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/lit/ - Literature

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16011035 No.16011035 [Reply] [Original]

old one died

>> No.16011054
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I had no idea Mark Twain wrote a biography of Joan of Arc and considered it his greatest work.

>> No.16011266
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>> No.16011298

what is a stack supposed to be anyway? these threads are fucking gay as hell haha, on par with posting a picture of your breakfast.

>> No.16011309

Recent acquisitions, or currently reading.

>> No.16011372

these threads are a great way to find obscure reads, though its usually just the same shit from the top 100 list

>> No.16011406

>unironically getting your recommendations from retards on /lit/

>> No.16011428

Reading 'obscure' books is pure coomsoomer.
No one cares that you read a book about literally who and you probably will never discuss it outside of here and even here you probably won't

>> No.16013070


>> No.16013127

>and you probably will never discuss it outside of here and even here you probably won't
>A books only value is what you can discuss about it

Some people just want to read the books, you know.

>> No.16013288

i am enjoying burton raffel's gargantua & pantagruel

>> No.16013646

why are you here then lol
get some sunlight, pumpkin
this is a good stack

>> No.16013707
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>> No.16013736

this, if you wanna brag about obscureity go to /mu/ or some shit

>> No.16013739

Pretty based. With the exception of some latinos, that has to be one of the best physical collections of Latin American writers I've seen posted here (which doesn't speak that well about the diversity of /lit/'s interests since it's less than 10 titles)

>> No.16013740
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Not mine but rate

>> No.16013754

Nobody is bragging about anything, you retarded zoomer.

>> No.16013770
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fukkin faggoots, talking bout books on a book forum, gosh!
who wudah thot?

>> No.16014398
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check out what I picked up for today's ride.

>> No.16014403
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>posting someone else's stack


>> No.16014810
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Bought this $27 of course there's a lot of shit but I think it was worth it mostly for Ulysses

>> No.16015077

>boys like us

>> No.16015118

>ben franklin, ulysses, sun also rises, portrait of the artist
Worth it for these even if the rest is schlock. Where'd you pick it up?

>> No.16015136

there's also Austen, Faulkner, and Hardy

>> No.16015149

I wanted to negotiate a reduced price removing certain books but they wanted to sell everything together.

Craiglist. I bought it mostly for Ulysses but I will check the books I know nothing about. I might try to resell them.

>> No.16016312

Bumping because I want to see more stacks because I'm a huge faggot that enjoys looking at them.

>> No.16016575

>english translations

>> No.16016588
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Alright lads, how fucked am I?

>> No.16016641

Just wait until you see his autobiography.

>> No.16016676
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I posted my breakfast on /lit/ once, pic related, banana pancakes.

>> No.16016706

Have you started Dubliners yet? Currently 40% of the way through.

>> No.16016716

Based and Cuban refugee pilled

>> No.16016727

What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.16016731
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>banana pancakes

>> No.16016775

You don't like banana pancakes?

>> No.16018569

not yet, I've been reading cosmic trigger. how's dubliners?

>> No.16018696
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absolutely showing off my illustrated boorstin

>> No.16019518
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Here's muh stack

>> No.16019539

>muh jew history
Fuck your Boorstin.


>> No.16019567

Hell of a lot more approachable than Ulysses. Overall, definitely find myself enjoying it. Joyce has such an awesome knack for communicating ideas and emotions in ways like no one else. His writing style alone keeps me hooked, but the stories, characters, and themes are quite compelling as well.

>> No.16019647


No, he's implying faggots would respond as such. "OMG, BANANA? plz tell me you had some maple on that!" and other lines like this.

>> No.16019774
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Pretty basic burger I know, but it’s what I’ve got

>> No.16020895

>mindless racist rhetoric on an innocent book post
yep that's incel

>> No.16020963
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Currently reading these

>> No.16020988


>> No.16021049

>there's a lot of shit
There's not. Don't skip any of these books anon, except for probably ann rice, stephen king and hawking. Read everything else though, I think you will be surprised

>> No.16021429
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What do you think

>> No.16021585

Nice, The fall is the first thing I've enjoyed from Camus between that, the stranger and the plague. I suspect it may be the only truly solid thing he wrote

>> No.16021593

Good things to have.

>> No.16021626

I have really lost all ability to decipher wojak posts.

>> No.16021689

That's because they're about you.

>> No.16021738

Your resentment is far more cringe than any breakfast pic

>> No.16021794
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my unread pile.
You asked.

>> No.16021848

Probably has more to with not caring.

>> No.16021944

>acemoglu and robinson
>thomas friedman
centrism is cringe 0/10

>> No.16022002

I am enjoying it so far, its a pretty smooth read. Have you read any of his essays? The myth of Sisyphus and Rebel? Are they worth checking out?

