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16010980 No.16010980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books which argue in favor of racial segregation?

>> No.16011574

Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Decolonising the Mind and Moving the Centre

>> No.16011582

It makes me sad that disaffected young white men are locked inside on their computer all day, seeing images of rhodesia and black protests and thinking, "this will be me any day. We have to segregate the niggers or I will never be safe." I wish we could help them bros, life could be so much more than that.

>> No.16011590

What does your life consist of?

>> No.16011599

A positive attitude, comfy job, good friends in more than one hue, and so on. I even live in one of the cities that you guys think is "burning" right now. It's not a problem

>> No.16011609

Yeah well, maybe if they could trust the media in their own country to not be Marxist-shilling fucks and the politicians in their own country to not be Wall Street-shilling fucks, they would feel a little more at ease with the situation.

>> No.16011610

Sounds meaningless and gay.

>> No.16011619

lashing out is for angry people :)

>> No.16011620

so you consume and sit on 4channel

>> No.16011622
File: 565 KB, 270x270, 1595707554221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bud, did you ever think that maybe if the left's rhetoric against white men wasn't so hostile you might have turned a lot of them into lefties? Or at the very least not becoming Nazi extremists?

How does it feel knowing that the bile and vitriol spewed by the left daily at white men has almost singlehandedly helped create the growing mass of murderous, hateful fucks that will slaughter people like you all for their patron deity who blew his brains out 75 years ago?

>> No.16011643

hey man, kys

>> No.16011646

>is happy
>is contributing to society
>has relationships
That's a meaningless existence to you? Get off this site, because it has obviously warped your perception of reality to an untenable state.

>> No.16011681

is that a datsun or a yota in the background?

>> No.16011696

I'm only saying bile and hate from your guys in this thread so far, and frankly it seems like a universal aspect of your ideology. Don't you think all the screen time might be a factor?

Lashing out is a defense mechanism. But you're really not under attack. Go outside, anon. There's no bloodthirsty mob, I promise :)

>> No.16011710
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>good friends in more than one hue

>> No.16011711

Happy? Lol! Why would he be trolling people on 4channel if he were?
Contributing to society? Lol! *Someone* is totally delusional about the meaningfulness of their labour!
Has relationships? Lol! How often to normie friends backstab one another for women?

>> No.16011724

You sound exasperated with the very idea that a good life is possible. I feel genuinely sad that we can't seem to help you. You have to help yourself!

>> No.16011727
File: 172 KB, 1031x1382, Alexis_de_tocqueville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As soon as it is admitted that the whites and the emancipated blacks are placed upon the same territory in the situation of two alien communities, it will readily be understood that there are but two alternatives for the future; the negroes and the whites must either wholly part or wholly mingle. I have already expressed the conviction which I entertain as to the latter event. {r}I do not imagine that the white and black races will ever live in any country upon an equal footing. But I believe the difficulty to be still greater in the United States than elsewhere. An isolated individual may surmount the prejudices of religion, of his country, or of his race, and if this individual is a king he may effect surprising changes in society; but a whole people cannot rise, as it were, above itself. A despot who should subject the Americans and their former slaves to the same yoke, might perhaps succeed in commingling their races; but as long as the American democracy remains at the head of affairs, no one will undertake so difficult a task; and it may be foreseen that the freer the white population of the United States becomes, the more isolated will it remain.

>If I were called upon to predict what will probably occur at some future time, I should say, that the abolition of slavery in the South will, in the common course of things, increase the repugnance of the white population for the men of color. I found this opinion upon the analogous observation which I already had occasion to make in the North. I there remarked that the white inhabitants of the North avoid the negroes with increasing care, in proportion as the legal barriers of separation are removed by the legislature; and why should not the same result take place in the South? In the North, the whites are deterred from intermingling with the blacks by the fear of an imaginary danger; in the South, where the danger would be real, I cannot imagine that the fear would be less general.

>> No.16011731

It is possible for cattle, sure.

The sad part is that you're here larping, not actually living the life you described.

>> No.16011734

>You're supposed to get your education, ethics and morals from the media
>not literature, your family, schools, colleges, congresses
>but twitter, newspapers and TV
And thus, the West headed to its collapse.

>> No.16011735

well NOW cuz I escaped living around blacks. You clueless bourgeois fuck. You have no idea what a hazard they are. They cannot be lived with, and they cannot be improved.

>> No.16011739

That pic fucking freaks me out. I hate seeing it.

