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16005392 No.16005392[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i can make frens easy but i dont even know where to start on women. i lack basic social and communication skills already, and i feel like while other people are flying through the milestones im still stumped on stage 1.

thinking about reading "the game" by neil strauss, but he sounds jewish and the incel wiki says hes a pua hack

>> No.16005416

Girls are icky don't talk to them

>> No.16005426
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>> No.16005467

i know but i am 18 years old, i have 7 years left to try to get a woman, then ill have the rest of my miserable life to be blackpilled. you know why the fuck not try, i dont have anything better to do.

>> No.16005499

>Emotional vulnerability is a big no-no around women
>Never ever let a women in on how much you make/how much you’re worth
>There’s very little need for social/communication skills if you know what you’re doing; women are like grown children and will almost always respond positively to visual stimuli like signifiers of wealth
>Anime is a big no-no around women
>Women love dogs
>Never stick your dick into a black woman even with a condom. more than 50% of black women have STDs (mainly herpes and AIDS). You’re just asking for a scorching case of herpes, the clap, or even getting robbed one day.
>Ghetto women are disgusting. Half of them don’t even bathe and most have yeast infections.
I think that’s it

>> No.16005509
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Forgot my frog

>> No.16005511

I recommend you stay far, far away from reading anything directly about game. Any social complexes you have will only be deepened by that stuff. Read Dale Carnegie and apply it in real life.

>> No.16005548

i have so many questions, from lack of experience others my age take for granted. like how do you meet them and wtf do you say that puts you in the game? like catboykami in his streams would just walk up to chicks and ask for their number and smash them later, and in hs i tried this so i went up to the gigastacy and asked if shed go to hoco with me and she said no and later her gigachad bf accosted me in the hallway and made me look like a bitch

and wtf do you talk about? like with my frens we discuss how much we like nicolas maduro, bashar the lion, and putin, and politics crap, i dont think women are smart enough or care to hear that

>> No.16005556

I've been in isolation for so long, I think I will need one too.

>> No.16005557

Are you retarded? You're not a woman, you won't hit a wall when you approach 30

>> No.16005565

read Napoleon Hill

>> No.16005579

do these dudes slay? i was thinking about reading casanova or "my secret life"

>> No.16005582

if you want someone who slays, then read the autobiography of benvenuto cellini

>> No.16005622
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>i dont think women are smart enough or care to hear that
You’re legitimately on the right track here anon. Take that insight and apply it to my post, specifically the bit about women being adult children. 99.9% of the women you encounter will have absolutely no interest in philosophy, in-depth assessments of the arts (music, literature, etc etc), politics, etc because it’s not required or expected of them. A women’s worth is wholly derived from her sexual market value; meaning that, unlike a man, a woman doesn’t stand to gain from a lifetime’s worth of political and artistic knowledge, or the acquirement of various skills

>> No.16005640

If you make friends easily then you don’t lack those skills. Quit being down on yourself and just go get some at bats.

>> No.16005691

i would say there is a different art to making frens than getting a gf. if you approach girls like you'd approach a friend youre just gonna get friendzoned. there is obviously a sort of tact to induce lust or attraction in courting a girl, different from making a fren. it is this feeling i do not know how to stimulate when talking to women

>> No.16005743

You have plenty of time lad, don't let modern sexual culture distort your expectations of where you should be. It may seem like getting into a relationship and loosing your virginity is all that's important since you've grown up connected to a cultural that encourages you to put yourself into one of the two camps of "big time sex havers" or "incels", but worrying about getting a relationship asap is only harmful to getting a genuinely fulfilling one. Talk to girls with no expectations or desires and you'll both enjoy each others company a lot more. If you're going into uni I'd recommend joining some extracurricular club to have more opportunity to talk to people under a better pretext than cold approaches (I'd personally recommend something like a debating club so you can also build up your confidence in speaking, confidence is key). Take care of yourself for its own sake, excercise, eat well, practice good skincare, wear well-fitting clothes - being well groomed in general will immediately improve women's (and men's) opinion of you. Don't waste time on toxic ideas on the nature of women such as this >>16005499 , treat women as people rather than a means to an end. Read My Twisted World by Elliot Rodger, avoid doing everything he does in regards to thinking about women.

>> No.16005771

Sure, but the issue is he’s already he lacks social skills. If he’s telling the truth, he has friends, he has social skills, he has value. The only thing he really needs is the confidence to go talk to some broad, and the self esteem to shrug it off if he fails. Actually talking to women is just guesswork and seeing what works for you.

