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/lit/ - Literature

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16047873 No.16047873 [Reply] [Original]

>The young receptionists at the booth greeted the Supreme Leader. The first book he picked up to show His Eminence was one of Paulo Coelho's works.
>Imam Khamenei asked him: "What is this book about?"
>The young clerk replied: "It's about a spiritual journey."
>Imam Khamenei answered: "But this author [Paulo Coelho] has nothing to do with spirituality."


>> No.16047902

but muslims have nothing to with spirituality.

>> No.16047904

What an accomplishment huh? it really makes you think

>> No.16047966

Based Khamenei, Coelho is a hack.

>> No.16048235
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Family is a divine tradition. The enemy of humanity – in other words, international capitalism and Zionism – has decided to destroy family since approximately a hundred years ago. And they succeeded in certain places. They managed to do so in those places where the people had drifted away from God. And they failed to do so in certain countries including our Islamic Iran, but they are doing their best.

>> No.16048253

Profoundly based. Iran is my favorite country

>> No.16048257
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Based and Islampilled

>> No.16048258

i hate sand niggers as much as the next person but their head of state is literally a cleric with formal theological training, something self-respecting traditionalist westerners should be green with envy of
you can dislike them all you want, but if you don't recognize where they're ahead of us, you'll never be able to learn from them

>> No.16048491
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fact: juristic theocracy is the most /lit/ government form

>> No.16049170

is shia islam the answere to all of the modernity's problems?

>> No.16049350


>> No.16049355

Unfortunately no. They are as much plagued by modernity as other religions are.

>> No.16049426

>is worshipping some dead arab the answer to all of modernity's problems

>> No.16049632

>that article
I expected something a little more desu
Maybe the guy is in fact a useful idiot with no qualifications, political or clerical, that they found when they realized Khomeini wasn't gonna live much longer after the war

>> No.16050561

Why are most modern Americans and Americanized Europeans caught in a pathetic web of either infatuation or hate? Goddammit, do you retards understand nuance? I hope Iran goes back to Zoroastrianism and does scaphism on American tourists in public. Goddamn you simple-minded buffoons. Both your love and hate is shallow, hence why kikes run you over.

>> No.16050736
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>zoroasstrains still seething
Never gets old

>> No.16050783

I hate savage sand negros because 99 percent of modern acts of religious violence are committed by them. Imagine calling yourself a religious spiritual person and being violent savage.

>> No.16050830

Most of that comes from Sunni radicals, not Shia. 9/11, Stockholm, and Paris were all done by Sunni radicals. 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi for example.
>lacking reading comprehension

>> No.16050835

Aquinas would have been considered a violent savage according to you, as would have been St. Jetome and his disciplines.

>> No.16050841

Paulo Coelho is one of those rare writers that could improve literature immensely, but he decided to write.

>> No.16051091

I am not christian you stupid goat fucker. I am more interested in the present then the past. The moslems need to know their place before the middle east gets turned into crater.

>> No.16051103

If you're not Christian then you can't be spiritual and everything you've mentioned in your previous post is moot.

>> No.16051162

> Both your love and hate is shallow
Very accurate

>> No.16052753

>The practice is considered to be a purely literary invention of the Ancient Greek literature as it has never been attested in Ancient Persia (primarily Achaemenid Empire). The primary source is Plutarch's Life of Artaxerxes, where he attributes the story to Ctesias, a notoriously suspect source.
tsktsktsk you had me excited but it was for nothing

>> No.16052769

Khamenei should issue a fatwa against Coelho "for the godawful prose alone".

>> No.16052791

The more i observe America and Europe, the more this rings true. Religion is truly the glue that holds us all together and the ones without God are leading disgusting lives, and if not themselves leading it, they are leading their kin to it. I find great humility in the fact that God created us such that when we turn on him, we will buckle under the gluttony of our own nafs. May god lead us all to peace.

>> No.16052802

pure gold

>> No.16052804

>The young receptionists at the booth greeted the Supreme Leader.
When did Kim Jong Un visit Iran?

>> No.16053065
File: 130 KB, 976x332, coelho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know anything about the secret order Paulo Coelho is supposed to be connected with? Apparently they have members in Hollywood. This is from /x/ and it seemed believable.

>> No.16053365
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Utterly based

>> No.16053381

Ah yes, the Order of the Low-Quality Prose

>This is from /x/ and it seemed believable.

>> No.16053593

>Supreme Leader.
ayatollah is called the supreme leader too

>> No.16053622

Same with a dead jew.

>> No.16053629

I am shiapilled

>> No.16053642
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Based brother loyal to the Ahul Bayt

>> No.16053643

Sorry buddy /lit/ has a minimum IQ requirement of 70 before posting. Maybe you can head back to /pol/ with the rest of the senile boomers?

>> No.16053650


>> No.16053670

They should do it anyway

>> No.16053743

>Call Moslems savages
>Talk like a savage

>> No.16053758

What should I read to get into Shi'a?

>> No.16053797
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Depends what sect of Shia and how esoteric you want to be. If you wanna broad justifications for Ali's succession, then I recommend Madelung's' The Succession to Muhammad'. If you want an understanding of Twelver (the largest sect) doctrines, then read Haqqul Yaqeen's 'A Compendium Of Twelver Shia Religious Beliefs'

>> No.16053806
File: 73 KB, 420x420, 1478933020726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I've wanted to learn persian for a couple years now but shit keeps getting in the way

>> No.16054135

one of my favorite pictures desu

>> No.16054207

Maybe some of you Shiibros can help me here.

I'm interested in reading defenses of Ancien Regimes from various cultures. Some time ago I read Reflections of a Russian Statesman, by Konstantin P. Pobedonostsev, who was the Grey eminence behind like five Czars of Russia. Pobedonostsev is critical of Modernity and Liberalism, and attacks both from a traditionalist perspective. It's tl;dr a defense of Russian Orthodox Czarism against Anglo Parliamentary Democracy. I'm looking for these sorts of things in other cultures, so I was wondering if you lot had any ideas about Islamic, Persian, Ottoman, etc writers and pieces. I'm not so much interested in a strict defense of Islam, or of Islamic Republic (either in the sense of "a republic run by learned Islamic clergymen" or the actual Islamic Republic of Iran) as much as I am Islamic ideas of monarchy, hereditary privilege, defenses of the Caliph, Sultan, and Shah (as a whole, not Reza Pahlavi), nobility, etc.

>> No.16054529

Ahlu Al Bayt*

>> No.16055801
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>> No.16056584
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to war in iraq and afghanistan for the jews
>streets overrun by niggers committing racial violence
>inner cities more violent than baghdad
>bombing hospitals and diplomats, defending israel leveling entire neighbourhoods
>calling others violent savages

>> No.16057484

> traditionalist westerners
choose one and only one

>> No.16057612

Just use read the news and make flashcards, bruh.
Only takes 2 hours (1/12 of a regular day) a day.

>> No.16057638


>> No.16059147

Khomeini's Guardianship of the Jurist is the main defence of Wilayat al-Faqih out there, if you want something shorter and more to the point there is this
Shia Islamist developed later than Sunni Islamism but was influenced by Qutbism and the Muslim Brotherhood quite a bit, reading Qutb's Milestones as well as older treatises on government like Ibn Taymiyya's "The Political Sharia in Reforming the Ruler and the Ruled" could help you out. Khomeini at first wanted to reform the Shah but ended up denouncing monarchy as a whole in his later days, calling it an innovation adopted from the Romans and Persians. Some authors like Abrahamian argue Khomeini's ilk were more influenced by the French constitution and Iranian leftist writers than Monarchist thought.

>> No.16059437
