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File: 44 KB, 850x400, 93F05A0D-21D7-426A-BB99-B8FA0DA5FF09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16033334 No.16033334 [Reply] [Original]

Marx was pro-gun. How does that make you feel?

>> No.16033343

nothing because i don't care about what this old german santa man had to say about anything

>> No.16033345

makes me feel like modern leftists / socialist / communist sympathizers have read less of the 58 page communist manifesto than I have

>> No.16033348

Great because faggot twitter marxists should be confused and disoriented by how little their beliefs have in common with Marx, and then that moment of confusion should be used to pick them up by their man buns and throw them off a cliff

>> No.16033397

Good, even though that changes nothing because liberals who think they're socialists will just repeat the old "well guns back then were different" line that they use with other figures

>> No.16033408

Holy shit of course, who doesn't know this? Must be bait because if you think marxist run away from this absolutely basic statement you are beyond saving dumb

>> No.16033409

>How does that make you feel?
Fuck kikes.

>> No.16033470


Damn, that shit is real: https://www.factcheck.org/2019/09/marx-engels-quote-falsely-attributed-to-reagan/

The lefties spread a meme that President Reagan had said that stuff about "arms and ammunition" but the fact-checkers found out it came from Marx and Engels.

"In an 1850 speech titled 'Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League,' which was written by Marx and Engels, a slightly different quote appears: 'Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.'”

>> No.16033480
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>Muh second amendment is in danger!
Or have I generalized your opinion?
You’ve generalized

>> No.16033485

Everyone that wanted to change society who wasn't completely delusional knew it would take force.

>> No.16033487

If you really are a Marxist then you should be worried about all the lefties who want to abolish the 2A

>> No.16033525

1, I am not a Marxist
2, what’s the 2A?

>> No.16033545

>a satan worshipper who gets off on killing people and making them suffer is into guns
honestly, doesn't surprise me all that much, but did he ever really tell the truth about anything, anyway?

>> No.16033557
File: 1.25 MB, 979x1277, Marx vs Twitter Marx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a break from the internet. You're going insane.

>> No.16034415

He's pro gun until you're labeled as bourgeois and has your entire family killed.

>> No.16034419

Polarized politics are not based on logic.

>> No.16034426

As an anarchist you will inevitably have to deal with communards if you want to further your political motivations

>> No.16034443
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America, pls.

>> No.16034952

They just had muskets back then, sweaty. If he knew about assault weapons he would have backed common sense gun control.

>> No.16034955

Sorry to tell you but he wasn't exactly "German".

>> No.16035216


>> No.16035225

He also kicked feminists out.

>> No.16035238
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>> No.16035276

>the workers
If one wants to be an ass, you could argue that this only means "the workers" collectively.

>> No.16035298

This doesn’t seem biased at all

>> No.16035299

That's fine

>> No.16035310
File: 131 KB, 750x602, marx handling idpol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh MARXBROS??? Say it ain't so....

>> No.16035316

Marx cancelled, not due to the 100 million deaths, that's not a problem, but because he's not woke

>> No.16035322

Fine, most leftists today are reformists though (at least the ones who arent retarded)

>> No.16035332

So you've engaged with an argument with a Marxist:
>What exactly did Marx write about Jews?
>What exactly did Marx write about Irish?
>What exactly did Marx write about Immigration?
>What exactly did Marx say about homosexuals?
>What exactly did Marx say about guns?
If they can't answer these they didn't read Marx.

>> No.16035335


Nothing, I do not respect a man that has never worked a day of their lives to earn a living. So his opinions on anything are meaningless to me.
The only reason people care about Karl is that he promises the masses the grass is greener on the otherside, it's just a deceit mechanism to gain power by abusing the mentally weak

>> No.16035344
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Give me that for free, or I'll shoot you.

>> No.16035371

Not too surprised given the time when he lived.

Well, they were. As were the states and how they ruled their population.

Then you might mention rebels in Iraq or Afganistan who cucked US military but both lost almost any armed confrontation and only used guns to terrorize the population. Their most effective weapons were IEDs; and I don't know too many second amendment fags who are big proponents of explosives.

