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/lit/ - Literature

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16045709 No.16045709 [Reply] [Original]

I think we might need to compile a reading list
Books I've found:
>Anti-Racism - Bonnett, Alastair
>White Bound: Nationalists, Antiracists, and the Shared Meanings of Race - Hughey, Matthew
>Raising Race Questions - Michael, Ali
>Racism Matters - Wright, William D.
>White Awareness: Handbook for Anti-racism Training - Katz, Judy H.
>How to Be an Antiracist - Kendi, Ibram X

>Various studies have suggested racism is associated with lower intelligence and less diverse peer groups during childhood.

>> No.16045730

If you report the actual racist posts you'll get yourself banned for arbitrary reasons because the mods don't care and you'll just be giving them more unpaid work to do

>> No.16045731
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>> No.16045774
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>> No.16045796 [SPOILER] 
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d i l a t e

>> No.16045797

Shut up nigger

>> No.16045801

Get hung nigger

>> No.16045821

I don’t care i’m probably gonna embrace it and shitpost a lot more
Nothing is worse than redditors making meta threads, generals and containment threads and trying to corral everyone trying to discuss books inside
At least low-brow shit posting about pop culture can be fun

>> No.16045856
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shut the fuck up and go read instead of worrying about words, nigger

>> No.16045887

Retarded racism is indeed bad and detrimental to the board culture. Informed, objective, hard science backed racism on the other hand is tolerated and even encouraged on /lit/ and 4chan(nel) in general.

>> No.16045929

Never happened to me. Sounds like a racist trying to scare people from reporting them

>> No.16045951

This, we need to encourage a higher class of racism.

>> No.16045959

The higher you go the dumber more perverted you realize it gets

>> No.16045963 [DELETED] 

Niggers and Jews shouldn't exist

>> No.16045982


>> No.16045995

How do we remove brainlets who consider racism to be an a priori evil from /lit/?

>> No.16045998
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Aaah yes, the undisputed facts from empirical studies that support racism.

>> No.16046010

>psych departments at universities and FBI crime states arent real

>> No.16046021

Hamilton's rule analytically supports ethnocentrism under ceteris paribus conditions

But I agree that presenting the two normal distributions without normalizing for n makes niggers seem even dumber than they actually are to people who don't understand statistical distributions

>> No.16046022

>projecting 3000 ppl onto a race of 40 million as evil supermen

>> No.16046029

amalgamation schemes - jared sexton

>> No.16046035

But this is literally the case

>> No.16046037

Live your life as you want I guess

>> No.16046041


>> No.16046066

Thanks for the reminder us all that we can report spam, just because this we're not reddit doesn't mean that off topic race baiting is another other than spam on every board outside of /pol/

>> No.16046071

To be fair, this story is clearly fiction, so it classifies as creative writing

>> No.16046076

>The higher you go the dumber more perverted you realize it gets
You are almost there, almost at the summit of the Mount FinalRedPill. You will eventually get there, you will realize just how pointless racism is and to completely eradicate racism from this world, complete and total eradication of niggers and all non whites and jews is necessary.

>> No.16046080

I want to read a good book written by the Blackman before 1400 ad. Can you point .e in the right direction? Maybe find me some early African epic poems or written works? Before 500 ad would be even cooler. Read the words from ancient blacks to unlearn racism so gibs sources.

>> No.16046092

I've never met a high IQ racist

>> No.16046093

Do you have any idea how racist Norwegians and Swedes are against each other?

>> No.16046096

>oh no, someone talks about different points of view than mine - quick, lets get him banned
You're pathetic.

>> No.16046097

I've never met a high IQ establish opposed leftist

>> No.16046102

fuck you Anglo we come for you next. Ill trade anglos for nips. Japs are more spiritual aryan than faggot limeys. White jews.

>> No.16046120

Racism is inevitably and undeniably part of literature and philosophy.

>> No.16046123

1/3 of black men have been in prison. 80% of black children are born outside wedlock. 33% and 80% of 40 million are both bigger than 3000.
Oh, makes sense, you're from twitter.

>> No.16046125

I dont read so I'm immune to your tactics commie.

>> No.16046126

Rejection of racism is due to man's general lack of confidence that he can do better.

>> No.16046130

That's because they know each other. The antiracists are sheltered virtue signalling fags who got their entire worldview from jewish media. People who actually live near niggers know they suck.

>> No.16046134

boosting this, if y'all really wanna decolonize your bookshelves and stop making this place such a dumpster fire the least you can do is acquaint yourself with the african literature canon, including such classics as:
>Crime Statistics and Punishment
>Kang Lear
>One Hundred Years of Fried Chicken
>The Grape Soda of Wrath
>A Tale of Two Mudhuts
>Blood Muhdickian
>A Finna to Arms
>Heart of Darkies
>Da Bruthas Kangazmaov
>Pride and Predjudice (the predjudice part being against NIGGERS that is)
>Annaynay Kareninquanda
>In Search of Lost Crime
>The Scarlet Durag
>Jane AYYO
>Finnegan is Woke
>As I lay Jivin’
>The Great Gatt
>Where da Little Wimmin at?
>The Count of MLK Boulevard
>The Incarceration Rate Also Rises
>To the Traphouse
>The Call of my Dealer
>The Wind in The Ghettos
>The Trial (but this time it’s anciry district court and the defendant is BLACK)

>> No.16046136

Spot on. Nail on the head.

>> No.16046147

Growing up around Hispanics and being good friends with people of different ethnic groups is what helped me not turn into a racist loser. Our grandchildren will be beige, and I'll still love them regardless.