>> No.16005818

yeah but the vibes i give off are not chads. chad is legit fucking scary. he looks mean and doesnt give a fuck. i dont give off that sexy/scary vibe that women shit themselves over

>> No.16005868

You'd better have a great wand prepared when you are 30.

>> No.16005894
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>books on how to talk to girls
why you wanna get arrested anon?

>> No.16005920

Son I’m a scrawny lad of average appearance. I get by on devil may care attitude and jokes. Which yeah, doesn’t pull in every girl I meet. That’s you gotta accept that some broads are gonna pass you over for chad, and you just keep trying until one likes your vibe. Embrace the challenge that comes with rejection. Forget reading, go listen to Patrice O’Neal (just ignore all the swinging shit, focus on what he says about self worth. Inb4 fat man died of diabetes, he still had good points, and more importantly a coherent philosophy that you can build off of in your own way).

>> No.16005995

No book in the world can teach you what you need to learn by doing

>> No.16006034

I don't know a single social person who has issues talking to women.
Being 'friendzoned' just happens because you're always hiding your intent onto women. If you like a girl you don't have to be open about it or pushy, but you also don't have to act like you don't have a penis or that you're scared deathless of her.

>> No.16006132
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>> No.16006384

The Charismatic Edge: The Art of Captivating and Compelling Communication: An Everyday Guide to Developing Your Own Charisma and Compelling Communications Skills

>> No.16006439

i've been skimming my twisted world because you mentioned it, and it seems Elliot's problems arise from his being awkward around girls due to never being properly socialized in a traditional school setting (as he instead did school online i think? and played WoW for hours)

What I don't understand about him is how he can hate the very people he wants to become. He wants to have a hot girlfriend and have sex with her, yet he hates other young couples who do the exact same thing because they have it and he does not. He calls this unfair, and I suppose this is true in that they get to enjoy sex and he does not, but does he not realize his incel-dom results from his own folly of being awkward socially? I suspect he has aspergers.

>> No.16006456

>I suspect he has aspergers.
He's not the only one.

>> No.16006467
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women don't have meaningful access to language, anon. it doesn't matter what you say, it's how you say it, and how you look while saying it. also mostly how tall you are.
my tip is to talk to women as you would an animal, since they don't have meaningful access to language and are just mindless bodies. practice interacting with wild animals, such as raccoons, asserting dominance but without scaring them away. then apply that to women, since women are animals.
godspeed, OP

>> No.16006468

1. Get a bunch of money
2. Travel to cheaper countries

It's not hard anon jesus wtf

>> No.16006477

you're making it too complicated

1.Get a little money ($5 should be enought)
2. Go to the local homeless shelter

>> No.16006510
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1. get $40
2. go to where the hooker's at

>> No.16006650
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Just give up and fuck prostitutes instead. Then you won't have some bitch nagging you at your home about stuff you don't care about

>> No.16006668

it's good advice. we should have never given women rights. love doesn't exist, women are only good for sex and cooking

>> No.16006874
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But what if I get an STD?

>> No.16006980

how long does it take to go from meeting a girl to asking her out? how do you even tell her you wanna like kiss her and fug?

>> No.16006992

Honestly, a Bangladeshi lady-boy might be safer than the girls you’ll go out with in America by this point.

>> No.16007050

so i just talk to them and then how do i get them to be my gf from there?

>> No.16007150

Cut that bullshit, don't read books about "the game". Do this instead:

-Forget about fucking, think about having fun with the girl
-Focus on yourself and your self-esteem, if anything fucks it up to a point where it's unsustainable cut it out immediately
-Go to therapy if you need it
-Experiment with lots of social interactions of different kinds (related to point number 1)
-Keep in mind that any significant improvement in your life is going to take time

NOTE: if this sounds like super positive self-help bullshit you are reading it wrong. You can be a nihilist (or existencialist like myself) and still try to "farm good experiences" for yourself. Stuff can be meaningless or absurd, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't have an effect on you.

Tl;dr: try to be happier and more sociable. After that you will be able to have sex (and enjoy it) more easily.

>> No.16007181

Quality over quantity. Don't waste bucks on sex, It's like wasting bucks on meth. Both can kill you, and both ruin your life.

>> No.16007185

don't listen to this >>16007181 anon. smoke meth and fuck hookers.

>> No.16007253

if quality over quantity how about i pay more for a good quality hooker? i want a super hot one like in my japanese cartoons anyway

>> No.16007582

the thing is, i dont want to have fun with them. i am irreversibly blackpilled, and all i really want is love or sex. i dont want to waste months being strung along just to find out shes not into me, and repeat several times. ive had that happen to me before, huge emotional toll and waste of my time. i want love, or at least sex.