>> No.16011745

a frenchman supporting racemixing? that's new.

>> No.16011754

I'm starting to think that me continuing to post in this thread is only going to make you guys more angry, which sucks, because I only want you to be happy and get out of the hole you're stuck in. But if I'm aggravating you, very well. Find peace.

>> No.16011760

>tehee you're the only one being hateful
Pathetic argument. I'm not even right-wing, you shizoid. Anyone with half a brain can see how ideologically fucked the left is right now.

>> No.16011761

>le everyone who browses 4chan is depressed meme
Look around you, on this board, on the dozens of other boards on this site. There are hundreds of thousands of people posting about their hobbies, about topics that interest them, and so on, every single day. What you choose to focus on is not what the majority choose to focus on.

>le you aren't actually contributing if you work in an office in a city
This is wrong on multiple levels, but the most important level it's wrong on is this: are you being paid to think about society at large and what it is striving for? No? Then stop worrying yourself about how "meaningful" your particular job is, because let's face it, you don't know anything about society, since you're not working at a top level intelligence agency with access to major societal data. Any job that's out there is going to be some form of contribution to society even if it is only at the local level, even if it is only at YOUR little level, so embrace it, because that's where you are right now.

>le everyone is a conniving manipulator meme
Just goes to show what kind of person you are, really.

>> No.16011766

ok racist

>> No.16011783

>the hole you're stuck in
>Find peace
dude it's niggers. not a made-up problem. you would recommend Marianne Williamson to someone trapped in a burning building.

>> No.16011784 [DELETED] 

>if the left's rhetoric against white men weren't so hostile
it isn't you just have a severe victim complex. you have literally never had any real problem in you entire life. brown people and everyone in developing countries have it 100x worse than you. get off the internet.

>> No.16011804

Why do developing (synonymous with "brown") countries have it so bad in the first place, brain trust?

>> No.16011806

>stop worrying yourself about how "meaningful" your particular job is

What an horrendous statement. This attitude is why anti-depressant use is so much higher in cities.

Enjoy your pharmaceutical laced tap water.

>> No.16011816

You have it backwards. It's higher in cities because when people are so close together there are so many more distractions which lead to thinking about shit that doesn't concern people and what they are paid to do.

>> No.16011818

I don't have a job. Wagies pay taxes, I collect welfare and read/think/write all day. I'm essentially an aristocrat whereas you are a slave.

>> No.16011825

Theodore Bilbo's Take Your Choice: Separation or Mongrelization. Far as I know it's one of the few books written from a segregationist perspective

>> No.16011836

>if the left's rhetoric against white men wasn't so hostile
it isn't you just a have a severe victim complex. you have literally never had a real problem in your entire life. you lie in your bed in your mom's house in burger punk suburbia with cheeto dust dick fingers stroking your circumcised cock and multiple cum shots in your pants circulating between 2d and 3d porn fighting an imaginary and ideologically indulgent war in your head being completely detached from reality. brown people and and everyone in developing countries have it 100x worse than you. get off the internet.

>> No.16011843

You larp as an aristocrat, but where is your family from, what have they done? What have you personally done besides sit at home and read? All of the brightest thinkers and innovators in history didn't do just that, they were involved in major societal changes at the time, had many colleagues and connections, traveled, taught or researched professionally and so on.

>> No.16011848

It's white people's fault

>> No.16011849

I'm a published author, anon. Let's not turn this around on me however, what have *you* done other than pay taxes?

>> No.16011850

White people have a pathological love for blacks.
Growing up in a poor neighborhood as a spic and watching neighborhoods get destroyed by blacks, churches robbed by blacks, women and children raped by blacks and property values get destroyed by blacks so rich investors could suck up ethnic neighborhoods and turn them into hipster condos now that their black battering rams had done their function while white cops just stood around and watched these blacks inflict mass violence and suffering on everyone around them.
Fuck white people and fuck their biological weapon purpose bred for destruction.

>> No.16011861

Bumfuck nowhere white guy has a million less opportunities than any black woman ever. You could scraw gibberish on a piece of paper and get published if you're a black woman.

>> No.16011868

You're incredibly delusional

>> No.16011873

Man, you are so fucked in the head.

>Don't think about anything except what you are paid to do
>Don't think about if what you're being paid to do is actually meaningful
>Take mind altering chemicals to cease questioning

We talk about philosophers here all the time. They made their fame thinking about shit that didn't 'concern' them.

