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16025890 No.16025890 [Reply] [Original]

All things considered was Robert Baratheon a good king?

>> No.16025893

Get lost reddit shill

>> No.16025895

Reddit faggot

>> No.16025909
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There are no good kings, only just rulers. Robert's Rebellion is a fitting name, indeed.

>> No.16025917

No he failed at keeping the kingdom together after his death and preventing treason from festering during his reign.

>> No.16025918

What was Robert's tax policy?

>> No.16025948

I don't know about Robert's tax policy, but I know that the rulers of Westeros pursued a policy of systematic genocide against the White Walkers and killed them all - even the baby White Walkers, in their little White Walker cradles.

>> No.16025954


>> No.16025965

Stay in /sffg/ you faggot manchild, or go back to /tv/

>> No.16025980

I do wonder if this is Martin's end game. They showed the White Walker baby in the show and then kind of dropped it completely. I suspect it was relevant to where he was going with the books but then abandoned it later. I wouldn't be surprised if we unironically see something like this

>> No.16025984

Lol watcha gonna do about it bitch?

>> No.16026004

Any warrior who goes to battle wearing antlers is a shit warrior and even shittier king.

>> No.16026007

>haha who cares if I ruin board quality
Oh, you’re from reddit, there’s no hope then. I won’t be able to stop you caring about poorly written escapism for 14 year olds, trying to pass it off as interesting discussion because you’ve never engaged with actual literature or art of any kind.

>> No.16026018

Whether you like them or not the Song of Ice and Fire books are incredibly well realised and compelling fantasy stories. Just because they're popular doesn't make them bad you curmudgeon.

>> No.16026023

Waaah Waaah. Crying because you clicked on a thread in order to be angry is pathetic and reddit.

>> No.16026026

Anon, all GRRM did for his hackstory was reskin medieval history and barely change a few names from classical myth and history

>> No.16026043

And? He did it very well. Recognising where something comes from doesn't make it bad. I bet you think A New Hope is a poor film because it takes elements from Kurosawa and Flash Gordon.

>> No.16026052

Just like any fantasy writer (or any writer).

>> No.16026209

Realistically when are we getting Winds?

>> No.16026267

The setting before the story begins (Rebellion) is basically a parallel retelling of the Trojan war right? Golden apple/Harrenhal -> stealing Helena/Lyanna -> war -> Achilles kills Hector/Robert kills Rhaegar -> city is sacked by trickery

>> No.16026282

2023 for TWOW
ADOS never

>> No.16026362

Grim but true

>> No.16026402

>ADOS never
I'm hoping TWOW is taking so long because he's plotted out the entire thing from here on out. Perhaps just optimistic but I think once Winds comes out the next one wont be such a long delay.

>> No.16026456

No, but he was better than the ones before and after him. He had the genuine countenance of a King, though, in that he knew how to throw his weight around in court, to speak metaphorically. We see lots of other characters like Cersei who are at least as ambitious and commanding as he is, but they all get slapped around at some point, often many times, because they don’t have the ironclad spine that a King or King-aspirant needs. Robert would never let anyone push him around, that’s for damn sure. But he also put the kingdom in deep debt and used his power just to party erryday. He brought peace, but unstable peace. A good ruler installs systems that don’t collapse the moment he dies.

>> No.16026461

A warrior who enters battle with antlers and wins every battle, is a warrior to be feared.

>> No.16026467

A thread about a book series you don’t like is unacceptable, despite half of the board being threads about philosophy or religion with no mention of any books in them anywhere? Get a grip, dude. You can be elitist about the nuances of board quality when mods actually do their jobs.

>> No.16026473

So soon?!

>> No.16026486

That's why I always go into battle with my underwear on my head. If I win, you lost to a retard. If I lose, who cares - I'm a retard. Fear me.

>> No.16026504

lol, if only. they up scale the cynicism imensly to an almost stupid degree and forgot about the very real social pressures and ideals of honor that weighed heavily on peoples mind as well as the whole entire mindframe of the period.

>> No.16026507

Good take. Although it's been pointed out a fair bit that Robert wasn't really responsible for the debt crisis. Doesn't justify his poor planning and descent into apathy, but still.

>> No.16026511 [DELETED] 

lost interest anyways but you're a dumb psued

>> No.16026653

This. Robert wasn’t just trying to snatch the throne, he was trying to destroy the Targaryans, and he succeeded, right down to their reputation. The noble dragon lost to a deer. Pathetic.

>> No.16026670

All he cared about was killing Rhaegar. The rest was just gravy

>> No.16027432

Jaehaerys I was better

>> No.16027479

Yeah obviously the best king in the Seven Kingdoms was better than Robert. Doesn’t make Robert a bad king, the small folk loved him and his reign was one of relative peace especially compared to the previous and next kings.

>> No.16027523

Looks peaceful but it was rotting from inside and civil war was bound to happen

>> No.16027618

When is the fat fuck going to get the next book out and published?

>> No.16027858

Could you do better anon?

