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16044800 No.16044800[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is racism a choice or is it an innate state of being? Have we been conditioned to suppress our human instincts?

>> No.16044867


>> No.16044878

If you're brainwashed it's worse but it's neuronal which isn't just the conscious. It's wired w other neurons.

>> No.16044879

Unironically this

We have to condition out a lot of our natural instincts in order to have civil obedience and a functional, prosperous society.

>> No.16044884

if you want to post off topic bollocks you have to put "books for this feel"

>> No.16044887


>> No.16044903

It depends on the state of your soul. Are you a rational autistic soul? Then racism is innate and to you, natural. Are you a subversive artistic soul? Then racism is not human and alien to you. It's unhelpful to think of humanity as anything other than soul grouping. You will find artistic subversives throughout every race and culture. They are the ones who create religion

>> No.16044907


Racism is definitely natural, but it is more so apriori system of judging danger, rather than a longterm.
Basically, after initiating contact with the individual, if they turn out to be a respectful and useful human, it is very unlikely you'll continue to be racist towards them

Which explains why I hate niggers, yet I've met amazing black friends, that were genuinely the chillest guys on planet Earth, and respect them deeply

>> No.16044913


>Racist artists don't exist
Hahahaha, I take it you belong to the retarded soul group

>> No.16044920

I never said they didn't or that they are the sole group of artists. Way to jump to conclusions. You are indeed autistic

>> No.16044935


>> No.16044945

Kin selection. It’s innate

>> No.16044949


Why must you use Symbolism which is open to misinterpretation, to communicate ideas that can be described by modern science in detail?
Or do you mean to say you believe in literal souls.

>> No.16044951

Basic impulses in the human psyche like what you're describing aren't as specific as a phenomenon like racism, like if you look at any ethnic-nationalist on the board it would be retarded to say that they're the natural consequence of human nature. There's clearly other factors in how they've developed thier world view besides some in born bias against the out group

>> No.16044958

but also this

>> No.16044968

Humans are tribal and racism is an expression of that tribalism.

>> No.16044977
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Despite support for evolutionary theories relating to an innate origin of racism, various studies have suggested racism is associated with lower intelligence and less diverse peer groups during childhood. A neuroimaging study on amygdala activity during racial matching activities found increased activity to be associated with adolescent age as well as less racially diverse peer groups, which the author conclude suggest a learned aspect of racism. A meta analysis of neuroimaging studies found amygdala activity correlated to increased scores on implicit measures of racial bias. It was also argued amygdala activity in response to racial stimuli represents increased threat perception rather than the traditional theory of the amygdala activity represented ingroup-outgroup processing. Racism has also been associated with lower childhood IQ in an analysis of 15,000 people in the UK.

>> No.16044991

Seethe. Cope. Who hurt you libtard?

>> No.16045000

I don't know if you got tingle in your penis after looking at a little girl should you sit around and think of toddler cunny all day? I think there's a lot of intention behind feeding racist thoughts, in the sense that you have to be retarded to suddenly become racist despite knowing and being friends with people outside your race. People find /pol/ and suddenly think that that one thought they had about black person when they were a kid is rooted in a deep primordial truth rather than just being mental sewage.

>> No.16045041

Human beings are tribalistic because we need to belong, and others are unknown to us. Gradually we find out that the other tribes are friends, we trade with them, cooperate, and the tribe grows.

>> No.16045046

>Literal pedophile tries to talk down to us
Oh spare me

>> No.16045047

a little is innate and a lot is a choice

>> No.16045053

Neither racism or pedophilia are morally justifiable

>> No.16045061

literally every time. tiresome, isn't it?

>> No.16045062

Nor is racism morally prohibitable (pedophilia is)

>> No.16045076


>> No.16045079

People who knowingly try to spread racist rhetoric in a multiethnic, biracial society need to be silenced. Racism is morally reprehensible in the same way incest or pedophilia is because it undermines communities, families, and society at large.

>> No.16045094
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>I don't know if you got tingle in your penis after looking at a little girl
Ladies and gentleman, the liberal.

>> No.16045121

If you were honest you would see that his point was that just because someone has a thought, urge, "instinct", that it isn't necessarily a compass towards what is right. Some instincts and thoughts need to be stomped out, people who don't control use discretion in concerns to their thoughts and feelings are basically animals.

>> No.16045125

two faggots trying to justify pedophilia acting like they're both morally superior to human beings who are inherently tribal and care about protecting their families and communities.
literal pottery

>> No.16045127

Go back

>> No.16045128

That doesnt make any sense at all, racism is what holds communities, families, and society at large together. The war against racism is a direct bid to destroy social cohesion in order to facilitate the globalization of economic markets. A truly globalized market demands no community cohesion, that everyone be atomized and individualized so that mass consumption can be maximized and labor can be made as transitory as capital.

>> No.16045130
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Let me formalize something normal people intuitively know: Backstab syndrome is when someone hurts you and removing the knife used to cause the damage might lead to more pain. But ultimately everyone knows that healing from a backstab means taking the knife out and healing. Getting over a drug addiction means stopping the drug.