>> No.16011881

Anyone can be a published author these days. It doesn't mean anything.

>what have *you* done other than pay taxes?
Nothing, that's all I've done. I don't pretend to be an aristocratic.

>> No.16011893

The youngest judge in US history is an unqualified black woman.

Why do you think she was voted into that office?

>> No.16011894

"mind altering chemicals" aren't necessary if you stick to what actually matters to you at the moment.

>We talk about philosophers here all the time.
And it is very damaging to a lot of people to spend so much of their time doing so. That's why we have you and all the other people who are depressed and think society at large is a horrible thing that deserves to collapse.

>> No.16011904

If it does not deserve to collapse, why not explain why it should be preserved by those who feel “bitter” towards it?

>> No.16011920

Because it's a natural thing, full of good people who work together every single day, who are raising kids and contributing to all kinds of artistic projects and advances in the world? It's all self-explanatory once you get your life together and stop worrying about stuff that doesn't concern you.

>> No.16011975

horrible post

>> No.16011982

cope. have sex.

>> No.16012006

holy mother of projection

>> No.16012016

>"mind altering chemicals" aren't necessary if you stick to what actually matters to you at the moment.

So you're telling me that wageslaving for someone else's profit and having meaningless sexual encounters is what 'matters'?

You blame us for noticing the problem. You are just another lemming headed for the grave. You don't aspire to greatness, you aspire to conform. You are hostile towards those who don't conform, simply because they prioritize things differently.

Imagine telling Plato not to concern himself with the state of society. But from what you've just said, you think that would have been better for us all.

>> No.16012022

12 rules for life

>> No.16012024

just emigrate. I moved to Japan and I love it here. No blacks outside of Tokyo and Nagasaki.

>> No.16012028

have you ever been around blacks?

>> No.16012030

What does concern “me”?

>> No.16012031
File: 193 KB, 1024x768, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are just another lemming headed for the grave. You don't aspire to greatness, you aspire to conform. You are hostile towards those who don't conform, simply because they prioritize things differently.

>> No.16012036

Candide is required reading for this board FAGGOT

>> No.16012041

The state of your physical health, your relationships, and your home / bank account.

>> No.16012042

Hello Anon, NEET aristocrat here. You seem like someone with whom I could have an actual conversation. Shame about the anonymous nature of this place.

>> No.16012046

You have never been in a 3rd world country
I assure you my fren that the people there are much happier

>> No.16012048

>Imagine telling Plato not to concern himself with the state of society.
I'm not conversing with Plato, I'm conversing with a larping NEET.

>> No.16012054

Question: Why do you care about some assistant judge in some small part of South Carolina?

>> No.16012055

Really interesting to see how people that likely identify as progs/libs/leftists have so totally adopted the language of conformism. I guess it just goes to show how determinative cultural power dynamics really are of people's psychology

>> No.16012057

You have a fetish for out of shape nerds? It's the only reason I could see to save that picture to your computer.

Clearly, your lack of argument indicates I struck a nerve. Keep arguing for a society that's about to consume you in a way you cannot fathom.

>> No.16012063

Is that an exhaustive list? Because you did not include "the opinions of anonymous people on the internet" as one of *my* concerns, but it must be one of yours. I guess I'm asking how I can acquire more concerns

>> No.16012068

>Why do you care if unqualified people with ideological bents are filling the judicial system?

You deserve to be a slave.

>> No.16012073
File: 13 KB, 370x264, Capture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clearly, your lack of argument indicates I struck a nerve. Keep arguing for a society that's about to consume you in a way you cannot fathom.

>> No.16012077

Not a reason
>full of good people
define 'good'
Also not a reason
>raising kids
>contributing to all kinds of artistic projects
Not reasons
What kind? Also not a reason

>> No.16012078

because she's a Catholic. We have a stranglehold over the American judiciary.

>> No.16012085

>I'm not conversing with Plato

But you do wish you never had to discuss his ideas.

>> No.16012100

>Is that an exhaustive list?

If those aren't reasons for you, then what would be?

>> No.16012118

How can someone be unqualified if they pass the specified requirements?

I'm going to assume you don't live in South Carolina, much less where she was appointed. Why are you "enslaved" (quotes because yours is as metaphorical as my usage) to this obsession with females, race and what goes on in other parts of your country?

>> No.16012119

If it's presently exhaustive please, PLEASE tell me how I can acquire the concern for people's opinions on the internet like you. Who can I purchase this from? Is it bestowed by popular vote?

