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16026292 No.16026292 [Reply] [Original]

How else could you explain the fact that so many philosophical schools turn to vegetarianism/veganism?
>devout Catholicism/Orthodoxy
And the list goes on...

How are we supposed to deal with this fact? And how should one who enjoys philosophy avoid this seemingly inevitable fate?

>> No.16026297

You can go fight rhinos bub

>> No.16026303

I don't think thats true.
In any case a vegan future is inevitable. Cope and seethe all your want.

>> No.16026324
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>needlessly causing harm to sentient beings is being manly
Okay retard.
Do you have an actual argument for eating meat or is it just muh tastebuds?

>> No.16026329

NeoBelcean here.
I only eat hamburgers, and donair pizza for a treat.

>> No.16026360

If that can keep me from becoming like >>16026303
>completely emasculated, low test, weak, feminized, weak jawed atomized avocado gnawing they/them cake bakers
then I am certainly interested.

Tell me more. Shoot me please, if one day I no longer crave and take pride in the hunt.

>> No.16026370

Not him but you can build a house and provide water and electricity for your family. That is more testosterone inducing than killing a deer a few hundred yards away in a nest with scents and salt licks.

>> No.16026375

>Shoot me please, if one day I no longer crave and take pride in the hunt.
The only thing you've hunted is the hot pocket for you local supermarket

>> No.16026380

Sissy men will always defeat non-sissy men, so that's an evolutionary adaptation.

>> No.16026381

>Not him but you can build a house and provide water and electricity for your family.
Interesting how you left out the part about feeding them.

>> No.16026386

>Interesting how you left out the part about feeding them.
Industrialized farming

>> No.16026393
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>> No.16026396

You could farm stupid lol
I think artificial meat is starting its stride although I haven't had the impossible burger yet myself

>> No.16026397

Vegans have higher test than non vegans

>> No.16026404

I'm still waiting to hear an argument. "I have big dick and eat animal" doesn't count


>> No.16026409

Come at me phaggot figt me IRL 1v1

>> No.16026411

You don't deserve an argument.

>> No.16026430
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>surviving on vegetable farming
What do they teach the kids in school these days?
>impossible burger
>t. early European farmer as a strange roar is heard from the eastern plains

>> No.16026472

>Free T concentration was estimated by calculation, in comparison with the omnivores, the vegans had 7% higher total T (P = 0.250), 23% higher SHBG (P = 0.001), 3% lower free T (P = 0.580), and 11% higher E2 (P = 0.194).
>Vegans had higher testosterone levels than vegetarians and meat-eaters, but this was offset by higher sex hormone binding globulin, and there were no differences between diet groups in free testosterone, androstanediol glucuronide or luteinizing hormone.

The facts don't support your feelings you whiny little bitch.
Shut up, you absolute mongoloid, you are projecting your insecurities onto vegans.

>> No.16026514
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You sure? Sissy has been winning a long time now.

>> No.16026517
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>needlessly causing harm to sentient beings is being manly

>> No.16026522

>comparing vegans a group that are so extreme in their religious outlook to the point that they've decided to survive on a death diet e.g their entire lives revolve around knowing everything about nutrients vs just your average couch potato meat eater
This is like comparing your average person with people drinking protein shakes and then exclaiming that drinking protein shakes increase your test.

Sad! Even sadder that you're not satisfied in your depravity but that you must bring converts to your sissification scheme that is veganism.

>> No.16026536

Vegetables don't have a lot of calories, so basically your options are potatoes or peas. Beans can be good too. The problem besides calories is that the meals become increasingly unsatisfying and it is almost impossible to get proper nutrition.
Meat on the other hand is satisfying, raises morale, has some of the most important and rare nutrients, and increases both body strength and brain power.

You can only live off veggies alone if you live in an urbanized population that relies on cheap food through industrial farming. You're glorified cattle.

>> No.16026559

Guys... Sorry maybe that term offensive to some of you in this thread. But can we get back to the topic please, which was philosophical in nature.

Can all the vegans just accept that I will not eat the impossible burger nor call my son Sussie? Lets get back to the connection between philosophy/vegetarianism and its implications.

>> No.16026563

I hope people like you die of malnutrition, which I know you will if you think humans can live off plants. Go on, eat the plants you dirty grain eater. They’re good for you!

>> No.16026564

>One must imagine sissypuss happy