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File: 16 KB, 335x259, 335px-AVGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16049277 No.16049277[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>the protagonist of the last fiction book you read is now replaced by the Angry Video Game Nerd

Is the book worse or better?

>> No.16049285

Mein Kampf :)

>> No.16049289

what a shit thread

>> No.16050000

It´s weird that this relict still exists on the internet...

You can see how much he hates his job, he just wanna be a low budget horror tier film maker, but capitalism forces him to be the angero on nintendero guy.

>> No.16050007

hes rich

>> No.16050863

The Magic Mountain


>> No.16052244

The Fuck-Up by Arthur Nersesian
It would be about the same.

>> No.16052275

The Light and the Mirror
closed off, hyper-professional, glib cromwell is replaced with AVGN
it'd be straight up unrecognizable. itd be too different to even call "better" or "worse"

>> No.16052288

AVGN is now Pierre from War & Peace.
....Yeah I'm thinking based.

>> No.16052308

it's been a mess all summer.

>> No.16052309

AVGN Is now The Sparrowhawk from A Wizard Of Earthsea

Imagine him dropping f-bombs while he Is being hurted by his shadow lmao

>> No.16052327
File: 133 KB, 593x647, No Fun Allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16052340


>> No.16052468

everyone who posts this pic and/or says this phrase should immediately be disregarded as a video game playing capeshit watching 30 year old beta male loser.

>> No.16052481

James is a soda-brained troglodyte that never made a real movie despite studying film for 10 years.
His children are also soda-brained and raised on an anutritious diet of soda, fried food and frozen peas.
His wife, has tattoos, because she was soda-brained from a young age as well and as a result has had countless sexual experiences outside of James and her children.
The only reason James has any kind of presence in the public consciousness is because there are enough soda-brained people out there that saw him do a bowel movement on camera while they were children to fondly remember the experience and want to give him their money as reparations.

>> No.16052496

>James is a soda-brained troglodyte that never made a real movie despite studying film for 10 years.
He has shockingly poor taste despite this. All his favorite films are retarded b-movie tier horror flicks and japanese men in dinosaur rubber suit movies.

>> No.16052510

When did true avgn die? Now its just nuavgn

>> No.16052548
File: 361 KB, 512x512, No fun allowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16052554

case in point.

>> No.16052735

The Stranger. So assuming the video hame guy is an emotionally absent autist then I guess the book would be roughly the same

>> No.16052744

Is AVGN Reddit?

>> No.16052883

Not gonna lie. AVGN replacing Kvothe would've made reading kingkiller a whole lot better.

>> No.16052885

I don't even fucking remember the last whole novel I read

>> No.16052895

Nobody likes you.

>> No.16052896

The Stars My Destination:

Book is essentially unchanged

>> No.16052974

>Stephen kings revival

>> No.16052987

better than 95% of the threads on here

>> No.16052991

>the Good Soldier Svejk
In a strange twist of events, nothing changes