>> No.16012126

>PLEASE tell me how I can acquire the concern for people's opinions on the internet like you.
You start by following the list and getting your life in order. At that point, it becomes easy for you to notice who isn't taking care of themselves properly, and you start to feel more inclined to help them.

>> No.16012129

>people with low social capital are the bad bad

You may not like it, but this is what the future of liberal thought looks like.

>> No.16012133

by comfy you mean gay

>> No.16012146

Gynocracy as immutable law. Fugg.

>> No.16012155


this is what the ancien regime looked like too, to be fair. Social capital is trad. Meritocracy is gay.

>> No.16012156

>How can someone be unqualified if they pass the specified requirements?

How can someone get a passing grade if they don't understand the material?

>quotes because yours is as metaphorical as my usage

You clearly lack understanding. If judges become ideological then the law is no longer meaningful. Thus you are a slave to their whims rather than living in a society that follows the rule of law.

I wasn't the person that mentioned her, I was just pointing out how shortsighted (lemming-like) your argument is.

>Why are you concerned about the state of the union

Because I believe in democracy. Clearly, the only higher ideal you've chosen to believe in is conformity.

>> No.16012168

Based and true

Wagies are scum

Eloi work for Morlocks

>> No.16012187

do you actually not know who set all that in motion

>> No.16012192

Nation of Islam's body of work

>> No.16012202

Mao's on Japanese Imperialism

>> No.16012204

So an inclination is all that is required for concern?

>> No.16012209
File: 37 KB, 413x434, SAT-silvacima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon, but as the heir of displaced aristocrats (1974 Carnation Revolution displaced us from the estate we owned since 1217) I can say that most of my family did not work, and spent most of their time farting around as university doctors at Coimbra. The younger sons either made their fortunes in India, Macau, or Brazil while we sat watching the peasants labor on our massive royally-certified port wine vineyard

>> No.16012212

>it isn't you just a have a severe victim complex.
This argument doesn't work when the entire progressive left's position is based on hyper-sensitivity to any perceived slight against or victimization of the disadvantaged. You simply cannot construct an enormous narrative of sensitivity and expect the majority group to begin internalizing that same consciousness and sensitivity and directing it towards their own issues.

>> No.16012213

>t. persian boytoy

>> No.16012224

wrong P country

>> No.16012227

No. Following the list and taking care of yourself will make the concern for other people who are miserable come naturally.

>> No.16012232

~and not

>> No.16012236

I think it's just the way that any hegemonic thought system eventually operates. Why respond to dissent when your enemies are demons with no leverage against you? I think that it does tend towards passivity and anachronistic beliefs in the long run though which is dangerous for the hegemon

>> No.16012241

Frantz Fanon's Wretched of the Earth

>> No.16012247

the ancien regime lasted for 1100 years in most of Western Europe. Say what you will but it was an extremely robust and long-lasting system.

>> No.16012249

This is actually the most hilarious thing about the internet's social evolution. Incels immediately coopted deconstruction against feminism. They worked themselves so perfectly into the victim dynamic that they had to be expunged from most spaces; they were simply too logically correct. Their case against female biological imperative is firmly couched in postmodern critique of powered classes. It was like observing a mad alchemist at work, mixing concoctions and inadvertently creating a potent philtre that leapt from his hovel and infected millions.

>> No.16012257

It's not trad when the system is run by the slaves. It's Plato's definition of tyranny.

>> No.16012258

why wouldn't hate be the appropriate emotional response to outside forces wanting to destroy what you love?

>> No.16012263

Plato was a republican faggot who no one read until the 16th century.

>> No.16012275

What is this "ancien regime" that u ahistorical turds keep mentioning? One fucking country? R u serious right now?

>> No.16012288

why are threads like this allowed to stay up

>> No.16012296

Nope, a broader system of planter/military aristocracy determining national policy that prevailed in Europe from Charlemagne until 1848.

>> No.16012298

Nothing is happening to you. You are seeing images on a screen.

>> No.16012305

It will be them. It will be you too. Reality is going to catch up one way or the other. The difference is that they will be ready, and you will not.