>> No.16046155

nice masturbation circle

>> No.16046166


>> No.16046176

And then everybody clapped

>> No.16046180

You would just have to let them starve but their trolling machines agitate the bwo into releasing the flows which sustain them. Perhaps to beat the fash we must become the fash.

>> No.16046181

It's your loss.

No and I don't care. Love thy neighbor or go the way of the nigger.

I am not an Anglo though.

>> No.16046184

Garisma Gospels (500 AD)

>> No.16046188

>I've never met a high IQ racist

Because they're smart enough to hide their power level from you.

>> No.16046193

>different ethnic groups
notice how none of them were niggers? and notice how you always had a comfy safe white suburb to retreat to? that won't happen in the future. all white people are racist and you're delusional if you think they'll make an exception for you.
i'll enjoy watching america become third world favela within my lifetime. at least they can't come for me, since i am your replacement
t. spic

>> No.16046262

Holy based

>> No.16046302

kek I've known people who've tried to hide their power level in the most obvious and autistic way possible, they all eventually blurt out rants against some minority group eventually and out themselves as idiots

>> No.16046318

t. Daquan Goldstein

>> No.16046322

>me no undoostand how sample error depletes with size\
Also: "as evil supermen". Lolwut that's something you totally made up, it's more like using a huge sample size to infer higher likelihood to be a dumb asshole. Weird bit of black worship.

>> No.16046340

Yeah nothing in these books will matter (not like we have to listen to their neurotic commands anyways) and it is and will be functionally everybody against whites, always has been.

>> No.16046344

Why do you think so low of yourself? /pol/ hispanics and /pol/ hapas are the worst, they're trying to impress people who will always hate them

>> No.16046357


>> No.16046359

Ackshully the japs are honorary aryans

The sioux indians as well

>> No.16046368

>If I use entry level philosophical terms people will think racists like me are smart!

>> No.16046392

According to a study from the University of Chicago in March 2020, racist beliefs are associated with an individual who is also more likely to harbor "theism", meaning a belief in the existence of a supernatural explanation of the world, and thus less likely to accept scientific fact.

"While we have been able to demonstrate that these beliefs are associated with low levels of scientific knowledge, we know little about the link between these beliefs and attitudes toward science as an important force in society."

The study also found that these racist attitudes are most common among young and middle-aged white adults.

"These results highlight that racist attitudes are not a new phenomenon, but rather one that is rooted in the life experiences of many white Americans," study co-author Brian Nosek, assistant professor of psychology and director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at the University of Virginia, said in a statement.

"While most of these racial attitudes are not rooted in a belief in the supernatural, they are also rooted in low levels of scientific knowledge and in a belief in the power of faith over science."

>> No.16046393

Ii'm a neet with nothing to lose, make me a mod and i'll delete 70% of the shitposts, all of the religion threads and philosophy threads that are not based on invidual works.

>> No.16046396

i hate niggers because of their behaviour

>> No.16046414

This has been proven.

>new national poll by the Cato Institute. The survey found that self-censorship has become extremely widespread in American society, with 62 percent of adults saying that, given the current political climate, they are afraid to honestly express their views.

>“These fears cross partisan lines,” writes Emily Ekins, Cato’s director of polling. “Majorities of Democrats (52 percent), independents (59 percent), and Republicans (77 percent) all agree they have political opinions they are afraid to share.” The survey’s 2,000 respondents sorted themselves ideologically as “very liberal,” “liberal,” “moderate,” “conservative,” or “very conservative.” In every category except “very liberal,” a majority of respondents feel pressured to keep their views to themselves. Roughly one-third of American adults — 32 percent — fear they could be fired or otherwise penalized at work if their political beliefs became known.

>The new Cato survey found that more than one in five Americans (22 percent) would support firing a business executive who donated money to Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, while 31 percent would be OK with firing someone who gave money to Trump’s re‐election campaign. The urge to ostracize or penalize unwelcome views isn’t restricted to just one end of the spectrum.

>> No.16046421
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>now excuse me i must kiss this future rocket scientist's feet
Why do you think so low of yourself? Twitter and reddit whites are the worst, they're trying to impress people who will always hate them.
Also I don't browse, post, or even care about /pol/, they really live rent free in your head.

>> No.16046434

People like that aren't really trying to hide it, they may be seeking validation instead. They are afraid to openly state their opinion, and therefore will wait for opportunities when emotions run high or when they suspect the other person or persons may have similar views, then 'accidentally' say something not very politically correct and observe the reactions of those around him, looking for approval.

>> No.16046435
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That says more about the company you keep than about your intelectual opponents. I have constant business contacts with lefties and boomers. All of them constantly complement me and ask for my opinions because I'm smart enought to veil my views behind a nice fassade.

>How horrible it must be to be pressured to leave one native country and family and move to the west just to find slave-tier work, as western imports crashed ones countries economy? Now those mega-cooperations also suck dry what ever ressourches your country has!
>something about Nestle making negro women dependant on formula for profit
>something about Amazon using diverity to subvert unions

A friendly face and eloquent way of speech can sell everything to those less giftes in intellect, which most adult lolbetarians and conservative are. Our invisibility is by design and I can assure you that more than half of my collegues thinks in a very similar way.

>> No.16046453

I didn't mention the Japs, but a lot of fascists adore Japan for superficial reasoning. I've also noticed a lot of Hispanics and hapas who try desperately to impress their /pol/ peers, and they're constantly shat on. I don't think /pol/ would have as much energy behind it if it weren't for the self cucked minorities that help perpetuate their memes

>> No.16046456
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>thus less likely to accept scientific fact.
That's contradicted by their belief in race.