>> No.16035394 [DELETED] 

How come when that guy with the AK47 got shot at the BLM protest in Texas the media said he had a "rifle"? If anything qualifies as an "assault rifle", surely it's an AK? Weird.

>> No.16035408


>dumb twitter libs are the same thing as marxists lol

based retard image

>> No.16035423
File: 2.36 MB, 2828x1905, 1557763931403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek comrad

>> No.16035432

Isn't the argument more "Islam is cancer just like Christianity so it makes no sense to hate one of sky wizard fairy tale but accept the other"? Only liberals actually push Islam as if it's something positive since they want the hijab bucks.

>> No.16035539

>The Jewish nigger Lassalle who, I’m glad to say, is leaving at the end of this week, has happily lost another 5,000 talers in an ill-judged speculation. The chap would sooner throw money down the drain than lend it to a ‘friend’, even though his interest and capital were guaranteed. In this he bases himself on the view that he ought to live the life of a Jewish baron, or Jew created a baron (no doubt by the countess).

I encourage everyone to read the whole thing. It's HYSTERICAL.

>> No.16036025

Deal with? We make them.

>> No.16036680


>> No.16037138

Who did Marx kill?

>> No.16037167

He worked as a journalist.

inb4 /lit/ says that writing isn't proper work.

>> No.16037197

you seem well read but i still dont understand why you are so obnoxious with your banter.

>> No.16037348

Only liberals are anti gun, any actual leftist is more pro gun than your average NRA shill

>> No.16037372
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>Why yes I am a "class reductionist"

>> No.16037716


>> No.16037781

Anne Frank. He then forged her diary.

>> No.16037793

>communist manifesto
I hope they don't read the communist manifesto, it isn't serious political theory it was written for dumb uneducated factory works. Read Kapital lmao.

>> No.16038071

It's also because, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, American hegemony seemed to stabilise capitalism and prevent socialist revolutions in the third world. So many marxists see radical islam as a battering ram against western power.

as a french intellectual put it: 'Marxism trying to drag itself out of the dustbin of history by catching onto the coattails of radical Islam.'

>> No.16038084
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>feel based
>Marx was pro-gun
>still based

>> No.16038261

Meh. I welcome them reminding Murica that they can't just murder through the world without consequences but outside of that radical Islam doesn't have any positives and tends to set back the countries where its practiced even more than sucking capitalist cock.

>> No.16038283

They have to because after the Iranian revolution, there hasn't been another Marxist revolution anywhere. The Iranian revolution signaled the true death of the communist movement. It took another 10 years to totally collapse, but Iran was the end.

>> No.16038373

It's funny to me that even in its nascency the movement drew these people to it like flies to shit. It seems to indicate a certain predisposition of the Marxist ideology itself.

>> No.16038405

Yes I'm well aware of what the word manifesto means.

>> No.16038418

There was Venezuela and Nepal, but neither of those really followed the "traditional" course of a third-world revolution, nor were they of Marx's historicist paradigm.

>> No.16038444

Anonymous is obnoxious with me.
Their anonymity allows them to misbehave. I was actually trying to give that anon the benefit of the doubt. He did generalize just then.

>> No.16038671

Just imagine
you come home from work, a rough day. you hang up your coat and in slinks butterfly, on all fours as she has been all day, caked on make up falling off in bits.
"anon, I need..."
she turns her wide rump to you, pointed up into your face. even clothed it reeks.
"I need..."
she's sweating, and clouds of red collect anywhere her pasty, fishlike skin can be seen. you already know what she needs.
"pls anon"
either she drops her pants or they fall on their own, knowing what must happen. begrudgingly you remove your cock, erect out of a sense of duty more than anything else.
chubby fingers spread the ponderous cheeks, a yellow tinged string of some fluid webs between them, coyly hiding your goal. like the mouth of a hungry baby bird, her anus beckons to you.
you insert your glans and she begins moaning-- not wholly in pleasure-- and you can feel kernels of corn and other detritus grazing your urethra.
faster. harder. can't let it escape. if you pull out now, you'll just have to start over.
you coax the brown beast as butterfly moans louder, squeezing her sagged breasts in vain. just a little more. fingers clenching ass cheeks. minute farts escaping around your shaft. she's muttering something now, but you're. almost.
pushed out by a tidal wave of warm, viscous diarrhea. dangling, stained cock a witness to the tsunami of what once was a family sized portion of El Pollo Loco and drinkable yogurt. she's cumming, rubbing her vagina angrily-- but this is no vaginal orgasm: it is a pleasurable relief centered in the bowels, the fresh snow after an avalanche.
shit continues to pour, now only liquid, from her quivering anus. she thanks you
"thank you anon" *fart* "oh, thank you so much"
still on hands and knees, she leaves the way she came, leaving shitty cursive all over the wood floor. you proceed to the sink. in the other room you can hear the unmistakable sounds of a keyboard clacking.

