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/lit/ - Literature

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16043937 No.16043937 [Reply] [Original]

>comfy local book store gets bought out by big corporate book chain
>half the shelf space is demolished to make space for a cafe inside the book store
>aisles are cut down to make space for kids toys and stationary
>other aisles replace proper bookshelves with comic books
>the philosophy section is now 10% of its original size and is full of McSelfHelp shit from modern grifters talking about how you can control your life by eating less pork or whatever

why does this keep happening bros

why do book stores all become like this

>> No.16043940

because people are getting stupider

>> No.16043964

Whoa... FUCK bros. Deep af thread my guys. The wojak and the same tired, surface-level analysis of corporate expansion..... FUCK my cock is so hard right now. /lit/ truly is the most intelligent board on 4channel

>> No.16043976

What the fuck does a bookstore need a café for? Do people unironically go to a bookstore to be seen reading?

>> No.16043996

They go to the cafe to study or to host meetings
> t. held study groups and book club at the Barnes and Nobles cafe

>> No.16043998


Yes, midlets love to let people see them read.

>> No.16044029

Hey Mr. Ph.D. Elitist, has it ever occurred to you that if people stopped responding to shit threads they will stop making them and engage in creating what gives them attention? Your comment does nothing more than bump it.

>> No.16044065

not everything has to have a deep hidden meaning you can jerk off to you retard, it's a valid complaint

>> No.16044083

>people getting stupider
>>16043964 exhibit a

>> No.16044084

Just sell your soul to our Amazon overlords anon. Embrace the inevitable.

>> No.16044100

Supply and demand. Why do you hate capitalism?

>> No.16044106

Unironically why go to a bookstore if all it has is books? I’ll just buy online then.

>> No.16044134

DUDE. AMAZON. I don’t know if you know this bro but like Amazon is really big and stuff dude. They’re a “corpormogolapy” as I read in the New York Times hehe. Oh you don’t know what that means bro? That’s ok it mean ummm.... uhhh.... it’s like .... it’s really bad bro. All those cute mom and pop shops that I never go to and immigrant kebab places I hate are gonna get really bad and stuff my Amazon bro!!!!

>> No.16044140

your need to hold everything and everyone in constant ironic disdain will make you die alone and unloved

>> No.16044142

This but unironically

>> No.16044150

I have severe social anxiety. The thought of going to a book store and the possibility of people talking to me gives me a panic attack.

>> No.16044160


>> No.16044179

It sucks OP, but we need to keep buying books at the good places. I do not know any other actual good bookshops that are still alive around me. It's just big chains but oh well.
In the meantime if you want to help the independent raise awareness, do a video about them or something.

>> No.16044187

You can still go to Barnes and Noble

>> No.16044197


>> No.16044251

>walk into any bookstore
>right after entering see severel aisles with shelves stacked with classics like:
>f*ck this and f*ck that you're the f*cking shit, everything is sh*t and you're sh*t too, everyone's a f*cking id*ot
>turn 360 degrees and walk out the bookstore

>> No.16044262


>> No.16044267
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>> No.16044273

because I buy online, keep on seething brainlets

>> No.16044404

oh my god bros, corporation buys out weaker competition and monetizes their space to do more than just sell books? The collapse of society is truly inevitable.

>> No.16044409

Because that's the only way they can make money

>> No.16044428

>walk in a bookstore
>remember i cant read
>walk out

>> No.16044432


>> No.16044469

Real answer. Anyone who opens a bookstore today without some other attraction attached to it is clueless.

>> No.16044476


>> No.16044546
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>> No.16045572
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>town never had a local bookstore in the 20 years I've lived there
>closest we had was a movie rental place that was half books which steadily declined and shut down a few years ago
>2 other places that sells books in some capacity but both are curated (one neopolitical and the other Christian)
>mom's friend tries to open a bookstore and hangout spot but after the church caught him doing Tarot card readings his wife threatened to divorce him if he didn't close shop
>local librarian hosts a book club over Zoom for exactly one person that's a personal friend of hers
I don't even give a shit anymore, I never bought physical anyway, just endlessly perused

>> No.16045585

Based. Get the fuck off the board if you don't feel this way

>> No.16045596

Dumb ass Americans kek

>> No.16045605

did you have to post this? Could you not have just spammed the same picture that circulates the board? Fuck you

>> No.16045725

>live in city renowned for xenophobia
>National chain founded by rival city bookstore gets few customers except student supplies, tourists, and people who need to buy international newspapers
>Tries to set up cafe to be modern and cosmopolitan
>Nobody who uses school supply section enters it
>Only elderly people use it and tell cashiers that they hope they can save up and stop renting in a student bookstore soon because people shouldn't have to rent back rooms to start a cafe in this day and age
>book chain is reconsidering operating in the city
>International bookstore only visited by tourists from England and Germany, people who want Harry Potter
>survives off summer tourists and charging more than amazon
>Local bookstore flourishes
>has second hand store
>has new books on art, architecture, medical, geographical etc sections which are larger than the fiction section in most bookstores across world
>sells three books for the price of one in other stores
>separate store for DIY books so you can buy the book with materials
>always busy
>Has banned gypsies
pls don't come here with your foreign diseases

>> No.16046276

suck my dick

>> No.16046326

Eastern Europe?

