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16046728 No.16046728 [Reply] [Original]

Will reading Deleuze help? Because the fruit of this ideology like pic related seems fucking retarded.

>> No.16046736

Those are cheap cigs. Wish that store was nearby.

>> No.16046749

Not even a Marxist and that shit is true.

A permaculture based autarky is the only way out of globalism and daily pointless toil of “work”

>> No.16046759
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I doubt it.
Mom and pops need to be included into the collective first

>> No.16046763


>Implying this isn't true

What do mom and pop shops offer that larger chains don't? What do the owners contribute to the actual business? Why am I paying more for a product just so you can maintain the store, live in your boomer mansion and send your 4 kids to college to get a Micky Mouse degree?

>> No.16046768

Why would you want a permanent culture? Sounds weird.
KEK, sounds like malarky, if you ask me.

>> No.16046786
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Permaculture is agriculture.
And what’s wrong with self sufficiency?

>> No.16046800

Marxism will never succeed in the United States because you people still, after 200 years, fail to grasp that the country has no substantial organized proletariat and that its most successful reform movements have been the work of an insecure middle class and entrepreneurial radicalism

>> No.16046801
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>> No.16046815

Wholly shit. Guys. You’re in the wrong thread. You know nothing and don’t look like you’re curious to know it, so gtfo

>> No.16046829

Deleuze will only make you see these Jacobin types with more contempt, their ideas as having sat still too long, territorialized and stratified to where they can no longer produce new concepts or escape their bubble, recycling the same thoughts and judgments in an increasingly esoteric spiral.

>> No.16046833

You niggers are in the wrong board.

>> No.16046835

Why are you the worst person on /lit/?

>> No.16046845

>american lefty mag
I don't think so.

>> No.16046865

Wait a minute. The posts in this thread made me realize something

Marxism is fucking stupid

>> No.16046916

Please ban twitter screencaps as OPs, except if it's Tao. Thank you, janitors of /lit/. Signing off.

>> No.16046962

Shut up

>> No.16047005

>Marxism will never succeed in the United States because
mutts are obsessed with idpol.

Here, I shortened it for you.

>> No.16047027

This. CIA won

>> No.16047042

>They offer lower wages
What the fuck. Wages to the mom and pop who own the place?
This is nonsensical.

>> No.16047044

Weltanschauungskrieg, perfected by CIAniggers

>> No.16047076

lower wages to a bigger chain

>> No.16047077

That's not why though. The configuration of its social and economic class structure means that the locus of class radicalism is located in its entreprenuers. This has always been a greater impediment than the new fads of the day.

>> No.16047525

See >>16046845

>Most people rejected Her message
>They hated Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ because She told them the truth

>> No.16047605

Why do you assume that defending the interests of the petite bourgeois middlemen that worsen the lives of their friends and neighbors by jacking the price on essential goods above wholesale is somehow within the Marxist purview? Small business is the first and strongest bastion of capitalism. Fuckin Ronald Reagan was fixated on it, with every other conservative politician. It's got to go. Mega-corporations are unironically much closer to communism than small businesses, because the centralization of resources and the competitive jacking down of prices to their lowest point makes government seizure of resource distribution pathways much more practical. Go into a Walmart in a rural area. Everybody is equal in its eyes. Remove the profit motive and it's basically a co-op.
The majority of revolutionary Marxists are bourgeois regressives. Always have been, always will be. Their anticorporatism has nothing to do with communism, and everything to do with their position as dying bourgeoisie desperate to defend themselves from the encroachment of mechanical structures of distribution that can't be gamed to, as >>16046763, put it, send their kids to mickey mouse college, thereby establishing a mobile elite.

>> No.16047726

Your entire argument falls apart when you realize prices aren't going down. When was the last time you saw your favorite product at the supermarket with a cheaper price tag than last week, month or year?


>> No.16047730

>The CIA won
They’ve been winning. They will be replaced or removed at some point, all depending on the resistance.

>> No.16047804

Retard, inflation doesn't make this argument "fall apart". When was the last time you saw a mom and pop store with lower prices than Walmart?
Butterfly, were you always this big a poser, has it just been the last few months of quarantine that have turned you into a fucking idiot?

