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/lit/ - Literature

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16044444 No.16044444 [Reply] [Original]

Confess, /lit/

>> No.16044470

The chosen thread

>> No.16044475
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I honestly read about 1 book every 6 months

>> No.16044477

Terrible but you'll get better

>> No.16044490

I've read all of Murakami novels and I've loved them.
Also checked.

>> No.16044495

I lie about reading certain books sometimes to get out of dumb conversations

>> No.16044496

My brain has been fried for months so I haven't been reading enough books. I don't think I'll be able to read again in peace until I am out of my parents house.

I am essentially a pathological liar
I also frequently cheat because I can't be bothered to do busywork that I fluently understand but only in online courses

I haven't studied or read material or paid serious attention in a classroom for about 3 years.

>> No.16044499

Thanks desu, I just finished the stranger and now I'm reading the Tibetan book of the dead.

>> No.16044507

I think I lack commitment in relationships and also I'm reading a soccer autobiography right now not even anything big or philosophical.

>> No.16044508

I’ve learned more about philosophy browsing /lit than spending time reading actual books about philosophy

>> No.16044511

I always think I see people I know irl here. Do you have a puppy at your parents?

>> No.16044518

no schizoid

>> No.16044527

Schizophrenia is the better term. Schizoid is a specific and even less paranoid disorder

>> No.16044538


>> No.16044539

schizoid is just someone who is chronically lonely and their mental state is deranged as a result.

>> No.16044545

but yes schizophrenia is the better term

>> No.16044551

Guess that's why I'm a postgraduate English student and you're the fraud who hasn't done any work in three years.

Yes, which is why it was a stupid insult seeing as how it doesn't have paranoid delusions of reference.

>> No.16044570

During the start if lockdown in my city I made progress and finished two books but after that for 3 months straight I didnt read anything until now. My excuse is I hate the summer heat too much to do anything

>> No.16044572

I haven't applied for a single job since graduating in June. I tell my parents that it's just difficult to get hired during the pandemic but in reality I just don't want to work, I want to sit in my room and read.

>> No.16044619

>english major
So I was right!

>> No.16044625


>> No.16044640

This is honestly based as fuck and what I did too. Dont live with parents but had the chance to wageslave at food places easily since im good at interviews but I cant subject myself to that shit anymore. Ill do it later if I have to but I’d rather look for a position that wont make me blow my brains out

>> No.16044655

I write romance and frequently daydream about being a massively successful author with a devoted fanbase
The only philsophy books I've read were for uni. I haven't touched one since.
I don't think I could provide an accurate definition of postmodernism if prompted.
I pretty much exclusively read sci-fi/fantasy/romance/superhero prose books. I read for entertainment and relaxation and don't ever intend to branch out.
I skip any and all sex scenes

>> No.16044705

I read all 7 of the harry potter series a few years ago and absolutely loved em.

>> No.16044709

>I skip any and all sex scenes

>> No.16044715

What I said is probably true

>> No.16044773

I tried to write a poem for the first time in about 15 years this morning and it was terrible. It was going to be about Hanno the Navigator.

>> No.16044782
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I visit /a for the monogatari thread also Goethe's Faust part II was a huge disappointment.

>> No.16044901

I wanna see "shitty" books discussed here more often desu. Stuff like King, YO, etc.

>> No.16044937

I have the desire to go talk to girls
I have the skill to go talk to girls
I don't have the will to go talk to girls

This shit is driving me insane bros, I can't seem to force myself to talk to girls and get a gf
>inb4 its cause you're scared of failure

No I'm fucking not. I never was. This literally feels like an outside force thats stronger than me and there's nothing I can do to stop it

>> No.16045082

I'm not too fond of the act of reading. Rather, I enjoy having read.

>> No.16045133

Did you just watch Cosmicsceptic's video about reading?

>> No.16045141

schizoids also have mildly paranoid delusions

>> No.16045212

haha yes! I thought I was a sinner for not actually enjoying reading. I guess it's pretty common for avid readers.

>> No.16045234

I want to fuck my best friend and I'm gifting her books about erotism.

>> No.16045261

Based subtle conditioning

>> No.16045309

Perhaps it’s a lack of self love.
Or love of life and a possible future with a girl you say you desire?
It has to be an inside force you’re perceiving as outside

>> No.16045349
File: 75 KB, 860x637, feelsbadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you butters. I think my main problem is that probably laziness (as mundane as that might sound), because 90% of girls nowadays are so fucking boring to talk to its embarassing, their lives consist of instagram superficiality and lack of direction in life which then translates to them being extremely insecure and neurotic and I dont really have the mental energy to make an effort (altough I still desire a gf)
Maybe I just need to get momentum on another activity and then try to make an effort on this

>> No.16045371

Boredom IS self inflicted.
Also the girls are probably being just as lazy as you. Wake yourself up and go wake one of them up.

>> No.16045412

I watch anime and search for 'serious' and artsy that can live up to the standard of great books. But mostly it's just a degenerate indulgence.

>> No.16045413

>Boredom IS self inflicted.

I know. I'm extremely high in conscientiousness and industriousness so I literally wither away if I'm not doing something 99% of the day, so I get much easily caught up in the vicious cycle of inertia and boredom.
But I also don't want to avoid doing the things I want to do since I usually use working productively on one task as escapism to not do what I know I should be doing. I'm currently drying myself of any activity in order to go talk to girls and stop procrastinating but Its not really working and its only worsening my mental state

>> No.16045603