>> No.16046462

Absolutely this. I'm >>16046193 and I can hide my powerlevel so well people think I'm an unironic communist (well I was for a few years but that's besides the point). They're always impress by how "powerful" and "woke" I sound. This sounds like masturbatory self-praise but it's unironically the best way to hide your beliefs.

>> No.16046473

Haha, you misspelled "facade", so your whole argument is invalid now!

>> No.16046477

>people like me when I don't go on racialist rants
Really thought provoking

>> No.16046491
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Respecting other people doesn't equal self hate.

>> No.16046495

The world would settle and reach symbiosis long before any white supremacists got to removing half asians

>> No.16046496
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It's not my fault, anglos don't use proper german words.
>dfw Deutsch keine Amtssprache ist

>> No.16046497
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Science denying retard

>> No.16046507

There is some merit to Hispanics. They aren't niggers but they are of different ethnicity and must stop coming to white countries. We can coexist but only if each ethnicity (or group of similar ethnicities) can live in peace without of interference from others.

>> No.16046511

Chihuahuas and Arctic Wolves have less genetic divergence than sub-saharan africans have with danish people.

>> No.16046512

>this is literally settled science
The infographic you responded to but didn't read proves that to be massively false.

>> No.16046513

Except they don't respect you. They think that you and your race are evil because of some nebulous original sin your ancestors may or may not have commited centuries ago, and now they will take what is yours to make up for that never happened.
You are completely and utterly cucked. I will enjoy watching your children being raised to hate themselves for their race, and I expect you'll enjoy it to.

>> No.16046523

Sieg Heil, Brother.

>> No.16046531
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>> No.16046540

Thanks for proving OP's point about racists being retarded.

>> No.16046541

White supremacists aren't winning anything regardless, they've always been an annoying hysterical fringe rooted in hatred and twisted half truths. Maybe they won't go after half asians right away, but that doesn't change the fact that a half asian supporting people who ideological want them to be turned into fertilizer is a form of insanity. "I haven't spoken out for others, and now there's nobody left to speak out for me" Just something any /pol/hispanics should keep into consideration as they perpetuate a violent hostile ideology

>> No.16046549

>They think that you and your race are evil because of some nebulous original sin your ancestors may or may not have commited
They're also just disgusted by the weakness of our people in these times.

>> No.16046555

Projection. There you go again making up imaginary scenarios

>> No.16046562

You're correct in that whites aren't going to genocide anybody. Whites just don't don't take asians seriously. I don't know any whites that hold more than an ironic racist position on asians. They just find it funny. That's not hate, or at least not a high level of hate.

>> No.16046572

I laughed at his post and I'm a genius. The next time I'm in a face to face discussion with some dumb bitch about niggers I'm gonna start unloading these sarcastically and work myself up into tears laughing and wheezing as she pouts about not being taken seriously, and then I'm gonna fuck all her holes that she relinquished to me in order to regain her self esteem.

>> No.16046576

>Except they don't respect you
This is ridiculous rhetoric stormcunt rhetoric, you're speaking for people who've never even seen or spoken to you. It turns out that if you're cool and treat others with respect, kindness, love, they'll most likely return the kindness regardless of race or ethnicity.

>> No.16046582

Oh, the autism!

>> No.16046589
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>Oh, the autism!

>> No.16046592

Not him and I would second your point. Most europeans for example couldn't give a single fuck about foreign counties to begin with. Without Big Military most of us wouldn't even know more about them than boomers making Tiki parties and eating fake chinese food. Europeans only really bother with exteermination when their own live are at risk. But once they do, they do a pretty good job. Which is why I never understodd why non-whites bitch and scream at that sleeping bear. It's like they are handled by Elites to be cleansed while blaming others once again for it.

>> No.16046596

Projection? The bassist in my band feels this exact way, not to mention all the self hating white liberal women when I was in school, and seeing how education continues to become synonymous with indoctrination I expect there to be even more in the coming generation. And what exactly am I projecting? I've already said I'm a spic.
I know ethnonationalism won't win, unless the left becomes so woke they unironically support it. I'm just glad I get to enjoy the luxuries of the present while not having to put up with a future where I'll be proven right.

>> No.16046600
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ok cuck

>> No.16046602

The problem with fascism is that it will always create an enemy. This enemy could be Asians, it could be lesser whites, it's been Jew's but overall it root mindset is one of violence and fear.

>> No.16046612
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lmao. it's a shame you'll never see reality

>> No.16046613

On a fundamental level implying authority is equal to violence you're correct. Most people would reject that definition.

>> No.16046617

Don't overthink it, as long as the Khazars at still a problem, we won't bother with purity spiraling. After them, well, the people will self-control against such problems.

>> No.16046619

You don't even know fascism is, faggot. Your entire worldview is jewish propaganda.

>> No.16046626

>fascism fascism fascism everything is fascist
well, you're only partly right, just not in the way you think. :^)

>> No.16046638


Midwits reject scientific racism in favor of pop-sci anti-racism.

>> No.16046639

And yet these people are the only ones with above replacement fertility.
It's almost like something that has existed for thousands of years is positive for humanity.
Oh well, anti-racists will die off and racists will inherit the Earth.

>> No.16046656

No they won't.
I've had reciprocity with Asians, with Hispanics, with Muslims even.
But never blacks.

>> No.16046672

>random twitter post you had to search high and low for = reality
You just want to feel like you are the victim to leach pity from other /pol/cels.

>> No.16046675


>> No.16046676
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Are people here unironically racist?
That's a little disheartening. Don't get me wrong, some of the racist posts on 4channel do make me slightly chuckle at times, but I don't hate those specified target groups of racism or think of them as inferior. Have you guys never interacted with people of other ethnicities or something? You'd quickly realise how silly it is to hate blacks or think they're dumb if u had a black friend. We're a relatively young species with not much diversity so I really don't understand why people fixate on what little differences there are.