>> No.16047920

based post. capitalcels can go to hell

>> No.16048039

What are you having trouble with there?
Nothing is permanent. All I’m saying. The idea that the CIA have won sounds permanent, like they got a trophy. They can’t hold onto this victory forever

>> No.16048062

i genuinely want to read books on how CIA coopted and infiltrated leftist movements in the 70s. any recs?

>> No.16048075

I don't even know the context of your statement, just that saying
>depending on the resistance
Is the cringiest line I've heard all day. Like you think communism is fucking starwars.

>> No.16048109

You genuinely think you're going to "defeat" an organization that singehandedly dismantled and controls your movement? What are you, a pants-shitting retard?
Oh wait...

>> No.16048133

There was a book about their hand in the drug scene. I can’t think of the title though


>> No.16048157

>makes incoherent posts
>esl? esl? dude im so esoteric you cant understand me
you know exactly what i'm talking about

>> No.16048221

holy fuck marxists are terrible people

>> No.16048248

I said it in plain English. Even asked you for specifics on where you were having trouble, but like a troll, you just double down on inflammatory bullshit. Are you trolling or do you actually have shit communication skills

>> No.16048408

There it is ladies and gentlemen. Fully automated luxury burgerpunk dystopia with an added dosage of UBI and the destruction of all productive, dignified and localized ethics and aesthetics courtesy of your local DSA chapter.

>> No.16048548

Just imagine
you come home from work, a rough day. you hang up your coat and in slinks butterfly, on all fours as she has been all day, caked on make up falling off in bits.
"anon, I need..."
she turns her wide rump to you, pointed up into your face. even clothed it reeks.
"I need..."
she's sweating, and clouds of red collect anywhere her pasty, fishlike skin can be seen. you already know what she needs.
"pls anon"
either she drops her pants or they fall on their own, knowing what must happen. begrudgingly you remove your cock, erect out of a sense of duty more than anything else.
chubby fingers spread the ponderous cheeks, a yellow tinged string of some fluid webs between them, coyly hiding your goal. like the mouth of a hungry baby bird, her anus beckons to you.
you insert your glans and she begins moaning-- not wholly in pleasure-- and you can feel kernels of corn and other detritus grazing your urethra.
faster. harder. can't let it escape. if you pull out now, you'll just have to start over.
you coax the brown beast as butterfly moans louder, squeezing her sagged breasts in vain. just a little more. fingers clenching ass cheeks. minute farts escaping around your shaft. she's muttering something now, but you're. almost.
pushed out by a tidal wave of warm, viscous diarrhea. dangling, stained cock a witness to the tsunami of what once was a family sized portion of El Pollo Loco and drinkable yogurt. she's cumming, rubbing her vagina angrily-- but this is no vaginal orgasm: it is a pleasurable relief centered in the bowels, the fresh snow after an avalanche.
shit continues to pour, now only liquid, from her quivering anus. she thanks you
"thank you anon" *fart* "oh, thank you so much"
still on hands and knees, she leaves the way she came, leaving shitty cursive all over the wood floor. you proceed to the sink. in the other room you can hear the unmistakable sounds of a keyboard clacking.

>> No.16048563

marxism died a long time ago. noone's going to the barricades anymore, the trash hominid they glorified as "da labourer" is getting BTFOd by thirdies willing to do the work for less, pretty much the only people who have a stake in "theory" are decrepit marxian boomers and lazy professors who just want tenure and to get blowjobs from freshmen girls.

>> No.16048567

>inferior labor protections
And what labor protections do massive corporations like Walmart give? Oh that's right, none.

>> No.16048574

I'd rather give my money to an individual who will use it to feed themselves than let it be swallowed up in the Walmart CEOs asshole

>> No.16048579

are you actually a woman or just a tranny?

>> No.16048582

Greater corporate centralization means that it's easier to nationalize infrastructure and that there are fewer kulaks to kill. Contemporary Marxists are just Eurocrats by another name. See our industrious little friend here >>16047605
for example.

>> No.16048583

>defending the interests
It’s the same product but cheaper, either way I’m defending someone’s interests. MomAndPop would dance like a lamb in the faces of everybody’s livelihoods if they had half the chance to become billionaire CEOs of massive corporations

>> No.16048624

>What do mom and pop shops offer that larger chains don't?

