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/lit/ - Literature

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16033206 No.16033206 [Reply] [Original]

Build a Little Library, /lit/.

>> No.16033241

They have these in my town and it's always garbage books in them.

>> No.16033243

stop putting your books in it then

>> No.16033252

Makes sense, I wouldn't put anything good in there, just trash I don't want.

>> No.16033256

I keep a stack of Supreme Gentleman copies I printed in my car and every time I pass a new Little Library, I put one of the copies in it.

>> No.16033262

>leave a bunch of dime a dozen diet/finance books my parents bought once and never read in there
>take every book of worth, have like 50 Harry Potter books, 25 Bibles, 10 books on the JFK assassination, 15 copies of 1984 + Fahrenheit + Brave New World total, and a shitload of Agatha Christie books I'll probably just mail to a random person for fun
>most books not written by a name I've seen on here before get used as kindling
>any book written by a woman is ripped in half
>pretty sure a drug dealer intentionally dead dropped a burner flip phone in one of pic related, I smashed it to pieces and flipped off a guy who was sitting in his car who looked like he was going to pick it up and then ran away
>one book was just some guy's PhD thesis comparing Marx to Sartre, I hadn't read either then but that didn't stop me from mailing it back to the guy with a 40 page rebuke I wrote in like 30 minutes
>place pictures of my ultrasound in random books as a bookmark
>place fake notes in random books like "pick up Sam from football practice at 5:30, 10/21/05"
>once bought like 10 copies of Infinite Jest and dropped them all off by an elementary school, taking all the other books with me and leaving a super pretentious note about what good literature is
>buy cheap current gen video games and put them in there to subvert some busybody mother who thinks that forcing their kid to read a randomly picked YA fiction book will make them smarter
>print out Kaczynski's manifesto and drop it off
>used to print out Marvel movie spoilers and drop them off in there
>am currently writing an alternate ending to The Catcher in the Rye and having it printed, I'll then buy a bunch of copies and rip the real ending out, replacing it with my rendition and dropping them off in various states

In the age of nobody answering prank calls and street racing being downright illegal, a man has to get his kicks somehow.

>> No.16033274

>am currently writing an alternate ending to The Catcher in the Rye and having it printed, I'll then buy a bunch of copies and rip the real ending out, replacing it with my rendition and dropping them off in various states

God I really, really, really want this to be true. Please post the alternate ending here when you're done.

>> No.16033276

most books are garbage

>> No.16033282
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>one book was just some guy's PhD thesis comparing Marx to Sartre, I hadn't read either then but that didn't stop me from mailing it back to the guy with a 40 page rebuke I wrote in like 30 minutes

>> No.16033301

>fixing the diamond dozen mistake
that was part of the original post's charm, anon

>> No.16033304

It's just always YA, I remember leaving the POS there once when the /lit/ meme was big thinking another /lit/ anon might see it and get a chuckle that it's in the kids mini reading library, but I did see it disappear. So I guess some kid picked it up and was amazed by it and has now made it a mission to read and understand it.

>> No.16033308

These are used for drug deals in my town

>> No.16033326

I live in the hood, if i did, it would be destroyed in a week

>> No.16033342

Speaking from experience, these are pretty based in big cities and university towns especially in the more affluent parts of them.
In a suburban shithole it would probably just be filled with mass market garbage and not see enough rotation to be worth it.

>> No.16033353

>In a suburban shithole it would probably just be filled with mass market garbage
This is my experience. I did find 2666 in one though.

>> No.16033423
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I got Le Guin’s Always Coming Home and Wittig’s Les Guérillères.
Also Tartt’s The Little Friend, Menander’s Dyskolos, and. Neat dictionary of Classical Antiquities by Oskar Seyfertt.
Usually it’s trash, but not always.

>> No.16033446


>> No.16033454 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16033506

> Somehow managed to get an appartment in the wealthiest part of my city
> There is four of these little libraries on just my jogging rout
> The libraries always get refilled, often with quality books
> Take all the best books and never leave anything
> I jog everyday so I always get the books
> People see me run trough the park with a stack full of Tolstoy and Gogol hardcovers cradled in my arms

>> No.16033526

Catcher alt ending should be someone from CIA coming to take Holden away to start his Manchurian Candidate training

>> No.16033549

Sometimes libraries put books they don't want anymore in them, so even good ones can be found there C:

>> No.16033563

There are like four of them in my neighborhood and they're always exceptional. I try to leave as much as I take but then I notice fat old women scooping up literally anything that catches their eye and read faggotry like >>16033506. Tragedy of the commons.

>> No.16033791

They only have one of those in my city. For the most part its old books by unknown German authors from 60s, few of them I took with me. I did saw Jules Verne recently but didnt want to take because translation.