>> No.16007677

what is an "incel wiki" lmfao

>> No.16008328

I bring you some advice and wish you luck friend. When talking to women just be yourself, but like a considerate and kind version of yourself. Being genuine is really important because if you're not you'll end up taking on persona you won't be able to keep up leasing to eventual failure of the relationship.
Also, ask the woman you're with questions, show genuine interest in what she's saying and keep it stored in your mind so you can bring it up later. Women like it when their partner is attentive.
Furthermore, be attentive in the way you act. Show consideration and respect for her time, if she's worth it she'll notice.
Lastly, don't feel like you have to click with any woman, and if a woman makes you feel lousy about yourself, she's not for you. Remember there's no point in being in a relationship just to feel bad. Hope this helped a bit, if you have any questions I'm happy to answer.

>> No.16008336

go back to r9k and stop giving advice you retard

>> No.16008346

Son, you need to stop looking at it as months of her stringing you along and see it as years of testing her worth for you. Take it from someone who’s been there, “falling in love” right away just makes you look desperate/too easily available. Guys can’t just go right into love like that without exposing themselves to problems. Just test the waters when you get a girl. And then keep testing them. For a long time.
The “having fun” period you’re so averse to is what a relationship is made of. You can’t tell if you can spend long periods of time with a person until you’ve done it.

>> No.16008886

Kill yourselves degenerate whores

>> No.16009111

Hey, I don't know if this will mean anything to you, but I had the same mentality for most of my early twenties. I really do feel for you. But the blackpill world view is a fucking horrid world view that ruins your entire ability to feel love and joy. I know I can't change anything. But I really hope you get out of it.

>> No.16009116

You certainly will (unless you will become exceptionally successful, but that's an exception by the definition).

>> No.16009142

I will fuck as many god damn whores as I want
Enjoy getting bitched at by your dumb cunt wife for the rest of your miserable life

>> No.16009153

after 25 it's over.

>> No.16009282

Rational male

>> No.16009503

Not him but i'm 30 khv. Women have been writing me off due to inexperience and assuming there's something wrong with me since my early twenties. It's ok telling people to be patient but the reality is worse than you claim.

>> No.16009506

Just be yourself.

>> No.16009508

I really liked the book of pook it actually helped me

>> No.16009527

talk to them like you would a guy friend, with abit less vulgarity

>> No.16009681

Tell them you want to rape them

>> No.16009687

Read rational male by rollo.This is gonna change you.

Also every post of this guy-https://theredarchive.com/author/OmLaLa

>> No.16009733


>> No.16009741
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>uhm, is that a bike?

>> No.16009885

Fuck off whore

>> No.16009890

Basically this.

>> No.16010317

All PUAs are hacks. Few have stable relationships and families.
How to start at step one? You need self confidence and be attractive so women approach you. Get fit and start dressing well. The more practise you have the easier it gets. Travel, you might be more comfortable when you are not at home, afraid of being judged.
Mystery Method and rational male (like anon above) are good ways to start and finish it: you don't need more books abou that topic.

>> No.16010392

I think I remember seeing first person approacher some months ago.

I thought this article might be fake but it's real. You can literally get arrested for being awkward. Christ the guy's whole "point" was to show the world why he's never had success with girls, to shamelessly expose his autistic failings in broad daylight, to say "look: this is all I'm capable of!"
And he gets fucking arrested for it

The mentally ill are genuinely getting the extreme short end of the stick with all this woke garbage

>> No.16010454

I'm not saying this as a type of advice, but things get better when you're older. Your early 20s are the worst time for a non-chad guy to be dating because your high-school "status" is worthless in college and you likely haven't accomplished anything yet. Just focus on getting some skills. Talk to women if you can but don't beat yourself up if you fail. It gets better with age.

ps: never ever focus all your attention on one girl.

>> No.16010536

>2. Travel to cheaper countries


>> No.16010691

thanks for the well articulated responses bro. i really appreciate how genuine you are, but i dont know if i can open my heart to the clown world. i really do feel as though i had been robbed. im going to a university that has a ton of asians and indians, but the male to female ratio is 60-40. ill probably go to las vegas soon and lose my v card and maybe thatll take some edge off, i dont know. it seems like women dont want anything long term anyway

>> No.16010982

It depends what you want. If you want a girl who is loyal and conservative you will find one easily. But she will probably not be white and she probably won't be as attractive as you want. The problem with a lot of young men is they want a babe with the soul of a 3/10 chink. Its not gonna happen, and that cognitive dissonance sends people crazy. You gotta play with the cards you're dealt. Best of luck hermano.

