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16037638 No.16037638[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>wants us to symbiotically fuse with corporate technology
>thinks the pyramids were built by aliens

How did this happen? How can so much capital get in the hands of irredeemable Alex Jones-tier midwits like this? What is it with America and this confluence of technological power with ideologies fuckin' soaked and simmered in childish simulacra? How?

>> No.16037696
File: 707 KB, 750x739, 4CAEFC64-A899-481F-AE40-1B82C2EBF92A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks the pyramids were built by aliens
Based if true

>> No.16037701

>How can capitalism do this to us?
It’s very nature

Not your blog tho. Please delete

>> No.16037812

No one is buying his ancient aliens book. They’re buying his cars. That’s cause his cars are nice and his ideas on the pyramids are not. I get it’s hard for lefties to understand, but these things ARE seperable. I could give two shits about Kanye’s insane ramblings when he’s on a manic phase and his victimhood bullshit about racial issues, MBDTF is still objectively the greatest work of music ever compiled.

>> No.16037831

>MBDTF is still objectively the greatest work of music ever compiled.

>> No.16037856

>MBDTF is still objectively the greatest work of music ever compiled.
Not with that brickwalled mastering

>> No.16037872

I get it’s hard for American zoomers to understand but hip hop is deplorable music.

>> No.16037888

He also buys cobalt that was collected via slave-labor. But I guess he's fine since he's epic wholesome 100 irl tony stark.

>> No.16037890

Brainlets confirmed. It’s not even arguable.

>> No.16037912


The people most responsible for making the world the way it is, inventing the technologies that helped create the modern world, and let it progress to this point believed in things like miasma and leech therapy.

>> No.16037918

It’s not that “he” is fine, is that that specific product he happened to produce is fine. It’s like you missed the entirety of the point I was making. Put another way, Darwin’s racism doesn’t invalidate the theory of evolution. This isn’t a hard concept at all. You MUST be a leftie. If you’re not I’ll cost my ass.

>> No.16037920

Primary source for the pyramids comment

>> No.16037925


It's not a new business model this guy is making, it's a style that goes back all the way to the 50s. Musk relies on the sense of a failed future in America, and monopolises the guilt.

That video is 40 minutes long but it's an incredibly comprehensive breakdown of Musk's style of practice

>> No.16037938

>batteries are made with cobalt
>therefor musk is responsible for the horrible labor laws in african countries


>> No.16037952

Well that's true, the previous generations DID fail to deliver the future that was possible. And with SpaceX he is the only one actually working towards bringing it back.

>> No.16037953 [DELETED] 

>First frame of video has a pedo in it


>> No.16037954

No product made by slave labor is morally good.

>> No.16037956

His Twitter, don’t know if it’s still up. But the direct quote was “Aliens built the pyramids obv”. He was clearly trolling and women are dumb so Egypt’s minister of cunt affairs took it seriously.

>> No.16037958

>pyramids were built by aliens
He was just bantzing "we wuz kangz" people

>> No.16037966

>right wing skeptic

>> No.16037968

Its not even that, he buys Australian Cobalt and his next gen batteries won't use it anyway.

>> No.16037977

The primary skills required for entrepreneurship are intuition and creativity
Musk has TOO much of both which is why he is such a wackjob despite also being brilliant at this buisnessing business
Taleb actually talks about this in his books, the people who actually made money from the gulf war weren't the people following the development but rather intuitive individuals that couldn't point to you where Iraq is on the map

>> No.16037978

>thinks the pyramids were built by aliens
So? World religions are not any more concise and they helped to create great civilizations.

>> No.16037980

Remind yourself that he's a billionaire and can easily make conditions for these exploited people better.

>> No.16037986

Wouldn't interfering in the internal affairs of a post-colonial state be colonialism?

>> No.16037988


>> No.16037991

Billionaires aren't actually as powerful as you seem to think they are

>> No.16037996

Who said anything about morality you dense retard? It’s a product people want so they pay him for it. Lots of people paying you means you get rich. No one cares about what you personally believe is right or wrong and no one implied morality is tied to wealth.

>> No.16038019

>intuition and creativity
>Musk has TOO much of both
There isn't a single thing he has said, done, or accomplished which wasn't written about in old works of sci-fi. He has 0% original thought, it's all regurgitated work of other people, even the thing in the OP is a common conspiracy theory, not his idea

>> No.16038022

No, what are you talking about?
So Musk can't buy the land of which the cobalt his harvested and make the people who work there's lives better?

>> No.16038027

>tfw when I'm a billionaire and I can't do whatever I want
why even live?

>> No.16038035

All civilization is started by slave-owners, so everything is bad.

>> No.16038037

>y-you're stupid
>y-you just read and listen to classical music for internet points
>the prequels are kino
>visual novels are just as good as the classics
>movies are superior to literature
>video games are art
>America is the greatest country on Earth!
It's all too tiresome.

>> No.16038038
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forgot pic

>> No.16038045

>So Musk can't buy the land of which the cobalt his harvested and make the people who work there's lives better?
Not if the state doesn't sell it to him.

