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16010274 No.16010274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lecture starts at 15:42 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ufm85wHJk5A
part on corrupt universities at 34:30
"The way to think of the universities today,is that they are as corrupt as the Roman Catholic Church was 500 years ago. You have this system of indulgences that takes the form of runaway tuitions, you have this priestly or professorial class that is pretty lazy and doesn't do very much work, you have this theory of salvation, where salvation consists of getting a diploma; & if you do not get a college diploma , you are going to end up in a very bad place. So there's a soteriological story as well. I think it's a universalised , centralised big story. It's the successor to the universal Catholic church , is this universal university system."

>> No.16010322

Thiels pretty based actually
he already predicted in the 90s what’s happening right now on universities - multicultural commies going apeshit

>> No.16010353

That's a already pretty popular opinion to be honest.

>> No.16010398

>I pay Moldbug to lick my taint on the regular

>> No.16010420

at 52:00 Thiel shits on Carl Jung hahahaha

>> No.16010424


>> No.16010440

>he already predicted in the 90s what’s happening right now on universities

He saw it all.

>> No.16010461

You can analogize anything if you're willing to generalize to the point of meaninglessness.

>> No.16010462

ok barista faggot

>> No.16010477


He cute

>> No.16010480

Just another Protestant capitaliost

>> No.16010497

The thing about college and rich people is...why the fuck would you ever go to college if you were rich?! Just buy whatever you were going to buy with the money you would make from the job you would get after college. The answer to this question is that unlike state schools and community schools, elite universities have little to do with education and everything to do with producing social relations and intellectuals who preserve the status quo.

Literally every problem academia is currently experiencing has been plainly visible on the horizon for at least 20 years. For decades, universities have been slowly and quietly oversaturating the academic labor market, devaluing intellectual labor, and making their laborers interchangeable (academics are workers, by the way, contrary to their grand liberal delusions).

The more systematically universities devalued intellectual work and pedagogy, the more aggressively academics internalized the neoliberal fetishes for novelty, trends, sensationalism, and quick turnaround. All kneejerk, zero response. The university is an institutional mechanism that preserves the wealth and power of the upper classes by training a special cadre of middle and upper-middle class "intellectuals" who serve as the priests and technicians of knowledge. It has always been this way. Always. The response from academics is always the same genteel hand-wringing.

"Crisis! The system urgently has to change! But...like...can we wait until after I get tenure?"

Merit is a real thing but meritocracy is always a myth because institions don't select for ability, they select for compatibility. The point for tests isn't to see how smart you are, it's to see which department you go to.

I’ve been waiting for so long for students to realize that private universities aren’t charities and they are *customers* of a corporation. Students pay tuition and students become alumni donors and students can and should hold the institution hostage.

I guess the stakes change once you realize that $240,000 of debt doesn’t even guarantee a lifetime of income.

I recommend Daniel Golden's book The Price of Admission

>> No.16010540

I'm not defending universities, retard. His analogy is weak. Modern universities are more like the communist parties of the Soviet Union and China. Fuck, you're even seeing struggle sessions. Universities are only like the Church if you water down terms like "salvation" and "priesthood" to the point where they could apply to anything.

>> No.16010584

kind of sad Peterson wasted his life writing maps of meaning. the entire thing was just him coping with reality.

>> No.16010706
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>So there's a soteriological story as well. I think it's a universalised , centralised big story. It's the successor to the universal Catholic church , is this universal university system."
Something of a midwit take because of the words he used but it has the right will so I'll watch anyway.

>> No.16010717

and yet he took klonopin to cope harder. peterson is plebs.

>> No.16010755
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>> No.16010783

>if you do not get a college diploma , you are going to end up in a very bad place
Which is largely true even if it's the result of an imposed feed-back loop.

Imagine actually being this pompous.

>It's the successor to the universal Catholic church , is this universal university system
Which isn't a bad idea in theory, unless you're a protestant retard that is. Instead of going for actual reform just break it up and cause centuries of bloody conflict and get nowhere really by convincing idiots their opinions matter. The utopian/populist/Marxists think they can abolish caste but it doesn't work out ever and you just circulate elites.

>> No.16010792

If the US government is not helped by companies like Palantir, the supremacy of the han is inevitable

>> No.16010832

A glownigger with a banal point? wtf i love technobug ideology now

>> No.16010834
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>we will defeat the chinese by developing a codependent economy with them and spying on our own people
Yeah that's working out well.

