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File: 63 KB, 430x329, berkeley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16038102 No.16038102 [Reply] [Original]

>There is no mind-independent world
Wtf? I can't refute him.

>> No.16038116

I can

>> No.16038125


>> No.16038133

kick rock

>> No.16038154

Could the act of kicking a rock be experienced without a mind?

>> No.16038179

It's an axiomatic difference in your conception of the world. You can take the position of a positivist: "if there is no empirical evidence to appeal to in order to establish whether [the world is mind-independent] or not, then the hypothesis is meaningless, in which case we do not need an argument to refute it." (IEP)

>> No.16038188

Go outside and kick a rock, see for yourself

>> No.16038192

Read Kant.

>> No.16038200

Positivism refutes itself

>> No.16038203
File: 584 KB, 1600x1920, 1596232833514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"why yes i believe in god and immortal souls, in fac-"
>"*sputtering and gagging on own blood*w-what?? y-you ca- *gurgle gag* cant just h-hit me with a hammer! th-"
>"*cradling stray skull fragments and busted elbow* n-noooo i-i can't re remember what i was going to s-say *hick sob*"
>"*glazed expression as blood gurgles from nostrils* wh-whuh? cnti talkk?"
>*THWIMP as the hammer embeds itself deeply into the skull that had become an indented pool for the blood that now spills its crimson tide on the tile flooring as the theist slumps forward*
>the theist's corpse twitches as the last of its electro-neural mush fires its final, futile charge and the room resolves into a somber silence
>"let us wait, my dear students, to see whether his hypothesis was correct. for surely if an immortal soul and god exists our dear theist will return presently to inform us of this most epochal of truths and win the debate!"
>an acutely tense silence as the corpse continues to pour blood from the carrion pulp that was once its head
>"ah well and so, class, as we can see, his god hypothesis is entirely refuted thusly."
>a sporadic applause is taken up among the college students that gradually swells into a full on standing ovation as they all recognize with absolute lucidity the empirically proven truth of Physicalism, knowing that at last the anemia of theological thought was passing from the face of the earth forever,

>> No.16038210

This also doesn't work because empirical evidence requires sensory experiences and is based off the a priori existence of a mind that can takes in the sensory information. So this doesn't work.

>> No.16038225


>> No.16038230

Try to conceive of something without any sensory qualities. Try to conceive of a tree without imagining yourself or some other point of view seeing the tree.

>> No.16038273

Ok tell me how someone being murdered proves there is a mind independent world.

>> No.16038288

You have to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.16038300

Razed and bedpilled.

>> No.16038329

nice fallacy retard

>> No.16038346

I plan on doing so.

>> No.16038351
File: 1.59 MB, 940x1640, Kant_foto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16038372

Try not to think about white bear.

>> No.16038413

Clearly there is when someone as braindead as berkeley still managed to have an impact on the world.

>> No.16038428

ok now refute him

>> No.16038476

>If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound???? ?
material insubstantialism is complete solipsistic autism. If you accept that there are other consciousnesses in the world r because you;re not 14 then the fact that objects and stimuli remain sensible before and after any unique consciousness is formed and extinguished would mean that the mind is dependent on the world.

>> No.16038516
File: 243 KB, 828x1554, 1596427044919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16038555

>appeal to the stone fallacy
Kek, something about that name is hilarious

>> No.16038590

So you haven't actually read Berkeley

>> No.16038880

What does Kant have to say about this?

>> No.16038902


>> No.16039330

If I got him right: no determinate content of our experience can be thought as mind-independent (including intuitions, since they are grounded in the forms of space and time, which are our own forms of sensibility subject to the categories). That said, the presence of said contents of experience require the existence of non-mental entities, since experience itself cannot be fully derived from imagination (i.e. I dreamed all of it). Imagination, just like our other intellectual faculties, is purely synthetic (it cannot generate intuitions out of nowhere, at best it can reproduce them by recombining previously cognized intuitions). This means that some extra-mental entity (namely, a noumenon) had to interact with my faculty of receptivity, and from said interaction I got my first intuitions, and by intellectually synthetizing them I ended up having an experience.

tldr: experience requires the existence of external entities (noumena) to take place. I have an experience, therefore noumena exists.

I've probably butchered the argument, but it should still be enough to get the gist of it