A personable connection to an actual human being. You know who your money is benefiting, and they know you. This can evolve into a real human relationship, rather than turning commerce into a system where two strangers are forced to interact.

>What do the owners contribute to the actual business?

More effort than the corporate leeches do, that's for certain.

Marxists hate small businesses because they've been ordered to. Marxists are incapable of thought, and anytime you interact with one it becomes blatantly obvious. Especially because eventually they always resort to, "If you want to know, read this 500 page manifesto." or "That's not REAL communism."

This all underscores the point they lack actual comprehension and are just drones following their programming.

>> No.16048631


>> No.16048692

Well, uh, no, you see, um, character mask reification or some other ad hoc.

>> No.16048701

That’s because they’re Jews first and Marxism is just a way to move towards Jewish interests.

>> No.16048707

There aren't any "Marxists". It's literally just "We love niggers and want whites dead - the ideology". That's all they will be allowed to accomplish by people with real power.

>> No.16048721

>a real human relationship
Code for "tool which enables our class to monopolize all of society's institutions, destroy meritocracy, and exploit the poor". Go to any private college in the northeast and ask yourself how many of the kids you see are actually intelligent enough to make the cut. I'll take a cold system to an unjust one any day.

>> No.16048741

The communist solution is communal ownership of everything. Small businesses are disliked by Marxists because they are still privately owned by people who will have to put capital growth ahead of everything else. Marx points out that small business owners would sit out revolutions in order to keep their stuff safe, even if the revolution would benefit them.
Market socialists are the ones who want to turn everything into co-ops.

>> No.16048770

Contemporary marxism, like most people here have already stated, is a fashion statement that's bastardized the original movement to just be an aesthetic.The actual groundwork or even implementation is completely dead and no hope of reviving. If you haven't seen this video, of marxists not being able to go through a meeting without retards interjecting about privileges or status about their race/sexuality, etc, then it should make you realize there is absolutely no hope for it to ever get off the ground. The CIA has won anon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRs7G7uLGa8

>> No.16048775

If the small business owner is white they hate it because they hate whites and if the small business owner is brown they will revert entirely to some sort of pro-small-business lolbertarianism in order to defend that enterprise and just ignore your principles, because "Marxists" aren't real anymore.

>> No.16048778

See >>16048707 and >>16048775 and kind of >>16048701

>> No.16048781
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It seems that you have an issue which could be better analyzed through prevailing cultural trends rather than one which is economically determined.

>> No.16048793

Well, as history has shown, the only options that the revolution presents them with are death or destitution. Not really a factor of an economic self interest after a certain point, right?

>> No.16048796
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>> No.16048923

The distinction between these and corporate chains is that I don't care about theft in Walmarts because you're not harming anyone's livelihoods but in mom and pops shops theres no justification unless you're a nigger and don't care. Beyond that who gives a shit

>> No.16049089


>Knowing the guy who grows my food is class warfare

This is your problem. You are braindead.

>Go to any private college in the northeast and ask yourself how many of the kids you see are actually intelligent enough to make the cut

Pretty meaningless from someone that supports affirmative action.

>> No.16049114

>Small businesses are disliked by Marxists because they are still privately owned by people who will have to put capital growth ahead of everything else.

Not true. Small business owners often put the well-being of their employees ahead of more profits. Once they have a comfortable profit margin they usually prioritize other things. This is not true of corporations who always try to squeeze more out of their employees in order to justify bigger bonuses.

A big factor in all this is small business owners deal with their employees on a daily basis. They know their names, faces, and even children.

Contrast that to corporate executives that loathe interacting with the proles.

>even if the revolution would benefit them.

Just like the bolshevik's benefited the Ukranians, amirite?

>> No.16049163

>hasn’t read culture of critique

>> No.16049189

*sniff* *sniff*
I smell you Butterfly, the sweet scent of the spurt of ass juice that's slowly built up in your panties over the hours you've been sitting at your computer. Do you know what it smells like? stupidity.

>> No.16049255

I don't support affirmative action. Who taught you to argue like this? /pol/? Crawl back in your hole, you contemptible fuck.

>> No.16049269
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>A personable connection to an actual human being

>> No.16049324
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>I don't support affirmative action.


But in case you're sincere, I'll give you a more thought out response.