>> No.16046399

this thread makes me sad. so many anons turning against capitalism. the free market decides what's best, accept it libtards

>> No.16047024
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Hungarian here. We have bookstore chain called "Antikvárium" in Budapest selling old books for dirt cheap.

>> No.16047040

>local librarian hosts a book club over Zoom for exactly one person that's a personal friend of hers
I used to go to the library for the monthly book club, but the only members were me and the librarian. That woman left for a better job at a school. The new librarian said that a 2-person club was stupid and cancelled the book club

>> No.16047147

That's it anon. Embrace corporatism and consoom to your hearts content. Don't think about the fact that companies are ruining the environment, using slave labor, helping to craft trade deals that can help them sue governments, keep a loyal army of brainless customers to keep tne cash flowing, etc etc.

>> No.16047156

Socialism is the next logical step anon. I personally can't wait until the socialist utopia finally happens.

>> No.16047208

I like the implication that I can’t do both; I can’t call you out for your worthless wholly regurgitated meme-ridden talking points without also embracing a monolithic conglomerate and everything it stands for. You are fucking retarded and I mean that wholeheartedly

>> No.16047249

>No actual counter argument
Kek. Stay mad consoomer. Keep feeding the cycle.

>> No.16047511
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Because rampant capitalism/consumerism is making the world an objectively worse place. Anyone paying attention can realize that.

Inb4 muh 'best time in human history'. If you measure how good the world is solely by looking at metrics like GDP, life expectancy, other material comforts, etc than yes, this would be the 'best' time to be alive. But by those metrics the world described in Brave New World would be a utopia we should be striving towards. Simply put there is much more to this world than a few unimportant capitalist metrics. We live in a time of epidemic mental and bodily unhealthiness, a near complete lack of valuable art/culture, social atomisation and consumerism/degeneracy; basically a world rapidly transforming into a homogeneous, intellectually vacant corporate prison. Capitalism caused this.

>> No.16047777

I cant wait for socialism

>> No.16047819

I heard Hungarians have the biggest dicks in the world.

>> No.16047836
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Checked. Me neither.

>> No.16047853

Duuude like consumerism is so bad because I can't afford it duuuude. I'm talented enough to get hired by a company mannnn

>> No.16047898

absolutely based

>> No.16047939

not socialism

>> No.16047950
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>Duuude like consumerism is so bad because I can't afford it duuuude. I'm talented enough to get hired by a company mannnn

>> No.16047957

Good post; you're a faggot.

>> No.16047972

Duuude like anyone who disagrees is a soi boy faggot who likes Nintendo bro. I'm so smart with my lack of nuance! I pretend to be so smart with my words like "corporatization" and shit. Buy our stuff buy our stuff buy our stuff!!!

>> No.16048001

you're just coping at this point man. read capital or never make another post

>> No.16048017

Duuuuude just read capital man! Read my pseud books! I just need to cope becuase i can't afford anything cool!

>> No.16048037



>> No.16048096

holy shit, redditor levels of cringe right here. I'm pretty sure everyone's just tacitly agreed to ignore you but i couldn't resist saying it

>> No.16048106

morer stupide

>> No.16048107

>t. moron

>> No.16048193


>> No.16048240

Duuuuude like everything i don't like is reddit! I'm so smart broooo

>> No.16048824

wait if you turn 360 degrees that menas you're just going forwards

>> No.16048917


>> No.16049131

Be happy

>> No.16049295

I see a lot of old people just grabbing a coffee and reading a book or the newspaper at mine pretty comfy tbqh. To be honest the store checks many boxes OP describes but apparently it's a family owned business. I rather spend my money there than a Amazon type webshop.

>> No.16049393
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>mfw there are 9 2nd hand bookshops in just the centre of my town

>> No.16049406

Why didn't you do anything to stop it, OP?

>> No.16049755


>> No.16050436


>> No.16052460


>> No.16052546


>> No.16052613

I dunno I just pirate books and put them on my e-reader while OP seethes about how there isn't a marker for selling philosophy books.

>> No.16053798
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>monopoly good