>> No.16011057

you know all i want is my looksmatch; i mean im not fat, have good hygeine, am white, dont have kids, you know i thought itd be reasonable to expect that, but i guess ill have to forsake some of those basic expectations

>> No.16011210

Read Baudrillard's "Seduction", Kierkegaard's "Seducer's Diary" and Evola's "Metaphysics of Sex"

>> No.16011308
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>Women love dogs

>> No.16011510

Read models ny marc manson. Its the best book on the subject and all you need to read. Boy do i wish i came across that book earlier. Oh well, now i am one of the beautiful ones.

>> No.16011608

The correct answer for how to talk to women is the one you don't want to hear.

Its the one you, the incel community and PuA hacks would call bluepilled, beta, simping, onions, whatever

The answer is that you talk to them like you talk to any other person. They are people. They have individual experiences, opinions, tastes, moods. There is no formula for determining ANY person, there is certainly no formula for love, since that would be the most prized posession in history, and if there was one PuAs would be the last to understand it.

I'm guessing you struggle not just talking to women but talking to all people outside imageboards. Well, learn how to treat people as individuals and get to know them by asking them things, not trying to read them from a distance and put them into a label. (Hes an alpha. Hes a beta. Shes a stacy. He is 'jewish'.)

I've been in your shoes. What you suffer from, as well as just innocent shyness, is dehumanising people into abstract categories that don't capture even 1% of their story. You see women as one monolithic entity which follows deterministic rules, and PuA want to sell you some bullshit rules they came up with for this nonexistent entity.

>> No.16011618

Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.16011624

all women are whores

>> No.16011723

Okay. All people are bad. But I'm sure you're the good one

>> No.16011758

I think that's true to an extent for a lot of people here but I think for most men the problem starts with trying to figure out the process of dating rather than seeing people as part of monolithic entities (the latter often emerges as a cope for failure in the former).

>> No.16011782

you guys assume that women and npc soicucks are sentient human beings. aristotle says the defining feature of humans is our intelligence, and good must always exist alongside evil, otherwise you could not define it. those who cannot make an intelligent choice and are only capable of doing one or the other are by definition not human, no better than a clockwork toy wound up by they phones or soiciety.

>> No.16011793

>you basically have to constantly pretend to be anything but yourself around women
this sucks

>> No.16011801

all women are *based

>> No.16011810

>i dont want to have fun with them
>and all i really want is love or sex
You're going to die as a virgin with that mindset

>> No.16011812

>t. Never got laid, parrots advice from /r/the_redpill, has never seen a black person

>> No.16011817 [DELETED] 

That's why the end of Heart Of Darkness triggers feminists so badly, but rings so true.

>> No.16011828

i dont think so. im only 18 now but i have a good future with my career. at the very least i will be able to betabuxx a 3/10 or nonwhite. women are always hot when theyre pregnant anyway

>> No.16011862

what makes you think you're any more sentient?

>> No.16011885

because i can make the moral intelligent decision between the good and the evil. i fell into hedonism and nihilism due to bad ocd but i overcame it without the therapeutic jew or jewpills and went from fat to /fit/. i dont mog much but i do sentiencemog normalshitters tho

>> No.16011990

Not everyone has OCD, or obesity, or struggles with nihilism. Most people are born into temperate circumstances, and yet life is a struggle for everyone, and the vast majority of people work hard. You being so self-righteous and judgmental that you are willing to call the majority of the human population non-sentient subhumans, just seems like cope or bitterness that you've suffered more than others.

>> No.16012179

cope. i conquered my psychology, can you (or any other normalshitter) say the same? its a tautology to say people who never had to question clown world or their own psychology see things from inside their rose colored lenses. the only exception is like university intellectuals or high iq people who are a minority

>> No.16013098

Solid advice anon.
Can confirm all of these points. And yep it's tempting to fuck these poor hoes but you're almost guaranteed to catch some shit.

ha basically. Ideally you find a girl who shares one or two of your interests. IE. Art, music, outdoors, tennis, etc. When you talk to them, just make observations about what's going on around you guys. Be carefree, joke around, don't take anything you say serious at all. Then ask for her name, where she's from, plans for the weekend, etc.
Honestly you sound like a cuck, but that's ok it just takes a lot of practice. Maybe journal what worked vs what didn't work if you're on the autistic side. After time you realize the patterns.

this. I don't talk to women that differently than men, but I make it clear what my intent is right away.

Bro this hurt to read. Sounds like you're exactly 10 years old. I literally ask them out on the first interactions most the time "Hey let's get smoothies this weekend" "free Saturday night?" Through the date you kiss her. If good vibes invite her to your place.

lmao the homeless shelter. Honestly if you're descent looking with money it's easy mode, just make her bathe and use protection.