>> No.16046698
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The average person blindly accepts that racism is bad, and yet if you press them to explain why this is the case they're typically not able to do so adequately. This is because because racism is inculcated as an evil concept in nearly all levels of Western society. The entry level philosophical term I used expresses this idea succinctly, which is why I used it. It's always fun to see people get assblasted when I employ a term that is above a fifth grade writing level though. Many such cases—sad!

>> No.16046701

behaviour that is also exhibited by other races

>> No.16046705

This is the result of stifling casual hashing out of differences through friendly shit-talking and discussion, and then forcing different racial groups to occupy the same nation, and often even the same neighborhood/schools.

I don't hate other groups, but I'm getting pretty pissed off about having them shoved in my face all the time.

>> No.16046714


>> No.16046716

It's just low vibration people on 4chan, I've come to know some of these guys and they're never happy or successful.

>> No.16046717
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>> No.16046719

if im being hated for my skin and for things i had nothing to do with then i will naturally start hating people who hate me too. seeing all these double standards in society only makes it worse

>> No.16046737

Thats how I know I won the argument

>> No.16046739

Sub-saharan africans have more genetic divergence within each other than they have with Danish people

>> No.16046741

Also true

>> No.16046744

Guys read ulyssess out loud to yourself it’s fun

>> No.16046751

Can't deal with people who are different than you? Grow up or become an isolated hermit

>> No.16046752

A CNN broadcast isn't real? I've had that image saved for months now because of how incredulous I was when I saw it
One of my best friends is a black woman. I don't have anything against her as a person, but she is an outlier to the 100s of blacks I met at my 90% black schools. Racism applies to a population, not the individual. Also that lack of genetic diversity bit is a falsehood.
refer to my first paragraph, faggot.

>> No.16046779

I bet you can't explain why breathing air is objectively a good thing for humanity either but that doesn't mean people should just stop breathing. If you want a healthy society where people respect each other instead you typically don't want people breaking up into multiple classes that conflict with each other and make the whole worse for everyone.

>> No.16046791

Or I can have some agency and live around people that are like me, then defend that area from kikes like you.

>> No.16046794

A lot of those countries are mixed

>> No.16046811

The fact that you can be good friends with a black person kind of proves that black people aren't genetically demonic. People are often brought up in a cycle of abuse which mentally stunts them and turns them into abusers, it's not that their dna is evil

>> No.16046821
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>This is related to those Fst values I just mentioned. An Fst value is the proportion of genetic variation within a species that is contained between populations rather than within them. It is true that the human Fst value is less than 0.5, meaning that less than 50% of our genetic variation is between populations. But this is normal in the animal kingdom and it is normal among species that have recognized subspecies. The above chart clearly shows that there are several species which have less variation between populations than humans do which also have recognized subspecies. Moreover, the genetic differences between races are more than enough to ensure that members of the same race are virtually always more genetically similar to one another than members of different races (Witherspoon et al. 2007). Further still, as was reviewed above, the genetic distance between races is greater than the genetic distance between members of the same race, and genetic differences within race is enough to cause important differences in physical and mental traits. Because of this, the proportion of genetic variation contained between human races, rather than within them, cannot legitimately be used to discard the existence, or significance, of race.

>> No.16046825

Do you live in the states? This isn't a white ethnostate. You're free to fuck off if you're incapable of being an adult

>> No.16046834

lol you've levels of cope that shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.16046843

What I'm free to do is advocate for my people, and attempt to shape the world to my liking. Fuck yourself, jew.

>> No.16046851
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The people you hate also operate on this same thought process and justify their prejudice with "They hate me, so I hate them too". I don't really get why people focus all their attention on negativity and the racist vocal minority of a race. Really, it's all tiresome.
Yea I've noticed. There's a lot of sadposting on 4channel.

>an outlier to the 100s of blacks I met at my 90% black schools.
I doubt she's an outlier, and if she was why would you want to hurt her for the actions of other people?

>> No.16046853

>strawmen and twitter lesbian schizos are mean to me so that justifies me being an asshole towards people
You're a mangina

>> No.16046855

Are you delusional? Literally the only one that wasn't a homogenous state within the past 20 years is maybe Australia or NZ
Did you not read the next sentance? There will always be outliers to a bell curve, but across a nation or planet the statistics don't lie.

>> No.16046860

holy fuck she's unfit

>> No.16046867


>> No.16046870

Statistics in of themselves dont tell you as anything

>> No.16046871

Regression to mean implies that even though you know a good nigger, their offspring will regress to the mean and be normal niggers. This is why pro athlete parents end up with normal kids. Use the averages. Because that's the general behavior trend that will display itself over the generations. It doesn't matter about your outliers. This is also why eugenics fails. So there. Whites can't make a master race, and good blacks don't excuse bad ones.

>> No.16046876
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based retard

>> No.16046880

Which makes them less safe (and harmonious, and fulfilling, and beautiful) than they could otherwise be, but they're still safer than the countries that aren't almost entirely white or Japanese

>> No.16046883

unfortunately these twitter schizos are spilling out into the real world. it's not 2015 anymore. the fact that a journalist can go on air and tell to a million+ audience that white people have a disease tells you everything you need to know.

