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16041574 No.16041574 [Reply] [Original]

Is Harry Potter really that bad?

>> No.16041711

It's so bad my mom wouldn't let me read it. But she thought fucking santa claus was inappropriate for a Christian household, so....

>> No.16041715

based fanatic mom

>> No.16041725

"that bad?"
theres lots of bad shit about it, but a bildungsroman with a touch of magic, somewhat clever in jokes, and some decent child pathos is inevitably a decent time. its got enough world building stuff of interest to offset the mediocre writing. the books are a bit of a slog, making the movies seem a bit hustled - but ive enjoyed the moves several times. lke may books for kids, someone with an internal struggle like Harry's is a useful tool for reflection.
shit makes for fun movies, but i dont think its all that great.

>> No.16041730

your christian mom didnt stop you from reading it because of its literary quality, bub.

>> No.16041734

It's a book meant for children, which gives it some qualities that are inherently bad.

>> No.16041754

Slytherin did nothing wrong.

>> No.16041766

It was good up until book 3 with time travel nonsense and book 4 is a disaster. Everyone acts like retards. Rowling was just too possessed by ideology to follow through.

>> No.16041782

Man, when I was real young I just used to assume things were 'bad'. Star Wars was 'bad', Spongebob was 'bad', Shrek was 'bad', Pokemon was 'bad'. Anything edgier or scarier than PBS was 'bad', and it was mostly my own imagination.

>> No.16041810

kek book 3 and the time travel finally moved the whole thing past kiddiecore

>> No.16041935

>It's so bad my mom wouldn't let me read it.
A lioness protecting her cub from the trauma of low-quality prose. Very inspiring.

>> No.16041950
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I mean, I'm not mad about it. I bet all those Redwall books were better.

>> No.16041974

The series got pretty good again with book 6, and then book 7 was an absolute dumpster fire. I loved the series as a kid and thought the 7th book was bad even then. I think the main issue with the series is that Rowling tried to make it more serious to also appeal to the large adult audience that was reading the books. The series had an interesting world, but became a battle of good versus evil, with the interesting world it set up barely being explored

>> No.16041986

Yes but that’s certainly the best book.

>> No.16041994


It's unironically good. The most significant entry in the fantasy genre since Tolkien and the most popular thing in children's literature since Dr Seuss. Super comfy reading

>> No.16042001

Go stretch your legs.

>> No.16042013

Its childrens lit.
If you read books for 13 year olds as an adult then you are probably dumb.

>> No.16042608

No, it's good for what it is. Everyone should be familiar because it is a permanent part of our culture.

>> No.16042632

>it is a permanent part of our culture
Lol, no.

>> No.16042659

He must not be caught up on the news. Harry Potter has been cancelled by trannies and gays because Rowling had the audacity to speak out against degenerate behavior

>> No.16042680

It was always just a cultural blip regardless. Potboiler children's books come and go.

>> No.16042705

i read half of the first book but stopped because i have the attention span of a goldfish

>> No.16042736

Whoa guys, I understand it's not great literature but this author surprised me in taking a political position 1% closer to mine. Are they redeemable? Can we sacrifice literature to give them brownie points?

>> No.16042748

There are so many great books to read and not even twenty lifetimes would be enough to read them all. Why waste your time reading mediocre children's literature?

>> No.16042760

Why did books have weird human designs like this?

>> No.16042768


Im a tranny who cut his balls off and i hate jk rowligg cause she said mean things to me as a tranny i dont resprct that. If i wear womans clothes and act like a caricature of a woman i am a woman period.

>> No.16042977
File: 98 KB, 880x950, 1595420792331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. this book suggests that people don't have genitals and don't fuck, sex doesn't exist. also it suggests that relations parents/children are not stupid social construct. also it is complete nonsense from economical point, who the fuck sponsors all this freak circus? fucking opium for undeveloped teens. you are all degenerates because anti logic is product of vatican and Hollywood, all elites want for you to shut up.

>> No.16042991

Oh I agree. I only let my kids read books where the characters are constantly referring to, and using, their genitals. Preferably on each other. That's very normal and definitely not fucked up.

>> No.16043064 [DELETED] 

Hi. This is JK Rowling here and I think trannies are fucking freaks! Look at me! Im a fucking tranny faggot queer reddito! LOLOLOLO

>> No.16043082
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Those books were pretty good. I've been thinking of rereading them

>> No.16043083

that is why your kids hide from you to jerk off.

>> No.16043104

It strikes me as odd that there hasn't been a feature film series yet. Let's hope it stays that way.

>> No.16043121
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Yeah, Hollywood might butcher it too much
>ywn be a peaceful rodent abbey monk

>> No.16045001


>> No.16045103

Great books for kids. But if you are reading it past the age of 12. Then you are a fucking moron.

>> No.16045117

Delet this. The sopranos exists dumb ass.

>> No.16045165

No. They're quite pleasant books. Very comfy. The author can't write plays or scripts though, so ignore Cursed Child. It really IS that bad.

>> No.16045188

They Harry Potter books are good if you're a kid.

>> No.16046789

No, but they aren't half as good as many people think. It's an ok coming of age story with magic and a good vs evil theme and that's it.

>> No.16047133

No, all fiction is equally useless in a practical sense and is enjoyed only as a means of entertainment.

>> No.16047170

If you're looking for an entertaining read and escapism, they're good. It's hard for me to assess them objectively tho cuz I have so much nostalgia with them.

>> No.16047195

Seriously why would you want people to remember that you are the one posting this dumbass shit. Literally no one in real life or online thinks any higher of you for being sanctimonious about how you don't like Harry Potter

>> No.16047440

you wouldn't understand me. you are absolutely OK with the fact that you are infinite idiot, because you don't understand what you are missing. If you knew you would kiss carlos castanedas ass literally for the gift he has given to people.

>> No.16047465
File: 707 KB, 1000x1804, HPDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so bad your mom wouldn't let you read one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

> a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.16047478

based pastaposter

>> No.16047485

doing peyote doesn't make you smart

>> No.16047549
File: 58 KB, 600x479, taisha-abelar-b50984f1-d4aa-449c-aa97-74be9281bdd-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that all your conclusion? primitive idiot.

>> No.16048022

nope, just part of it. using a trip is a sign of an inflated ego. something psychadelics are supposed to help dispel

>> No.16048329

its actually a form of advanced fun posting, but hive-minds dont get it

>> No.16048442

I own all of them but anytime I think about reading through it I can't help but think there's better shit I could spend time reading.

>> No.16048545

The good thing about books like this is that you can read them very quickly. Not advocating for reading Harry Potter, but it definitely wouldn't be a massive time sink

>> No.16049726


They teach Harry Potter in college.

>> No.16049748

It's thoroughly mediocre (like 4/10 max) and hated even more because the author is a totally evil cunt.
You're right about all those things just not in the same manner of "bad" as you originally thought.

>> No.16049756


So that you have something to discuss with a majority of the masses, something that connects you with most people, the Harry Potter books has been read by rich, middle and poor classes alike.

>> No.16049760

Yeah and colleges are filled with total dumbasses, esp. in the "humanities" tumor that leeches off of the real stuff that STEM people (who aren't that bright themselves) do, what's your point?

>> No.16049788

wow anon, you must be really smart.