Now if diversity is a knife, then getting rid of diversity by encouraging self segregation etc. is one of the first steps to healing.

So "you're already hooked to bad racists" is Not An Argument. According to racists, detoxing from diversity is ultimately good for society. So to argue against them you must argue diversity is ultimately good.

>> No.16045132

Even if the things you say were true, it would not follow from them that racism “needs” to be stopped.

>> No.16045139

The first guy is clearly against pedophilia you illiterate retard

>> No.16045143

>prohibitable (pedophilia is)
Can you read? I think pedophilia is one of, if not thee worst moral affronts

>> No.16045146

too bad*

>> No.16045147

Racism is born from experience.

>> No.16045148

Diversity is not a problem regardless of what /pol/ says

>> No.16045155

So are mass shooters

>> No.16045156

Big if true

>> No.16045159

see >>16045128

>> No.16045174

>racism is what holds communities
No it's not.
No it's not.
>and society at large together
Again no it's not. Societies and families are held together by a shared culture, and shared experience. Race isn't even real, do you think that biracial people don't have families?

>> No.16045175

>it undermines communities, families, and society at large.
This is WHY you have diversity in the first place. This is LITERALLY why there are Somalis in Wisconsin: to undermine families, communities, and societal cohesion. This is why Amazon busses in Mexicans to their mostly Somali facilities, and busses in Somalis to their mostly Mexican facilities.

This isn't even a solely Fascist, or Conservative critique, Marx says that Capital will do exactly this.

>b-but my colloquial quirky HUSTLE and BUSTLE multi-ethnic communities!
These don't exist outside of TV. In real life, people willingly self-segregate. In EVERY country that tries this, it just turns into people self-segregating. The ONLY times that this works is when people define EXPLICITLY borders and ethnic enclaves with strict rules for moving through territory that isn't yours (and harsh punishments for breaking the rules of some other group's enclave). This is, with very few exceptions such as Assad's Syria, done in spite of political power's attempts to continuously weaken these borders precisely BECAUSE it weakens communities, families, and society.

>> No.16045177

I think this is the answer.
Raise a group of multi colored children together like puppies (this is how I grew up), don't oppress them or give them any reason to turn on each other (I was raised in small schools and homeschooled), they will identify together as a tribe.
Tribal markers are:
>shared experience
>similar cultural experience
Race only becomes an issue, and thus racism, in a society that is all one color, or a society where races have separate experiences. Otherwise it is a taught trait.

>> No.16045186

>Race isn't even real
You're arguing that green and blue aren't real because there's no clear distinction between the two. You know what White is, I know what White is, Blacks know what White is, you know what Black is, I know what Black is, Blacks know what Black is, Whites know what Black is.

So don't act like a retard, given that you know full well what White and Black are.

>> No.16045194

Otherwise agreed

>> No.16045202

Biracial people (if one parent is Caucasian) almost ALWAYS identify as their non-white half. Why do you think that is? Seems like everyone knows what race is except you, buddy.

>> No.16045213

You're an idiot, diversity is naturally increasing because the speed and efficiency of movement has been increasing. People migrate where they have better opportunities, America was original all natives anyways Europeans were the first wave of immigrants.

>> No.16045215

So what about mixed race people?
What about the majority of us who are the result of Homo Sapiens Sapiens mixing with Neanderthals?

>> No.16045219

wow I've never read that /pol/ factoid before

>> No.16045224

The reason is racism, buddy.

>> No.16045227

>no you
>race isn't even real now let me use biracial people as the anchor of my argument
>im going to ignore 2/3s of your post
So this is one of those high iq redditers I've hear so much about.

>> No.16045231

Yes, that's... literally what I said. Did you even read my post at all?

>> No.16045239

Nigger you're implicitly acknowledging that race exists by virtue of the fact that you call those people mixed race

>> No.16045244

This was already addressed in >>16045186

>> No.16045251

Because some people want to be more than Amazon Drone #342,376,984. There's more to life than s()y, marvel movies, and wagecucking.

>> No.16045271

Mybrace matters nothing to me.
My French and Emglish heritage and my education, ethics, and behavior in the world are what matter.
That is not a drone mentality:
>hurr durr my skin is beige
is much more of a drone mentality.

>> No.16045279

>we're all the same is not drone mentality
Fucking Anglos, its always them

>> No.16045284

I'm not going to waste my energy responding to walls of autism and 4chan brain assumptions about the world. People who try to push racist rhetoric, and say that it's natural and intuitive are essentially the same as child molesters who can't help themselves.

>> No.16045297

>you must shit at least once every few days to be healthy

>> No.16045299

You are literally defending the destruction of communities, families, and societies so that international corporations can increase their profits. So, yes, you are supporting a drone mentality, as you are explicitly supporting the idea that you are a drone who only exists to work for a corporation.