>> No.16046885

it’s pretty wild that 4chan still has the “racism outside of /b/“ rule like it even matters

>> No.16046888

She's an outlier because she was bullied by black kids for "acting white" since she can do math past a 5th grade level. I'm not exagrerrating, there were kids who couldn't do multiplication in middle school or highschool. And your second point is nonsensical, because she thinks white people are evil because of "muh slavery" and "muh uhpression" even though she's wealthier than my family.

>> No.16046892

>how do we remove retarded /pol/ /b/ tier racists from /lit/?

Start actually discussing literature, stop replying to race baiting threads, keep politics, in general, away from the board.

>> No.16046895

i hate discord trannies so damn much

>> No.16046897

>I bet you can't explain why breathing air is objectively a good thing

I bet I could, but I'm not going to waste my time doing it, and it's not a perfect analogy either. On your point about racially stratified societies, that's only an issue because diversity has been forced on people in certain areas of the world. If you visit homogeneous countries, such as Japan, you'll find that race and racism is largely absent from their political discourse.

You defend anti-racism and diversity because it's what you were educated to do. If we were to go back in time, say two centuries ago, someone such as yourself would be moaning and groaning about Christianity or something instead of diversity.

>> No.16046898

They really don't, unless you're being purposely dishonest. Context matters, this is why populism is dangerous and retarded.

>> No.16046901

You missed the part where everyone dies if they stop breathing air, but societies function their best without needless diversity.

>> No.16046905

This place is nothing without racism.

>> No.16046907
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you're just embarrassing yourself now

>> No.16046913

holy fuck you're retarded

>> No.16046918

Maybe for you, considering that you're just a stormfag who spams boards to promote his white victim religion. Nobody else gives a shit

>> No.16046922

It's less honest and more harmful without racism

>> No.16046923


>> No.16046927

Science is for fags

>> No.16046929

Ironic considering twitter and reddit cater to your non-white victim religion.

>> No.16046935

4chan without racism is just reddit. Just fuck fuck off to there, cuck.

>> No.16046940

Two sides of the same shit smeared coin

>> No.16046947

Just as there should be AT LEAST ONE FREE COUNTRY, there should be at least one that tolerates a different racial policy than equality.

>> No.16046951

4chan was better before people migrated from stormfront to /pol/, that's an undeniable fact

>> No.16046959

Deal with it then, and seethe more.

>> No.16046958
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>> No.16046968

Go to some shitty eastern european backwoods village, you clearly can't handle a larger forum

>> No.16046970
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>4chan was better before people migrated from stormfront to /pol/, that's an undeniable fact

>> No.16046978

That's why I dismissed it. People are always making poor and nonsensical analogies for things, so I don't bother addressing them.

>> No.16046983

Maybe those other kids were so ant-intellelectual because of centuries of oppression, being inculcated to believe they're intellectually inferior to whites and their communities being deprived of education for so long.

>> No.16046991

I'm often called a racist, however I have no ill-will towards other races. I don't want to dominate them, harm them, or steal their land. I appreciate ethnic diversity, but also realize diversity requires separation and those who want to persist their culture and people should not be prevented from doing so.
This position seems to me rational and ethical and I have encountered no good arguments against it. But at the same time I am hated, called names, and threatened via legal force to act against my own will. All I ask is the freedom to associate with those who I chose to. But since anti-racists have made this not only taboo, but in many cases illegal, they have become my enemy.
Therefore, I have become what you might call an anti-anti-racist. I hate anti-racists to such an extent that I will even support the more crude and spiteful types of racism because they serve my cause of opposing anti-racists.
The progressive ideology is not only internally inconsistent, but when judged by the types of actions it produces is revealed to be strictly anti-white. These people hate me and have declared themselves to be my enemies. So be it. I guess we are enemies then.

>> No.16046994

If this were the case why were blacks performing better in education before the 1960's? Are they more oppressed now?

>> No.16046996

You seem to have missed the bigger issue that there are no free countries and it's the fault of people that want nanny states like you.

>> No.16047000


>> No.16047002

So you're saying black people have no agency and are easily manipulated? How racist of you.
Pure cope. Funny how Asian immigrants never faced these problems despite being slaves more recently than blacks and enduring just as much descrimination.

>> No.16047006

There's a difference between racist humor which has always been a part of 4chan and those new comers who make racism a religion to the point where they never shut up about it and act like depraved seething goblins

>> No.16047022

This. One of the reasons I pass so well as a leftist is because I genuinely respect diversity of culture and wish to preverse the uniqueness of each community. Which is why I hate when leftists encourage millions to leave their homeland and culture to become a faceless homogenous group of consumers so that liberal elites can keep wages down.

>> No.16047023

Maybe what you want is just shit, deal with your own problems or neck yourself if you can't deal with it.

>> No.16047026
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I'm not sure if that's true, however I do know that Nigerian immigrants academically perform better than other ethnic groups in America, suggesting that the intelligence disparity between white and black Americans isn't genetic, but maybe has something to do with how they've been treated for 400 years.

>> No.16047039

It's the real counter culture. The mainstream, which is projected by the largest media apparatus in history, is a bunch of antiwhite, antinatalist, antimasculine garbage, so here we are. Literally, demonstrably jew's fault.

>> No.16047052

>da new counter culture
How old are you?

>> No.16047058

>argumentum ad ageum

>> No.16047062

>Nigerian immigrants academically perform better than other ethnic groups in America,
Oh wow, a small subset of people from another country do better than the average. Let me clean your feet nigger kang! You're a fucking retard.

>> No.16047068

It's because the nigerians that go to the UK are all very wealthy and are already the 1% of Nigeria, so they can afford to send their kids to foreign schools and emigrate. Meanwhile the richest blacks in America barely outscore the poorest whites on standardized tests, and have higher crime rates than the poorest whites.