>> No.16012308

The America I have Seen by Sayyed Qutb

>> No.16012311

>How can someone get a passing grade if they don't understand the material?
That's a non paradox you'll have to figure out yourself.
>If judges become ideological then the law is no longer meaningful.
Justice rulings do have an ideological component, especifically when dishing out sentences, mostly under the law.
>Thus you are a slave to their whims
Slippery slippery
>shortsighted (lemming-like)
Okay, alarmist snowflake.
>Because I believe in democracy
Nothing more American than invoking the wrong concept (democracy) when discussing a particular, tiny, meaningless decision.

>> No.16012314

you're just dead inside

>> No.16012316

>Sayyed Qutb
based and inshallah pilled

>> No.16012330

That was "not meritocratic"? The 30 years war was determined by "social capital" and not steel and shot? Really?

>> No.16012343

Do you agree with massively lowering the standards for blacks so they can get into university more, as has been practice for many decades now

>> No.16012345

They keep the people who think this is Facebook in conversation with each other.

>> No.16012346

you're mistaking liberals for the left again retard

>> No.16012353

Ferdinand II had insufficient social capital to enforce religious unity on his domains, yes.

>> No.16012354

you're mistaking that there is a clear divide between liberals and the left again retard.

>> No.16012362

In another universe incels were added to the LGBT+ list. All bodies are beautiful so you must be attracted to incels. Don't shame men for being "creepy" either. That's a socially constructed category made up by to oppress incels that has no place in this modern society. The lived experiences of incels show that archaic standards of male size, conduct, and hygiene must be erased (also white people made up standards so they're bad).

>> No.16012370

Good posts lol

>> No.16012376

You slimy fuckers are always either leftist or liberals, whichever serves your argument better. You teamed up with your fringe and now you must identify with it. Dumb niggers. At least republicucks can honestly say that they are not actively, openly racist and therefore distinct from the "radical right" but you leftoids can't even make a distinction. Even moreso now that your street ops are being funded by multinational tech conglomerates.

>> No.16012384
File: 102 KB, 662x350, ClintonElectionFraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know, this post is pretty incredible. I can tell you know you've lost entirely, but you still feel compelled to put up some feeble retort, to save any face, here, on an anonymous image board.

> alarmist snowflake

No, it's absolutely real. I've seen how Antifa agents are set free after committing attempted murder because the justice system has been corrupted by socialists. I see how the police in Portland allow them to riot, again because the local government is infiltrated.

But you have a job that you can focus all the attention your 95 IQ brain can muster into, and all the absolutely meaningless relationships that amount to nothing you could want. Who cares about the future of the country, or the legacy they leave behind in the world?

>> No.16012393

I have serious doubt's that you would read any books suggested
return to pol, you are unwanted

>> No.16012399

>because the justice system has been corrupted by socialists
what incoherent rambling is this?

>> No.16012401

i agree but your pick related is obviously data fudging. (not that its ever not fudged)

>> No.16012413

the future of America is a petty Jewish-run, central-bank enslaved tyranny. There is no escaping it, you just get a choice in which variety of talmud cultist you can choose. Trump or Clinton would have moved us further in that direction -- and the choice offered in Biden/Trump is equally the same.

>> No.16012415

You are a retard who still does not understand theory and probably think the mainstream media is Marxist

>> No.16012418

He's talking about DAs letting off anarchist criminals, and mayors telling the police to let them cause havoc.

>> No.16012427

Which was thanks in part to the hussite wars. Wars are inherently meritocratic, as were the multitude of states composing the HRE. In a competitive system, meritocracy is the fundamental organizing force . That doesn't preclude social capital from having an impact, but the ability to accrue that social capital is a result of a meritocratic system that encourages statecraft, thus facilitating such capital acquisition.

>> No.16012431

I agree with you for the most part but you need to stop labelling them as "socialists".

>> No.16012433

those DAs are mostly Catholic and doing God's work. Frustrating the Jewish decline managers and the Protestant heretic landowners is absolutely the best case scenario

>> No.16012434

>understand theory
What theory are talking about here, Marxist theory?

>> No.16012435

"anarchist criminals" 9/10 time end up being bourgeois children, that should help you understand

>> No.16012438

>wars are inherently meritocratic

lmao. Keep telling yourself that!

>> No.16012439

>what incoherent rambling is this?

I apologize for your illiteracy.

>> No.16012446

>you don't understand marxist theory!
You people are insufferable

>> No.16012450

I thought private individuals still had to pay to go to University? I thought the free market and the flourishing American economy provided all citizens the opportunities to afford such education? I thought state run subsidized colleges were looked down upon and still required money to study there? I thought that even behind all this individual freedoms thing there was a sense of communion? (You mentioned caring about the state of the union, so I'm going to go with at least a partial yes to this question).