>> No.16038049

If it were possible to buy the land with cobalt in it, the Chinese would have bought it a long time ago.

You claim to be a leftist, and you uncritically support western NGOs coming in and interfering with a sovereign government? Looks like someone flunked communism school.

>> No.16038052
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>America is the greatest country on Earth!

>> No.16038089

Nigger, you need to separate the platonic idea of the inventor with entrepreneurial creativity
The Tesla sportscar was a political, economical, technological and entrepreneurial masterstroke

>> No.16038091

Holy shit you’re presumptuous. But you’re even more retarded for trying to ad hominem your way into countering an inarguable fact.

>> No.16038101

>The Tesla sportscar was a political, economical, technological and entrepreneurial masterstroke
I'm not disputing that. What I'm arguing is the quaintness of Musk. He doesn't even seem aware of the shit he spews. He's like the Chinese room. He absorbed some information of people that thought of the ideas, he regurgitated it, and did the masterstroke. Does it take genius to do so? Yes. Creative or inattentiveness genius? I contest it.

>> No.16038106

>thinking of an idea better than the actual production or materialization of it
This is your brain on philosophy. Should give the first sci-fi twitter to use time travel a Nobel prize.

>> No.16038115

What is wrong with you people?

>> No.16038124

Clam down, Musk. Go shitpost on Reddit.

>> No.16038134

haha my relatable, ironic, meme-spewing billionaire is so good at trolling and triggering lefties!

>> No.16038143


Musk is more African than any of you

>> No.16038167
File: 110 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he he look a this billionaire posting maymays
>he's just like us ordinary folk

>> No.16038172

fucking brainlets i swear to god

>> No.16038181

That’s the sad part. He SHOULD be horrible at it. He’d be banned from any board for such low effort shit. Yet somehow, he always manages to leave them buttblasted.

>> No.16038246

What does this have to do with literature?

>> No.16038293

>the only people allowed to touch the ouija planchette aren’t actually as in control as you seem to believe

>> No.16038307

Please delete all your posts and your internet browser so you can't afflict them upon us anymore

>> No.16038340
File: 765 KB, 1064x1070, C3D6F696-E29E-4E5A-B658-913B239AF4B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16038384

They aren't. A governor of a semi large state like Cali. or NY or Texas wields more power than any billionaire in this country.
The billionaires who are actually powerful also control countries (Putin, the Saudis, etc).

>> No.16038454

Nigger what the fuck is he going to do? Are you seriously supporting the guy who thinks anybody with enough money can just waltz into the drc and buy all the cobalt mines?

>> No.16038499
File: 195 KB, 500x727, 147A99A9-3B95-4997-818D-875F6237C29A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politicians are hired administrators. They get approved by the donor/owner class before people get to choose from the two. And then there’s the lobbyists. Again more influence from those who have the most cash.
Like I was hinting at. Their power is nebulous and iffy, but it’s all theirs

You know what I support.

>> No.16038530

>Politicians are hired administrators. They get approved by the donor/owner class before people get to choose from the two.
Paranoid schizo conspiracy theory nonsense.

>> No.16038578

>You know what I support.
I'm asking you want you think Elon Musk can do to save muh poor gud boi african slaves

>> No.16038596
File: 125 KB, 1600x800, screen-shot-2017-10-18-at-1-46-41-pm-e1508351385743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They’re buying his cars.
Since when?
>That’s cause his cars are nice
Go back.

>> No.16038600

The greatest subversion of that for the literal most powerful position in the world happened just a few years ago with our great God-emperor. Your leftie horror stories are untenable.
>Their power is nebulous and iffy
Almost as if a single person couldn’t do anything anymore than a single cloud could water a desert. Why are you arguing against yourself?

>> No.16038608

>The greatest subversion of that for the literal most powerful position in the world happened just a few years ago with our great God-emperor. Your leftie horror stories are untenable.

cringe faggot, how do you people still exist

>> No.16038690

>Since when?
Since quite a few years now. It’s I believe the only major auto company that has still seen its stock skyrocket even in the middle of a pandemic and its auto sales continue to thrive. Do you really hate billionaires that much that you’re unwilling to admit undeniable and possibly even inconsequential positives? Okay retard.

>> No.16038733

>can’t refute an inconvenient fact
>durr cringe
You should have just called me a racist at least the other retards would be on your side

>> No.16038785



>> No.16038795

>stock skyrocket even in the middle of a pandemic
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.16038799

do you think Trump had the approval of the donor class?

>> No.16038815

Honestly KYS it's not even in the top 2000 albums

>> No.16038892

It’s literally tripled since april
Care to embarrass yourself further?

>> No.16038910
File: 82 KB, 720x1280, removed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this fucking stupid.
Go back

>> No.16038912

His stance on AI is based though. Fuck that shit

>> No.16038956

That’s better. If you can’t make any claims you can’t be shown how hilariously wrong you are.

>> No.16038966

>His stance on AI is based though
Not his stance. Just regurgitating the fears of some futurists.