>> No.16027951

What is this dumb question? I'm not born a fucking king. I'm just objectively judging his regime. Do you tell that to your self everytime when you read a shitty movie?

>> No.16028045

Embarrassing post, anon. I know YOU can do better.

>> No.16028052

No he was a completely miserable one, although better than Aerys simply because he wasn't insane. Aerys before he went insane seems to have been the much superior ruler however.

>> No.16028058


>> No.16028062

This is the exact same mentality that leads to me picking joke characters in fighter games and my friends do indeed fear me

>> No.16028111
File: 205 KB, 700x711, 1590629342240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would argue Robert's poor governance was symptoms of a rotten system and rotten people who existed in it. He did the best he could but id argue when you have a conniving parasite like Cercei as your wife, your true love died in circumstances you never understood, and everyone else is money grubbing or playing politics then its kind of a recipe for him to act the way he did and and house of cards falling was likely really due to Tywin being an overbearing cunt and raising psychologically damaged children who loved to fuck each other and thus didnt really give a damn about the kingdom or its people other than treating them like their own property.

I think given that Robert was the best king they had and the main mistake was not having Ned around to sniff out the Vipers or keeping one of his brothers on the kings council.

In essense my arguement is that Robert is one man and id forgive him mistakes and vice given the extreme circumstances of all the fucked up losers they allowed into power around him ultimate influenced the behaviour of the kingdom and himself.

>> No.16028122

Asoiaf fags are still better than philosophy and politics threads that have plagued this board for far too long.

>> No.16028190

Was he good?
More like pale, stale and male.

>> No.16028409

Oh yeah, I totally get why Robert is the way he is, especially because the such a central piece of the book series is the focus given to what turns people into who they are, and how they’re perceived by different people in different circumstances.
Robert was definitely the best king they had available, but that doesn’t exempt him from fault. Both his brothers were on the small council btw, and we saw exactly what Ned’s failings were as Hand of the King. Jon Arryn was presumably able to play the political game better than Ned, yet he still got killed all the same, and pursued the same goal of getting the incestuous demons out of the King’s court.
But framing it like this has made me agree with you, because now I’m asking myself “what can I really blame Robert for?” The Cersei situation was out of his control since the marriage was political anyways, and that was his biggest unchecked problem.
Not giving Storm’s End to Stannis is possibly the worst thing Robert ever did, but even that had nothing to do with his or his kingdom’s ruin. It only threw more firewood onto the flame of Stannis’ character, and I’m certain the guy would have still contested Joffrey’s claim to the throne given the circumstances, regardless of whether he thought that Robert wronged him.
So yeah I guess Robert was a pretty based King. Could have been more frugal with the parties and enjoyed his privileges less obesely, but otherwise preddy gud.

>> No.16028440

If there is a civil war upon your death you are not a good king.

>> No.16028503


Based Moorcock poster.

>> No.16028676


>> No.16029640

>not giving Stannis storms end
In my opinion dragonstone suits him better, for two reasons:
>it is an island, and Stannis is master of ships afterall
>though the stormlands are a kingdom, dragonstone was the traditional fief of the anointed heir to the Targaryen Throne. So, by giving Dragonstone to Stannis and Storms end to Renly he is putting stannis first, somehow.

>> No.16029687

Any King that isnt a Targaryen dragonlord is undeserving of the Iron throne (yes, non-dragonlord Targaryens sucked too).
Once the dragons died out, the seven kingdoms should have returned to their original state as split realms. I hope danaerys wins

>> No.16030022

Can somebody explain to me what kind of authority the king actually has
The houses seem way too strong for him to have any actual non-ceremonial authority outside of kings landing and yet there's this ... Bureaucracy?
How does the government even work?

>> No.16030223

You think you could rule an empire better than Alexander the Great, bud?

>> No.16030249

The houses are like bannermen to the lord that the King is.
Also manages over the finances and military of the realm, literally everyone is subservient to the king’s command over their local lord’s command, and to do otherwise is literal treason.

>> No.16030251

Why was the adaptation so shit? It felt like a dozen characters were just fast traveling between half a dozen rooms and the outside world didn't exist

>> No.16030280

Good conqueror does not mean one is a good king. History is littered with examples of conqueror kings whose kingdom fell apart after their death.

>> No.16030372

>Roberts gouvernance
Robert didn't do fuck all other than fuck drink and hunt, John Arryn ran the kingdom for him and constantly urged him to stop spending every coin and borrowing from the Lannisters.
When Arryn died Robert ran to get someone else to (and i quote robert himself "run my kingdom for me while i drink and whore myself into an early grave" or something near that.

>> No.16030404

And you think your better then them?

>> No.16031095

I really like the scene, after civil war breaks out where Arya overhears some old man talking about how much better things were under the old King whom she mistakenly believes to mean Robert. Then it turns out he was actually talking about Mad Aerys because none of his burning noblemen shit and paranoia ever filtered down to the commoners.

>> No.16031459

the peasants liked him because he gave them basically 20 years of straight peace