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16034981 No.16034981 [Reply] [Original]

>btfos every book ever written
Reminder that not one philosopher or intellectual has disproved anything this book says. Why haven't you read it?

>> No.16034984

ooga booga

>> No.16034991

I guess might makes right. If the police don't give a shit, those sneaks were rightfully his.

>> No.16035002


>> No.16035043
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The comments on the videos concerning this book show how dumb and cringe it's philosophy is without even needing to read it.

>> No.16035054

>The mightiest is not always the fittest

>> No.16035067

>I, Nigger

>> No.16035114
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But the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the survival of the fittest.

>> No.16035142
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>> No.16035161
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>> No.16035196

I have read it. It's a fun read, but not really worth engaging with, considering its vacuity.

>> No.16035911

No, seriously. "The survival of the fittest" it's not applicable in our modern industrial society. Redbeard failed to see it.

>> No.16035924

... yes it is still applicable conceptually, its just that the criteria of “fitness” has changed and extended dramatically.

>> No.16035945

Anybody can use their tongue. Talk is cheap. When a man strikes you, the effect of that strike is directly related to how he has lived every day of his life. He is hitting you with abstract meaning that words could never compare to.

I have no respect for words.

>> No.16037308


read kant

>> No.16037430

>because niggers don't have morality why should we lmao? This proves morality is false!

>> No.16037438

The categorical imperative is even more retarded than Redbeard's shit

>> No.16037540



>> No.16037573

Great argument, you truly are a student of Kant

>> No.16037672

one thing ive noticed is that many of island-dwelling people tend to have such relativistic world-view, especially with relation to ethics. for an example, japan has been arguably post-modern from its genesis - your value comes from how others value you, not from "internal monologue" or unmovable set of ethics rules. maybe the alienation from harsh realities of continent, and mental illness of being stuck in an island cause such mentality/worldview to develop?

>> No.16037674
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The fact that Scandinavia christianized and became prosperous after the fact is the ultimate refutation against that hateful philosophy.

>> No.16037737
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>not posting this version
OP is a phantasm.

>> No.16037765

If you define the fittest as those who will survive, then the fittest will survive by the definition.

>> No.16037773

Yeah, those immgrants brought in by the christians are sure doing scandinavia a favour, meanwhile when Sweden was nationalistical they almost conquered russia.

>> No.16037834

Those immigrants are brought in by atheistic/satanist neoliberal elites, who unironically believe in might is right.

>> No.16037863

I don't want to live in a society where might makes right is the practical mindset of everyone, and since the collective might of society is always going to beat you, I guess you being "right" doesn't mean shit.
>but but, I'm right
Cool, and I'm sure you'll keep letting people know on message boards by impotently posting no-name philosophy.

>> No.16037880

Yes all those uni educated whores and betamales sure are Christians.

>> No.16038409
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Sweden was Christian when they almost conquered Russia.

>> No.16038874


>> No.16039857

Socrates/Plato BTFO the might is right argument thousands of years before Redbeard. Read his dialogues with Callicles and Thrasymachus.

>> No.16040744

what do you mean?
explain in few words your argument

>> No.16041305

A society organized around might is right is doomed to failure as it is both morally and practically unsustainable.

>> No.16041330

If God is all-mighty, then God is all-righty

>> No.16041360

fuck, you just know she takes panther cock and big fat wolf knotZ

>> No.16041654

>t. never read a single page of anything related to the 30 Years War

>> No.16041661

>Reminder that not one philosopher or intellectual has disproved anything this book says.
This equivalent to
>no one has refuted the messages I drew with my own shit
>Why haven't you read it?
Because it's a pure meme, with no influence.

>> No.16041669


Made me chuckle

>> No.16041678

Because it is a shitty copy of Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra, made by a less intelligent and worse artist.

>> No.16041692


Go to sleep, Flanders

>> No.16041694

Retroactively refuted by Socrates (pbuh) in the FIRST book of the Republic

>> No.16041706

Explain how the mightiest being also at the top of the political hierarchy is "practically unsustainable".

>> No.16041793

>lefty meme

>> No.16041818

If he acts in tyrannical ways the people as a whole, who now constitute the larger force, can overthrow him. So even if he may be mighty, he can't act in any which way he wants or will face the consequences.

>> No.16041905


>Lefty meme
>Destroying what little viability your meme had because you HAVE to exclude an ideology

They can't even meme without breaking into splinter groups. No wonder they can't organise shit.

>> No.16042305


>> No.16042356

David Myatt BTFO'd Might is Right

>> No.16042361


>> No.16042860

The Republic
The Bible

>> No.16042864

The people of Earth as a whole are the mightiest and if any one man is a tyrant they will take him down.

>> No.16042866

Proactively, Socrates was first.

>> No.16042871

This except white people should unironically adopt the philosophy since their enemies don't give a FLYING, RAPED, CUM-COVERED FUCK about their moral systems.

>> No.16042887

White people aren't a sinlge monolith. I am not obligated to be your friend since we are from the same country

>> No.16043171

Exactly, I want to see Zuckerberg fighting gladiator style before accepting any social darwinist shit.

>> No.16043585

That’s nice but I promise you non-whites don’t feel the same way and it will end in blood.

>> No.16043625

people pushing this pretend it promotes the strongest people to the top, but it doesn't- it promotes the weasliest with the fewest morals, because they're too musclebrained to understand that power isn't traded on strength.

The people destroying civilization on purpose for their own benefit will never lay a hand on you.
You're so lost, you don't even comprehend the battlefield, much less realize that there is a war on or that you're losing it.

>> No.16043647

>Reminder that not one philosopher or intellectual has disproved anything this book says. Why haven't you read it?
>Hasn't read Plato
>The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.16043799

Un-ironically this. The one who holds the sword decides who holds the pen.

>> No.16043858

This is just a spooked way to say 'right' doesn't exist and you either (metaphorically or otherwise) kill or be killed so any moralfag shit that claims otherwise is cope, and morals don't matter if there's nobody alive who knows about or believes in them. Yawn. Didn't the ubersperg say the same shit anyway

>> No.16044007

Wrong. Christian groups are heavily involved in the countries that have high levels of immigration. They sponsor the immigrants to get them money for 2-3 years, a house, secure job, vehicle, etc.

>> No.16044030

I have, it was super overrated just like SIEGE. I guess the problem is that the authors themselves are LARPers

>> No.16044059
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>Ragnar Redbeard
you just know this was written by some amerilard neckbeard who couldn't point scandinavia on a map

>> No.16044085

And that's a bad thing.

>> No.16044087

Ironic, considering this was published over a century ago and you're some neckbeard yuromuzzie who has never heard of a fairly well-known polemic but has strong opinions about it. You can't say you were merely trolling either, if you do God will strike you down this instant like a CIA nigger.

>> No.16044098

looks like i struck a nerve

>> No.16044112

not really, i've said what i had to say, this is a well-known book and your post was embarrassing. now you are aware and shall avoid such folly in the future. good day my friend.

>> No.16044147

WP says it was a Kiwi/teafag.

>> No.16044184
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I am reading it right now and it's retarded

>morality dumb, all the man in history take treasure therefore only might is real
>and that's good because i said so!

great, some random faggot thinks being a discourteous asshole with no regard for anyone else is a total chad move and if you have compassion you're a cuck, wow that's good to know i guess. i could have written this dumb shit lol

>> No.16044201

t. Schizo butthurt that words are for bitches

>> No.16044209

The only time Europe hasn't been in a state of regression was during periods of excessive use of might.