>> No.16039003
File: 416 KB, 1910x1000, muskybrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah so based...

>> No.16039050

Yeah, Elon Musk is a “midwit,” while you, some random faggot, are not.

>> No.16039051

You don't seriously think that he seriously thinks that, do you?

>> No.16039059

>go back

Reddit hates Musk now.

>> No.16039064
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>idiot says retarded shit and gets called out for it
>durr y u lefties trigggrd??

>> No.16039166

silence pleb

>> No.16039247

Not at all. It’s obviously what the situation is. This isn’t a democracy in the least.

Ah. End capitalism

That wasn’t a subversion at all. The Mercers got their charismatic gameshow host in (after he defeated their Canadian idiot boy with his own money in the primary) and the DNC cheated their way to nominate the worst candidate in history (who actually got more votes, but this isn’t a democracy)
You don’t understand what I’m arguing for. Your mind is iffy.

>> No.16039354

>taking attention grabbing drunken tweets literally
There is about a 0% chance that he actually believes the pyramids were created by aliens

Americans just don't understand irony

>> No.16039362

He says shit just so people talk about him. He takes notes from Kanye

>> No.16039383
File: 178 KB, 1080x1116, subways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ptg/ loves musk now

>> No.16039461

>That wasn’t a subversion at all
Really? You want to claim Hillary is further removed from the global elite than Trump is, or that anybody outside of populists wanted him to win the republican nomination? Please tell me how you square that, cause I’m ready to see some mental cirque du soleil Tier shit.
Literally nobody cares
>the DNC cheated their way to nominate the worst candidate in history
The only one who even dared to oppose her was Bernie and even though they weren’t above doing nefarious shit to secure the position, it was all very likely inconsequential. At the very least to suggest they needed to cheat is asinine.
>but this isn’t a democracy
It’s a democratic republic created by a union of states. Sorry what was long ago agreed to be the most fair and representative process was inconvenient for you this one time.
>you don’t understand what I’m arguing for

>he's a billionaire and can easily make conditions for these exploited people better.
>Billionaires aren't actually as powerful as you seem to think they are
>the only people allowed to touch the ouija planchette
>Their power is nebulous and iffy
Your rebuttal to Elon not being able to change anything himself as he has no real power was that they’re the only ones with power. Yet you later yourself describe the power of the rich as “nebulous and iffy”, implying that it’s indeed possible for Elon to have no ability to change anything. Now, if you are going to take the time to hit “post” please first take the time to think for a second so I don’t have to spoon feed a a very basic logical progression to you.

>> No.16039475

The dog fucking tranny thinks his opinion on capitalism has any basis at all. Go and read a book you dumb fuck.

>> No.16039563

>This isn’t a democracy in the least.
Not truly, but then again, I'm not sure true democracy is even achievable.

>> No.16039567

>dog fucking tranny
Sounds hot desu

>> No.16039574

>"true democracy"
That's called Mob Rule

>> No.16039588

No. True democracy would prevent mob rule.

>> No.16039637
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got to fuck em with shit stained panties

>> No.16039674


>> No.16039705

>Father is a wealthy enslaver
>move to the united states

Esy really

>> No.16039712

based Elon triggering leftoids with facts

>> No.16039761

>Musk relies on the sense of a failed future in America, and monopolises the guilt.

Ding. He's pure nostalgia pandering to people who are desperate for another Ford or Vanderbilt to "make America great again" instead or realising America was basically built on mass Government investment that isn't possible anymore (outside of MIC) due to Neoliberalism.

>> No.16039797

What did neoliberalism do?

>> No.16039821

He doesn't think aliens built the pyramids you retard

>> No.16039845

>implying Trump wasn't approved by the donor/owner class

>> No.16040041

How is this shit thread still alive? How is it even related to literature?
Why can't you /pol/ rejects just go mess with some other board?

>> No.16040050

He made a bank out of paypall and bunch of investors strapped him for a ride. Also nobody talks about all of his failed projects. Hyperloop lmao.

>> No.16040095

Neoliberalism basically abhors the idea of Government intervention into an economy, the idea of a civil society or civil investment. It wants marketisation of every aspect of society from the macro to the micro identity aspects of the individual.
This of course let to mass stagnation of Western countries basically post 1980s in terms of actual nation building and infrastructure, while the social and community aspects of our society fell to pieces as everyone became hyper-individualised competitive market actors.
This is why when you go to Shenzhen or Singapore or Shanghai or Seoul, they look literally 50 years ahead of any Western city, because they rejected Neoliberalism for collective civil society with Government intervention in terms of investment and development.

>> No.16040144


>> No.16040156

The reason the NYC subway looks like shit compared to Asian ones is because it opened in 1904. When was the Shenzhen subway built? Literally 110 years later? Gee, I hope it's a little nicer.

>> No.16040235

that's just your english department definition of neoliberalism. it's a spook.

actual neoliberals see market and the state as working together and effective policies are necessary for the function of either.

it's just not communist and that gets leftists mad.

>> No.16040457
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poor commies seething ITT