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16013321 No.16013321 [Reply] [Original]

There has been any philosopher or author whose perspective was simply that humans cannot reach the truth, or something similar to this?

>> No.16013336

That itself is a truth and yes, David Hume. Empiricism is gay and self-refuting.

>> No.16013352

I meant the absolute truth, not individual truths.

>> No.16013415


>> No.16013419


>> No.16013939

The existence of absolute truth would be...?

>> No.16013950

>humans cannot reach the truth
Is that true, though?

>> No.16013953

You'd probably enjoy Pascal a lot, Montaigne too. They were influenced by scepticism in the direction of fideism. Many Jews also have similar ideas about how God isn't some neo-platonist godhead to be reasoned about, he is so outside of creation (as its creator) that our relationship to him has to be personal, the relationship of him choosing to intervene in history through revelation, not philosophical.

Different constitutions seem to find this scepticism/fideism approach pleasant, but I don't quite understand it.

>> No.16013954


Friedrich Schlegel

>> No.16013961

The understanding of all individual truths into one single truth about reality in its entirety.

>> No.16013994

Yes, it's an individual truth.

>> No.16014049

So humans can "reach individual truths" but not non-individual truths? What's an example of a sentence that expresses a "non-individual" truth? What are the demarcation criteria used to determine whether a given sentence is in one or the other category of truth?

>> No.16014144

Truth's only divided into many different "individual" truths from a narrow perspective, Anon. With a larger view, all truths are part of one and the same truth. Like a galaxy seems to be one single distant point of light but when you zoom in you notice it consists of hundreds of thousands of stars.

>> No.16014160

I'm not following you. Give some example sentences.

>> No.16014203
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh what he’s talking about seems like new age ideas repacked into pseudophilosophical jargon
I’m on my phone so this is a picture of where I’m sitting instead of smugfreg.jpg

>> No.16014317

Something like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_permanence extrapolated well into adulthood and beyond would be fascinating.

>> No.16014328


>> No.16014363

ancient skeptics basically were all about that.

Also, based image, love t

>> No.16014369

*i love the look of the early modern period.

>> No.16014425
File: 43 KB, 480x480, F73FCB6C-72A5-44EF-B100-EDC4F96C2D17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16014444

There is a line or moral objectivity and humans can only hope to cross back and fourth over it, and may blindly find some version of success but will never be able to know the exact location of this line.

There. It's me. It's part of my moral philosophy.

>> No.16015548
File: 66 KB, 800x468, jesus-speak-e1484530447384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans cannot reach truth alone, so God had to come down and give it to us

>> No.16015598

It's all we have. Hume wasn't refuting empiricism, he was just pointing its technical limitations. Stop promulgating your pseudery.

>> No.16016776

That's what people say about democracy, anon.

>> No.16016781

Yeah wittgenstein

>> No.16017114

Heya dog, God here, just wanted you the beliver to know that the truth is to paypal me 2 grand, here's my bank account number IL620108000000099999999
ad tip for extra prayer or whatver
If I don't see the money by afternoon, you doomed, your whole family goes to hell, and so does your doggo

>> No.16017378

the incel king

>> No.16017387


>> No.16017399

Kant said that we cannot reach the things in themselves.

>> No.16017497

its caĺed absurdism

>> No.16017516

This believe is common in lovecraft stories. And even if human learns he ceases to be human.

>> No.16017640


>> No.16018234

Nietzche said idols are something that we should just look at, but never touch

>> No.16018878

I think that’s a lot of philosophers
> Socrates
> Hume
> Derrida
> Camus

>> No.16018948

Not him but think about this.

The universe is a circle with as many centers as souls.

>> No.16018952

You can't escape that.

>> No.16018960
File: 71 KB, 870x616, aputea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pyhrronism, and then Fichte.

>> No.16019072

vif kalle :(

>> No.16019205

Been while since I've seen this painting, what animal is on the hunter's back on the left?

>> No.16019540

Everything is true

>> No.16019893

>No thing is 'true', every thing is permitted
>phenomena are attributes of noumena without inherent existence independent of them as our understanding parses their presence
>idols are something that we should just look at, but never touch

>> No.16019929

fuck i remember those things, good times aye?

>> No.16019950

William James, Pragmatism