>> No.16047075

You completely failed to refute his point, moron.

>> No.16047079
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I don't think any of us have any agency desu. We're all slaves to our environment.
Asian immigrants didn't endure a fraction of the discrimination that African Americans went through. They weren't slaves either. Ignoring the fact that your entire post is riddled with falsehoods, Asian immigrants are still outperformed by Nigerian immigrants.

>> No.16047085

It's 2020 and you've never grown out of your anti sjw phase, thinking you're a part of some Sam Hyde reactionary vanguard. pretty sad affair honestly

>> No.16047086

This is such horseshit. The Nigerian immigrants who make it here are the best of the best and are not a sample of the general population of Nigeria. That said, even the most hardcore geneticist will admit that there are environmental factors so people can raise or lower their IQ to a limited degree. When we look at the population as a whole, in the totality of their circumstances, they undeniably dumber. It absolutely is true that in the 1950's blacks had more educational attainment and this refutes the notion that they're only stupid because of slavery. Closing your eyes and continually reasserting your baseless theories of why they're so stupid isn't going to help them.

>> No.16047091

>argumentum ad current yearum

>> No.16047092

I've been assaulted because of my ethnicity twice.
Police don't care.

>> No.16047095
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counter cultures are so gay and the definition of slave morality

>> No.16047097


>> No.16047100

You were assaulted for being a wimp. Your ethnicity was an excuse.

>> No.16047109


>> No.16047111

This, if a nigerian can buy a plane ticket to the united states at US prices, they are by default 1-3% earniers in Nigeria. Then their kids get elite educations. They are by their very nature statistical outliers. Where i diverge from the true /pol/ack is if this nigerian diaspora continues without reform in the home country, a truly elite nigerian subgroup will emerge, similar to third or fourth gen chinese or korean americans.

>> No.16047115

Low IQ statement.

>> No.16047116

Why don't I seem to have these problems? It's not like I'm sheltered either, but for some reason I'm not being assaulted for no reason other than being white

>> No.16047122


>> No.16047140

Based and insightful

I am not even a true racist but I hate the slippery woman-like manipulative tactics of antiracists so much that I'd rather hand out with NIGGERHATER5948.

>> No.16047152

>/int/ is less racist than /lit/

>> No.16047162

> Industrial employers were eager for this new and cheap labor, whites were stirred to anger by the "yellow peril." Despite provisions for equal treatment of Chinese immigrants in the 1868 Burlingame Treaty, political and labor organizations rallied against immigrants of what they regarded as a degraded race and "cheap Chinese labor."
> only. So hostile was the opposition that in 1882 the United States Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act prohibiting immigration from China for the following ten years. This law was then extended by the Geary Act in 1892. The Chinese Exclusion Act is seen by some as the only U.S. law ever to prevent immigration and naturalization on the basis of race.[1]
> Anti-miscegenation laws in many Western states also prohibited the Chinese men from marrying white women.[2]
> In 1924 the law barred further entries of Chinese; those already in the United States had been ineligible for citizenship since the previous year. Also by 1924, all Asian immigrants (except people from the Philippines, which had been annexed by the United States in 1898) were utterly excluded by law, denied citizenship and naturalization, and prevented from owning land.
I can tell you're an anglo because you're idea of "Asian" is a pajeet or a paki. The Chinese were building railroads with slave labor before and after the conclusion of the Civil War. Not to mention nigs were never put in internment camps during WW2 and had their property confiscated like the Japanese.
You are completely and utterly detached from any reality that doesn't fit your hugbox. Go back to twitter or discord.

>> No.16047166

>Asian immigrants didn't endure a fraction of the discrimination that African Americans went through.
Historylet moron. The Chinese were massively employed as damn near slave labor (just the industrial capitalist type that won the American Civil War) in America, and underwent hardships in their own countries unfathomable to most of the fucking world. Take the civil war they at the same time as America, The Taiping Rebellion:

>It ranks as one of the bloodiest wars in human history, the bloodiest civil war, and the largest conflict of the 19th century. Estimates of the war dead range from 20 to 30 million,[10] with a recent Chinese study estimating up to 70 million dead. [5] 30 million people fled the conquered regions to foreign settlements or other parts of China.[11]

Fuck off with your "muh poor negroes".

>> No.16047172

lol newfaggot got banned for reporting the meany wacist word
serves you right

>> No.16047173

>The Nigerian immigrants who make it here are the best of the best and are not a sample of the general population of Nigeria
>It's because the nigerians that go to the UK are all very wealthy and are already the 1% of Nigeria
>a small subset of people from another country do better than the average.
Cope.This is also true for asian and indian immigrants, yet Nigerians outperform them including everyone else.

>> No.16047180

I think it's because there are autists hellbent on making /lit/ a right wing board, considering it's been known to 4chans lefty board

>> No.16047197

This board has been right wing for a long time because the left is incapable of defending itself.

>> No.16047199

any more newfag theories for us, guy who cares that people say "nigger" on the internet?

how much would your face light up with pure joy if you were doing your bi-weekly visit to 4chan and found that it had implemented upvotes and downvotes? consider suicide

>> No.16047201
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Kill yourself

>> No.16047202

>a board filled with weebs, wojak and bbc spammers, crossdressers and communists are all based because racism bad
it's funny because if you enter any non-central or northern europe general you'll see racists
not surprising to see that faggots like you would rather have /lit/ look like /int/ as long as people didnt hurt black people's feefees

>> No.16047216

No but you're completely driven by neurosis and autistic rage that any arguement just slips off of you and you continue to spam the same nonsense repetitively until people just leave.

