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16024442 No.16024442 [Reply] [Original]

What was the last book you read that you really hated? After all, only reading things you agree with is a sure path to stagnation. If you read widely, you'll occasionally have to stick with a book you hate, either because you dislike the message, style, or both.

I'm mostly through with Steppenwolf, and I absolutely hate it. It's an utterly unrealistic depiction of human relations, and the narrator is unbearably pretentious.

>> No.16024457

I disliked Steppenwolf as I was reading it but the book has still stuck with me.

>> No.16024683
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Isn't the point of this book that the narrator has unrealistic interpretations of his human relations and is unbearably pretentious, and then meets his hero Mozart at the end who says "lol chill the fuck out" while forcing MC to listen to his music on the radio

This book contributed heavily to my not being a total sperg

>> No.16024696

If the message of Steppenwolf is what's making you angry then you're the sort of person who needs it the most

>> No.16024702

Can someone give me the cliff notes

>> No.16024728

Yeah this.
>utterly unrealistic depiction of human relations
It's supposed to be written by steppenwolf himself. Possibly none of it's real and it's all purely allegorical to him.

>> No.16024955
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It's been a while since I read it, I forgot what the framing device was

guy is sperg, has super purist views, interacting with normies is literally hell for him because no one shares his ridiculous expectations (i.e. the music of mozart is so beautiful that playing it on a radio with less than perfect quality is an insult), and complains about how sad he is for a bit
then he gets to go to magical dream land where he meets mozart who he reveres very much, only to find out moz is a total chad and just does not give a fuck, calls MC out on it, forces him to listen to mozart on a shitty radio

this book cures autism and virginity, I indeed had sex after reading it

Also realized OP has not yet finished the book, that that's what the faggot gets for complaining about books he hasn't finished

>> No.16024984

I didn't like Steppenwolf either.

>> No.16025040

i dont usually read scifi but got memed into neuromancer by land, got eighty pages in and had to physically remove it from my room because the prose was so mediocre

>> No.16025067

I don't think I've ever really hate a book that I've read. I guess the closest to that would be Stoner.

>> No.16025090

>then he gets to go to magical dream land where he meets mozart who he reveres very much, only to find out moz is a total chad and just does not give a fuck, calls MC out on it, forces him to listen to mozart on a shitty radio

i can't doubt dubs

>> No.16025111

Land of Wooden Gods by Jan Fridegård. It’s just 200 pages or so but took me like two weeks to finish because it was so excruciatingly boring. Awful plain and lame writing style.

>> No.16025133

The number one lesson for me was taking life with humor. Another main theme in this book is the contrast between an highly individualistic approach of living(torment but freedom) and a "normal" civil biography (boring but secure). It's been a while since I read it but it's great

>> No.16025135

culture of critique. thought I'd give it a go, unlike incels who never read marx.
couldn't get past the introduction.

>> No.16025371
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I got filtered before even opening the book

The author gives me the creeps

>> No.16025551

Only book I have ever truely hated was 1Q84.

>> No.16026342

fucking hated perfume. was so dry, unoriginal (constantly referencing how inhuman old mate was), just pointless and a waste of my time.

>> No.16026895

tried reading some plays by lope de vega and was bored out of my mind. i could only finish fuenteovejuna. also tried calderón de barca's la vida es sueño with similar results although i admit it has somewhat stuck with me

>> No.16026906

I found Heart of darkness completely uninteresting

>> No.16027134
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>> No.16027535

I absolutely HATED steppenwolf beginning to end but I couldn’t shake the feeling and help but thinking “this is an important book” as I was reading it and I finished it. Like someone said earlier it has “stuck” with me

>> No.16028067
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1984 is such a bad book even though it has some interesting ideas. You might as well read the wikipedia article.

>> No.16028087

Steppenwolf is a very humbling book. I don't know what the fuck you're all on about.

>> No.16028681

What author?

>> No.16028692

Reading it right now, 250 pages in and enjoying it,why did you hate it?