>> No.16022033

I'm about to read sisyphus, exile in the kingdom and thoughts on the guillotine; the challenge will be in reading the former without being tainted by all the memes about it

>> No.16022118
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Mom saw Nietzsche and said that he was anti Christan and now she thinks that I don't believe in God

Thanks /lit/

>> No.16022171

post pics of your mom

>> No.16022234

These threads pretty much offer a way to share and talk about those books which will not support a thread of their own. The whole stack thing just gives you a quick idea of the books you do not know. You see a stack of 20 books you love and one you never heard of, good chance it is something worthwhile for you to look into, so you ask some questions and throw in a little shit posting while your at it.

>> No.16022242
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>> No.16022275
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This is mine

>> No.16022297


>> No.16022306

>posting in an English website
>getting a translation of an English children's book and a book read by teenagers
>all weeb shit

>> No.16022338

Cope with it (i'm 24yo by the way).

>> No.16022386

Ur gay

>> No.16022993

How did you get that copy of Women and Men? My dad has the old hardcover in his office, but I'd like to get the paperback to read.

>> No.16023003

don't tell anyone I told you this

>> No.16023837
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Help me out bros. Reading used to be my #1 entertainment when i was a kid, right up until i discovered computers. Started reading again a few years ago, but i just dont have the fucking nerves anymore. I'm an internet addict. I love shopping for books and finishing books, and the thought of reading them, i just don't the desire to do the actual reading. Heres a few ive read in the last 2 years

>> No.16023849

what are you interested in? Are you interested in polemical high literary fiction? Philosophy? Memoirs/biographies/autobios? The best of genres like comedy, horror, sci-fi,detective,noir? essay collections? what do you think you'd want to read?

>> No.16023880

Read more Tolstoy. Ivan Ilyich, The Cossacks, Hadji Murad. Try and get through Anna Karenina. Also try a few Chekhov short stories.
Read more Wells SF. Also Jules Verne and John Buchan.
Again, read more Stevenson. His travel writing is pretty neat too. Travels With A Donkey In The Cevennes is fun and short.
>Jo Nesbo
Try The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
Try The Razor's Edge by Maugham and The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway
Try The Collector by John Fowles. It's only sort of similar but it is a good book.

Haven't read Novak, don't really like Wilde. Reading is very much a habitual hobby. If you read for a short period of time almost every day you'll be fine. If you go a week between sessions you'll eventually give up again.

>> No.16023928

My favorites are Perfume, P.o Dorian Grey and the Alchemist. I dont have a specific genre that i like. I guess i like outsider type fiction.

Thanks for the suggestion. I just dont have the attention span to read. I have no desire to read. I want to read the story. I just dont like the act of reading.

>> No.16023973

Go sit down and read. Stop putting the act of reading on a pedestal and just fucking do it.

>> No.16024063

>outsider type fiction
Go grab copies of Jim Dodge's two novels "Stone Junction" and "Not Fade Away". They're good, trust me.
also, David Payne's "Confessions of a Taoist on Wall Street"

>> No.16024135
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Some of my favorites

>> No.16025129


>> No.16025130
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Cringe or based?
>What are those Fingolian books
Brave New World and Twilight of the Idols

>> No.16025159

>Do Morals Matter?
Hoping this book is just empty pages with one "Nope" in tiny print on the last page.

>> No.16025172

There's plenty you could write on morals without agreeing that there exists a universally true set of them. But if you were gonna write just "Nope", I'd suggest the middle of the book.

>> No.16025175


>> No.16025202

>sucking the cocks of anonymous men behind a dirty burger joint, at 3AM, in the middle of a pandemic

>> No.16025208

>Noooo you can't read stuff in your native language nooo
I'll read them in Klingon if I want B-)

>> No.16025409

>BJ Novak
lol the fuck

>> No.16025417

>that n and O so close together

embarrassing, send it back

>> No.16025564
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>he doesn't use the word "seventeenother"

>> No.16025641
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>He misspells "seventeenOther"

>> No.16025661
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>> No.16025669
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Currently working through these. Cringe or based?

>> No.16025680

Based if you read them and enjoy doing so. Cringe if, like everyone else, you just post stacks of books you've never passed the introduction for.

>> No.16025690

Who scratched up your wall anon? Filthy.
Also how do you spread your attention over five books? I'll read at most one fiction and one non-fiction at a time.

>> No.16025702

Currently reading meditations and orphan masters son. Liking both. This was my last haul. I'll only buy my next batch after I finish this one

>> No.16025715

Ah I see.
What is up with your wall though? Is your house a former crack den? Foster care home?

>> No.16025722
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That's not my wall lmao it's my bedpost. It's very old

>> No.16025807
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Got these at Emmaüs.

>> No.16026346

For how much?

>> No.16026392

0.50€ per book.

>> No.16026499

>Reading is consuming
I've never seen a more retarded statement than this.