>> No.16047217
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Jesus. Do you guys think I'm of the opinion that Asians never struggled in America?
It's funny how you're capable of acknowledging the tragedies that Asian Americans went through, but are unwilling to apply the same treatment towards african Americans.

>> No.16047231

You have cognitive dissonance

>> No.16047236

Sentimental nonarguement, I could say the same thing about you.
Anyway the two leftists faggots have already had their fair share of btfoing so I'm going to do work. saged

>> No.16047238

Oh yeah, attacking someone from behind is so brave.

>> No.16047243

You're incapable of understanding the point, apparently.

>> No.16047264

>How do we remove retarded plebbit discord tier faggots from /lit/?

>> No.16047274

It's funny how much mental gymnastics you'll go through to justify why blacks weren't able to succeed like Asians despite being put in the same circumstances. Almost as if there are massive differences between peoples from some of the longest lasting and most successful civilizations on Earth and those who were living in the Stone Age until a 2 centuries ago.
Keep posting smug anime faces, it won't help you win an argument you already lost. Stop wasting my time and fuck off back to >>>/int/

>> No.16047278

No you guys are constantly btfo, but it doesn't matter because you'll just resort to calling people Jews. Your arguements are disjointed garbage spewed out as walls of text, contextless statistics, and emotion ad hominems. You use these copypastas with brute repetition to attempt to win over brainlets and ruin the board by being annoying

>> No.16047290
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is this an example of white fragility ?

>> No.16047303

>No you guys are constantly btfo
Imagine unironically thinking all discussion is about "btfo"ing others. Imagine actually using btfo unironically. Total fucking loser.

>> No.16047308

you got btfo'd by statistics and now seethe every time you see them? you're literally a stereotype of the "statistics are racist!" twitter tranny

>> No.16047319

Everyone is a racist.
Whites are just dishonest enough to claim they're not.

>> No.16047321

You have no right to call me out for using "btfo" when you use "unironically", dweeb

>> No.16047324
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You're right, I'm incapable of understanding that which does not exist.

>same circumstances.
That's the thing though, they were never ever in the same circumstances. You continuing to assert this moronic claim just exposes your ignorance and prejudice.

>> No.16047330

>Everyone is a racist.
doesn't make it good, also I'm not racist

>> No.16047335

What word am I supposed to use then you fucking retard? You're literally using "btfo" in an unironic sense. Apples and oranges you moron.

>> No.16047342

Statistics don't say anything outside of context and other variables, just posting statistics and saying "SEE!" only works on naive people

>> No.16047376

>can't deny you'd rather turn /lit/ into /int/ if it appealed to your sensibilities
>lol so fragile!
I'm a spic, I already said I'm replacing you lel >>16046193
>Everyone I don't like is a /pol/schizo!!
Notice how it's literally only one guy bringing up the Jews in this thread?
Also once again every critque you make is unsubstantiated, anything you don't like is "contextless" and "disjointed" because all you can do nitpick surface level arguments.
>Group kept as slaves
>Group prevented from owning property and kept as second class citizens
>Group the victim of hatred and violence
It's funny because you'll assume I'm talking about blacks yet I'm talking about Asians.
All white people are racist sweety, turn in the news or go back to college ok?

>> No.16047383

You are, you've just repressed it.
Given enough stress you'll snap back.

>> No.16047386

you context lovers always love to forget it when it doesnt suit you

>> No.16047393

Most people dont have the strong fixation that you'll find on these boards. Most people's racism is simply a fear of the unknown and distrust, racism on nu 4chan is pathological and religious

>> No.16047395

You fucking faggots always resort to using these pathetic emasculate insults because your entire worldview revolves around making everything dull and toothless.

>> No.16047396

>Go read
>Instead of worrying about words

I shouldn't be surprised, given all your books have no words you understand, only pictures of underage girls that you insist are 1000 year old demons.

>> No.16047406

There's a reason that racists are mostly hicks. The more educated and traveled you are, the less racist you are.

>> No.16047408

I'm anti-racist.
Define racism, and I'll tell you why I'm not that.

>> No.16047415

Is hysterical faggot more accurate?

>> No.16047430

>you've just suppressed your pedophilia
>jack off to cp and you'll snap back into your true natural self

>> No.16047431

>this lie again
besides your openly classist and antiwhite attitude, which certainly would get you labelled racist if it weren't whites you're talking about, you can have a respect for other cultures and still be against things like immigration
not to mention blacks routinely score higher than whites on things like homophobia and racism. remember all those hate crimes when corona was just starting? was whitey making all those future doctors beat up asians?

>> No.16047438

So long as you're not a snarky little fucking bitch about it.

>> No.16047441

Opposing racism is fine, but adopting the totalizing lecture-circuit antiracism is pure cringe. Just because you're fine with being dominated by the social equivalent of an HR department doesn't mean everyone else is, and if the edgy racists keep people like you out, the better of this place is.

>> No.16047449

You can't be anti-racist if you are white, because whites are automatically benefiting from white privledge that they stole from black kangs and kweens.
There's the answer you'd get from a college professor.

>> No.16047451

Not the same thing

>> No.16047452

It is the logical conclusion that existance of non white races must be stopped. It is not something I feel good about and I do not wish this, but it has to happen.

>> No.16047457
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I guess I should have clarified "words that society says are bad" but I have a feeling that effort would be lost on a projecting lolicon like yourself.

>> No.16047462

Identifying an in-group and out-group.
Identifying differences between said in-group and out-group.
Changing behavior based on said differences.

Racism has come to mean ethno-centrism, which is the standard mode of living for almost all of humanity.
This pathological altruism that the Western world has embarked on is an odd blip in history that will end with much bloodshed.