Ironically, you're making the same arguments that Steven Pinker, who is a literal child molester, makes.

>> No.16045308

>who I am as a person is equivalent to shit coming out of an ass
You said it

>> No.16045340

You are so far down the rabbit hole, and you statements are based on so many false premises, that it is nearly impossible to hold a conversation with you.

>> No.16045361
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>say something stupid
>get called out on it
>"Im not going to sit here and argue with you"
Then shut the fuck up faggot. You said some retarded shit and you got called out on it here >>16045239 and here >>16045186 Either defend the stupid shit you said or shut the fuck up, nobody cares about whether you think you're wasting your precious time or not. If you didn't want to waste your time you wouldn't have come in here and said some midwit shit like "race doesn't exist" and then tried to poorly defend yourself. What a pussy

>> No.16045378

This explains why we see groups as the other, but doesn't really answer if there is scientific racism (not necessarily one group being better than the other, but there being biological/intellectual differences between populations.)

>> No.16045380


Weak, they've realized psychology and sociology are horse shit so they rely on brain scans now. Modern phrenology, what will they appeal to next? The most anti-racist faggots grow up in wealthy white suburban neighborhoods. Being from NYC, most of my friends understand how stupid and violent blacks are from first hand experience. Growing up in a diverse environment has only provided experience needed to form a real opinion.

I do admire the blatant hypocrisy of leftist faggots. IQ only matters when it serves political needs. Other than that, it means nothing right? Jewish conspiracy?

>> No.16045385

much basado

>> No.16045388

It is you partially and it implies there is some unity. You needing to shit is more fundamental to you than any racial feature.

>> No.16045395

What a dumb and meaningless categorization you've pulled out of your ass.

>> No.16045398
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Racists are retarded, but IQ shitters are even more retarded.

>> No.16045401

>racism is what holds communities, families, and society at large together
I'm not the one who made a baseless assumption about reality, I don't have to defend shit

>> No.16045402

fuck you ideologue

>> No.16045408

Yes, and unlike you me needing to shit is not a significant part of my personality. You might be the equivalent of a turd crowning from a dirty asshole but that doesn't mean everyone is.

>> No.16045421

It's not super pulled out of his ass just partially. There was a study I read that said autists are more likely to marry ingroup but it's a general ingroup and it's not deterministic.

>> No.16045427

>shared identity does not contribute to social cohesion
Are you retarded?

>> No.16045428

It does not work, will not work and will lead to the downfall of the west and possibly civilization.
And it's your fault.

>> No.16045431

I regret thg o inform you that shitting is much more a part of who you are as a person than any racial characteristics. You romanticize how much of ur personality is racially based.

>> No.16045452

It's not about IQ, it's about the likelyhood of a population producing members who will go on to innovate technology, science or math, rendering this group of people more status, money, members and influence. These individuals do not pop up at "random", they're cultivated by a group and a culture.

>> No.16045454

I'd say that you romanticize how much of your personality is fecal based but for you personally I think that may be incorrect to say. What does it taste like?

>> No.16045458

shared identity =/= 18th century racial catagories, also I specifically said that a shared cultural experience is what brings people together

>> No.16045471
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>Societies and families are held together by a shared culture, and shared experience. Race isn't even real

>genes aren't real

>> No.16045473

Forcing people to keep the gene pool "pure" is still socialization

>> No.16045479
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>Believing racist inventions such as genes

>> No.16045482

>>genes aren't real
wow you really got me, I totally don't believe in the existence of genes haha

>> No.16045490

So we are back to debating whether race exists or not, cool. That's the only thing holding your argument together, I'll direct you to the two posts you did not respond to that address this >>16045239 and >>16045186

>> No.16045498

I mean you literally don't think race is real or families have similar genetics or culture is influenced by genetics, so in practice you deny genes are real

>> No.16045538

>you literally don't think race is real
I don't believe in what race often implies
>families have similar genetics
I never even implied this, obviously any child is going to share the genetics of his parents, race is irrelevant
>culture is influenced by genetics
Culture is way too complicated to say that it all just originates from some master race genes, and it isn't true regardless. Did Europeans create Christianity? So much of culture is the accumulation of all kinds of influences

>> No.16045578

Future historians will look back in shock at the absolute moral panic that came about due to the actions of the German government between 1933 and 1945.

>> No.16045616
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>Despite support for evolutionary theories relating to an innate origin of racism, various studies have suggested racism is associated with lower intelligence and less diverse peer groups during childhood

>stereotypical racist is the southerner, who lives in states usually full of black people
>stereotypical anti-racist is the upper middle class white person that went to a private school where everyone was white

>> No.16045621

>I don't believe in what race often implies
The argument is whether or not there is a biological reality in race. Not what its implications are.

Not sure why you assume that believing that culture is influenced by genetics means that it solely influences culture. No one said anything about master races. Is the expression of European Christianity the same as the expression of Near-Eastern Christianity?

>> No.16045654
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we are always suppressing our instincts faggot