dat for free" - hungry and spooked man

>> No.16049661

Lenin was a Blanquist, and Marx rightly criticized vanguardism like that.

>> No.16049664

Fuck off communigger fuck

>> No.16049666

Kulaks were literally keeping peasants in debt traps

>> No.16049668
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>> No.16049702

>"Hey, whoa there fella, you are playing this game too well! Who told you you could be this productive? Just trying to help? You will be of better use in the Gulag then"

>> No.16049736

Fuck off, communist.

>> No.16049739
File: 97 KB, 1000x729, Not One Step Backwards!-Voennaia_marka_Ni_shagu_nazad!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Message to feddit: stop trying to make this board into a 100 /generals/ a.k.a. subgeddits

>> No.16049759

Its not leddit it's Leftypol raiding like always.
See: https://bunkerchan DOT xyz/leftypol/res/720042.html

>> No.16049848

Nope I just want a debate on Marx

>> No.16050344

Epic thread

>> No.16050360

Take your meds

>> No.16050441

I have two questions, I may have more later.

Why does authority = violence

And why does reactionary = desire to revert to prior tradition

I mean really, c'mon.