Sure, nepotism reeks, but your 'cold' system doesn't ensure it's demise. Rather, Socialism is generally just a tool used by those currently disadvantaged to try to enact the same inequalities for themselves. Having argued with them extensively, they generally don't deep down believe what they espouse (hence my doubt) but are little tyrants trying to seize power using false rhetoric. Tell me how you're going to stop upper level bureaucrats from giving their children favors in whatever cold system of your choice? This is doubly potent when the entire rhetoric of socialism is a lie (people are never equal).

>> No.16049344


>> No.16049349


Yes because the CEO isn't an individual, and the people who work in the CEO's store aren't individuals. Mongoloid.


The employees in the big stores are also actual human beings. Moreover they aren't up their own ass with debt and entitlement. I'd develop a relationship with an uncaring checkout girl over a self-important 'store owner' (as if that's a skill) bitty any day.

>> No.16049358

I really wish you weren't literate

>> No.16049599

I would just like to say that this is the most based post in the thread

>> No.16049635

>when the Marxists are becoming the rainbow flag corporatists

>> No.16049640


>> No.16049648

That big fat silly guy in your pic would literally be correct about most political topics if this was all he said though.

>> No.16049652

Communism only succeeds in backwards states as a form of developmental dictatorship rather than as "the next stage" after capitalism. There's basically an inverse relationship between how early a country developed capitalism and the strength of the Communist movement there.

>> No.16049673
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>that article

>> No.16049705
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>all businesses start out as mom and pop shops

>> No.16049770

Na. They aren’t compatible. Read him. In anti oedipus dolce and gabana reject ideology for the production of subjectivity. The unconscious produces subjectivity, it it isn’t subjected to ideology. I dunno how this will help with refuting jacobin edgelord articles.

>> No.16049785
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>> No.16049790

That isn't Pareto.

>> No.16049811

pretty much political cartoon of the decade. the whole OWS>Idpol trajectory + libertarian/free speech/etc>fascism trajectory

>> No.16049834

>I'd develop a relationship with an uncaring checkout girl

I'm sure you love relationships with uncaring girls. In fact, I'm sure all of your relationships are uncaring.

>a self-important 'store owner' (as if that's a skill)

You are the one who is self-important. The numbers prove that running a small business is a skill, one that you are clearly envious of.


More proof that Socialists want to drag everyone down into the mud.

>> No.16049876

Please go back to /pol/ or reddit where people actually argue like this

>> No.16049944

>Waah, please stop eviscerating my rhetoric

The best you can do is hope your opponents self-censor? Why are socialists SO weak?

>> No.16049954

censor yourself back t reddit where the spacing might fit in

>> No.16049989

Lol at some rando 17th century guy being used for a Pareto quote

>> No.16050002

>I have no arguments and I must REEEEE

I'm sorry paragraphs are above your reading level.

>> No.16050035

I'm not even the guy you're replying to, you just come off as so fucking obviously smug and autistic

>> No.16050049
File: 1.95 MB, 237x240, 1564131199110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over. go back to >>>/reddit/

>> No.16050050

i dont even know what youre arguing about and dont plan to read it bro... hit the enter button one less time you wide load faggot

>> No.16050057

Maybe you need to go to your safe space.

So defeated you've gone into a loop of repeating yourself. Sad.

>> No.16050065

>I don't plan to read

Well that much is obvious.
I'm glad my formatting can trigger you, though.

You're a mediocre loser.

>> No.16050559

It makes no fucking sense because the the truths been obscured and the Stonetoss’ of the country buy it

>> No.16051400

What are you doing to help the movement? Having you been creating the association of democratic autonomous neighborhoods in your neighborhood butterfly? If not why haven't you?

>> No.16051478
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Congratulations on destroying retail business for the benefit of remote internet giants, truly advanced world history.

>> No.16051498
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>> No.16051505
File: 228 KB, 3000x2100, labor workforce agriculture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And what’s wrong with self sufficiency?
Modern division of labour, especially in agriculture, is radical. Agriculture is extremly labour efficient.

>> No.16051523
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Sounds like progress. Some communist wrote a book about accomplishing socialism by accelerating big business and then having the government take it over, which might work for a generation until they old management raised under capitalism died off and the new socialist kids took over unable to deal with accreted inefficiencies.