Yeah this and socializing throughout my week is pretty ideal. No need to use tinder, nor bend my self esteem to any bitch. Feels good knowing I have a girl to fuck without having to put up with anything.

fuck prostitutes, and in the mean time only go after 8/10+ girls. You get quality and the ease of mind that pussy doesn't control you.

pretty much this. Walking in the park with my dog (cocker spaniel) is a straight up life hack. Feels like cheating. Meetup groups are pretty good too. I started one for hiking and girls do show up, or dudes bring their sisters. Easy to chat with.

Rational Male to avoid getting fucked and Book of Pook (patrician choice).

unironically go to dog parks. 1/2 the convo is our dogs and then me showing them pics I photo shopped of my dog into memes.

>> No.16013099
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oh yeah, if theres any more proof needed women are actually retarded, its breast reduction. proof that women cant think for themselves and need men to protect them from themselves

>> No.16013136


Plus, do you think your own mother can't think for herself, and needs a man to protect her, from herself?

>> No.16013146


>> No.16013158

yes. without my dad my mum would be a nutjob. you know like how plato and aristotle and kant considered your spouse your other half. without him all her worst qualities would be her demise

>> No.16013164

Respect yourself and don't really respect them without being unnecessarily mean.

>> No.16013193

>You can't complain about women having problems, that could be your mom!
>You can't complain about men having problems, that could be your son!
>You can't complain about Adolf Hitler having problems, that could be your husband!
Stop emotionally manipulating people you cunt

>> No.16013227

behaviour precedes ideas, never the other way around, talk to women, fail and improve

horny or lonely thinking face emoji

you are profoundly immature, you are an adult baby

the article is real but its been doctored in the pic

>> No.16013284

It's literally the exact same article but they changed "weirdo" to "short weirdo" to make manlets seethe.

>> No.16013437

i almost need like a script of stuff to run through lmao. what do you do if you get shot down? or if it gets awkward?

>> No.16013450

If you truly believed women had a problem, you should be brave enough to voice it to your mother's face. If you have genuine concerns, she'd understand. But really, you're just bitching.

>> No.16013504

what would i gain from doing that? id just piss her off and shed constantly bitch at me about it

>> No.16013513

you sound really young man. There's much worse things in life than a random encounter "getting awkward". That said, you should just accept it'll happen and desensitize yourself from getting affected by it. The more you practice, the easier it is (like anything). Honestly with meetup groups and approaching girls with my dog at the park, it's pretty fluent anyway

>> No.16013527


Dale Carnegie doesn't say anything that isn't completely obvious.

>> No.16013605

Diary of a seducer by kierkegard if you want emotional manipulation. The evolution of desire and the way of the superior man if you want sex

>> No.16013610

Take what this dude says and do the oposite. Hes an obvious virgin.

>> No.16013611

>just be fun
>be confident
When will you faggots learn that this won't help anyone??????
They've heard it a million fucking times the problem is they don't even know what fucking fun is or how to have fun with a girl maybe you should start by explaining that?

>> No.16013612

he deserved it
t. /o/

>> No.16013631


>> No.16013643
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>> No.16013669

It's just a codeword for 'be sociable and don't have autism'.

>> No.16013688

Julien Blanc got married. You are just spouting out your own confirmation bias >>16009890

>> No.16013742

It means at least pretend you don't have autism

>> No.16013753


>> No.16013817
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Is /lit/ the next board to become completely overrun by losers?

Stop drinking the /polr9k/ kool-aid and just treat women like people. Examining >>16005499.
>Emotional vulnerability is a big no-no around women
Allowing yourself to open up about emotional vulnerabilities can be a great signifier of your emotional maturity. Do not mistake this for oversharing your miserable sob story.
>Never ever let a women in on how much you make/how much you’re worth
If your wealth is your most proudly displayed feather, why be surprised when you only attract the superficial?
>Anime is a big no-no around women
Many women watched cartoons growing up
>There’s very little need for social/communication skills if you know what you’re doing; women are like grown children and will almost always respond positively to visual stimuli like signifiers of wealth
"The child is the father of the man"
We are all grown children. Some chose to chase the superficial material things in life, others, like this anon, thinks the world has done him some huge disservice and in his tantrum has chosen to lash out at black women.
>Women love dogs
This is true, but I think that goes both ways.

>> No.16013829


"being confident" is codeword for have social status, "be fun" is codeword for don't seem anxious or lonely which basically comes back to the social status issue.