If racism meant simple hatred of another group based solely on skin colour then you would be hard pressed to find more than a couple of thousand genuine racists worldwide.
But racism no longer means that, and quite frankly I think it never did.
It is applied to one group, and that group alone.

>> No.16047471

I didn't mention immigration.

Why do you equate racism and being anti-immigration? Often anti-immigration has to do with a country lacking resources, housing or welfare for people coming into a country illegally. It's almost as if you equate the too and substitute "I'm racist" for "I'm anti-immigration" to avoid being detected.

Given that we've established that you equate racism and anti-immigration, what's your stance on immigration?

>> No.16047476

>what is a false equivalence
Has all of human history carried out the pattern of social acceptance, and promotion of pedophilia?

>> No.16047482

Hey, I'm not the one posting pictures of anime girls on a literature board. If anyone's projecting here, it's you.

>> No.16047484

>/pol/cels ITT jumping through hoops to justify their racism

>> No.16047523
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You're the one who immediately went to "underage," nigger.

>> No.16047535

shooting yourself would be a proper first step

>> No.16047539

No, it's because if you're against immigration nowadays you are fundamentally labelled as a virulent racist. Good job putting words in my mouth, faggot.
I'n against it for many reasons. It's pushed by the elites to keep wages down and increase societal tension between the working class, hence why wages have stagnated since the Immigration Act of 1964. It's used by said elites to exploit desperate third worlders for profit, who would have a much bettern quality of life if we closed our borders, ended the brain drain towards America, and worked to undo our foreign policy of destablilizing Latin America. And it destroys the century or millenia old boundaries that make languages, cultures, and faiths unique and melts them down into a soulless, homogenous conglomerate of consumers who have lost touch with their heritage.
Now let me see how you try and spin it that I'm some kind of schizophrenic nazi /pol/poster.

>> No.16047548

Yes, because stormfaggots are usually pedos as well, and I figure if I'm talking to one, I'm also talking to the other. It saves time.

>> No.16047552

I couldn't imagine believing I actually took part in politics.

>> No.16047565

I recognize my own fallacies and correct it, that's what it means to be anti-racist.

>> No.16047566


St Augustine

>> No.16047575

Oh, and I forgot to mention that the left simultaneously says that the West needs to stop having kids to save the environment, yet in the same breath will say that we need more immigrants to stop our population from falling. So I'm also against it from an environmental perspective as well.
prove it. what you're saying is "wrong" is literally modern leftist gospel.

>> No.16047577

and what fallacies would those be?

>> No.16047579
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I don't even have a clear idea of what that is because I don't bother with politics for the most part.
I simply came into this thread to tell the OP not to be such a bitch and read instead of attempting to combat shitposting.

>> No.16047580


t. muslim

>> No.16047585

It could be argued that pedophilia is natural, and that it's natural for an adult male to secure prepubescent concubines. Why would you want to suppress the natural order? Are you a kike?

>> No.16047596

it's wrong because a college professor wouldn't say that, white privilege doesn't make you incapable of being anti-racist.
racist fallacies

>> No.16047612

Yes licking other people's boots out of adulation is just basic respect kind of like keeping music down in an apartment complex.

I like to exercise basic courtesies like wearing clothing in public, not farting on public transit, not littering, and other really basic stuff like literally kissing the boots of black people that hate me and want me dead for being white. Yeah just basic respect LMFAO.

>entirely phenotypical
Yes this totally makes sense and is not a totally retarded use of the term "phenotypical" at all, brought to you by a super smart guy whose pasttime is spending inordinate amounts of time on youtube defending the status quo.You can tell he's super smart because the hilariously stupid quote is presented in a very serious way in your picture.

>> No.16047613

Hardly, we can see that forming sexual relationships is detrimental at a young age.
In almost every western civilization the average age of marriage for girls was in her late teens.
How is that natural?
>racist fallacies
Which are?

>> No.16047622

Stormfront is an irrelevant website that most racists aren't even aware exists.

>> No.16047626

Its showing respect. Something /pol/ wouldn't understand

>> No.16047627

>How is that natural?
Domination and securing resources could be argued to be a part of human nature, I mean I'm not going to argue for it because I find naturalist arguments retarded anyways

>> No.16047628

K what would you do for white people?

>> No.16047635
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>> No.16047640

K show me basic respect by licking the shit out of my ass and calling me daddy otherwise you're a "/pol/tard"

>> No.16047644

It used to be the white racialist hub before /pol/, it got shut down and unfortunately they migrated here as it's a fertile breeding ground for that type of ideology. Make no mistake about it, racism and white supremacy ruins lives especially of those who's mind it infects.

>> No.16047650

Bullshit, because I've had a highschool teacher and a college professor say that to me. All whites are racist, and unless you give up all your possessions and donate them to black people's gofundme's you're still holding onto privledge and therefore are only preformatively woke. This is leftist gospel nowadays
Thanks. I have nothing against Islam. I respect your faith just as I hope you respect mine.

>> No.16047658

What is 'good' for the individual but goes against the good of the community is not a good.
A society cannot stand on the base of polygamy.
You have yet to tell me what the racist fallacies are.

>> No.16047677

No because now they just come here and wink-wink nudge-nudge their inbred views while telling anyone who disagrees with them to dilate. They're all schizos because anyone that points out they're ruining the culture of the board by constantly bitching and whining instead of engaging in the topic at hand is automatically a shill or a tranny.

>> No.16047708

What if the community accepts pedophilia? What kind of argument are you trying to make? Why do 4chan white nationalists always sound like ex libertarians who want to sound leftist despite knowing nothing

>> No.16047711

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/3348955