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16028537 No.16028537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books explaining why nations commit suicide by liberalism?

>> No.16028667
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any book written by a jew

>> No.16028680

You don’t know what these words mean.

>> No.16028717
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buttermoth i haven't seen you in two days where were you.

>> No.16028726

Societies ONLY collapse with a prevailing element of bad faith. It can all be boiled down to bad faith. You can have a plague ravage your homeland or barbarians can destroy it. Ultimately a plague and barbarians will not have a successful total destruction without the assistance of bad faith actors within the homeland.

With enough bad faith actors, society can collapse without external threats.

Separate everything into 2 qualities. Bad faith and good faith.

>> No.16028751

shut the fuck up

>> No.16028775

you don't know how to read

>> No.16028785
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why, i missed her getting BTFO by 16 years old.
and fuck you.

>> No.16028799

You want to know **why**? Unironically read Ted's manifesto.

>> No.16028805

The nation state doesn't really serve any economic interest with power anymore so it's being undermined
I despise liberals but good riddance, the nation state destroys tradition and creates manipulative imagined pasts in its place

>> No.16028833

The Collapse of Complex Societies
The Decline of the West

>> No.16028873

What are you talking about? Humans tend towards consolidation. Nation states will gradually merge into even larger bodies until there are only continents... Or worse

>> No.16028883
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>Any books explaining why nations commit suicide by liberalism?

>> No.16028903

Literally never happens.
I know what OP means, and not only is he wrong, he doesn’t know what those words mean. He’s thoroughly imbibed in the manure of corporate-state IDpol propaganda

>> No.16028915

He’s about to commit to 45% :)

>> No.16028925

>Humans naturally tend towards consolidation
You what?
We naturally want to improve our current situation in a sort of infinite arms race against ourselves and those around us, it's the evolutionary concept of the red Queen which might be a little close to what you're talking about
There's nothing inherent to "consolidation" and especially not to "nationalist consolidation"
The nation-state was an effect that happened very specifically in Europe at a very specific time and only spread because of colonialism
The idea of state-wide continental consolidation is a thing that might happen
Pre-supposing its success right now feels unjustified

>> No.16028944

>no! you can't just not be racist! entire nations will collapse!

>> No.16028945

Nations and their borders are the only things preserving any vague tradition in successful countries. As soon as they fall, poor Asians and Africans will poor into wealth-dense countries and the cosmopolitanization of the globe will be final.

>> No.16028956

He asked why, not how anon

>> No.16028991

>Nations and their borders are the only things preserving any vague tradition in successful countries
Don't bullshit me, the people living where I live now (calling them ancestors feels like an insult to them), spoke their own dialect with their own traditions, their own dress and their own literary traditions
Nationalism destroyed all of that
Now we all speak the same conlang created by overweight essayists and bureaucrats, we all read the same poets and we are all the same disgusting uniform blob
Nationalism was the first globohomo
Tradition isn't something that's bound by lines drawn by Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt or by the Congress of Vienna, it is a chain stretching back centuries or even millenia of people gradually building up something that can keep their descendants going in times of hardship

>> No.16028998

you dont need a book to tell you that individualism sells better to consumers than collectivism

>> No.16029012

You're blaming the effects of rising technology - particularly information technology - and the global capitalist culture on nation states. We live in an advanced version of what Nietzsche called the age of comparison.

>> No.16029018
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>> No.16029069

These are too recent to have the effect you think they do
The mass decline of linguistic and cultural diversity starts way earlier and most of the job is already done by the time the TV and the internet arrive
>Global capitalist culture
Words that don't mean anything

>> No.16029075

Decline of the west

>> No.16029076

Marx. Historical materialism. Nations were a necessity in the development of capital, now they are becoming obsolete and capital requires globalization to keep deriving capital gain. As the rate of profit falls, capital needs to restructure itself, constantly. Covid is a restructuring crisis of capital, none of it makes sense if not scrutinized under the macroscope of historical materialism. Small shops close but walmart stays open. Everyone wears a mask but uses the same CC terminal. Stay at home orders but mails flows freely all over the world etc... Covid makes 100% sense when you realize the only thing that came out of this "pandemic" is the fallowing of every single obsolete mode of production. Anglos don't bother replying. If you want the less detailed, much quicker understanding of historical materialism just read Kaczynski. For all the brainwashed morons and larpers out there who flinch whenever Marx is mentionned, even Guénon acknowledges historical materialism as a great tool of historical comprehension, so if he can then so can you. The only problem with marx and hegel are their cosmogony.

>> No.16029098
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not sure, but the core of liberalism is freedom to cum into vagina producing new liberals.

>> No.16029126

>Outmoded forms of production
>Half the planet crashes economically because they no longer operate these obsolete forms of production
>Fall of profit rates
Wow Marxists really are retarded