>> No.16013926

>Is /lit/ the next board to become completely overrun by losers?
Its not just this board, this site or even the internet anon. Its everything, everywhere. What you are witnessing is the collapse of a complex society, this is what people are like before it, there is no control or virtue in people's hearts anymore. The American civilisation will collapse, like every civilisation before it, bit this time it will be much worse than even worse collapse in history, the Bronze age collapse, where hundreds of years of knowledge disappeared and tons of languages completely disappeared because people forget them. They collapsed, because they were too complex.

>> No.16013974
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Take the MGTOW volcel pill

> don't have to worry about your wife/gf splitting up with you and ruining your finances
> don't have to worry about STDs
> don't have to worry about pregnancies
> can spend time doing literally whatever you want
> don't need to put up with in-laws
> don't need to waste time going on dates and paying for women's entertainment
> can watch porn of literally anything you want in order to attain sexual release
> don't need to pretend to care about the hobbies/interests/feelings of a partner

I guarantee some loser bogged down by his crazy gf or boring wife will start seething upon reading this. You literally cannot argue against it.

>> No.16013984

How can you call 'being fun' simply not seeming anxious or lonely? Have you read any literature with a fun character in it? Have you read any literature that wasn't written by pick up artists?

>> No.16013995

I have plenty of friends some of which are female. I was a sports captain and a class leader in high school.
I just have never had a girlfriend because I am ugly.
You are projecting.

>> No.16014014

Stop spamming this you literal retard, fuck off to reddit faggot

>> No.16014023

seething as predicted

>> No.16014034

Inb4 he replies seething with rage
And there it is

Have a suicide plan yet?

>> No.16014043

> I respond with "seething as predicted"
> you say "have a suicide plan"
> somehow I'm "raging"
lol the cope. If your reply is just "no u" and no argument, you are just proving me right.

>> No.16014045

you are literally everything wrong with modernity, a pathetic excuse of a man and a human being, you are literally full of estrogen

I know you'll cope, so don't even bother

>> No.16014051

> no argument again
every single person can't muster up an argument because you know deep down you are an idiot for signing away your life in a relationship

>> No.16014118

And you're singing your life away to porn and 4chan, you don't deserve to have an opinion, because you are inherently much worse. All human beings are corrupted, yet you don't work to better yourself through your will and conciousness which you have for a reason, rather you give in to your carnal, infinite desires from a void. You have no concept of virtue, only the concept of withering away, so you do not deserve an opinion on anything, you do not use the tools at hand you have that make you human therefore you are worthless

As Kant said
>But it is not so easy to produce a rational proof that unnatural, and even merely unpurposive, use of one's sexual attribute is inadmissible as being a violation of duty to oneself (and indeed, as far as its unnatural use is concerned, a violation in the highest degree). The ground of proof is, indeed, that by it a man surrenders his personality (throwing it away), since he uses himself as a means to satisfy an animal impulse.

>> No.16014166

You are coping.
I am affirming my will. You are the slave that copes and tries to say that what is good is bad and what is unpleasant is good.

The fact that you cannot form an argument is honestly quite frightening and I am worried that you might have already ruined your freedom through marriage or something similar. You seem very defensive.

>> No.16014200

Here's an argument you'll understand because your brain is literally fried from the internet. You offered no counter-argument to mine by the way, so I win the exchange, no need to further engage I've proven my point

Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger

>> No.16014240

You didn't provide an argument in the first place. Lol you are sad dude. MGTOW is literally irrefutable since you have to use strawmen and ad hominem.

I have said NOTHING about my internet usage and you assume my "brain is literally fried."
I am a park ranger, I use 4chan once every friday and use the internet very little during the week.
Your projections are just pitiful projections of yourself.

>> No.16014253

Not even him, but you're the only one being defensive here. Really says something about you

>> No.16014261

> the other guy uses false adhominem
> I say how it is wrong
> somehow I am being "overly defensive"
Ok retard

>> No.16014277

Literally doing it again, and being hostile for some reason

>> No.16014285

I will copy and paste the same post since you apparently cannot read.

> the other guy uses false adhominem
> I say how it is wrong
> somehow I am being "overly defensive"

>> No.16014450

I said 'few', not 'all' and it was based on an article from ~2019 but I have trouble finding it now. It covered at least the life of a dozen PUAs.
Either way the original PUAs like Mystery and Style are divorced.
The pua stuff is still good, no doubts about that.