May I ask you one question of my own? Do you agree to lowering the standards to get into the military (not just to benefit women)?
This system ships less educated and less instructed people to patrol and police foreign territories, effectively deciding matters of life or death for innocent people.

>> No.16012454

>I agree with you for the most part but you need to stop labelling them as "socialists".

Maybe Sorosists would be better.

>> No.16012456

Based beyond belief

>> No.16012459

Do you agree with lowering the standards for blacks or not?

>> No.16012462

>[[Well read anons' laughter at /pol/ trying to be smart intensifies to a dog whistle]]
The joke might be too far above their heads. Some of these haven't read a book since they were forced to read a novella in high school, if that.

>> No.16012464

Wow you are so clever. Just refuted my entire point without even trying. I am in awe of your mental prowess.

>> No.16012473

no worries King, I'm gonna pray my rosary in 12 minutes and I will include you in it. I really hope that with the right intervention, you will wake up.

>> No.16012482

Based. I appreciate your concern for my immortal soul. Christ be with you.

>> No.16012486

Probably already been said ( it better have) but Jared Taylor's White Identity. The first half of the book is basically all about how integration fails and people naturally self segregate. Very normie friendly. Give it a read.

>> No.16012487

ok incel

>> No.16012488

>be 'happy'
>'contribute' to society
>have 'meaningful' relationships
These values are so broad and simplistic that they can be adopted by anyone anywhere, even those unfortunate citizens of fantastical fictional dystopic societies. >>16011582 seemingly never read Brave New World, for if he had done so, then he would surely acknowledge that such conformism is... dystopic. What makes these notions even more harrowing is the fact that they are ultimately subjective.

>> No.16012489


>> No.16012493

lol chicks dig books.

>> No.16012499


At this point the 'No True Scottsman' Fallacy needs to be renamed to the 'No True Socialist' fallacy.

>> No.16012504

incel cope

>> No.16012509

>The "not real communism" falacy

>> No.16012519

Chicks really dig it when you read them shit while cuddling after fucking too

>> No.16012530
File: 98 KB, 750x739, phallusy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point, anyone who legitimately believes in logical fallacies should be shot

>> No.16012534

>no land
>no family
Yeah sounds pretty shit bud.

>> No.16012535

He's right though. Progressivism is a movement invented by upper-class intellectuals to counteract unionization and real socialists. It's literally "What if we took all of Marxist analysis and said 'Marx was wrong class doesn't matter' and then applied his frameworks to everything" and then they call themselves socialists. The entire thesis of their existence is predicated on the rejection of socialist narratives and then claiming that they're socialists because they use a Marxian method of analysis.

>> No.16012550

They love poetry and fairytales too :3

>> No.16012562

Your argument was first centered around her supposed lack of qualifications. You know absolutely nothing about them or the way she was appointed, so I asked something you could honestly answer to, why did you care so much, about something whose particulars you ignore and which doesn't affect you directly.
I'm not so confident as you in my own delusions.
I'm not going to answer that because you or that guy have been pretty dishonest in this discussion. You could safely assume my position through a simple inference, though, so maybe your IQ and reading comprehension are not that better to some minority's. Maybe you need some feeble concrete and meaningless fact to latch on to, and build castles out of thin air?

>> No.16012564

this is a perfect summary

>> No.16012587

Why are you unwilling to answer something so simple, do you agree with lowering the standards for them or not? What about for jobs, and not just university?

>> No.16012604

Retard they love sick abs and getting fucked in the park at night

>> No.16012617

>real socialists

Too bad that phrase means nothing. You cannot even help yourself, you have to use it.

Protip: Socialism was created by upper-class intellectuals to seize power from monarchists.

>> No.16012641

Progressivism didn't really come from Marx though, it started with mainline protestant extremists in the US. It began as and endures today as an Anglo-Saxon egalitarian political religion. I think the parallels with Marxism are mostly accidental, though I guess a few Jewish and French intellectuals were able to staple on a few Marxian concepts to it after they were refracted along the moral-therapeutic axis of anglo progressivism

>> No.16012655

That's literally what he is saying

>> No.16012661

You can see that little girl's butt.

>> No.16012674 [DELETED] 

The Bible

>> No.16012696

Marx himself was obsessed with England and his entire philosophy draws strongly from the English tradition. You can definitely see the influence of Marxism on 20th century progressivism anyway, it was created in universities which were full of Marxist thinkers, or at least thinkers who were heavily influenced by him.