>> No.16038777

>Just imagine bucko
>you come home from work, a rough day. you hang up your coat and in slinks mikhaila, on all fours as she has been all day, caked on make up falling off in bits.
>"daddy, I need..."
>she turns her wide rump to you, pointed up into your face. even clothed it reeks.
>"I need..."
>she's sweating, and clouds of red collect anywhere here pasty, fishlike skin can be seen. you already know what she needs.
>"pls daddy"
>either she drops her pants or they fall on their own, knowing what must happen. begrudgingly you remove your cock, erect out of a sense of duty more than anything else.
>chubby fingers spread the ponderous cheeks, a yellow tinged string of some fluid webs between them, coyly hiding your goal. like the mouth of a hungry baby bird, her anus beckons to you.
>you insert your glans and she begins moaning-- not wholly in pleasure-- and you can feel kernels of corn and other detritus grazing your urethra.
>faster. harder. can't let it escape. if you pull out now, you'll just have to start over.
>you coax the brown beast as mikhaila moans louder, squeezing her sagged breasts in vain. just a little more. fingers clenching ass cheeks. minute farts escaping around your shaft. she's muttering something now, but you're. almost.
>pushed out by a tidal wave of warm, viscous diarrhea. dangling, stained cock a witness to the tsunami of what once was a family sized portion of El Pollo Loco and drinkable yogurt. she's cumming, rubbing her vagina angrily-- but this is no vaginal orgasm: it is a pleasurable relief centered in the bowels, the fresh snow after an avalanche.
>shit continues to pour, now only liquid, from her quivering anus. she thanks you
>"thank you dady" *fart* "oh, thank you so much"
>still on hands and knees, she leaves the way she came, leaving shitty cursive all over the wood floor. you proceed to the sink. in the other room you can hear the unmistakable sounds of a keyboard clacking.

>> No.16038844

Pasta doesn't work on this.

>> No.16038873

Based Marx

>> No.16039152
File: 84 KB, 918x393, Screenshot_2020-08-03 Meine Bestellungen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered the Communist Manifesto with my Amazon Prime with my dad's money
t. never worked a day in my life

>> No.16039186

Order Kapital instead.

>> No.16039204

already read it.

>> No.16039217

Oh ok

>> No.16039218

Absolut basiert.

>> No.16039227
File: 49 KB, 363x359, underqual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy fuck god tier retard bait pic

magacuck merkins actually believe this shit

>> No.16039234


>> No.16039576

also called his political opponents niggers. Marx was a polposter

>> No.16039616

It's criticizing radlibs who think they are marxists

>> No.16039628

it's a fucking stupid image regardless. not a bad idea for an image but horrible execution.

>> No.16039655

>Marx was a polposter
This but unironically.

>> No.16039675

>2, what’s the 2A?
second amendment

>> No.16040384

You need guns because what other power do you have other than numbers to overthrow the elite.
For example, Mexico is a shithole, democracy is a joke there, narcos run a shit ton of things, violence is rampant, and even though legally they could have access to guns (lmao like one .22 at home at most I think) it's basically impossible to do it practically. So you'd need to buy it through the black market, but then you'd be a criminal, which makes you then be ostracized by your fellows for not following what the elite dictates, and so on.

No lasting and legit rights were ever obtained through peaceful means, giving away power means giving away freedom to express and demand rights.

>> No.16040406

Marx is based but nearly every person to call themselves a follower of Marx has been a homo