>> No.16014465

ok so what am i supposed to do? i treat women like people and im "neckbeard" and "simp" and "niceguy". i treat them like dirt and if theyre attracted to me they become attached. if theyre not then im "incel" and "creep" and whatever.

look i know how women operate on sub8 men like me. ive been strung along for months with mixed signals by a foid before i cut her off. i dont have time to waste months on each girl trying to be her fucking friend

>> No.16014474

You have to be yourself more. You need to change yourself in order to appeal to women more. No woman likes a neckbeard.

>> No.16014490

What I said applies to all people anon, regardless of sex.

>> No.16014491

"myself" is reactionary, far right, and laughing at people dying, with a slight aversion to minorities. what am i supposed to be? i like reading but women arent smart enough for some of the higher pleasures in life

>> No.16014530

>and laughing at people dying
You are fucked in the head, you should start reading, literally any book, to fix yourself because that's not normal, and you clearly don't read. Or seek therapy

>> No.16014550
File: 8 KB, 246x138, you_fucking_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frogposter isn't retarded

>> No.16014554

>you should start reading, literally any book, to fix yourself because that's not normal, and you clearly don't read
i do read though. its just a hobby of mine, i go on /gif/ and worldstarhiphop and the likes to blow off steam and watch some spics kill each other, like the gladiators at the colosseum.

anywho, who am i supposed to be to appeal to women?

>> No.16014570

First ask yourself what it means to be someone, and then ask yourself what it means to appeal to someone. I'm serious, its the way to go of you want anything

>> No.16014604

this is some bullshit. i feel like the guy in catch 22 everytime i get these answers

>> No.16014641

Why is it bullshit? Why do you seek something if you don't know what it is you seek?

>> No.16015045

i want to be someone that can seduce women

>> No.16015074

You could be banging 20 yos when you're in your 40s if you stay focused and play your cards right.

>> No.16015094

This but obviously never say any of this near women or men who think like women.

>> No.16015098

Models by Mark Manson

>> No.16015154

ad ignorantiam

>> No.16015170

First or second time you meet them. Of course, do this only if they had a convesation with you

Kiss is just a 'go for it' thing. When you're comfortable with a girl, talking about whatever, not minding to touch each other like a hand on lap or whatever, just go for it. You could theoretically ask her for a kiss but it's highly likely it'll look pathetic.

>> No.16015194

>i dont want to waste months being strung along
I don't get this part. Do you really wait several months to make a move on a single girl?

>> No.16015237

>went from fat to /fit/

>> No.16015406
File: 15 KB, 300x600, Screenshot_20200714-162712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i ask her out and then i just randomly go for it when were on a date and try to kiss her?

also just found this escort in my area. should i shag her for $250?

>> No.16015463

yeah i was frens with this one girl and i thought you had to be friends before you confess your love. i kept giving hints and she gave mixed signals. finally i told her i loved her and she said she didnt really feel the same way. i cut my losses and stopped talking to her

>> No.16015919

Women are subhuman so don't bother with talking to them
If you want sex then just go and rape one

>> No.16016169

Don't listen to any of these people. SAVE SEX FOR MARRIAGE. I am being 100% serious. Going by the modern paradigm you will end up banging some girl to finaply "get it over with" and expectedly be bonded with her forever, giving up a part of yourself in the process, and feeling violated. DON'T DO THIS. The modern dating culture is completely backwards from how reality actually works. It is meant to make people miserable. Having sex with someone you know will be committed to you and love you is 100x better than laying some random girl.

The tryhards on this board might tell you how "sex is no big deal". That's because they gave themselves up for nothing and are coping with the fact they can't ever redo that decision. Don't make the same mistake. Value yourself and who you share your life with. Sex is a deeply personal exchange.

Looking at it from this paradigm will change the way you see women. Instead of pathetically chasing like most guys you will be evaluating the girls to see if they're up to your standards and worth your time. The amount of error that can be experienced when you involve yourself with women is practically infinite. Do it the right way. You won't regret it.

>> No.16016824

Lad, be more cynical. You friendzone her. Find a girl you can talk to and fucking go out of your way not to make a date out of anything. Don't jack off to her, don't think that way, nothing. Literally just use her as a practise ground for not being a sperg. If you were a master of human psychology you would not be in the place you're in, so do some socialisation. Develop a mixed circle of friends, fill your personal calendar with social stuff, get to know your friendzone'd girl's people (will include girls). Then go for someone different in the knowledge that you are a) less socially retarded than before b) can offer that person a social circle of your own.

If the girl you inflict this on is hot, people will socially upgrade you for having a hot friend. If she isn't she will probably open the door for you and you can take it or leave it as you will, but benefit from seeing how that works.

>> No.16016847

You need to be upfront with girls. They know instantly if you like them. Being friendzoned happens because you're so afraid of rejection you never make a move, lying to yourself you're taking slow or winning her over. It doesn't work like that, at all.