>> No.16010841

>muh indulgences
>muh corrupt church
When will the WASP menace die

>> No.16010866
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>uh um
>it's uh
>the way I understand uh
>i would um
>it's probably um
>it's probably uh
>muh economy

>> No.16010876

Thiel is german.

>> No.16010948


>> No.16010955
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>The family migrated to the United States when Peter was one

>> No.16010960

God he's such a fucking troll I love him.

>> No.16010979
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>> No.16011099


>> No.16011107

this picture is depressing.

>> No.16011129

You can say Trump is many things, but he's not that. Consider the amount of opposition he has, and he's still alive.
The drama surrounding him and the cringe-inducing tweets are a joy to watch for sure, but that doesn't make him incompetent.

Qtards are now saying that Russia is their enemy and China is their ally, it's just another TV show for the boomers. Trump has to competently pretend being a retard to win the elections and simultaneously not be one to maintain the position despite escalating opposition.

>> No.16011145
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>Consider the amount of opposition he has
>Trump has to competently pretend being a retard

>> No.16011188

>You can say Trump is many things, but he's not that
You don't understand. Trump is comparably better than congress in terms of competence, but that doesn't make him competent. He's an improvement but if re-electing Donald Trump in however many incarnations the Republican Party can sift out of their wrinkled, prolapsed anuses is the endgame of American Conservatism, then I swear to Jesus Christ I will drench my clothes in gasoline and set myself on fire in the middle of Madison Avenue.

>> No.16011199

>Consider the amount of opposition he has, and he's still alive.
The president doesn't look after his own security, he doesn't have to because they do it for him

>> No.16011211

Yes. It's been extremely common in politics for all history. Many grow up doing that to avoid attention in schools and social circles.
Shitposting, like pic related, doesn't make him incompetent. He used Twitter to get elected, and in Rome do as Romans...

>> No.16011227

He has had numerous enemies in the intelligence community. He's maneuvering strategically to stay alive, a feat which you couldn't do in those circumstances. US politics is extremely violent, and them having their own Praetorian guard doesn't mean he can just let them handle it all.

>> No.16011257


>> No.16011268

>The public personas of famous people are the real deal

>> No.16011306
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>Consider the amount of opposition he has

>> No.16011310


Sounds like Berman's "The Twilight of American Culture."

From the book:

"...the college/university situation in the United States has finally wound up in the position of the Church in the late Middle Ages, which sold people indulgences (read diplomas) so that they could get into heaven (read a well-paying job). This has become the rule at thousands of institutions of higher eductaion, where a grade of B is now considered average (or slightly below), and where A's are given out almost automatically so as not to threaten student enrollments, on which institutional funds depend."

>> No.16011340


Well, he is severing ties with many of America's allies, turning them away from the U.S. and into alliances with China or Russia.

>> No.16011362

noooo, it's all jared's doing! he's too based and redpilled to work for _their_ interests!

>> No.16011364

I'm sure nobody in the intelligence community or either political party is after his head... His tariff policies alone put a hefty sum on his head.

>> No.16011380

Much of that has to do with previous economic war NATO started with Russia. Now EU and rest of NATO are questioning even the Iranian sanctions. Though I'm not quite sure what the deal with Germany is - they do the most trade with Russia out of all those aligned against them, but they want to ban them from G7 (8)...
The war with Russia started under Obama. I disagree with Trump on staying on the jewish side, and I condemn the murder of Suleimani, but Trump is hardly the sole cause of the changes.
He's the public figurehead, easy to blame because plebs copypaste their values from media sites.

>> No.16011385

No, he definitely does work for their interests. Doesn't make him incompetent, just evil.

>> No.16011391


I guess I should pay attention to politics and the news which I don't do so often. But Trump does have an abrasive personality and have heard him talk crap about other countries or political leaders, I remember him even saying he wants to close down U.S. military bases around the world.

>> No.16011468

>why the fuck would you ever go to college if you were rich?! Just buy whatever you were going to buy with the money you would make from the job you would get after college.
Because a degree from a prestigious institution is a necessity for maintaining status among the elites. there's a reason why someone like Trump has an Ivy League degree.

>> No.16011469

What a bunch of horseshit.
Stop reading boomer takes on reddit.

>> No.16011486
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They're busy mumbling about the Russians. Q, mainstream media etc. are all against the Russians.

>> No.16011604
File: 207 KB, 1347x469, same.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to spot accfag posts.