>> No.16033838

I love these, there are two within 5 blocks of my house. Gotten some good stuff and anytime I have books to offload they go into one of them. They do tend to be filled with crap for the most part, but I find some good stuff and everything I leave is snatched up in a day or two while the flavor of the month sits there for weeks. It makes me feel better about the world, the books that pander sit for weeks, anything worthwhile is gone quick. Sometimes I stick a book in there just to share it, I do not want to get rid of it, but I want others to read it, so I leave it in the little free library.

>> No.16035182

I put a gospel tract inside each book.

>> No.16035188
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Based department is calling, will you pick it up?

>> No.16035195

In my area it's actual garbage in it. Blck people take the books out and throw them around the road and grass.

>> No.16035339

This is the hardest anyone has ever tried to based, but alas, you're still cringe Anon.

>> No.16035350

can't do that in a neighborhood with black people

>> No.16035353
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>one book was just some guy's PhD thesis comparing Marx to Sartre, I hadn't read either then but that didn't stop me from mailing it back to the guy with a 40 page rebuke I wrote in like 30 minutes

Based beyond comprehension.

>> No.16036507
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There's a couple of these throughout my town and I probably should drop some knowledge bombs in them but at the same time I don't read physical so it would be a waste of money.

>> No.16036525

Holy based

>> No.16036624

I thought the memes of you being a tranny were a joke and an incel’s typical “seethe tranny” bs but you legit are a fucking mtf man.

>> No.16036847

>put a copy of industrial society and it's future in one of these
>it's still there months later
Unabomber btfo, I guess

>> No.16036866


>> No.16036898

>In the age of nobody answering prank calls and street racing being downright illegal, a man has to get his kicks somehow.
Could have been a better LARP but I found it funny, but this bit is true.

>> No.16037117

Big national tits and no makeup make you think man, hu? How long has it been since you last saw a woman in person?

>> No.16037143

>Big national tits

Disgusting. I thought you were an anarchotiddy. Turns out you're just another spooked booby.

>> No.16037175

I think he’s off his meds. He recently disappeared for the first time in a long while and now his entire demeanour has changed

>> No.16037204

More of your big national tits?

>> No.16037240

i don't understand why anybody thinks reading should be done as an end in itself
what is the fucking point? am i really a better person because i read some trashy ya genre fiction novel instead of watching the simpsons? for that matter, am i a better person because i read some gay philosophy books and came to my own retarded midwit interpretations of them?
i just don't get it

>> No.16037252

>big national tits
Ahh comrade, I’m glad to see you have nationalized your milkers for the good of the proletariat

>> No.16037268

I read philosophy because its fun to read and discuss them

>> No.16037341

I read books because they're like movies except in my head and without diversity quotas

>> No.16037528

based larp

>> No.16037590

Tripcode is different too. Probably that other creepy namefag's obsession scared butterfly off and the above is one of the many fakes.

>> No.16037779
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> neighbors build little library close to my house
>use it as a dead drop for my drug deals

>> No.16037784

Never pay the shakedown fee to the .org that claims dominion over all of these free libraries. They have no legal standing. Anyone may erect one of these free libraries if they please. These scumbags troll library conventions and threaten to sue people that do not have a franchise with them for their free library.

>> No.16038355

You can't know they're garbage till you read them.

>> No.16038361

Eternally BFTO.

>> No.16038589

Yea, I remember seeing an article that was titled something like "Do not support Little Free Libraries. Support little free libraries."

>> No.16039004

>live in a major city on the east coast
>still mostly trash in the little libraries, but occasional gold

>> No.16039021

>he doesn't have a diversity quota for his own imagination
prepare to get cancelled kiddo

>> No.16039032
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>TFW put the book you wrote into little libraries across town

>> No.16039723

Was walking around a suburban LA neighborhood and they fucking had The Road in there, snatched it instantly. Neither before or since have I seen a better book in any of these things, but I love to check

>> No.16039755

Todd Bol was a literal homo

>> No.16040351

I would but I live on a somewhat busy street with no sidewalks, and there's no good place for passers by to stop to peruse.

>> No.16040421

>mailing books to random people
This is deviant and schizo and I love it. I should start sending people Kaczynski's stuff.

>> No.16040510

>>place fake notes in random books like "pick up Sam from football practice at 5:30, 10/21/05"

this is the funniest one

>> No.16040536

you sound like a sweet guy anon. i’d Love to get to know you sometime

>> No.16040539

what's in it for me?

>> No.16041940

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>> No.16042052
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>>place pictures of my ultrasound in random books as a bookmark
holy shit my sides

>> No.16042065

You've done none of these things, and are in fact lying on the internet to be cool.

>> No.16042160

Never encountered one of these that wasn't full of complete shit

>> No.16042169


>> No.16042172

The one near my house is a split between rancid stuff like dan brown, and pretty decent children's books. I hope kids are at least getting something out of it.

>> No.16042543
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