English philosophy would never invent something like critical theory, it was largely created by Marxist aligned continentals, but it now dominates Progressivism.

>> No.16012717

Girls will tell you they love when you do the voices in a book and giggle quietly against you while squirming their cute feet on yours if you read books

>> No.16012771

I suppose I took issue with the contention that progressivism was developed to subvert Marxist socialism, since it developed independently from it as an American religious phenomenon. Though it is absolutely correct to say that progressivism is subversive from a leftist perspective now Progressivism is simply more attractive from an aesthetic standpoint now because it has been victorious in all of its moral crusades whereas Marxism has lost all of its economic crusades

>> No.16012783
File: 186 KB, 256x192, 1595637515852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, WE consume

>> No.16012784

Yes, I do have to use it you absolute fucking retard. If I was working for the CIA and found out there was a group of fake CIA agents causing havoc it would not be ridiculous to use the word "real agents" you absolute fucking single-digit-IQ imbecile.
I don't care about the origins of socialism, I care that the modern progressivist movement that calls themselves "socialists" are not fucking socialists. They have nothing in common with socialists other than the retention of class-warfare modes of analysis, which they've adapted to identity. They explicitely reject the believe of Class Warfare as defined by class, reject unionization, reject anti-consumerism, and hate the proletariat for being "uneducated".

I mean, yes, I just consider modern progressivism, which stole class-warfare analysis from Marx via intersectional theory, to be a radically different beast.

>> No.16012802

Well I think you are describing progressivism as more of a broad liberal idea and he is describing the current idea of progressivism or "radical liberalism".

>> No.16012828

Im black and that image disturbs me. Something seems cropped and something looks artificial.

>> No.16012834

They will say that because they have been trained to infantilize men. The female consensus that men are better when they behave like women is a direct offensive against the responsible style of masculine authority. The do not "love" when men perform feminine actions. They "love" being impregnated by a high status male and then sheparding the next generation. They will claim to enjoy being in the company of feminine men because it allows them to construct a world free of duty. They are fearful of childbirth.

>> No.16012835

Projecting much?

>> No.16012840

It's a crude photoshop of a completely different person, who was white and had straight hair, it's uncanny valley territory I guess. I think the entire image has also been warped in some way to distort the perspective.

>> No.16012847

Yeah that's what I mean by the Franco-Jewish additions. I still feel that the Anglo and not the continental spirit is the dominant substance in Progressivism though since militant concepts like cultural hegemony and critical theory are no longer attached to the material struggle for actually existing socialism. They kept the moral impetus behind the concepts but forgot their concrete relevance as part of the the USSR's geopolitical toolkit. Anyways that's all for my take on this shit as a rightoid

>> No.16012900

Girls also love it when you read them Treasure Island and when they get scared the pirates will kill Jim, they ask to stop so you can have comfort sex

>> No.16013343

can confirm this is how it goes down

>> No.16013362

this guys impotent rage is both one of the funniest and most depressing things I've seen in a long time

meanwhile my cute GF is gushing while I read her some of my favorite Rilke

>> No.16013370

You might have autism if you read the emotion of rage in that post

>> No.16013378


imagine you could glorify anything and your choice is Nazi Germany and Rhodesia. Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.16013388

What do you choose

>> No.16013468
File: 297 KB, 325x533, 1563348527527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do jannies never do their one fucking job

>> No.16013491

He has a favourite of Rilke, he's immune to autism and well placed to cuck Nietzsche chads and have them love it.

>> No.16013512

>I don't care about the origins of socialism, I care that the modern progressivist movement that calls themselves "socialists" are not fucking socialists.

Cognitive dissonance in a single fucking sentence.

>> No.16013519

Disgrace by Coetzee, though maybe unintentionally.

>> No.16013548


>> No.16013557

so the safer version for edgy but slightly less edgy teenagers, very ebin

>> No.16013574

>because let's face it, you don't know anything about society, since you're not working at a top level intelligence agency with access to major societal data.
>Yes, little worm, despite spending your entire existence in the ground, you know nothing of it, unlike me, the concrete ape :)

>> No.16013619

>knowing jack shit about the farm they're in

>> No.16013660

>Books which argue in favor of racial segregation?
you don't need books, just your eyes

>> No.16013675

>you don't need books,
You clearly do >>16012717