In fact if she likes you and you do not make a move, over time she will stop liking you.

You don't need to be friends with a girl to shag her. At all.

Not randomly randomly, but when you're both comfortable. When you're both really close, looking into each other's eyes for long, smiling and all that corny shit, that's a green light. If she says no, there's no way she would've said yes in any other situation.

>> No.16017209
File: 328 KB, 843x466, 1487172180868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's kernels of truth here.

>Emotional vulnerability is a big no-no around women
Excessive vulnerability, yes, but a little brings you closer. This is assuming the woman isn't trash-tier

>Never ever let a women in on how much you make/how much you’re worth
Keep a backup plan monetarily if you get serious, but otherwise this is stupid. Only women to take this advice on is golddiggers.

>There’s very little need for social/communication skills if you know what you’re doing; women are like grown children and will almost always respond positively to visual stimuli like signifiers of wealth
Social/communication skills are super important. Woman also want a man with financial security, but plenty will date a starving artist or a broke college student. Don't flaunt your money like a tool.

>Anime is a big no-no around women
Generally, but not always true.

>Women love dogs

>Never stick your dick into a black woman even with a condom. more than 50% of black women have STDs (mainly herpes and AIDS). You’re just asking for a scorching case of herpes, the clap, or even getting robbed one day.
Don't know about the statistics, but be more wary of upbringing than race in this case.

>Ghetto women are disgusting. Half of them don’t even bathe and most have yeast infections.

>> No.16017475

Based /trv/ chad

>> No.16017570

OP only do this if you are absolutly certain you never want to have sex

>> No.16017604

>haven't visited this place in a while
>have an urge for near-intellectual atmosphere
>see this thread

>> No.16017610

Ah the golden times when /lit/ and 4chan in general were intellectual.

>> No.16018482

based rapecel

>> No.16018617

the way i see it, saving sex for marriage is a cope. one of the reasons i am so focused on sex is because i cant get it, so i think smashing a hot hooker would help me chill and be confident. and it seems like women dont like virgins anyway

>> No.16018639

There's a reason every civilisation had the death penalty for rape

>> No.16018650

thanks for the genuine advice bros. ive got one more question. how am i supposed to be interesting and find stuff to talk about when im a boring shitty person? i read and i lift and thats pretty much it, I dont think they want to hear about paradise lost. am neeting right now until online school starts, i can socialize a lot at the uni but there is corona-chan, however next year i will have an apartment there.

ive known neets like gunji who girls literally obsess over. he was a drug dealer and extremely manipulative though, and he told me his tactic was to get girls to want to "fix" him or heal him or whatever with their love. my sister did the same thing with her bf, he was actually the chad of her hs and was promiscuous and alcoholic and she thought love would make him a better man. he ended up cheating on her and she tried to rope

>> No.16018658

>Ah the golden times when /lit/ and 4chan in general were intellectual.
i've been here for fifteen years and i cannot recall a time when this could ever have been said to be true

>> No.16018833

Because civilization is cucked

>> No.16018859

>civilisation is cucked
>it as I the one that's enlightended, for I feel euphoric right now due to my own intelligence not some God or civilisation

Lmao, kill yourself

>> No.16018892

Seething cuckold

>> No.16018909

You could make the same post on /v/, /r9k/, /pol/ or /tv/ and it would have the excact same replies, no one even recommended a book, just a bunch of incel posting. Dead board.

>> No.16018927

I agree lets go back to redd*t bros

>> No.16019049

fellow autist here. the real answer to all of these social problems is that you overthink everything. there is a point where autistic analysis reaches critical mass and you just need more social experience. it's not easy and you may never be able to have the experiences of a normie, but any man above 5'6" can easily get a gf

>> No.16019082

It makes my blood boil to see all these vile inkwells disrespecting kweens... how dare they!
Why, if I was on a civilized website like reddit I would downvote their posts but unfortunately 4chan is barbaric and doesn't offer this wonderful feature that lets me silence everything I disagree with.

>> No.16019564

>no one even recommended a book
did you read the thread?

>> No.16019702

Because it breaks the sexual game.

>> No.16019769

Statistics show that women prefer men with dogs over those that have cats. If you have a dog, it signals authority or some bullshit. Regardless of the reason, it's true.

>> No.16020283

ah yes the 16 year old "oldfags". fuck outta here lmao

>> No.16020339

It doesn't work that way, retard

>> No.16020533

you just know

>> No.16020596

>signals authority
lmao women do prefer men with dogs but that’s not the reason why