>> No.16052347


>> No.16052383

>A personable connection to an actual human being.
wew lad
>You know who your money is benefiting, and they know you. This can evolve into a real human relationship

>> No.16053043

>Greater corporate centralization means that it's easier to nationalize infrastructure and that there are fewer kulaks to kill.
Yeah dude, the government which is bought and paid for by capitalism is going to suddenly do a complete reversal of course

>> No.16053062

Small business owners overwhelmingly vote for Republicans. So they willingly plant the seeds of their own destruction.

>> No.16053088

>Until the government takes it over
What happens when corporations are literally stronger than nations?

>> No.16053151

Marx would've had the same opinion. Why would you assume he'd have any sympathy for the petit bourgeoisie. Communism in America will be the People's Walmart and the People's Burger King.

>> No.16053178

More like small worker co-ops. Greater scale only benefits capital.

>> No.16053202

extremely naive

>> No.16053237

OK Stalin.

>> No.16054513

>petit bourgeoisie
so anyone with two cows on their farm?

>> No.16055063


>> No.16055096

I don't know what point that article made (or if it's written from a Marxist perspective at all) but if you think Marxism is about hating big business and defending small ones you don't understand traditional Marxism either

>> No.16055107

Deleuze was not Marxist, his connection with Marxism is like Nietzsche's, just grad students misreading them

>> No.16055821

what are you talking about? they've clearly never read, or at least never read any marxist theory

>> No.16055847

well.......reading marx wont help you understand "contemporary Marxism"

>> No.16056543
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You devalue every thread you're in and your writing style screams of a smug moron who wants attention. Here's your (you). Neck yourself.

>> No.16056601

butterfly is unironically right in this thread

>> No.16056893

Have either you ever farmed or even worked a sizeable garden? Permaculture is a hell of a lot of work compared to other options, especially during that first decade or so. It sounds all nice but that whole idea of blending things together means your garden is constantly trying to fight itself. Weeding, thinning and harvesting are all more work and you decress yeilds all around. Who cares if it looks natural, hunger and starvation look natural as well, just space shit out abit, you may have to sacrifice variety somewhat, but your life will be easier and you will be able to have much healthier plants which yeild better.

>> No.16056940

kick the habit

>> No.16057173

My fucking guy. Love it when you're in the thread.

>> No.16057187

mandatory pasta in every thread cursed by buttershit

>> No.16057198

>the only way out of permanent labour is permanent labour
Just get rich ffs

>> No.16057234 [DELETED] 

>the truth has been obscured!!1!
Niggers are violent animals; this fact can be observed through video and experienced in the flesh.

>> No.16057272
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>constantly trying to fight itself
Unless you plant it so that it’s not.
I’ve done a little in my mom’s old garden. She was into that kind of stuff (pic related) but I’m only promoting it because what we have now is unsustainable and unhealthy. A little honest work for the vast amounts of people out of shit jobs doesn’t seem so bad a trade off
And it can have just as much yields. If climate change causes too much erosion, we may have to use other methods for a time in some places, but rewilding is a way to fight climate change.

Thank you bby

>> No.16057435

>Unless you plant it so that it’s not.
Yes, you leave space between plants and more between crops
>I’ve done a little in my mom’s old garden
I take that as a no
> but I’m only promoting it because what we have now is unsustainable and unhealthy
So swing to the other extreme? What would be far better is looking at things from the stand point of the community, everyone grows a few crops and all is shared amoung the community instead of trying to grow everything for ones self. This allows a greater variety of crops to be grown and gives the option to let fields (yards) rest which is great for soil health.
>And it can have just as much yields
Not for the same space. Crowded plants do not produce as much, if you want that natural look you sacrifice yield.

>> No.16057829

>Hello fellow 4shannersh, I watsh deshtiny and vowsh and am a real soshulisht
I know this because you sound like a fucking idiot who somehow thinks this idiocy is legitimate, it's the same process as your moms watching her daytime talking heads shows or fox and friends and spewing back the same idiocy as if it were her own. Stare at idiot tube, regurgitate idiot ideas, idiot ideas that are only authentically shared by a handful of idiots with a platform to shout them from.

>> No.16057984


>> No.16059191
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>a magazine from an american socialist publication is representative of all of marxist thought